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Everything posted by biostem

  1. Yep - asked for many times over. Maybe we'll get it someday, (but don't hold your breath as to when or for an explanation why it's not being worked on).
  2. If we, for the sake of argument, ignore a new player simply not knowing the basic game mechanics, as a cause for them "struggling" with things, any further issues can be boiled down to a more veteran player's expectations. For instance, if you are used to the kind of performance you get from a character or AT with extra recovery, switching to one without can feel like a slog. Similarly, if you are used to a high damage AT, trying to play something lacking that can take on the semblance of an insurmountable obstacle. Farming and/or running high level content to fuel your alts is perfectly fine, but it is important to never lose perspective of all the things someone without the benefit of that, can still do to make the path to 50 less burdensome.
  3. Or... just take part in the content that allows you to earn the resources to directly buy the items you want. You could, of course, simply bid what you are actually willing to pay for any given item, or pay the "convenience cost" in order to get the item NOW.
  4. That was my interpretation - though I imagine the level of transparency would have to be set in steps - like maybe no transparency, 25%, 50%, etc...
  5. We also need a cardboard box option and one where you cross your arms over your chest, like the Vampire LARP.
  6. Just have a little button with the generic "refresh" icon, which selects a random radio mission, abandons it, then brings it back up, only which does these steps in the background...
  7. So propose something, OP - what is your suggested "fix"? One possible idea would be to add a sliding scale of debuffs, that get greater and greater, until the enemy is held completely. That way, even if not held, the enemy is still functioning to a lower degree than before. the only problem with that, though, is it then cheapens those dedicated power that apply the various debuffs. Another idea would be to simply buff the magnitude, duration, or both, of the mez effects for both controllers and dominators while in Incarnate/hardmode content, (but that comes with its own issues).
  8. There were many things about the move "Old" that bugged me, and while reading up on the odd and illogical behavior of the accelerated aging, I found out it was actually based upon a graphic novel...
  9. Just say the word, oh, Tsoo-Tsoo-Tsoodio!
  10. For me, it's about 75% appearance/concept. Once I find a look I like, I try to match it to an At and powersets that fit the theme or concept. Once that's out of the way, I usually run grab some P2W stuff, then run around AP streetsweeping until about level 6. If I get lucky with drops or the inner inspiration temp power, I'll sell them on the AH for some startup cash, then grab some of the boosters before training up. By the time I reached level 6, I should have a good idea about the general feel of the character. From there, I'll usually run some of my own tunnel missions in the AE, as I prefer to solo until about level 22, when I can slot 25 generic IOs, and feel like I actually have something to offer to a team, instead of needing to be carried by them. From that point forward, it's pretty much up in the air as to what others are doing, and I'll run PUGs/TFs/whatever else is being run...
  11. Managed to get in this time. Thank you HC staff for all you do!
  12. A word of warning regarding the more difficult "star content" - familiarize yourself with just what those extra difficulty levels bring, because if you don't, you'll end up wasting a lot of time and missing out on the XP, inf, or other resources you were hoping to garner during that same time frame. Ease into it, become comfortable with the added mechanics, and once you're there, knock yourself out. I just hate seeing people, who are used to steamrolling even +4/x8 content, thinking they can just waltz into the new hard mode stuff, only to come to a screeching halt and rage quitting. This is not a "you can't do this" comment, merely a warning to "do your homework"...
  13. I wonder if some sort of "community mute" function, where if enough people choose to mute a person, they get muted for all, for like 4 hours or something, would be abused...
  14. I get your intent. The question then becomes how to "deal with" enemies if you're not defeating them with damage. Would you have enemies outright defeated by being held? Would you have enemies that instantly become defeated if knocked back? Your proposal is noble, but how do you implement it without mandating certain ATs or power types/effects?
  15. What we need a clear and concise outline of what global channels are or are not to be used for. I get that we can ignore anyone we don't like, but perhaps what we need is a way to silence someone only for a particular channel...
  16. It absolutely is! You can use the "Looking for Group" or "LFG" chat to look for teams. Type /lfg followed by a brief message. XP in teams, which is what pays off your debt, can vary. Technically, you only get a cut of the XP your team generates, since it gets divided between all team members, but at the same time, you are facing off against more enemies and tend to defeat them faster. In general, though, you do tend to get XP faster, (thereby paying off said debt), faster while on a team...
  17. Think of it like the term "metadata" - it's information about information - you have an image file, and the metadata would be when it was taken, where it was taken, who took it, and so on - it's not in the image itself, but still attached to/associated with it...
  18. I typically interpret the use of "meta" in this context as "the game about the game". In other words, how to utilize the game to achieve other goals you, as a player, may have set for yourself, that make use of the game - such as generating a lot of inf, obtaining all the badges, etc.
  19. But why not just run regular content/arcs, if you neither want to farm your way to 50 nor be carried/PL'd via +4 TFs?
  20. I would rather see these TFs broken up into much more digestible sections, (though additional rewards would also be nice). That being said, are you solely focused on TFs/SFs for leveling, rather than regular story arcs?
  21. My current trend is to take the elec or fire APPs, so I can offer a bit of healing to my teammates. That being said, being self-sufficient also means that is one fewer teammate that needs the attention of said healer/buffer.
  22. Ms Deadly holding the slice of watermelon so nonchalantly is hilarious! Very well done!
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