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Everything posted by Jacktar

  1. Hi, I remember when my son first left the UK to live/work in Chicago and during his first call home he said “They only have two seasons in Chicago, Winter and Construction” 😀 And years before that, I worked with a bunch of great guys from USA in the middle east and spent many a happy afternoon in the office explaining that we had 12 pennies to the shilling and 20 shillings to the pound so 240 pennies to the pound. But that we also had 16 ounces to the pound and 14 pounds to the stone and 112 pounds to the hundredweight and 20 hundredweight to the ton. So my weight then lol was 12 stone 7 pounds and 9 ounces. (Don’t ask about now! Eeek)
  2. Hi, yes am 71 years and 7 months and 19 days and counting 🧓🏻 Just been ingame and hit 50 on my PB who now joins the other 26 in the “50’s club” section of my SG. 😷 Cheers
  3. Agree, had this happen to me on a couple of alts over the last few months. Had to do a drop event and relog and pick up again and hope I got a different door. Thing is you don’t realise what s happening at first and spend ages trying to clear the longbow assuming it is part of the alignment mission and those guys hit hard.
  4. Hi, I now use Discord a lot ingame and every time I do itrials or Mo non itrial Tf’s But, I only ever listen, so join the relevant discord channel then join the voice team but keep mic muted. Actually I don’t even have a mic to use. This way I hear all the directions and banter needed. In fact I see the usual players using voice, probably about 10% of those in the league and all the rest in but muted. You can see the muted icon next to player name. No stress, no noise and I use one of the earphones only and have the other ear for “real life” sounds. A number of the leaders doing Mo’s and itrials actually suggest joining as a non talking listner. The leaders know you are listening and will occassionally ask for help by player name so I just jump to it. I also type in chat as and when. Try it, it is fine.
  5. What about one pack when you complete all blue side content that is available via Oro and one for the same completion of the redside content. I have done all blue and am at approx 70% redside and it is a lot of regular game play so not a quick freebie. I also would prefer an accolade for each side completion but a pack would still be okay.
  6. 10 February 1949.....am ingame every day and have a lot of alts and 1519 badges. Also still a competition Ballroom and Latin dancer. Age is of no importance.. unless you are a cheese or a claret! 🕺🏼🕺🏼😃😃
  7. Favourite badge : all of them Favourite location : Menu-Personal info-Badges My pressioussesss.......
  8. Nooooo...you are not “only a cook”, you are “a cook”, you stand and serve, you are a hero! Thank you.
  9. Hello, am going to try and organise a regular Swiss Draw event as and when and on different servers and need help with a bind/ macro please. I want to press a key or macro button to say in the selected chat (local or in the event popup chat line) a message something like “The nominated winner this round is (whoever is in number two spot of the team list), do NOT kill (whoever is in the number two list of the team).” The bit in brackets will be that alts name! I can then invite in the order I want to have the badge each run and because as event holder I will always be in position one, so two is the nominated player. Happy if this works better as two seperate macro/binds or whatever. Thanks guys in advance for any help.
  10. Hi, this is all you need and what I took inspiration from: forums - excelsior- tuesday night arena badge farms posted by voltor.
  11. Hi, been working on both those myself just yesterday. First there are two “ads” septad and pentad needing seven and five members. Either awards the same Pentad badge so obviously go for the five member run. The swiss draw is an eight member job. Each member gets the badge if they win so you need to run the draw eight times fir all to get it. Each run has three matches , 8 down to 4, 4 down to 2, final down to winner. So 8 runs of 3 matches for team completion. I assemble in the D so any level and any AT of any faction can come and participate. You need to take charge and nominate the winner of each run and I set up the arena match and I invite each member so I can ensure the chosen winner is always in second place on the list, cause it can bug out if not. You (the star holder) will always be in position one in list. Just make sure you keep shouting who is nominated and not to kill that member! Best of luck 👍😀
  12. Hi, currently the new calender is showing event times converted to my local time which is great. However at present the weekly event scheduled for 8:30pm ET (MSR) every thursday is showing the correct time for GMT (01:30) but the incorrect date ie it says the 16th but in UK it will be the 17th! I am just trying to work out what to do for the 24 hours early assembly time in the D, any bar tender vacancies in there atm? So short sum up, great calender, great time conversion, incorrect date conversion. Cheers
      • 1
      • Thanks
  13. Thank you for the info, this will help take the anxiety about getting called to help at real short notice out of the badge attempt. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly, thanks again 👍
  14. Hello, when you accept and start the badge sequence first mission from Pither, do you go back to him between missions or is the next one “chained and so auto started” and so on for all six missions? I guess what I am really asking is do you have to do all his missions for the badge in one sitting or can you take time in between? Thanks
  15. Hello, am working towards Immortal (29 million atm) using the Rest in front of Guides method. Have used it before on live and on this alt from 6 million taken to current amount with no problem. Am in a CoT map with a pocket Emp spamming Heal Other and using two blue conned Guides. About a week ago I noticed that my progress had slowed considerably and realised that the Guides were only using their ranged crossbow weapons for really small damage points. No matter what I try I cannot keep them using their Scimiter melee weapon with its much higher hit points. Have abandoned the mission, tried another mission, tried different guides in same mission and a mix of blue/white conned and same result. I clear the area around so no wandering patrols and am not social distancing and do get both of them using the Melee Scimitar before I go into rest. After a couple of hits they change to crossbow and that is that, I do get a very occassional change back for a hit or two then the crossbows come out for long periods of time. I even saw them hit me with the crossbow and change to Scimitar but then change back to crossbow before the next hit as if they were teasing me! I am completely bewildered about other things to try or do. Help please, thanks
  16. Hi, did the three arcs for Mr G by flashback last night and got all the badges so everything is working okay if you do what is needed at the right times. The wiki for the badge is the one to follow which states: Do the Macarther arc in its entirity first or you will not get the Mr G stuff for him. Mr G first arc is (Criminals of War) (Oro flashback in the level 50 section) You then have to pay attention during the second mission of the first arc of Mr G and see if you get NCP chat from Dean during the mission. If you do see that then when you exit the mission (Steal a helicopter) AND BEFORE you start the next mission you need to travel to Sharks and talk with Dean who will greet you and pledge to support you later. YOU GET NO INGAME MESSAGES TO DO THIS WHICH IS WHY IT GETS MISSED! Then carry on and at the end of the first arc you will get Dean in the cutscene. If you do not do/see this you will not get Dean to rescue in second arc. If all is well then run the Second arc for Mr G (Sweeps Week...) and in the third mission of that section (in the instanced Carnie map with all the tents) you will find Dean as a hostage to be rescued. Do not do the bombs in this mission til you find him as they will complete the mission. It is real easy to dial back the diff and run these Arcs solo that the whole thing can be done in an hour, all three Mr G arcs with all the badges, so if you do miss something it really is no biggie to restart and rerun. Good luck and enjoy This is a bit off topic, but given that players chasing the above badge for this far, will then very probably continue on for the next Mr G badge as well, that one being the Pyromaniac badge from the fourth mission of his third arc. That badge needs the player to arm five bombs before Penny Yin dies whilst fighting Penny Mayhem. The bombs are at random locations and the fight is quite short! Before I started the mission I set my Noteriaty to solo AV’s not EB’s hopefully to extent the fight time. There seems to be about nine or ten spots where the five bombs can choose at randon to spawn. Stealth and fly/SSpeed are so recommended and if you see nearby foes killing them fast is quicker than starting to arm and getting attacked and then having to restart. I never saw a bomb in the underground carpark area but rng.......! It took me a few runs to get all five, so the plan was to keep a close eye on Penny health and if I knew I was losing the race to quit to character selection screen then back in again and restart the now reset mission. Saved redoing the first three missions of the arc. On my successful run I could actually see all five barrel bombs when I exited the carpark and were all done with Penny at 75% health. Good hunting
  17. My favourite CoH memory..... A beautiful sunny day in Los Gatos September 2009 and being signed into the Cryptic Studio where I was meandered around the offices, meeting all the folks behind those ingame Dev alts, every one of whom gave me a lovely friendly welcome. Then it was off to luncheon with as many of them as could squeeze into two cars when I was priviliged to be included in all the general chit chat about game direction and why stuff like foes turned out as they did by the guys who designed them in the first place. Then finishing that off outside with an ice cream purchased by Back Alley Brawler whilst some of the others had a quick smoke. Back to the Studio to finish up my visit then leaving with my complimentary copy of the CoH “Good versus Evil” edition (12 extra character slots!) given to me by the knurled hands of BAB himself. YIN YANG My saddest CoH memory was a year later (07 October 2010) hearing that 9 of the genuinly nice people I had met on that visit (including BAB) had been let go!
  18. Thank you muchly GP, will have a go at both those suggestions and see what occurs, will report back with hopefully good news and proper progress on the badge. 😀👍 Will still be a long slog whatever happens, I really hate to say this but I do think that this particular one could do with another nerf. 50 million damage taken is a fair target in a game so slewed for us to resist damage so easily. Cannot even begin to imagine how much regular game play is needed on an incarnate to amass 100 million damage taken these days. lol rant off 😇
  19. Hi, am probably missing the obvious but here goes... I am working for Imortal badge and started using the Burning House in Mercy method. Trouble is I do have to log out during work hours and often when I log back in there are no fires at the house location. Are the fires on some sort of timer or started when a specific arc/mission is run by another alt and then they just stay burning till a server reset or something? Have had no fires the last four times I logged in. Any other locations that stay burning please? Will investigate the Trapdoor lava stuff as well but don’t want to run a lot of arc just to keep getting back to that mission. And using that means I am locked into a flashback during my playtime instead of afk time. Cheers
  20. I think this is probably the most important part of the whole TF exercise and cannot be emphasised enough. Thank you Sazerac.👍👍 I went and checked and literally if you can see the oberlisk you can click it. No need whatsoever to engage any mobs at all except the final two holding the hostage. See and Click, just brilliant info.
  21. Hello, eyes getting older by the day! I am aware that the ingame map gui can be moved and resized and all the usual windows stuff but.... Is it possible to lock the map enlargement slider on right side of box so that when I use the map it will always remember that setting. I now need to have it at about 20% larger than the minimum which is the default when opening the map gui or indeed when zoning. I am constantly having to adjust that slider ever time I zone in and out of missions et cetera. Don’t mind if it means a macro or key bind as one press is better than having to faff with mouse click and drag. Help please. Thank you. Oh I would still need it to accept Min/Max levels when needed for detailed looking at, just need the default to be a bit bigger for clarity. Cheers
  22. Hi guys, well 37 runs later and my badge goal collected I thought I would add a few bits of info from my personal journey which may or may not help those to come. This is all aimed at fast multiple runs and not at a one run for the WTF awards. I used an alt from second account levelled up and Karsis enabled so it could start/end the TF. This alt was the team leader and stayed by Karsis at all times. My badging alt who was the one in mish had fly and more importantly Super Speed with a Celerity stealth IO slotted, so more than enough invisibility to not worry at all about unnecessary aggro both in the tunnel section and inside the cavern proper. (Hover or any other of the available flight items ingame are viable alternatives). It is as a Blaster, also more than able to clear the occasional mobs guarding the glowies. (If mobs were really close up to glowie would clear them first but if not would try and stealth click first. Clicking glowie will aggro them inspite of stealth levels if they are close by.) As a badging runner I had ease and speed as my priorities, so all mission options were at a minimum foe level with no bosses. Makes clearing the occasional glowie mobs fast. Pro’s and Con’s of using the Team method. Cons: Need a second account and a suitable alt by way of level and Karsis unlocked if it is the mule member of team as leader As non leader the action alt will not have access to the LFG tp to contact method. The action alt will have to exit the Tunnels section into the Hollows proper to allow mule to talk to Karsis. (all members must be present in zone to start/restart TF) Pro’s: Really fast completion times. No extra travel back and from Karsis for action alt. Mule alt also gets its share of rewards and progress towards mentoring badges et cetera. Absolutely no need to worry about the ridiculously long recharge times of your Mission Transport and Team Transport powers. Use for first mission only then forget them. I was running three missions in the time they would take to recharge! As each TF run has two travel legs even if you could use the LFG TP to Contact method to get back, after two runs you would then have to travel power back to tunnel entrance then through tunnels to cavern door. Method: Team up at Karsis or at least in Hollows with Mule at Karsis. Mule starts TF Action alt hits Mission/Team tp straight to Cavern door Action alt enters Cavern and does the glowies and free the hostage bit. I go clockwise from entrance but your game your method np 🙂 Action alt hits EXIT back into tunnel Tab to mule who turns in TF to Karsis Tab to Action alt in tunnel now at the same level as mule team leader ( in my case a 38) Action alt now flies/SSpeeds to tunnnel exit using the highlighted path to it as guide and exits into Hollows Tab to Mule to restart TF Tab to Action alt who enters same tunnel door and retraces path back to Cavern door and enters Rinse and repeat for x number of runs to get badge (max 49) Remember the first two runs will be the fastest as you will have the Mission tp powers to use to get directly to Cavern door but after this you will be under you own travel powers. I was averaging 3 to 4 minutes dependant on number of glowies that had mobs around them which also included the travel time through the tunnels to and back from exit/entry doors. Note re stealth: Whilst doing all this I was spotted by a new player who asked for guidance. They wanted to be able to solo this np. I talked through the routine and asked about stealth and yes they had all that. A couple of hours later I had a PM from them saying all was going really well except for one major problem. Everytime they opened the door to the AV bit they were getting overwhelmed by an ambush and getting wiped out. I was really puzzled by that as I never had had an ambush or knew there was one! So after a bit more chat it turned out that thheir stealth Celerity IO was in Sprint and they were running and jet packing around the Cavern. For the last bit they were running up the approach ledge from middle to AV door. In doing so they were running over the pile of bones just before the door and with just the IO this was aggroing those mobs who were getting to the player just at the same time as the door opened. No ambush at all. So just a heads up on stealth levels and mind those slumbering mobs! Cheers
  23. Hi, am running for badge and have a mule at Karsis and am doing pretty much as above. However when I complete I either swap to mule to complete which then puts me outside cavern door or I hit exit and end up outside door then swap to mule to complete. Same difference really. But which ever way, I still have to exit the tunnel system before Karsis will talk to mule to allow a fresh start (not everybody is here, go away till they are) So that means I have to travel outside of the tunnel area, mule starts new run, and I travel back to cavern door. Mule cannot tp me from inside tunnel and if I go base and back to hollows I am a long way from tunnels. I am womdering how you guys actually do the end/start again bit? I have all the team assemble and team transport stuff but they all have a really long recharge time and no use for fast multiple runs. Thanks
  24. 1. Widow 2. Widow 3. Widow Never got one past 20, too many choices and no way past the wall of power selection options with no sense of direction. Not even sure what type of AT they are. Seen nothing up to 20 that sparks any interest or curiosity for them. Took more than one of every other AT to 50 and enjoyed the journey on them all. Probably deleted more Widow alts than all the rest combined.
  25. Hi Mister Mass, success and badge awarded thank you. Firstly I had missed the fact that it was a two part mish so your info was really very helpful. However after reading every not completed mish in the level ranges I still could not find it so as a last resort I checked the completed ones. The ones with a star and coloured yellow/gold and there it was. I reran it and 7 minutes later had the badge. I have not a clue as to how I could have completed it previously and not got the badge, so will put it down to one of those things. But you gave me the info that got me to completion and so thank you very much indeed, happy badger here 👍😀
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