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Everything posted by Jacktar

  1. Hi, just two other bits, I used Oreborus flame (the one in my SG base) a lot starting at first level and then on upwards. Soloed every piece of content on both blue and red side. You get a lot of badges doing that and a shedload of merits. It was really nice to see content I had previously outlevelled and never ran on Live and on HC. I also unlocked the two contacts for Safeguard and Mayhem missions as early as I could, and so that saved doing a huge number of radio/paper missions just to get the bank jobs. Cheers
  2. I think it is good to remember that there are a number of badges that cannot be gained by soloing. Also that the Incarnate sytem is very handy to plug gaps. (Heals on a blaster for the Empathy series for example) In addition and to make life easier you need some general powers not AT specific, Stealth and a Fly power jump to mind, Vidiotmaps as well. Many badges are also easy to get on any AT, explore badges and the AE ones. So take all the above away and you are getting to the large bunch of badges that arrive from defeating stuff. All my badging mains have been damage based and most are ranged. AOE’s are your friend and so I usually end up with a blaster of sorts and Fire/EM seems to work for me. I do not have any alts with all the badges but a few are just a couple short of that and all the missing ones are from the Incarnate Masters of series. No best build or AT choice sorry, just a few things for your consideration before you start. I am not sure if there are any AT’s that just cannot get all the badges, just some that might need a bit more team running. Last but not least, whatever your choice, enjoy your badging 👍😀
  3. Tips hat, respect 👏👏😎👍
  4. Hi, missed a few days so please excuse if this is being sorted or discussed already. LRTP power goes into cooldown if I open it and then cancel out without using it. I wanted to check on my unlocked progress and what targets I had available to use, was then going to finish a tell and then use it. But just clicking on the power icon and then cancelling out puts it into the 10 minute cooldown. So just wasted a tp option. Is this being changed so cooldown happens when I use the power not just open it? Thanks
  5. So, now for something new to consider......ask random players ingame what those blue swirly columns we see in most zones are for and I think the answer would be ...they are used to get to your/guest SG. So far all well and good. But, there are four of those blue swirly columns ingame that do not do that. Those are the ones that are inside RV (2 red and 2 blue) that only take you into and out of the killing field. I tried using my new tp powers on beta on them but no go. Then there is a unique swirly column that is green in colour inside the RWZ and that also funtions only to move you in or out of the HQ. Nobody is ever going to confuse that with a normal SG portal. So how about using that green swirly graphic also for the RV portals so it all makes sense? 🙂
  6. when you could get three times as many AE badges as you can now! Yep, still sore they stole mine away....
  7. Hi, my usual routine on any alt is to play game and by doing so earn xp for levels. Then go and train and then go and craft the required IO’s at the University. So play-train-craft. For a long time the base beacon Croatoa portal has dropped you within spitting distance of the zone trainer. (War Witch?). Just approx 10 feet away. Then after training it is just a hop to the Uni and a check on the way to see if Sally is about till you get her badge. I think this is the most efficient way to level up and get back into game in the game. Now you have moved the drop point in Croatoa to the Uni which doubles the travel out and back to the zone trainer and as an aside, also doubles the travel to the start of the Katie Hannon TF which is also up north by the current drop in point. Given that the train station is just a straight street run line of sight to the Uni why have you now put the three travel entry/exit points so close together in the south of the zone? Me no understandy!
  8. Hi guys, you could (can) do this in The Secret World/Secret World Legends.
  9. Hi, new alt on live and going through all the new alt set up stuff as normal. So in Menu, options,windows there is a Beta section with 3 options, countdown markers, chat timestamp and chat timestamp colour. I just wondered, as I have been using all of them on a regular basis with no problems, if in fact they are still in Beta or do they need to be signed off prior to our next Beta/live switch? Cheers
  10. Hi, many thanks for above responses, appreciated. I will not pretend I understand all of the info, but your so speedy responses have bought me time to reread and decipher in slow time so will have it nailed by live launch 👍👏😀 Oh and apologies about the ambiguous title, it was a rhetorical ask about what I need to do when it goes live not When does it go live. Thanks again 😷
  11. Hi all, atm I have Tequila standing inside my CoH folder size 5.6 Gigs. That includes my screenshot folder. I also have new launcher on a different drive folder size 5.4 Gigs. No screenshot or data folders. Both work fabulously. Love the new launcher. Installed and works like a dream. Tick VG 🙂 I understand that the new launcher does not copy absolutely everything over from the old one. So am wondering what will happen when we go live as I want one of those 5 gigs back. But I do not want to lose screenies et cetera when when the new goes live. Will I still not be able to have new launcher inside CoH folder and how much tech work wil I have to do to get the missing stuff not copied into the new launcher. Will the new launcher at going live be a one stop job to install with like overwriting the old or will I have to start doing tech stuff as well to delete the old one? So easy to screw this sort of stuff up if not tech savvie. Thanks
  12. Hello, hero blaster using passcode DREAMTEAM-105 as a guest SG. There are a full set of beacons and if I use the Villian porter I can see all redside zones and use them. On live you can only see your alignment and also the coop zones. If I use the porter to any red zone it works as normal and I zone into say Nerva but the screen is frozen and I see briefly a message Mapserved Disconnected and then get loaded into Atlas. I arrive at various locations but always just next to a zone exit ie Steel tunnel or Skyway or Hollows doors. Have not tested other SG’s but will later tonight.
  13. Hi, abject apologies if this is an old ask but 15 pages and old eyes so may have genuinely missed it. When I use the LRTP power I also get a LRTP Second Chance power popup in the usual popup tray. Is there any way to stop that happening? I did check at Null and no turn off option seen and asked ingame but no responses. Thanks Oh just had a thought, is this just a beta feature not destined for Live?
  14. Well, from a solo viewpoint and using the code purely for personal use to a personal SG, I see this as a solution for a non existing problem that has been wooly headed thought through, designed by committee and implimented at best clumsily and at worst badly. PBAOE is just a straw argument. In addition, travel in this game is not playing the game, it is just an enabling support system to get you to where you do play the game (content) We do not need to travel anywhere just to find loot or mine diamonds, if I walk from Atlas to the Hive I do not improve my stamina or walk speed. Travel does nothing else but move me. So if I can get to where I want as fast as possible I get to play more. Nobody is asking you to remove all the other means of doing travel so if you want to be traditional then do not use the code. This game was always about play as you want to, the choice is yours, well used to be.
  15. So from my purely personal viewpoint, “travel” is not and should never be “content”. However we know that when this particular game was originally released that “content” was a bit thin on the ground and so total gameplay time to finish was shorter that seemed ideal. So the solution that the then dev’s used was to use “travel” as a sort of quasi “content”. They built the mission arcs with far flung contacts and thus introduced us to the zone ping pong system. So from one remote corner of say Grandville we get sent to another farthest away corner of Nerva. (sound familiar?) Oh and when you run most of those arcs solo through oro you never get given a cell phone to call home. All that travel time just to have the contact say thank you and report back to the other guy in Grandville. Job done! Well that was all fine and dandy when we and the game was shiny new and exciting. Now after how many years it is just old and annoying. I play most of the time solo and have my own base on each server with all the beacons in place. I have a macro for each base on all my alts so that as and when I swap servers I hit the game running travel wise. So I use my base passcode for my exclusive use and get on with playing the game not using the game. I don’t want to use it to get out of combat I want to use it to get to combat. It is the best transport system ingame which is exactly why the dev’s had it in the first place The benifits of now finally having it for my personal use is a huge QOL change from live. Exploits, I have no idea, just make it unavailable when in combat and leave it at that. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
  16. Hi, spend a fair amount of time ingame and solo and when doing so I like my pet with me for company. However is there anyway to have it walk/run by my side and not a fair way away behind me? A much shorter leash distance before they start to follow would be great so they are at heel. Any ideas gratefully received. Thanks
  17. I always went into RV and spawned the first two AV’s just to save time and then shouted in LFG for Blue/Red AV kill in RV. Usually got a surprising number of invite asks, guess they are badges a number of players are looking to do. However if it was just two of us or perhaps three and we were getting rolfstomped by both AV’s I would kite one to the guard bots at the base and let them take it down. Then we could proper concentrate on the remaining one. We also did this if we had one of the spawned AV kill badge already just to speed it up. That one got kited straight away. And yes we did get ganked by the PvP guys but that is just a suck it up job as the badges are in a legit PvP zone, sighs deeply....... Good luck and fast kills.
  18. Hi, what mode are you running in, windowed or desktop? I was having symptoms that sound very like the ones you are having but only when I ran in windowed mode, switching to desktop immediately returned to lightening fast login and zoning. My rig is cutting edge so it was not hardware or ISP provision related. It was a pain because I do run two accounts so I can PL my own alts and desktop was a no go. I did keep swapping back to Windowed just to try and then one day when swapped it ran as fast as in desktop? Touch wood I have had no problems since. I never tracked down why but I do wonder if MS did a background patch to windows 10 that somehow also sorted out CoH snag. But best of luck to you and hopes for a fix soon.
  19. Hi Stalkers on the team get a temp power Captain Mako Stealth that allows you to pass through the force field barred doors either side of the machine and then when you are inside you can turn off the machinery. I thought that doing that would halt the constant spawns but that could just be nonsense in which case I have no idea what the temp and using it actually does. Over to you wise heads 😇
  20. Hi, The Enhancement screen! Firstly to be able to see the chat box whilst I am using it so I can moniter my private messages and LFG shouts. Secondly to be able to select multipe slots to delete/ replace new enhancers. (like selecting non contiguous items in windows) Being able to then drag those selected to the delete bin or to replace them with better enhancers. Thirdly be able to “order sort” slotted enhancers in a power by drag and drop same as our power trays. Fourth to sort the powers in primary and secondary specifically for PB’s and WS’s into form groups so Nova or Dwarf and Human only powers are seperated so selecting a new power choice is much easier when levelling up. Similiar to the Veats pages with seperate sections for the build process. (I am aware the the Khelds were originally special and needed the player to have at least one lvl 50 alt to unlock them and so perhaps more wise in build power selection) but now a shiny new player can roll one from day one a little clarity in power usage when in differing forms would be a huge help even for the more experienced player base.
  21. Well Uk time atm means we get the reset every tuesday at 13:30 london time, lasts for approx 45 minutes. It is an easy kill when you do get it. Also I have asked for a GM help to reset the Brickstown event which gets bugged often and have always had that done in a couple of hours so don’t be worried about asking for the Kings to be reset. Just check back every couple of hours till they get it sorted.
  22. Hi Pengy, just sublimely perfect and will be a proper help to me in my future game time. I used a couple of macro’s LT and ULT because old brain 🙂 So many thanks for your time and wise heads and because you deserve them 👍👍👏👏😀 Cheers J
  23. Hello, this might just not be possible but if so help please. I would like either a bind or macro that locks/unlocks all the powers in my trays. At present I have to click menu options general misc and then the Lock powers in tray to enable/disable that option. So four clicks and then a scroll to bottom of selection group and then a final click. Move new power to prefered slot and then repeat above to lock in position. Due to old fingers and brain I need to keep the powers locked when in combat as I am prone to dragging them in the heat of battle and die a lot🤕 Will really appreciate any advise/help you can give, thank you.
  24. Hi, when transitioning from human to nova or dwarf on my PB the whole screen is filled with bright (blinding) white light. It lasts for a few seconds and completely obscures my alt. Zoned into a surprise hot door during a mish in FF today and when the white effect cleared I was truly dead. The same effect happens on my WS but the blackness just seems less dense and intrusive and so much less of a problem. Is there any way I can stop or reduce the transition effect on the PB? All thoughts/suggestions comments will be gratefully received. It is actually affecting the will to play the alt atm and as it is an active triform build it occurs very regularly. Thanks 👍
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