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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Glad to see you're back at the CoH PvP streams. And I'm happy to see the Energy Melee/ Stone Armor Stalker Scrapper build in action. I've had a Stalker version collecting dust on the beta shard after doing testing a while back, but I've been meaning to see it to fruition on the live shards.
  2. I'll throw some nice cheerful information in to this post since a lot of this thread is depressing. Indomitable has great server ping/latency. The ingame world doesn't stutterly nearly as much, or if at all, since the population is usually low. I played a lowbie in Atlas Park on Indom, then jumped over to Excelsior to PvP and on my way to Recluse's Victory, Atlas Park was a terrible mess of stuttering. Mind you, I was seeing a crisp 165HZ refresh on my monitor in both Indom and Excel, so I'm tempted to believe that the reason Excel Atlas Park was stuttering was because of the number of players. Yeah so chalk that up to a win for Indom's lower server population 😄
  3. You can already do this in the AE mission testing mode. Now if you're looking to get any xp or inf out of it too, then I'd say that's not how the game was designed and AE already gives players plenty of leeway.
  4. I wouldn't draw any particular conclusion, one way or the other on that thread count, other than to say it is indeed higher than all of the rest 😄
  5. Hey I don't think your post needs any emotes, but I do have a response for you. Isn't Emperor Marcus Cole, aka Tyrant, aka Praetorian Statesman supposed to be the classic power crazed person in the franchise? And isn't that supposed to be an inner dialog, as in the thought bubble of Emperor Cole? I think others have mentioned that this is a work of fiction, but even if it wasn't and this was real life, do you think someone like Emperor Cole, a power hungry dictator, would have any different thoughts? I'm fairly confident that an individual like that would treat other people pretty poorly and use that type of imagery and language.
  6. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, as they say. Maybe by you posting, it will make an impact. Forums are meant to be the place for long discussion, I think that's at least something to be able to share your thoughts on topic of PvP, and more specifically cryopistol animation canceling.
  7. Ah no sweat, I figured after rereading you meant bind or macro. And that sucks, hope you're not on them too long. And that's tough. Sometimes there are things that will be changed even over the protest of testers and players, (I'm reminded of the huge uproar the base macro change caused and the introduction of Infiltration as examples), but are better for the game in the long term. And sometimes the HC devs see things in the code we aren't privy to. And, I'm sure there are some things that they won't ever change even with huge uproar. Bottom line, your feedback was valuable and the time you spent to test out the change was appreciated, even though it wasn't kept in like you had wanted. All I can say for sure is the best way to shape the future of this volunteer driven community, and specifically in regards to PvP, is to continue your testing and feedback. Glad there is someone still reading the PvP sub forum to reply!
  8. You lost me at ingame script. If my memory serves me right, that's a frowned upon utility on Homecoming. As for consulting experienced PvPers, the call goes out to test and provide feedback. If you don't like the proposed changes before they hit live, please join in testing these proposed changes when they hit the test server - the HC Team is entirely open to such expertise and really relies on it quite honestly. If that's something that you'd like to help do, believe me when I say your assistance would be very much welcome. That's how more arena maps were added. Players tested them out on the beta shard. That's how fakkolades were added. That's how the removal of Incarnates from RV (except Alpha slot) were added. And the many PvP power changes over the past few issues/pages as well. They all get tested (with who ever can volunteer their time to do so). There are lots of things that are tested and rejected too that don't make the cutting room floor so to speak. But the goal is to always make the game more enjoyable for the population that participates in the PvP elements of the game.
  9. I believe it's been said already in this thread, but this event sure did feel like that first magical winter event where the Winter Lords spawned everywhere and it was non stop leveling and fun.
  10. Folks the image in the OP shows a wolf head mounted on the wall, perhaps as a trophy and the poster is playing a wolf character with Wolf pets.
  11. You know, now that I really think about it and considering the other Judgements I've tried out, this is actually a fair assessment. I have T4 Cryonic unlocked and I use it occasionally, but I ended up unlocking Pyronic as well for the nice DoTs and mainly use that instead for a second nuke. But you're right, if the goal of the power selection is primarily damage output, Cryonic is likely in last place.
  12. It looks like Genesis was a boost for any Incarnate power. I know Omega was the last one.
  13. That's not a cone though. I believe the reason its a cone and has lower max targets than Ion is because it's got added debuffs on top of its damage for both of its T4s. Edit: Oh nevermind, I was thinking of Mighty.
  14. I need some more hand holding for this series to make any sense to me. It's a Marvel show but I'm not shown anything that's connected to the larger universe. I don't know anything about the comic book version of the titular character, so these first two episodes I'm just confused and not really that entertained. I'm all for different approaches, but I'm not as excited with this one as I was with Loki and WandaVision. It's more on the level of Falcon Winter Soldier or Hawkeye for me.
  15. Since just about everything in this game can be soloed (I know this first hand), as long as there is at least one player with multiple accounts the server will be fine 🙂
  16. Cold Domination is the best set. Debuffs are brutal against enemies, buffs are in a good place, and it's easy to use. It's also effective on any of the five ATs that have access to it.
  17. Okay, that's unfortunate. The link works for me, so I'll post screenshots of the names of them: When you click those names, it will list some of the power set up (as they were to be implemented in the game). For example, clicking the 'Socket' incarnate power will take you to the below list:
  18. Yeah, this. I bailed after someone told me to stop using my debuff powers on the GMs we were killing to spawn Hami.
  19. All of them were listed in the link I posted in my previous reply to you.
  20. There were to be many... https://cod.uberguy.net/html/category.html?pcat=incarnate
  21. Nobody got Mag 1000 stun protection. It's going to hit everyone regardless of how uber the player build. After the first encounter, players look for queues for when the attack is going to occur and step back (or out of the AoE range really). Same goes for other effects and their mitigation strategies. Bottom line, brand new enemy, its going to require learning and adapting instead of face tanking and saying its not fun.
  22. That is surprising to hear! I'm guessing it's an integrated GPU? Mobile chip maybe? The lowest settings of the game allow for pretty much a potato to run the game these days.
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