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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. The poster I was replying to specifically asked how to slow their movement speed down. I gave them a handful of ways. Hopefully that added context is not lost.
  2. I think that's amazing and I want to try it.... until I remember the endurance cost of Whirlwind.
  3. Yeah, so they were removed in Issue 3 and readded in Issue 16. These were changes made before the Homecoming team started up on the Issue 24 branch.
  4. I'd recommend not slotting for speed, leaping, range, or flight speed. And steering clear of set bonuses for movement as well. Or if you don't want to make those changes, you could try turning off the travel power. You can also use the slower versions from the P2W vendor.
  5. No exact dates off the top of my head, but this was a change that occurred back in the legacy days. Homecoming Wiki is your friend: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/5th_Column
  6. On the character select screen. Edit: Bottom left corner, near the 'Back' button.
  7. I can search through my list of characters with ease! Thanks HC team!
  8. This is true. They did not do any damage to me during my wailing. Since this is the case, let's recommend the health be scaled down to other objects which grant no xp or influence.
  9. Then they'd need to change the mission dialog too. I'd say that is fine though, I want to at LEAST get something out of it. If it is just influence, whatever - or if it is just xp, again that is fine. I just want something out of it. Or like you said, change the health bar on these suckers! They have more than 30,000 hp and 75% resistance to all damage. Edit: And according to the HC Wiki, Level 54 Archvillains have the exact same health (30,677 hp). https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Archvillain
  10. Edit: Forum attachment limit reached, check out the quote below for the demonstration.
  11. I think you can recolor the flying disc permanent travel power from the P2W vendor and then throw on the frozen path aura and it gets close.
  12. Wow great thread! I've enjoyed reading both @RogerWilco and @Luminara responses. I'm not much of a cyclist, though I do have a road bike. I usually take the shoelace express, so to speak. Running is my hobby and I try to stay as far away from paved surfaces as I can due to the stress of always watching over my shoulder for a bad driver or even worse, someone intentionally trying to intimidate or even harm me. I've never had the pleasure of running any trails outside of the U.S., but I'm assuming that kind of concern is on anyone's mind who runs paved surfaces.
  13. I just spent the past thirty minutes wailing on a Level 54 Nemesis Mole Machine only to find out when I defeated it, that it is worth nothing. Aside from the past reason of preventing farming (which I find moot), I don't see a reason why this is the case. These things have the same health as a Level 54 Archvillain, and 75% resistance to all damage, and there are four of them that you have to defeat in order to complete the mission. Oh and there is an explicit point by Ghost Widow within the mission dialog that says: Ghost Widow: (She will be found torturing a captured Nemesis soldier) "It hurts, doesen't it? Now, tell me your mission." "This wretch has told me of their scheme. You must destroy their drills. You will not be unrewarded for your efforts." So what's the rub? Anybody against this? I'm not asking to make a mountain out of a mole hill here (*snickers* 🤣), I just want these things to give something, like any xp or influence whatsoever. Edit: Three courses of action have been identified thus far; 1. Add experience or influence for defeating a Nemesis Mole Machine. 2. Don't add experience, (but add influence relative to scale), and drop their health down by a quarter (to approximately 22k at Lvl. 54 -or- 19k at Lvl 50) 3. Don't add experience or influence, but drop their health down to that of other comparative mission objects which do not grant xp or inf for defeating and delete the NPC Ghost Widow mission dialog that tells players that they will "not be unrewarded" for their efforts.
  14. Sorry this took so long to get answered, but here ya go: The set is called Electrical Affinity, but the game files describe it as "ShockTherapy". Here is a list of all the powers and the macro_image names for all of them: /macro_image "ShockTherapy_Shock" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_RejuvenatingCircuit" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_GalvanicSentinel" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_Discharge" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_EnergizingCircuit" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_FaradayCage" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_EmpoweringCircuit" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_Defibrillate" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_InsulatingCircuit" "Tooltip" "Command" /macro_image "ShockTherapy_AmpUp" "Tooltip" "Command"
  15. Check it out, YOU are making the suggestion here. Provide proof for your changes, show any semblance of a thoughtful idea and maybe more people would support it. I'm not convinced there is even a suggestion here - maybe try a little harder?
  16. Most browsers have the search command in their settings dial. If you're on a Windows PC you can use CTRL+F to search.
  17. You're clearly not interested in any response I give, as you've now twice preempted my posts with your own reply to what you think I'll say.
  18. I'm not a tech wizard, but I was playing on my own server before I found Homecoming. You can run your own with very minimal resource requirements through a virtual machine. Like a few gigs of ram and CPU usage.
  19. Balance is why. And balance. And balance again. Balance once more for good measure.
  20. When I managed to get in, it was sitting at 99% fulfilled. I was still able to drop my donation. Whoo hoo! Extra for the great customer service this month.
  21. It was a QoL feature added in the last page.
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