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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Slot Power Transfer: Chance for Self Heal in to a few attacks and passives, it's awesome!
  2. Yeah I suppose this would be nice to see. I'm supportive of this suggestion.
  3. All good, just letting you know they said 'beacon' in Discord, not 'bacon.' It is not a big deal, the meaning just came across a little humorous.
  4. Interesting! I play solo a lot so this never crossed my mind. Unfortunately, I can't think of any off the top of my head.
  5. I'm sure you meant 'beacon.'
  6. I hate scary things, but I am absolutely going to check this out!
  7. I have been using this above build for the past two years now. It remains relevant and one of the top performing farming builds. Other factors aside from the build when considering farming - objective such as passive farming aka "away from keyboard," or 1-50 in two hours active farming, or influence, badge, or incarnate salvage farming, etc. If you haven't had the chance to read through the past 15 pages on this thread or ventured to other areas of this forum, the jist of farming in this game is that it's very flexible. Identify your objective or purpose, then build a character around that. I have a radiation/fire Brute with two builds, one that I use for farming AE meteor maps (capped fire res & def) and the second to farm outside AE (capped fire/smashing/lethal res & def). I also use the character for incarnate trials and badge farming. At the end of the day, I play what I enjoy and I enjoy how I play. Your results may vary!
  8. Yeah mine was about the same, Vet Level 37.
  9. Ah okay, what I usually do if someone posts a build, really any build not just farming, is look at the set bonuses that are achieved with that particular slotting.
  10. The enhancement that is slotted in Vengeance adds 10% global recharge. It's from the Luck of the Gambler defense invention origin set. This global recharge buff is always active when slotted and you can have up to five total in a character build.
  11. Some of the powers don't end up being used in the rotation during farming, but benefit from the invention enhancement sets that provide additional fire defense. I believe Perfect Zinger is the set.
  12. I got one! I default all my new alts to no xp on. I like to run them around a bit at the low level just to get a feel before I starting leveling them. Well, I made an alt that I intended to powerlevel and put them in to Pocket D with double xp active. Got my farmer and the alt in the mission and started the grind. Well around the two hour mark, I wanted to see if I'd hit level 50 yet, which is my normal time frame for my farmer to powerlevel level 1 to 50. Jumped over to the other screen, hovered over the xp meter, and that sucker said Level 1! After that, I started to default to xp on, then manually enabling xp off lol
  13. Maaaaan rating agencies can go off a short pier. Never liked them in video games, movies, or television. Sure it's fine by me to give an idea of what's in the content I'm about to consume, but the moment that rating empowers other people to say I can't consume it I ain't got no time for that!
  14. Totally agree, well said. Looking back over those topics, I stand by my recommendation.
  15. Hey maybe think about putting all your suggestions in to one thread? You've posted six in the last two days.
  16. Edit: Market guru's corrected me!
  17. Skybeams!!!
  18. I never could get my developer commands to work on my private server! I only had console commands, this video shows exactly what I wanted to do if I could've figured out how lol. Instead, I have to find holes in geometry and tp through the ol' analog way! Edit: In fact, looks like @ZorkNemesis did the work for me already! Check out his find on the 'Report Zone Geometry Errors' thread:
  19. You said old Atlas - but remember when the statue was different before the current one? Way lower res.
  20. Oooooh the old Atlas Medallion accolade icon! Loved the OG accolade colors so much! Is that white area in steel canyon from the first Winter Event? I remember they made it wintery themed at some point.
  21. Yes, HC Launcher is flawless! Give it a try.
  22. Whooo what a good fourth episoide!
  23. Oh my there are a lot of inaccuracies here to digest.... Let's start with this first bit first: As @Luminara pointed out, aside from Infiltration and Super Speed, no other TRAVEL POWER has an inherent stealth component. Period. Adding in a unique IO set bonus to a travel power using a strawman argument. Argument aside, these unique Stealth IOs need to be catalyzed beforehand or the player needs to be the appropriate level (+15) to slot them, so no you are incorrect in claiming that is a sufficient data point in comparing available travel powers that have a stealth component. Just to reiterate my point further, here is your same argument on another power - Cold Domination's Infrigidate is a Ranged, Foe -Rech, -SPD, -DEF, -DMG(Fire) power. It does no damage inherently, it's meant to be a debuff power. Because of Set IO bonuses and procs, players can make this power do a decent amount of damage by adding Impeding Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage proc, Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage proc, and Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy damage proc. But doing this doesn't make the power inherently a damaging attack, just like adding a Stealth IO to a travel power doesn't make the travel power inherently stealthy. So, again you can say what you want, but I will chime in to tell everyone that what you are espousing is inaccurate. Again, you're entitled to arguing - against whatever your perceived injustice stems from, perhaps its the sun rising and setting, but doing so doesn't make it stop happening. It is laughable that you suggest that these volunteers made up an excuse instead - you know what, can you in your infinite wisdom and understanding of how the game's files and coding work, provide the code to make the stealth component not exclusive? Can you go ahead and make that happen? Thanks! [/e sarcasm]. Perhaps let the folks who create things in this awesome community speak for themselves - Page 3, Focused Feedback: Travel Power Updates (Build 1) thread in Homecoming Feedback:
  24. Wow! Great link. That's super impressive. I'm tempted to try out modifying the .pigg files on my client to see what I can come up with. I'll back to run it on another virtual machine so I don't mess up my client lol
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