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Everything posted by biostem

  1. From a practicality standpoint, C & D would probably the easiest to pull off. Personally, I'd love to see A implemented. I rarely use the more obvious auras, so B is not of much interest to me. For D, though, I'd only want to see it implemented in a limited way - I don't think players should have full access to NPC costume pieces, as it'd lessen their uniqueness...
  2. Obviously the knife was really developed from the sharpened spoon, as a more humane way of gouging out eyeballs...
  3. I can't recall seeing any "Thors" in recent memory. I'm confused by the "should" part here - don't let what other people do be the determining factor as to what kinds of characters you make. That being said, come up with a unique look, don't make specific references to events or characters from existing IPs, and you should be fine. I mean, heck, Malta has Hercules, Zeus, and Kronos units, so it's not unheard of to tap into the names of gods/demigods...
  4. There are already magical themed items for sale in the P2W vendor, so I see no reason why a magical alternative to the jetpack couldn't be added, dev time permitting...
  5. A higher difficulty version of some task forces. More details can be found here.
  6. Well, I wanted to utilize existing attacks that fit the theme and aren't present elsewhere. In the context of this set, "field" means more like being "out in the field" in a combat sense, not necessarily a farm field...
  7. I rather like the selection of songs in Suckerpunch.
  8. I really like atomic manipulation on blasters, and it offers a good amount of PBAoE buffs/debuffs/other effects...
  9. I'd really love a series that covered the period between ToS and TNG eras, instead of retreading ToS stuff...
  10. Not a bad idea, but I was hoping you'd be able to use some of the sword/knife models to allow for some customization...
  11. I'm not sure of what name would suit this hypothetical power pool best, but the gist is that you are able to make use of some basic survival skills when fighting your opponents. 1. Knife - basic melee attack dealing lethal damage, with an additional minor lethal DoT. 2. Machete - a heaver melee attack, dealing lethal damage in a small cone in front of you. 3. Pilum - you throw a short spear, dealing ranged lethal damage. 4. Thick Skin - toggle granting some absorb. 5. Robust Constitution - auto power, granting resist to cold, toxic, and debuff/control effects.
  12. Does the sound still play, though? Hasten's is pretty distinctive, and you tend to notice it going off over and over again...
  13. Right. But people want new animations. That, there is precedence for. Splitting a power pool into one for punching and one for kicking is an unnecessary complication...
  14. Martial arts already offers both punching and kick animation options. Simply provide something similar to the fighting pool attacks. No need to go splitting up the pool...
  15. Would you be comfortable with doing a version of Thor without the hammer? If so, you could do an archery/electricity manipulation blaster - Still take the fighting attacks for Hercules, use the elec melee attacks for Thor, you could take sorcery for Horus, and of course the archery attacks for Robin Hood. Sherlock could still dip into experimentation as well.
  16. The "mini-Hamidon raid" is what throws people off, and can bring the entire TF to a halt...
  17. The problem is that trying to "force-in" a need for specific ATs or power types usually results in that content going unused. You need to come up with a way for every AT to both contribute, but even more importantly, to do so organically...
  18. IRL politics != in-game politics. Decry whatever IRL politicians/parties, other groups to your heart's content, but do it somewhere else...
  19. Only a Sith deals in absolutes...
  20. I think allowing beast masterminds to select various cats, wolves, or related, (shadow hounds, panthers, etc), for their minions, would be the best approach to take.
  21. I watched some gameplay of it. It indeed evokes feelings of unease and is disorienting. That being said, I suppose I've become numb to video games presenting "impossible" map layouts, since it's much less impressive when you're dealing with a virtual environment.
  22. I don't think it is up to us to "turn up the heat" - report the offender and move on. Moderation actions aren't disclosed, but either way, that is also up to the GMs to decide. I don't think coming across as vindictive helps anybody...
  23. The other issue is that there is no way to tell if someone is spouting political rhetoric simply to get a rise out of people. It's best to block/ignore, report, or simply close general chat altogether...
  24. In simple terms, level 50 is when you stop gaining new regular powers or enhancement slots. After training to 50, you start earning XP toward Incarnate content, (basically new, specialized powers which are separate from your regular ones). As you continue to play your level 50 character, your XP bar will still fill, and when you "level up" again, you basically gain some goodies, which can help with the aforementioned Incarnate stuff, or provide other goodies like free costume change or respec tokens...
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