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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Dropping redacts everywhere lately, I'm excited 😁
  2. And I almost finished crossing Wendel's Gulch too! 😁
  3. This wasn't the result of Issue 10 devs. It was changed after the shutdown.
  4. The fact that it was available at Level 35 is what isn't working as intended. It is a Level 45+ Task Force.
  5. I remember when I picked up Hover to fly over the Hollows.
  6. AA is right, x is the default button to move a player's character down, and when coupled with mouse movements during an emote, allows the character to move.
  7. The work is worth the reward. No change needed. Players can easily make up the difference these accolade perks apply through IO set bonuses and temp buffs from SG bases and P2W vendors (or from teaming).
  8. This is rather suppositive. In fact, I would say it is outright unsubstantiated.
  9. Whoo hoo finally got in as well. Made up for previous months.
  10. Okay, I am thinking that those numbers may be based on live like you said. Does anyone know the formula then for the current xp rates? Something like player level, type modifier, level difference, solo or team, = xp amount? If the information isn't readily available, I may have to do what VileTerror recommended and start collecting some data!
  11. Ah! I should've looked on the HC wiki first lol. Thanks!!!
  12. Does anyone know what the xp rates are for different enemy levels / ranks? (i.e., example math - Minion that is +0 = 1 xp, AV that is +4 = 100xp?) Reason I am asking is because I was playing (Exemplar down to Level 34) an arc in Ouro that took me to Founders Falls. On my way back to the contact, I saw a Sniper class enemy, Level 38. I defeated it and got 25,632 xp. I saw another Sniper at Level 40, and defeated it, and got 25,632 xp. That got me wondering, what are the xp rates?
  13. Great stuff First Player! You have yet to fail to impress me with your creativity.
  14. I gotta say, that may be the best event title name I've ever seen. Nice job!
  15. Infiltration is a travel power, which is why its the third choice. And these changes have already been live for weeks now and the majority of folks who have voted indicated their preference for as is.
  16. Since this is your third (or fourth?) time going through all gold side, do you perhaps have a well-laid strategy for ensuring all content has been played? A roadmap even? I have only done the gold side complete all run once, and I missed so much content from not making the right connections at the right time that I gave up at Level 6 😁
  17. Well said! At the end of the day, a costume contest might take up an hour or so of your time (dependent on number of participants vs. judges). Contrast this to staring at your character every time you play it, days, weeks, months even. Way more important to me how I like it, than how other folks like it.
  18. What alignment were you? Were you in a team, solo, or in an AE or Ouro mission or TF? Did you have this happen once or is it repeatable? If so, what were the exact conditions so that other players, like myself, can replicate the bug and help troubleshoot the problem.
  19. To be clear, you're saying that a power is able to change the security level of an enemy, specifically the EBs in the ITF? Is that the bug you're describing?
  20. That is a dope logo. Thank you for digging it out of the files and sharing.
  21. Hopefully you find someone interested. Overlays are cool, I think they add a touch of professionalism to the stream/content/video if they aren't too gaudy.
  22. There are actually a ton that you can use... (see spoiler)
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