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Everything posted by Jacktar

  1. Hi Voltor, just for my clarification, so the Loop Badge works similiar to the badge we get when running any of the four villlian arcs such as Black Scorpion to unlock the Patron powers? Just join a team doing the last mission of the fifth run through and all members get the badge? Thanks πŸ™‚
  2. Don’t we have a Bat aura in the costume store? Or is that just at Halloooooween time?πŸ§›πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡
  3. Hi guys, old brain, so what month is our anniversary so I make sure to get the badge please. Thank you πŸ‘πŸͺ
  4. Change the way Null the Gull menu works so that when I make my choice default I get dropped back to the choices menu instead of getting quitted out. My new alt routine is always to hit the Gull and change Group Fly and Speed Buffs and Mystic Casts and one of the others ( old brain!). It is not a game changer just really irritating to have to start over four times for every alt. So just drop down to choices menu which would then also have a quit option for when I have truely finished πŸ‘πŸͺπŸͺπŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸΊπŸΊ Thank you
  5. Hi, do you mean like in the Moonfire TF when we have to rescue the doctor lady and you have a member at the exit door use ATT as soon as she is freed from captors? That works so slick 😊
  6. Hi guys, just for info, I have just had exactly the same problem as above with a new alt and I had the same result by adding manually some badges. I just clicked the β€œall” botton on page one which auto added the 50 badges to my alt then reran the parser and bingo all 1581 badges added to alt. No idea what causes the problem or why the mnual adding works but as it does best left well alone πŸ˜€πŸ‘ Cheers and happy new year
  7. Happy new year gentlemen, this post just as an update πŸ˜€ So after, as advised, checking out Badger mod I have now got my main badger alt in it and showing all my current badges. I kind of remember using it a long…time ago, was it about during live? If not then certainly at HC launch. I started on a different server for about a year so maybe lost the alt then when I moved it. Anyways all is just exactly as I was hoping it would be and at 1581 atm and the held ones greyed out I have spotted a couple of unknown ones I can now go get. The majority of the missing ones are some of the incarnate masters and most of Aeon aaaaargh. And a curse on that Green Stuff in Keyes and the Triple kill in the Magesterium! So just wanted to say many thanks to both of you for your excellent wise heads guidance, you have started my 2023 on a high πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ©πŸ©πŸ‘πŸ‘
  8. Hi Guys, so we have a bunch of really excellent tracker mods that tell us what badges we have achieved. Very nice but…… I like the thrill of the chase and a fleeting moment of smugness when the new badge awarded message dings onscreen. But immediately that badge then becomes just bragging rights and history. I virtually only look at my badge tracker or awarded screen to help identify the still to get ones. That is where my interest now lies, new shinies yet to grab. So what I would actually like is a badge tracker that starts with every gettable badge listed and then as they are awarded removes them from my list. That then always shows only those still to get, which is of proper interest to me. That would save endless scrolling through the lists to search out the wheat from the chaff and at all times provide me with a to do work plan. On the list, go get them. Especially for the badges that are not as obvious as say the explore badges and so are more likely to be overlooked et cetera. Anybody know if there is anything like this ingame atm please? Thanks everybody, seasons greetings to you all πŸ₯³πŸ˜€ Or if not, pretty please you lovely and clever modders 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍩🍩🍩🍩
  9. Hi Mystoc, each of the PvP zones has a vendor usually close and safe to your red and blue entry point, (redside Sirens is down one floor out of sight) and they sell a couple of the temp flight powers as mentioned above. No need to go to the D. I usually buy the two minute version and then run to the badge locations then use the temp power just to get me up there. Siren’s has two badges that can only be reached by powering up to them and I can do them with one buy of the temp. Bloody Bay also has a couple although you can actually climb up to those but it is so much easier to just temp power them as well. Have added this purely for future readers that like me got stumped in my badge hunting pursuits πŸ₯΄ Grats on achieving your accolades πŸ‘
  10. Currently any drops, badges et cetera cause a fade in and then fade out notification in white text to appear just above middle centre of screen. There seems to be no ingame options or addon mods to adjust these notifications at all. At this stage of the games life I am really not interested any more that I have received the munificence of an Ancient Bone. I have enough of the real things to be going on with. Would it be possible to have a simple on or off option? Anything more fancy like being able to relocate it onscreen or resize and or recolour the text would be nice but not essential and might suit those players that like to see the notifications. Thanks guys, keep safe.
  11. It never occured to me back on live that the entire Warburg runs to get all three flavours of the bombs and of the bit when you get to launch the rocket had anything to do with PvP. Duh…. I used to sneak in and pray nobody spotted me striving to get the goodies to use against the PvE AV’s. Never used them for anything else. But thinking about it now (lol hindsight is wonderful) I see that the entire point of the take npc to a terminal bit was only ever PvP based kill opportunities. That was the only jepardy factor as the mobs were sooo easy to avoid. Probably the most tense and scary mission time ingame for me at the time. Needed a super fast swivel neck power and by the end I could run backwards around the zone as fast as forwards hehhe. Happy days, those scientist npc’s were so stupid about following! πŸ₯΄
  12. cough! lvl one millionaire as above πŸ˜€
  13. One change that made my lowbie life just so much better was the rewards for getting all eight explore badges in a zone. Every new alt rolled gets both the Atlas and Echo Atlas rewards at level one. (I mainly add the Echo Galaxy zone as well if I have the time but usually wait till I have bought an hour of temp jetpack for that zone) Converted into two salvage pieces and sold at one inf each gets very nearly two million inf. And then buying those SO’s at level three makes any end problems vanish. No need to be get inf emailed or muled across. So get the inf and buy and slot those End Red SO’s asap. All sorted. And being a millionaire at lvl one is just a hoot, whatever you do with it πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ’΅πŸ’΅
  14. Hello, 1. Freezer Burn badge - defeat Boss with TF on advanced difficulty. Does one star setting count as advanced and if not what level does? 2. Where/when does this new Boss spawn during the TF? 3. Any strategy/tips/tricks to stop those really annoying Cyclops and Minataurs both going immortal or whatever it is they do and fleeing all over the map? Have been street sweeping on clifftops and it takes forever chasing them. Thanks guys
  15. Hi, one other great aid for any Badge Hunter not too often mentioned, is to find and join an active badge orientated Supergroup. I never understood that on live and worked mostly solo due to odd play times and duration ingame. I never had or joined a supergroup. Then here I was so happy to find that I could have and kit out my very own base, that I concentrated doing that. I have no regrets because I have massively enjoyed learning from knowing nothing to owning my own home base πŸ₯³ So it was a mainly solo badge job again lol. Do consider the SG path if it would suit you. Cheers
  16. Hi, not too sure if this is frowned on or see as cheating amongst the Badging Community but is really handy, and that is to give a bit of thought to any second account alts you have that can be used as a dual boxing support to your Badger alt. Makes getting badges from say the Arena a lot easier especially if you have to solo a lot of your ingame time. Same as having a pocket healer when kneeling down in front of CoT taking damage et cetera. Apart from that and as Voltor said, try and prioritise any new badges that come ingame especially the β€œneeds a team” ones. I missed a bit of time when the Incarnate trials were introduced and have still not got the Keep out of the Green Stuff and the Three at Once (?) from Keyes and The Magesterium trials. These are a lucky find if you see a shoutout these days. But back on topic I had a Claws/SR Scrappie as my badger before Sunset and here now I have a Fire/EM blaster and I have no regrets about either choice. Go Hunt Kill ENJOY πŸ₯‡πŸ₯‡
  17. Hi twozerofoxtrot, yes I revisited that spot and started clearing all Crey mobs and eventually they slowly appeared in the new mobs. Not a lot, but enough to keep me working away at them and I thank you for your original info. πŸ‘ I do seem to be logging in for shorter play times these days so street sweeping does better suit than joining a team and fretting that I will have to bail at short notice. My original post was to check if I needed to change my noteriety settings or something to get those Bosses to spawn but actually patience was all I neededπŸ₯΄ Thanks guys Edit to update status: Badge awarded and all earned street sweeping at spot in Eden yippee! TYVM GUYS πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  18. Hi guys, catching up on my main badger (now at 1573) after getting a bit disillutioned, still cannot get The green stuff and Really hard way plus MoM badges, sighs gently..but never the less I am getting the solo ones which include the one titled above. I was not sure if they were only found in the Aeon SF (aaargh) so asked ingame and searched here and found a location mentioned in Eden around the skyscraper in the Serpentine region. But the badge needs Bosses and all I can find there are Lts. Any pointers/locations and tips will be gratelfully received. Thanks πŸͺπŸͺ🍩🍩 Edit: Duh old brain fart, apologies I should of course said Cryogenicists and not tanks, got carried away having just got the two hundred of them for the badge!
  19. Cannot wait for the event start because after last years mind boggling SG set up as a Haunted House I soooo want to see it again along with any changes they may have made. If you missed it last year DO NOT MISS IT THIS YEAR! It is utterly fantastic… Bring it on πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  20. Hello everybody, just rolled a new alt and (I suspect like many of us) went through my new alt routine. One part of this routine is to visit the Gull and deny group fly deny speed boost hide travel tray and deny all Mystic Fortunes. But I am wondering if the last deny is actually the best choice? I know virtually nothing about how this power works or the pro’s and con’s of acceptance or denial. I only know that back in the day the few times I got hit with a fortune it always seemed to be a debuff and really annoying. However this could be just a skewed perception on my part that led me to the always deny choice. What do you guys choose and any thoughts/info on the merits of the power will be really appreciated. And for the alts that have it how do you decide when and on who to use it, or is it an autofire power when ready? Thanks
  21. Try a really hard mode Aeon SF. Would be interesting to see how near that gets you to what you are looking for. Cheers πŸ‘
  22. Hi guys, been looking for new maps as well and prior to page 4 I always used the Chuck Norris tunnel map and I always farm solo or just to level up my own alts. So been using 41794 America’s Angel asteriod active farm and 50968 KaizenSoze’s Decoy asteriod farm. Solo farming gets me this XP Minion 4272 Lt 8544 Boss 25632 or 24463 Inf Minion 5979 Lt 20504 Boss 64081 The Boss numbers do seem toa change very slightly during the mission but I could see no reason why! With the Farmer and one alt at level 10 I got (just for info) XP Minion 4005 Lt 8010 Boss 24031 Inf Minion 3738 Lt 12816 Boss 40051 So both these page 4 arcs are pretty much on par and the only difference for me is the actual game play style, one is just a usual large mobs wandering and the other uses decoys to aggro the mobs to you. Finish times are much the same. Really enjoyed both and thanks to you both guys for doing the work to help us farmers out, appreciated πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ If anybody has a page 4 tunnel map I can use I would love the number ID please, ty. HOWEVER, I have no logged data to support this feeling but it appears to me that the leveling speeds of my lowbie alts using 2xp has dropped considerably? For example both the above maps took three runs to level up a lvl 10 alt to lvl 20 with 2 xp on that alt. Also I have a lvl 44 alt with 2xp and it seems to level at the same rate as the lvl 50 Farmer. I watch the progress bars and they increase together and I would expect the lvl 44 with 2xp to level at roughly twice the speed of the lvl 50. This is absolutely not happening. Any ideas please? Thanks again guys πŸ˜€
  23. Can you just log out at any of the other day job locations, that would not acrue patrol xp, I think πŸ€”
  24. Hi, apologies if been covered before but searching found nothing. Historically we had blueside six TF’s each numbered in sequence 1 to 6 (the badges use roman numbers). All six collected awarded the TF accolade. However now we have seven (ignoring the Posi split in two parts because that still eventually gives the number 1 badge) with two number 3’s! One of those number three’s is still named Sister Psyche. Why was the numbering left like that and why did the name not get changed to reflect it is now the Penny Yin TF? Can I ignore one of the β€œthree’s” and still get the TF accolade award? Thanks for any info, background and rationals. Will be appreciated.πŸ€”πŸ‘
  25. Hi guys, just wanted jump back in for two reasons, firstly to apologise for my earlier post having reread it, I absolutely come over as a whiney ranting very spoilt childlike individual and it is really embarassing. It was supposed to be a cry from the wilderness for help and guidance but I can only assume that somewhere in the writing I turned into my grumpy old dad lol. Secondly I want to offer my thanks to all of you that responded by just ignoring my tone and by providing some proper and helpful information and guidance. All of which is very much appreciated. I am still curious as to why the VEATS were implimented in the way they were, given that we used to have had a lvl 50 to unlock the HEATS and I reckon that the VEATS are a level higher in build understanding and implimentation. I bet I can build a rubbish VEAT with no thought at all! Whatever, I am slowly getting to grips with them and more familiar with the opportunities they offer so thanks again πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ©πŸ©
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