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Everything posted by Jacktar

  1. Second attempt, and yes I am rubbuish at PvP as well lol
  2. Hope this works :) The new bits of the abandoned sewer is there just not showing on your version of vidiotmaps .Work your way round and it will be yours!.
  3. I suspect you are getting that Norton popup because our modder does not have a pucker certificate or something like that. Do you not get an β€œinstall anyway” option? If you are using the link to the modder from our forums it will be safe code. I never use Nagging Norton, plenty of free anti virus suites out there that are just as good.
  4. Just to repeat what The Philotic Knight said, install the modder and save your self a world of pain. So quick and easy to use. Happy badging πŸ‘
  5. lol Buses, wait for days and then two come along together πŸ˜€πŸ‘ Great info all, heartfelt thanks. Cheers
  6. Hello SuperPlyx, have now used your suggestion and have printed out the generated list. Absolutely just the ticket, so simple to do and the list is in just the right format and clear and well presented full enhancement type names. The actual printout is really usable with room for notes and consolodated totals et cetera. This will save me hours of pencil work πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ Thank you very much, tips hat, πŸͺπŸͺ🍩🍩
  7. Hi SuperPlyx, cannot try this out today cause of domestic duties aaaargh, but it does look exactly what I end up with doing it my long way. If this works for me it be fab and save me no end of time. I will do a proper reply tomorrow when I have had time to try it. Thanks so much, appreciated πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  8. Hi guys, thanks for the responses. I could print out the build but am just not experienced enough to get all the abreviations yet. I like to have just one list with all the same IO’s totalled so it is easier to keep track of how many I need and have of each type of enhancements. My latest tank build has four sets of four Shield Wall IO’s using all six from the set. So I can see the 16 broken down by type and numbers needed. Full sets are not a problem except if one or two pieces are not available at the time. Hence needing to keep track of the 90 plus enhancers. A sheet of A4 and a pencil are used atm. If I have to rely on just memory well lol at my age not going to happen πŸ€”πŸ˜„ I have got a working solution but really wanted to check there was not an option already in mids doing most or part of what I would like. I suppose the main purpose of Mids is the build and there is no reason why it would venture into the purchasing/aquisition phase of getting to a complete functioning alt.! Yes it is absolutely possible to have mids and CoH open together but I take a while to gather the enhancers required so doing it β€œlive” is not an option for me atm. Thanks again πŸ‘
  9. Hello, new to Mids so noob question as above. After completing a build or looking at an imported one in mids is it possible to then generate a listing of all the enhancements contained in the build to be used as a shopping list/aide memoire when actually crafting/buying at the AH? That is for all 93 enhancer slots. Currently I am hand writing down each enhancement details and then typing into an excel sheet to be printed off and marked as got when aquired. Just looking to speed up the process. Thanks all
  10. Hi Hedgefund, just exactly what I needed, thank you so much, really appreciate your help. And love the macro titles, made I laugh πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  11. Hello, I use two set of settings for the above: 1 - Level +4 and team size 8 and solo bosses Yes and 2 - Level -1 and Team Size 1 and Solo Bosses No Ideally I would like two macro’s so I could switch to either as appropriate. Yes I know all about the Quick Chat into Notariety system but that menu tree is just as broken as the Gull one meaning to do three changes means three start from beginning nonsenses! Also it is a small size menu and as it is at the bottom of the chat box which sits at the bottom corner of my screen is a right pain to hit the right selections. This ask might just not be possible to impliment but fingers crossed πŸ˜‡ Thanks for any info/guidance, cheers
  12. Hello everybody, just found a number of very old alt screenies on an old PC I have and saw my main Badger back on live had all the badges except Bug Hunter (that whose name should not be spoken about!) which included a lot more of AE badges than we currently have ingame. I remember I got them all after a slog only to have a whole bunch of them removed by the Dev’s just two days later. I do not recall there being anything very controversial about the ones they removed from the game and was a bit grumpy for ages (lol still am, and yes I need to get over it πŸ₯²) about my diminished badge count. So, does anybody remember those badges going, and more importantly, does anybody have any idea what led to their demise? Thanks πŸ‘ PS Dear Dev’s, can I have my badges back please?
  13. Feb 1949…. so Get off my lawn! πŸ•ΊπŸΌπŸ•ΊπŸΌπŸ˜‡
  14. Hi guys, just rolled a new alt and was happily surprised at the stack of badges it was awarded when I arrived at the steps below Ms Liberty. So got me wondering just how many badges it would be possible to have a new alt awarded at that stage. I had about 6 or 7 but am sure there must be many more possible. Any clues or numbers would be interestingly received πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ‘ Thanks
  15. Good memory πŸ‘πŸ‘ Seeing those listed like that made me realise that those are all really good reasons to have the popup tray as the powers/items they offer are actually important and useful during their activities, so I need to be accepting them in a better frame of mind. The odd one out is Adamaster when the popup offers nothing that a glowie placed at summoning spot could do just as well. Then again I am probably just fully embracing my crusty old geezer β€œGet off my lawn” status! Thanks πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ¦³πŸ•
  16. I too have it disabled and good riddance, but the ones that do wind me up are like when you get near Adamaster in Echo DA and up the tray pops with temp summoning power! Can there not just be a glowie at the portal that activates when his CD runs out? There are probably other times it pops up but brain is too tired atm to recall them. Cheers
  17. Can I show this to my Missus? πŸ‘πŸ˜‡
  18. 7 up is..Lemonade!
  19. Adamaster shouts (well all the ones I have seen) have always been variations on - Summoning Ada, come to ECHO DARK ASTORIA - drections how to get there, Shout in Broadcast when in zone and no tells please. I use same system when I get him and lead. Never had a single problem. Maybe because Ada shouts are quite frequent and so familiar, but shout in broadcast no tells works fine for it. And support the OP, your shout, your rules np.πŸ‘
  20. is CoH the only spot in the universe where the females do not have hand or shoulder bags? If they were good enough of a weapon for a certain British lady Prime Minister our ingame ladies should have them! At least even just as cosmetic costume pieces….! Us ladies need our bags. Thank you 😒
  21. as a very non wise non programmer I wonder if it may be too much work to do a global change retrospectivaly using Null so that Group Fly not affecting me is the default instead of yes Group Fly affects me at this stage. But I wonder if it is an easier option to set it to off for all new alts as I hope that it is a simple 0 or 1 for off on default thing when creating a new alt? Eventually by using Null on existing alts and new alts beginning with it Off we achieve some solution for the unawares. Cheers PS also plus one for a Group Fly only affects my pets option as well πŸ‘
  22. Hi, I do like to have some costumes in a uniform colour but can never seem to get the boots selections to match, even with colours linked set. Am I chasng the rainbow or is this a know limitation of our costume designer system? Thanks for any info or ideas, appreciated πŸ‘
  23. When it is a crafted regular IO. Then Slow becomes Snare! Every other type of regular enhancers of that favour are called Slow, so when a new player ventures into IO’s it is just weird that there is no Slow type in list. Then to compound the confusion, as soon as you investigate Snare the first info you see is that it Slows stuff! Any rational behind the anomaly ? If not please think about changing Snare to Slow. Thanks
  24. Hi, have a look at the first section of the forums Accounts and Announcements and in that the sub section Getting Started. That should have all you need to get up and running. But for info, you will need a second email to create a second account so have that ready first. Also use the new Homecoming game launcher, makes it real easy.
  25. Hi, during normal game play the system generates and displays various onscreen messages such as β€œBadge awarded” or change of district as you travel through zone et cetera. These messages always appear at same spot onscreen, in my case mid point across and about one third down from top. Is it possible to change that location on a permanent basis or else to turn them off? Ideally I would like them off to one side at bottom and be in much smaller text. Thanks for any info. πŸ‘
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