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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Very true, absolutely agree. I look at it from a longer time horizon though. If I want something in this game and I don't want to wait, I'll get it instantly on the beta server. I actually play out my build concepts in advanced that way. It took many attempts at multi-billion inf builds to learn my lesson (which were mostly related to PvP meta from a few years ago). Build in Mids, export to beta, go through my usual gauntlet of test content (Maria Jenkins at increasing difficulty, then over to Monster Island for cascading mitigation testing). If I'm buying at "NOW!" prices, I'm already getting hoodwinked. Though I'll confess I've been willingly hoodwinked on occasion if I'm pressed for... time!
  2. Oh! I totally missed that post, thank you for pointing it out for me.
  3. Added the post announcement update, but that's all for updates. Leaving this thread up for posterity. Fun to see how things turned out after so many years!
  4. If I'm away for any period of time and I happen to be in Ouroboros, I'll jump in the pool and emote an innertube. One of my favorite Homecoming additions!
  5. It's amazing how just waiting makes me more inf. I post a bid and eventually, maybe days, maybe months, that bid will fill. Same goes for selling. Time is what makes me the most inf!
  6. 2019: 90,000 inf avg for a converter 2024: 55,000 inf avg for a converter Converter prices are the metric I weigh the most heavily in determining the impact of player demographic change.
  7. I've never used a keybind for anything besides combining inspirations. It worked before page 7 and worked afterwards. I've saved this bind and used it across multiple farmers. What am I missing? Did something happen to change this? You may have explained it in detail above, but I'm sorry, I'm not reading your wall of text.
  8. @AboveTheChemist are there future edits with outlier mob types planned?
  9. I wouldn't want this suggestion to be implemented.
  10. I wouldn't want that cluttering my character select screen. How would it quantify my liquid assets? Is it just what I'm holding in my characters pockets? What about all the stuff stored in my base or sitting in bids on the Auction House, or emailed to myself?
  11. The Aura of Confusion set you've slotted, what is that Confusion proc % chance? I always feel like the set has waaaay too much recharge, so it makes the proc less likely to fire.
  12. Teammates, temporary powers, breakfrees, change in playstyle.
  13. Late sign up, please add me to Kahn with my main Glacier Peak Ice/Cold Corruptor.
  14. There's always a bigger fish.
  15. Great way to maximize the Fate Sealed side effects with that build! I'm looking to respec my Fortunata in to something similar, with different overall build goals. How do you find the added control/lockdown helping you with damage mitigation?
  16. So I'm over on Indomitable, making my way over to the Abyss and I find there's a new police drone sitting on top of the Smuggler's Submarine in Kallisti Wharf, over by the Marina. BlackWing Industries, huh? They've got their own map marker location on the hero side too. And another location in Kallisti Wharf (courtesy of Discord user "Fiend")
  17. If it was easy, it would've been done already. These are pieces that have been requested to be proliferated to player costumes for a while now.
  18. This is the part of this suggestion that keeps being brought up that I don't understand. How is time being wasted? The mechanic has been this way since it was launched, where is this lost time coming from? Is there a perceived expectation bias being applied to content that has never been designed to be a quick encounter?
  19. I don't see any issues with the current mechanics for Lusca and I haven't for years. It's not an enemy meant to be speed ran, it takes coordination and patience and players are rewarded for doing so. I don't find it boring either.
  20. There would need to be much effort to get them to Level 53 - that sounds like a real challenge to me!
  21. Can't a player just slot the Training Origin enhancements and then click upgrade when in the enhancement screen to make all their enhancements level up by paying an inf fee? Do TOs cap at Level 20? Why even slot anything at all if it's an Iron Challenge?
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