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Everything posted by Jacktar
Hi, been logging off in Warburg for the day job and got wondering, 1. does anybody remember what order to use the three temp powers (Nuclear Chemical Biological) was generally accepted to be the “best” and what content were they best used against. 2. do these temp powers still have the same “value/impact” given all the incarnate weapons we now have? Thanks
Hi, total brain fade here hence this dumb question alert! I just cannot work out how to get my alts Export data up so that I can copy/paste into the import box in the tracker! In an earlier post you say there is an export button on the character screen but I see none. I see a move server and a delete and a rename and a create new alt button but no Export. Am I missing the bleeding obvious or maybe in the wrong character screen? Thoughts and ideas will all be very gratefully received. Thanks muchly
Hi guys, yes definately the Weedwacker badge, yes it does only say Defeat 50 CoT bosses. So I think that what has happened is that I went red on the alt to get my patron pool opened and in running the arc I got the 29 kills it is showing now. I then went back blueside and have been doing other stuff for a while till I started picking up the defeat badges. At least my mystery is sorted but that badge description needs a serious revision. Thanks to you both for the info and guidance, muchly appreciated. PS: I will jump back to red to finish it off tonight now I know what I need to do 🙂👍 PPS: I do have all the other CoT badges mentioned so that at least is a bonus 🍻🍻
Hello, as above, been working on that CoT defeat 50 bosses badge and after scratching about for poor pickings jumped into the abandoned sewers and went to town killing the lvl 37 spawns of CoT boss Death Mages. They don’t count for the badge! Any idea why not please? Thanks
A tv magazine programme way back with the guy above Antoine de Claunes and yes John Paul Gaultier as pesenters.
Hi emmysky has it right, you need at least one person at each banner to defeat the spawn mobs (which I feel spawn according to number of players at that spot) till they become vulnerable. If only one person is at one banner (one banner one person and three banners with no person) they do not become vulnerable) I have spent an entire event soloing one banner with nobody else doing anything and no vulnerable phase. Then did a 4 man run with one on each banner and we had them vulnerable easily. No pimped out alts just average pick up guys. We then joined up and 4 manned each banner, sadly because we started late we did run out of time at fourth banner but we knew it would happen so no sweat. Because it appears that the mobs spawn at appropriate level to numbers of players involved it is a good and straight forward event to do.
in the room at back past the door to recluse pvp zone and then go to the very back left corner and in through door.
You go to start a Trick or Treat session, hit the first door and find yourself inside the police station.....duh
Hi, as above I am getting no sounds(dialogue/effects) during all my cut scenes and also no subtitles. However am not sure if they do actually have sounds and/or subtitles so apologies if this is a time waster. Been through the settings but my search foo is weak. Any guidance and responses appreciated. Thank you guys.
Hello, last night did my first runs since return of the Apex/Tin Mage (he Battle Maiden and swords bit) and the Descent to the Hydra Abandoned Sewers TF’s. On squishy blaster combined with rubbish twitch skills so died a lot. So on my lonely trudge back from hospital with enough time to read War and Peace I wondered just what is the most far away hospital ingame during a mish/TF? For starters I offer the above but I am sure they are not. Over to you guys 🙂 Also during the Hydra trial our leader kept saying if you die do not go to hospital but go to base. Can you explain how this works please cause when I am dead all my powers are greyed out with only the Go to hospital pop up available. (insps are okay but I ran out of wakies) Thanks.
Hi there is a mission console you can get for your SG base that has the special missions you can run. They are marked with the faction required so you may have to swap about a bit to do some of them They are the tip and alignement missions. Hope this helps a bit. Cheers
Hello everybody, am working through the defeat x foes list and using the times when I can only get ingame for a short period to progress these badges. I know many get completed during normal content play but what with 2xp and stuff I have missed a lot of that. My ongoing problem is remembering where each foe type are located as in which zone and district. So by the time I have googled et cetera my time to log out has arrived! Has anybody got or seen online anywhere a list of the enemy types and where to go to street sweep/mission run each type. For example Fake Nemi’s in PI docks. I would love to print the info out and have it by my PC for the times I am logged in. Thanks
Hi all, 1. all genres of photography from high speed water droplet shots to wildlife and macro and street portraiture, so anything really. 2. competition ballroom and latin dancing and a bit of Soroccco for fun. 3. using both above whilst travelling for leisure. Yes, am retired 🕺🏼🕺🏼😀
Hi, yes I was running flashbacks in the Hollows range for the Oro badges last night and saw the same behaviour.
Hi, just got awarded the Fire Chief badge so I now have all three, however the completion bar in the defeats section is still there and although it has a full blue line it says 99% complete! Thus also means that it is at the top of the “Nearest to Completion” section list. Is this a known bug? Thanks And eight hours later and after a log out and then back in seems to have sorted it all out, all the progress bars gone and lists tidied up.
Hi, it is the same space, just fly up and you will see the truck.
Hi, armed with above and full of confidence I have just tried to set it all up and failed at the first hurdle! It will not accept the input string as a command and just prints it out as normal chat in whatever channel I happen to be in atm. I am now using the SG tab to save hassles in Help/LFG channels duh 🙂 Any ideas please. Thanks Did try saving the wdw file but same result! EDIT Problem solved. I had to use the / and not the \ !!!!!!!!! No idea why the difference but both wdw and option files saved and the bind (Shift H) 😇 working as wanted. Funny stuff this computereze, way beyond me 🙂 Cheers
Hello, complete programming noob/disaster area here needing help for dummies! I use exactly the same GUI layout for all my alts bar one, a bots MM. I asked and got help with getting my layout right then saving and loading the wdw and option files and then the bind to load in those saved files using a single keystroke. However I do need a seperate and different layout for the Mm due to the pet window et cetera. I know I can use \wdw_save_file MyAlt_windows.txt and \option_save_file MyAlt_windows.txt and the other one to save and load them. I am not sure if the MyAlt_windows.txt goes in place of the _file bit or if I need it all and also if I can change the MyAlt_windows.txt bit to read something like Bots_windows.txt Then I need to get the bind bit right.... I think I can use /bind H "option_load_file MyAlt_windows.txt$$wdw_load_file MyAlt_windows.txt" but am not sure how much of MyAlt_windows.txt (or if possible Bots_windows.txt)I need to use? Help please and thanks so much...
Hi, am playing using the latest Homecoming 64 bit version of game with no problems. When I launch the Launcher I get the various versions listed on the top left of launcher box and that has the old Homecoming version at top. That is the one always highlited to be used if I hit play! I guess the top slot is default? I then have to select the 64 bit version and then play. Can I set the launcher to remember my choice when I next launch it? Thanks
Hi guys, yes “Holy necro batman” but, I have been also trying for this badge for two days and I could not get it awarded from this spot or indeed the other 2 locations in that zone (run to the end of the bottom road that runs sw over the bridge into the trees or the swim from the jail across the shortest point to beach then towards tree). So I hit up google again and found an old twitter post about the subject with a different location so gave it a try and had an immediate award. Thought I would pass that info on: Go to First Ward by using the tunnel system, when you arrive and just a few steps away is another exit dug into the slope (like a hobbit house) that is covered with vegetation. Walk into the shrubbery and face the very near treeline and then just run directly towards it. A couple of seconds running and boom, badge awarded. Am sure not getting it at OP’s location is down to my ineptitude and nothing else, but in any event more spots for award chance are always better for us badgers 😀 Cheers
How to save the same GUI setup on different machines
Jacktar replied to Jacktar's topic in General Discussion
Hi, the bind worked a treat and, with all the other info, I now have the pleasure of logging on to any alt on any machine and with one key tap have a lovely tidy familiar screen. I am completely content and just so grateful for all you guys guidance and support. I also read through the linked guide and boy is that a piece of work to be proud of. Thank you is not enough 🤙🤙😀 -
How to save the same GUI setup on different machines
Jacktar replied to Jacktar's topic in General Discussion
Thank you DS, that is a real help and I have now done and tested what you said and it is working a treat. Happy bunny here 😀 For reasons of arthritis I have bound my “open menu” key to B and so I now use B then O to get to the Load file section. I am now wondering if it would be possible by way of a macro or bind (no programming knowledge in my life) to automate the B then O then load from sequence to a single key? Never satisfied are we! Thank you so much for your help, my gaming experience is just so much nicer as it stands, appreciated and tips hat 👍👍 -
Hi, I have to play on two different machines at different times. A superdooper desktop with a 32 inch 4k screen and a 17 inch laptop. I want to use the same layout on both machines. I play "un windowed" because I get the old "Zoning takes forever when in Windowed mode" bug. However everytime I log in the first thing I have to do is rearrange my Gui as all the elements have either been squashed together from the laptop or are all on top of each other from the desktop. Is there anyway I can arrange my menus and stuff as I want and then save it to a special keypress (same key on both or different no matter) so I can just hit that key and auto arrange back to normal? Thanks guys, this is not a gamebreaker but is a huge QOL thing for me :)