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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. Probably should have put it in a slightly more polite way (any exposure to Social Media is too much). But the numbers I talked about should be kept in mind when one says *I* never saw one.
  2. And unless you manage to pirate one, you won't be able to get it. Windows ARM is only sold on pre-installed systems.
  3. Considering the CPU is an entirely different, non x86 architecture, I'd be absolutely FLOORED if BootCamp (which is just an elaborate boot manager for multi-boot) would work.
  4. Omni-presence in 60 zones, 24-hours-a-day, 6.75 days a week (maint), and 52 weeks a year on 5 "live" shards and 2 testing servers (Pre and Beta)? Just saying.
  5. If one does not strive for a thing, that thing has no value. At which point, why are you playing the game? It's become a spreadsheet..
  6. Checked again. So it is. It's possible that this was an issue caused by looking at the build in a previous version of Mids 3.
  7. No. No. No. Putting the insta-50 function from the testing server on the Live setup should not happen. EVER! EHH-VURR!! It has a place on testing so that specific changes can be tested without having to play hours/days/weeks to get into range to equip. On Live, you need to work for what you want, even if you're being farmed to 50.
  8. We'll have to agree to disagree on how we each, personally, project our fantasy onto the game.
  9. 1: Because the ideas are inextricably linked with "what sort of development resources would be required". Hey! I've got this super-hot idea for XYZ! Okay. And WHO is going to do this? Uh... More-over, there's the question of "how is this change going to affect others." 2: Feedback on the forums, likely, will NEVER be representative of "the whole player base". Not everyone utilizes the forums, let alone posts. We're all the loudmouth weirdos there. And we subdivide into further "specialty" groups. Making us even more NOT "the norm".
  10. "New" is not the same thing as "street level". New, as in "Holy crap! I have powers, let's try to figure this stuff out!"
  11. No. It wasn't. I just needed to get it out there and it was the perfect opening for it. And I said "brand new" hero. Not "street level". There's a difference.
  12. The movie industry is fundamentally different from Television. Original vehicles tend to be "go big or go home" in films. Whereas TV is about spreading that production money across an entire season and keeping costs low enough that they don't get insta-cancelled before they can syndicate. However, AFTER that, the film industry is generally VERY conservative and risk-averse. The class-defining example were the Salkinds. Look at the Superman films. Every sequel was "cut corners, spend less, they're pulled in by the name..." And for three films? They were right. Most productions aren't QUITE that nakedly brutal about it today (not that they're not still brutal)... The tendency of mega-blockbusters to inflate budgets offsets this somewhat, because it's been realized that when you do "bigger and better" you actually have to PAY FOR "bigger and better". Television, at least for a while, can be convinced to spend profligately on productions that are producing results, or who find a way to cut costs to the bone without killing the formula, pooping out or alienating anyone. The Simpsons...SG1 was also one of those shows. Granted, there was a quality drop obvious to truly hardcore fans. But for everyone else, they simply turned their brains off and enjoyed.
  13. Most of my builds, I go in not exactly knowing how I'm going to build. So I basically SO until I have the spare Inf to Generic IO. with a couple special pieces that make play easier (usually the Endurance uniques in Health and Perf Shifter in Stamina). I generally only go nuts once i've reached 50, or I've run into a problem in the 35+ range due to build mistakes requiring a Respec.
  14. Yes. Because a brand new hero should simply do a Doctor Manhattan, and blow hundreds of enemies into paste at once.
  15. And with careful play, one can beat this. The primary issue is the whole slippery slope thing. Once we start making things tougher, where EXACTLY do we stop? I mean, this isn't just a "Let the +Level go to 11". This would require a complete rework of EVERY critter of every rank of EVERY ENEMY. For what? So CaptainTwinkedoutMcGrindsitall can feel challenged on a toon he's played for 5 years and pushed north of the Immortality Line in the game?
  16. Basically, some of us simply don't play often enough to accumulate huge quantities of Inf. And you can do all the marketing tutorials you want, it doesn't mean everyone is going to be able to marketeer. And not everyone wants to take up their precious play time with farming. So NO, we should NOT be resetting the game to "You sign in and die on the character selection screen."
  17. Yes. You're supposed to feel "super", which is why the amount of enemies most characters can handle is larger than it is in other MMOs. But Final Boss fights are generally tougher and sloggier. And simply because Jack was wrong about lots of things doesn't mean he was wrong about EVERYTHING. And not everyone wants to walk into a game where they just get slaughtered endlessly until the scar tissue builds up. Look at the Praetorian content. They made it more difficult at base. How? Endless ambushes. Now, how popular starting Praetorian these days? And if YOU feel your experience is too easy, this is why the devs finally implemented on-demand fine-tweaking of +Level and xSize.
  18. What resolution are you running? CoH's engine is an odd duck. Back on live, I worked with a friend at NVIDIA to see what kind of gains things like Quadros and SLI (double, triple, quad) delivered. The answer? Nearly negligible. Always saw tiny FPS gains, but was able to crank quality settings.
  19. No. No it is not. A team running +4x8 is technically an anomaly. Yes, we have lots of VERY hardcore, expert players HERE. That doesn't mean the game is BALANCED around min-maxed-to-a-fare-thee-well builds are "the norm" NOR SHOULD THEY BE. You can still play through most of the game, perfectly fine, running nothing but SOs or generic IOs. Some of the ultra-high-end and incarnate content will probably be a painful slog. But the game is SUPPOSED TO BE a challenge.
  20. The other thing with Firefly is how shodily it was handled by the networks. Actually seeing the entire thing in-order does wonders for the show. And being able to simply binge it adds to the enjoyment. With the number of sci-fi shows on TV when it released, and the indifferent presentation by the networks, watching, then waiting for next week probably didn't help the show much.
  21. Welcome to the Dark Side. We lied about the cookies! Here's a 1lb bag of crack cocaine!
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