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Everything posted by Jacktar

  1. Hi, like the OP I also am rolling my first VEAT and am also finding it a bit (well more than a bit!) confusing. I wish there was some sort of guide or info about what the different flavours of the VEAT are aimed at so I could at least decide which of the many build trees to start choosing from. I have rolled and played Warshades and PB’s on live and here (all tri forms) so am okay with multiple power menus but not when very different end results can be achieved. And why do we have a level 24 respec just to get to pick the powers that seem to be just duplicated with different names from the under lvl 24 choices? Why complicate the whole thing like that and not just let us pick what we want from lvl 1? Just seems a lot of unecessary work just to start all over at lvl 24. Would love some sort of tree diagram showing the branch splits and a description of what they are cause just saying roll a Crabber or a Huntsman means nothing to me without context. Why are they so complicated? Lol so many question and so few scraps of info. Thanks
  2. Hi, tested on two chars, same result. Tested UK time 09:30 tuesday 19 July after latest update. If you place your character very close/touching the RIGHT SIDE HALF ONLY (as you look at it) of the info screen attached to the front of any of the SF portals it makes the whole gui on my monitor occilate up and down rapidly. Take a step back from the portal info screen and it stops, step forward to touch the info screen and the up down occilations start. To clarify, as you look at the portal info screen just move character very close/touching with leg or foot ( might be the foot clipping into/through the screen and touching the portal base) as the screen is at floor level, anywhere on the right side half of the screen causes the glitch. This effect is the same on all the Portal info screens in the Crucible. Cheers
  3. Hi, apologies if this has been addressed already in thread, given that the new system directly affects the character select pages system, could we not now put in place a basic “sort by ……” system on the screen so we could sort by level and then anything else that might be deemed useful… Maybe in place of the search option we have now. At least sorted by level would go a long way to speed up the need to log in requirement when live. Ideally a sort by level and days since last logged in would be fab. Is it just me that when logging out an alt to character selection system I always get sent back to page one every time? I would like to be send back to where the logging out alt was in the listings. This is now but that might not be the better way when the new changes go live, not sure. Cheers
  4. Hi, so just how many Ms Liberty’s ingame is enough? I count three in different locations atm. Am very happy to be corrected 😃 One in her tradition spot by Atlas, one in IP on the deck of the ship and now a third inside the newly refurbished building in Atlas where the AE used to be. This third version is especially confusing as a new alt will spring into life just by the Atlas version and then just a hop away she appears in the new location! Just wondering if perhaps she is getting a tad too much workload and share of the limelight. (15 minutes is a good metric according to a certain artist!) Cheers
  5. Hi, just asking because I have no idea if this is a factor, how does an arbitory length ie the 8 seconds, affect the game feel when playing at different difficulty levels? Getting mezzed playing solo at -1/0 is less jepardy than when at 4/8 teamed and now with these new diff level options how will say the newer tf/sf’s run. Could we be looking at potential team wipes if my toogles are down for the mezz time plus 8? Advance apologies if this seems silly or naive. Thanks guys.
  6. Hi M_G, I use vidiotmaps and have gotten into the habit of when first time visiting a new zone to do a quick sweep for all eight explore badges and all the plaques. I think I usually start north and work down south but depends on where I enter from. So I know that if I have the accolade for a zone I also have the plaques. Not ideal or perfect but it only takes a short time to get both sets. I wish that the newish LRTS lists that show if you have unlocked a zone by getting one badge (currently in white instead of greyed out) would also change that white to a different colour when you have all eight and been awarded the accolade. Would make it easier to track both Explore badges and also in my case the plaques not yet gotten in a zone because sometimes you cannot help getting the odd explore badge when doing a TF or something when teamed up and have no time to do a complete collect run just then. Cheers
  7. well, as a previous poster in this thread and now 74, I am just pleased to still be around to see this necro 😃😃
  8. My other half jumped on this thread as soon as she saw it and then looked a bit crestfallen when she saw it was about the game! And then kicked me on the way out! 🥴🥴
  9. oh my goodness, wow… Thank you so much ATC, I have printed both sets of data and can now use them as and when I roll new alts and also to go fill in the missing bits of my existing ones. I had completely forgotten the Black Shroud ones and can now see missing accolades. This really will be of great help to me. Do any of the accolades change name if we change alignement, ie are any shared ones? So can I actually have all 56 accolades? Appreciate your help, keep safe 👍👏🥇
  10. Hello guys, am in a muddle with the maths and could do with a bit of help. Firstly how many areas/zones/places in total have exploration badges in them? I use the new transport system to keep track of the main ones but it is a long way from the total. Lots of locations such as both the Blue side sewer systems and pvp/hazard zones et cetera. Second is just how many Exploration related Accolades are there. I find it very difficult to match up the ones I have with the zone/location that awarded them. The badge descriptions are a tad obscure on a lot of them. And of course not all the explore badge locations have an accolade? (Kallista?) So with a total location figure and an Accolade total I can at least try and match up to get to the missing stuff. Thanks muchly
  11. I so want a badge (or better still a series of badges with an accolade) called “Duh other end again” or whatever, for number of times I have chosen the wrong one! Come to think about it, I don’t think I can recall a single time since live I have actually chosen the “Right End”. 😢😢🥴 RNG hates me…..😤
  12. Hi srmalloy, yes good info and very valid. I think the actual point we both want to highlite is that the temptation to grab the free 2xp boost immediately is strong, but should be delayed by whatever time it takes to achieve which objective route you want. Having said that, I have been known to do just that if my shiny new alt arrives at Ms Liberty at the same time as a shout for DFB goes up. I will grab the buff and do the DFB and then just cancel it out whilst I then do my usual new alt routine 😄
  13. Jacktar

    AE Badges

    Just one suggestion, when you place your single object use the front location option so you can just enter mish go a few yards and the glowie is there, not even any fighting to do. PS Voltor has confirmed just a couple of days ago that to get the “Amongst Friends” badge, which is the 8 man team one, that only the mission holder has to enter the mission and all 8 get the badge even if the others are in a different zone. So form up and enter, job done, real quick.
  14. Hi Snarky, still Works in Progress but have now completed all Pret content in the first three sections of the flashback system and am in Neutropolis atm. I am actually doing all the content via Oro and of course the Pret stuff is mainly in the early sections. Collected all the explore badges in each Pret zone as I progresed upwards and also the three tram stations. Got River Rat this morning as I like to do that in a single run, just makes keeping track much easier. Still got a few of the defeat badges to finish off, just some small numbers of Seers et cetera to get. I am fitting in some lvl 50 stuff between flashbacks like Hami’s and Incarnate trials as and when so am sort of meandering my way along. Not found it at all onerous and have gained a lot of reward merits from those short Pret arcs. They add up quick, a nice side bonus 🙂 Did the zone events solo at lvl 50 not via flashback and got the badges for them. I don’t find the gold side irritating just a bit bland and samey, I do go and just chill in the Shards and other zones but not in the gold zones! Once I complete the blue/gold stuff I will do redside which I find much more fun and interesting. But that might just be because I am much more familier with blue content so red is a nice change and I think better written. Hope you are hanging in there, it does feel good when you eventually hit the listings via the Flame and see every line in gold colour print. So on to my favourite grumble about no badge for content completion, one for blue/gold and one for redside and an accolade for getting both! Cause that is truely a lot of work 🙂
  15. First ever online MMO…….. And First ever alt way back on live - Claws/SR Scrapper……. Proud owner of an Honours Degree in Totally Clueless.. Completely skipped Practise Brawler because… I already had Brawl so why double up? Ah happy days lol Ended up with a Masters Degree in Duh! 👨🏻‍🦳👨🏻‍🦳😄
  16. Just a few points, I always go over to the hellions and level up one or two levels before I take the double xp buff because that way you will have a small amount of defeat reward inf to cover the vendor fees when you sell at the AH. What am I selling? The three insps from the P2W buff that gives you the insps every couple of hours. Just need to sell them the first time. Also I always go get the eight explore badges and convert the 5 merits into a booster? and then sell that. I always sell at one inf albeit you need 5 for the vendor fees. Both together will get you very close to a million inf so I then go and get the 2xp buff. At Null I also set speed buffs to not affect me and also group fly and also to always deny mystic fortunes. And just because I can and at lvl one or two I hit tunnel system into night ward and get midnighter badge and then hop over to First Ward and get the guarenteed Denial of Service badge. I also set up a few macro’s that all my alts have. Oh yes nearly forgot, after getting my million inf I always purchase a couple of hours of the small jetpack and the reveal power both from the P2W lady. Probably spend approx 30 minutes doing all that and then you can lose a life working on the costumes 😀 Cheers
  17. Just to say thanks guys for all your inputs, they are all noted and will be taken care of. Appreciate your time, cheers 🍩🍩👏 I can stop fretting now 😄
  18. Hi guys, latest project is to run my newly tricked out scrapper through every bit of content using the Flashback flame system. So have completed the first section and now a ways into the second section which has a load of content in Pretoria. Am wondering if, apart from the explore badges, doing the gold side content will also get me all the available badges? Any thoughts on others I will miss just doing the content from Oro will be gratefully received! Have only worked in Nova Pretoria at this stage. Cheers and thanks 🤔
  19. This is definately spot on, have just done a couple of runs of same mish and same mods with one farmer and then same mish and mob with two identical build farmers, added up all the totals f inf and xp received solo and duoed and the duo totals are indeed 25% higher. Only got two accounts so had to stop there. Have got screenies. So yes two farmers running solo is best but one farmer and a contributing teamie is much faster, and for me way much more easier to manage. Cheers
  20. Hi, just back from a short break, got the 100% complete on Tomb Raider the Shadow, nice to see some fantastic graphics and wonderful climbing/jumping controls using controller. Took my time and felt a lot more eager to come back to Heroes. My journey with the game might be a bit different from others, was already aged when I started and this was my very first non solo game. Real scary at first but got sucked in fast. I spent a lot of the live years running solo except when badges required teaming, and never joined an SG and never had a twinked out alt. I never had nearly enough inf to do that or the knowledge of sets. Only used the market rarely and then mostly for selling. All my alts were slotted with crafted IO’s. So when we got the game back it was joyous to discover the changes the HC guys had made that finally allowed me to discover all the stuff I could now do. I now have a solo SG all fitted out, it was brilliant learning how to construct a base. I looked at the Farmers and though I can do that, so rolled a spines/fire brute and self levelled it using the guide and as I did I started to learn about sets that are now affordable and not a distant dream. Got it to 50 and all super twinked out with sets and procs. I rolled a second account and used my new farmer to raise another one on that account, I can now cross power level my alts on either account. Then rolled a tank and a scrapper and a def and they are now all grown up and twinked and used a lot for general game play. During all this I finally got to grips with the market, again more new learning 🥴🤔 And another of my bucket list for game is complete with two 2 billion inf held alts. So it feels to me like the same but different game and my burnouts are still infrequent and short. So yes, go do something different but keep a light in the window here for when you return 👍
  21. Hi, I spent three days trying for the two up north by the Boomtown entrance, Pathogen and Malady. Never saw them at all on the alt I left there and checked on every time I logged in. I would do a quick visual check of the mods but just the regular suspects seen. Was getting a bit fed up at the end when I noticed I was about 20ish CoT Mages for the badge so as a lot of them spawn in the area started clearing them, this also aggroed the usual spawns that also got cleared. After about three or four circuits of the chamber up popped the two bold boys in person. I did despatch them and left happy. But I am wondering if I just got lucky with the timer ( if there actually is one?) or if I forced them spawning by clearing the chamber mobs? (like when we open presents to spawn the Winter Lord!)
  22. You made me cry…..but that’s okay, cause I know you will never let them be forgotten…😢
  23. Hi Zhym, thank you for highlighting that situation. I absolutely think that the two I missed on my arc run was exactly as you said about the bar fight in the faultline mish for one and then I definately defeated that Cortex guy because I had to do it both times he appears. He tp’s away and then after a few ambushes he reappears one diff level higher. However last night and using the info from AbovetheChemist about vidiotmaps overlay and the co-ordinates from your good self I hit the abandoned sewer system and went hunting. The first location was a bust but I think another player had been that way not long before and got them so am now wondering about the respawn timer? Then teamed up with another badge hunter that arrived who also had found the bug and went to the orange section spot and bingo, there was Corex and Grey Matter. We dispatched them super quick and both of us got our missing defeats so got badge credit and badge. We departed both with smiles and happy hearts. Thanks for all your input into getting us and those to follow a stress free badge completion. 👍👏👏😀🍩🍩🍪🍪
  24. Hi, doing Epidemiologist badge. Ran DFB and Posi ! so was at 2/9. Using Oro flashbacked to Watkins arc The Graveyard arc as above and completed the whole arc solo ending with taking Coralix down. Talked to Pierce and mish and arc end. Badge total at end is now 6/9! So with Posi 2 to do that means I only picked up 4 of the 6 needed for completion. I did also take down Dr meister? again during the arc but already had him from DFB. Not sure why I only got 4 of 6 as cleared everything during arc just to make sure. So I guess it is hunting in the abandonded sewers till I bumble across the versions down there which is a guaranted RNG hate me job and they will be the last two I find! Have no idea which names are the missing ones... So does anybody have the three locations they are at in the sewers please? If I get them I will suggest having them added to the vidiotmaps overlay for those that come after! Thanks
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