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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Make Kyle Katarn canon!!!
  2. This actually occurred! The Ms. Marvel show did a name drop in the first episode.
  3. As long as it takes to annoy! I sometimes have no idea why I can't slot an incarnate power! Not in danger or active combat, just crafting recipes and minding my own business.
  4. Solid ideas, but Paragon's city planners don't have a good track record for zoning 😆
  5. So I went to the Suggestions and Feedback Thread, then used the 'Sort' function and specified content I started.
  6. Hey those are good odds! You've had a couple implemented.
  7. Take Off does something similar from Mighty Leap. So that you're not always angry, at least that could be an explanation.
  8. Where did you suggest the mobs be placed in those zones?
  9. I was a bit surprised that I only started a handful. I think I reply to suggestions more than I have my own.
  10. Here's a different one for the forum goers out there - whether you've played Homecoming for a day or for years, I'm sure everyone has had ideas, feedback, and suggestions for how to make this game or the community itself better. Sometimes players have something they want the community to discuss, sometimes its a please and thank you, other times its a head scratcher (you know what I mean!). What are some of the ideas, feedback, or suggestions that you have had in the past? I'll go first - A couple of these ideas were stinkers, I'll admit. The first suggestion I posted was borne out of my misunderstanding of how the special Zombie Apocalypse event worked. The next one was a great discussion among the forum goers about changing some zones that I thought weren't utilized much in to PvP zones - lots of heated, but respectful discussion and a realization that I was advocating for a solution that wouldn't have addressed my underling concern. The next one related to me wanting to enjoy a unique mission map without getting booted from the Trial after the time limit was reached (I'd chalk that one up to my own nostalgia!). Another was related to a nagging side effect of the risk versus reward table - that being that an enemy NPC won't grant any XP or Inf it does not attack. The Nemesis Mole Machine in particular, even when the NPC dialog says so in the mission, does not grant any reward. Last two I recently suggested had to do with adding a number on top of the annual Winter Event badge to distinguish them (the two current badges share the same badge art) and the other was what I thought was a rationale idea - make PvP Day Jobs work in PvP. So, what about the rest of you? Any good ideas that got picked up by the Homecoming Team? Any stinkers? Any you wish you could talk about more? Let's hear it!
  11. Not sure if this context matters, but back in the old days.... you know what nevermind 😅. If it isn't too heavy of a lift to add, why not.
  12. I was going to add the part about last year where Homecoming did a stream of the beta for the Dr. Aeon SF to benefit a charity, but I didn't really have a good angle on it and it wasn't much different than the post I already had about the streaming in general being okay.
  13. If you're asking how to defeat a melee character as a ranged character, it's just a matter of the ranged character staying out of melee range and using an attack chain that over comes the melee character's mitigation. If you don't feel like rerolling another Blaster, use the second build on your character and slot damage procs in to your ranged attacks. Tanks are actually at a disadvantage compared to Brutes in the resistance category in PvP due to their diminishing return curve, so Tanks aren't very difficult to defeat in PvP environments as a Blaster. Brutes have Fury and higher resistances, but don't tend to generate much Fury in 1v1s unless using the PvP accolade.
  14. Well technically... oh nevermind its a video game who cares lol
  15. I see your post, and raise you this. Yeah, it was dicey to post that on the forums. Looks like @Number Six's rolled over to the player base. Odds are good though, that this will all turn out fine.
  16. To dispel any disinformation in the thread (or before @Bopper posts the numbers himself) I thought I would repost patch notes on both powers below: Super Speed (0.228 end/per sec) You can run at super-human speeds! While running at such speeds, you are a blur, and many foes will not even notice you as you speed past them. As you run, you build momentum, allowing you to jump great distances, but only for a limited time. If you attack a target while this power is on, you will temporarily be slowed to normal speed. Super Speed also increases your maximum run speed by 30% and gives you access to the Speed Phase power whilst it is active. Increases your run speed cap by 30% while toggled on (from 92.5mph to 120.25mph) Has a new momentum leap mechanic Running will build up momentum, allowing you to perform a single very high, very long jump after approximately 4 seconds of running. And jumping will cause you to expend your momentum - after landing, you'll need to remain grounded and running in order to perform another momentum jump. Super Speed's icon will gain a yellow ring when you are at maximum momentum Speed Phase (0.333 end/per sec) A toggle that removes collision with characters and sets you to Only Affect Self This allows you to pass through enemies, allies, civilians, cars, and even the Atlas Park blimp! The effects of this power (including the OAS component) will suppress if you are attacked or damaged by an enemy Note: As this power doesn't actually make you intangible, it doesn't trigger (and isn't affected by) the No Phase timer Speed of Sound (0.228 end/per sec) Increases your run speed cap by 30% while toggled on (from 92.5mph to 120.25mph) Grants access to Jaunt Jaunt (13.00 end/per activation) Click, Self Teleport. By clicking on this power and then selecting a location, it will cause the caster to vanish and reappear at their targeted location in 1 second This power can be activated up to 3 times in a row before it triggers a cooldown Combat Teleport (5.571 end/per activation) A quick-casting, short-ranged (100ft) teleport designed to be used in combat The range of this power can be enhanced, but it cannot be buffed or debuffed by set bonuses or other powers This power can be activated up to 3 times in a row before it triggers a cooldown This power grants a small ToHit buff to your next attack Combat Teleport emulates the feeling of Speed of Sound's Jaunt to quickly traverse the battlefield without the endurance cost burden of an active travel power
  17. That happens. Then again so does Apocalypse IOs going for 500,000 inf instead of 17,000,000 or so.
  18. Yeah that went over my head, cheers!
  19. This felt intentionally done, imo.
  20. Make sure to uncheck "Recipes missing ingredients" in the bottom right tab then go to Prestige Powers, Travel, then the Shapeshift drop down:
  21. Agreed. If pool powers have no fx options, it would at least appear plausible to do so with primary and secondary sets, to say nothing of the time investment required by the devs to do so however.
  22. Yes, you can join any of the five matches that will occur each Thursday. You can open the Arena menu anywhere by clicking menu bar, then clicking Arena. Once the match begins you can join it by opening the filter type and clicking show all. Then you'll see a match with 16 players and then just click join. It will spawn you in to the match as a camera that you can use to fly around and watch the action. You are invisible and unaffectable while in camera mode.
  23. Hi, players can decrease their particle count in the Settings tab under Graphics and Audio. Click the Advanced Graphics Setting to 'Enabled' then about 10 items down you'll see the 'Max Particle Count' slider which can be decreased to the desired amount.
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