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Everything posted by Jacktar

  1. Hi, I have asked for exactly this in a couple of other threads about new badges and support your post 100%. And it will do no harm to ask again, thank you 👍😀
  2. Hi, as title. If you take Maneuvers and or Tactics from Leadership pool then whatever you do in the tailors you are stuck with chest height coloured symbols . In the case of Maneuvers these are four largish purple shields with a rolling graphic atop each one. In the case of tactics they are yellow circles? I do my best to minimise all costume graphics (glowie hands and feet aaaargh) and recolour to faintest effect. Leadership has 3 options, original dark and bright. None of which affect the glowie symbols. My current alt is an inv tank and I have 3 toggles running from that set with no graphics whatsoever which makes toggling on Maneuvers just so much more irritating! Any way to hide/delete these shields would be wonderful. Thanks guys, keep safe
  3. Hi, usual apologises if this is not new news. As title says on main launcher page at bottom I see Reunion shard in red and popup says offline. Been like this for at least two days and seeing same status on three different machines. The shard is definitely not down. Cheers
  4. Thanks for info, had not realised that auto sell had been removed, I wonder what prompted that? Still, not a problem dropping them into the trays just weird we now have to do that! Cheers 👍😀
  5. Hi guys, am rolling my first new alt since i27 and have been using the new SO upgrade system. Started slotting them as soon as I could and have upgraded them as they went red. I am now at lvl 27 and have 46 slotted SO’s all at lvl 27. I like to build my alts as I level so virtually never have to respec them. Consequently I always end up with many Respecs unused at lvl 50. I always change from SO’s to crafted lvl 30 IO’s at 27. I am wondering if it would be of any benefit to do a respec now and leave all my SO’s in the tray to have them sold when I complete the respec. Then use the inf I get from the sales to part fund the crafting of the 46 IO’s? So just to clarify I would end the respec with a fully slotted but unenhanced build and a bag of cash (no idea how much I would get from the sales). Thoughts? Thanks
  6. Hello, mainly for my future info question. At start of winter event I visited the new winter island area and then logged out. I just remembered and have now moved to a regular zone. I wonder what happens if I had not remembered and left alt in the event zone when the event ends? Does the alt get trapped there till it reopens next year? Does it get moved to a random zone? Have been trying to remember what happened to alts left in the ski chalet area back on live when it got closed up? I am also assuming that any instanced area like the Lord of Winter zone is treated like a mission so if I did the fight and then logged out still in the fight zone I would be logged in near the entrance (where ever that is in this case!) next time time I used that alt? Thanks
  7. Hi, I have 100% completion on blue and red sides using oro. I have posted elsewhere that it would be good to get an accolade or two for those completions. I made a ton of merits and saw a lot of content I never visited on live. Really enjoyed the Wards and a fair bit of redside stories. I levelled my main to 50 as usual then used Oro to fill in all the missed content starting low and acending. Enjoy your journey. Oh and the vast majority was done solo on my Fire/EM Blaster.
  8. Having just read the “Honours List” of the award of Bug Hunter to a select number of the player base that participated in the last beta (and best wishes to them!), I would like that badge to be kept for and in the spirit of it’s original conception saved. Given that beta’s are far more prone to bugs and so also the discovery of such, I feel that no Bug Hunter badges should be awarded for errors found during such periods. I would consider any deficiencies noted during these tests should be rewarded by a “Beta Tester Sleuth” or whatever name sits more correctly with the task and most certainly not “Bug Hunter” which should continue to be the single most valuable and difficult badge ingame to achieve. So to my badging community collegues, see you all in the next beta test sessions cause there be badges to be had!
  9. Hello, specifically the explore badges discovered and zone area entered messages. At the moment both these messages and a few others pop up in the middle top of my screen. I find them intrusive during normal play and hidden behind map when I am using vidiotmap overlay to navigate to them. Is there any way to stop the messages appearing at all or else move them to a more suitable location for me please? Not a game breaker but if I can I shall. Thanks
  10. Hi, I know that the Have Cake guys have just brought this Lock Tray QOL into their server last week. I was going to go check it out and see if I could answer the above queries but cause I am stupid I have lost my login details for their server. Maybe if any body else has used them they could go check? Cheers
  11. I don’t recognise this problem at all. I am really very old with very old twitch skills, and if I make a new alt ( two more just last night) I proceed at lvl one to the P2W vendor and get the freebies including the jump pack. I then do a three badge jump in one go. Straight up for the Top Dog and then straight across to the flag for that one and then straight across to the doors of AE building. All in one long hop. The jump pack will get you to the AE ledge np. Pop inside and get that badge (not needed for explore accolade but just because it is there.) By the time you get the badge and then pop outside the jump pack is ready to go to the explore badge up by the water tank.. Drop down from that and all the others (four left) are just a run and jump job. The whole eight explore badges in Atlas take about 5 minutes in total. If I feel like it I may down a few foes on the way and at the end hit up Ms Liberty to level to 2 as a bonus. Cheers
  12. Hi guys, many thanks for all responses and great included info. Lol I actually printed out that hunting guide about a year ago, but the only hunt I failed was finding out where I did that from when I looked earlier this week to update it. Duh 👍 I ran through the whole Crimson arc as suggested by Placta and at -1/+3 amassed 136 Sappers by the end. My extra ones came from having to log out a couple of times (weekly server maint and real life) and so redid a a few of the arc missions. And purely cause my brain is old (Apparently I am the second oldest player ingame that also reads the forums as determined in another thread in General 🧓🏻🧓🏻🤣) I had forgotten to use the target macro but I will certainly now set it up for the remaining 64 Sappers needed. So thanks again guys, keep safe and enjoy the winter event 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻
  13. Hello, so got all the new badges except as above. Am looking for some good missions/arcs/TF that I can solo for them sappers please. Red or Blue no problem. Just as an aside, two runs of Yin got the 50 Super Stunners, quick and easy. Needed 3 runs of new mission for the mini protectors, just reset it so not to bad. Farmed Pandora’s Box part 5 for Warhulks and Jaegers. The Chantry for the Rularu Fire base Zulu for the Natterlings Cheers
  14. Hi, agree, looks like Santa arrived early 🎅🏻 Don’t mess with it, just enjoy turning CoH settings at max from ingame. Have fun 😃
  15. Hi, you know the ones, as seen in your contacts box that changes colour to blue as you work through the missions. They really wind me up because they are always wrong. They will show you at 100% complete when the task is not complete and the contact is still giving you missions. How many times have you seen the plaintive ask in team chat “last one?” or “how many left to do?”. Now even the two brand new missions we got in last patch are doing it wrong as well. I was at a fully coloured bar three missions before end of arc! And being new content with not a clue how much (time wise) was left to do. Every TF and mish arc ingame has a fixed number of parts and I would love to see the display show eg 0/7 (whatever) instead of some inaccurate colour filled bar. Old type download screens were the same, just a crawl along a line with no proper data, thank goodness we now get both the old progres colour and either a percentage downloaded or estimated time left (albeit that can be just as whacky) So can we get a parts completed counter either in place of or as an addition to the colour crawl bar? Thanks
  16. Apologies if this is in the wrong place, just cannot keep track of what goes where. Just collected the new Natterings badge in Zulu and noticed that in the last page notices the badge is called “Winged Nuasances” but the badge as awarded is named “Flying Nuasances”. Not good at spelling either, sorry
  17. Hi, thanks for the info, daft thing is I have actually 100%ed both blue and red flashback systems so everything is gold but it just never occured to me to link the souvenirs to the flashback system as a collected check. Really good info for the future and does help. 👍👏👏 Thanks again.
  18. Souvenirs are a nightmare, Literally 100’s of souvenirs on my lvl 50 and trying to check if you have a specific one (FreakyOlympics as needed in new badge) is a complete bust given the totally randon way they are displayed. Would love a sort system for them, then I might actually get round to reading them! There is no incentive and no way of doing that in any rational way atm.
  19. Hi, as title, is there a sorting system already as an addon and if not would it be possible to get one? Why now, well with the new redside arc badge, there are 17 items to fill before it awards. Some (one?) are souvenirs. I just went to check my main badge alt and I have literally 100’s of them. All in a complete random order and a nightmare to find a specific one. A simple drop down menu or popup menu that offers a selection of sort criteria would be fantastic. Thinks: alphabetically by red or blue by level a n other. Thoughts please, many thanks
  20. Hi guys, thanks for confirmatiom about previously done content counting as I could not challenge the guy who was saying in General chat that it did not! Hope I see them again ingame. I have all the non badge bits so I will go ahead and run it on my main badger laters. I did run it solo on a lowbie scrapper last night into the last mish so am preprepared for the task. Appreciate the help and support 👍😀 Thanks
  21. Hi, as I saw this stated in chat just now, do we have to redo all those arcs/TF’s again to make them count or does previous stuff count. I have every badge except a couple of incarnate masters of and have 100% completed the content from Oroborus flame both red and blue sides. All soloed. Should I be good to go for the badge? Thanks
  22. Oh yes, made I larf, a lot.. 😂😂😂👍👍
  23. Except that as approx 95% of my time ingame is me playing solo, I feel justified in explaining why certain changes affect my game experience before I prioritise the globals. My personal knowledge of how those changes affect me are just as valid as the globals. Thank you.
  24. So, will these changes alter my game experience - yes will these changes improve my game experience - no Why, stupid unecessary cooldowns!
  25. Hi, a lot of guys to arrest, do we get a check list of done ones from Null like the AV’s one? Thanks
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