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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. Well it's not the "Say hi, get welcomed" thread but since you are saying hello in Polynesian then heya and welcome to the best part of the Forums Virtual Green. I do too but with a name like Remorseless I kind of want to see it. His face/eyes are always covered though. Just a thought but you could have a suit with one of the more villainous faces or maybe one even of the robot faces (they are remorseless if not programmed otherwise) to really drive the concept home. Liking it so far though.
  2. Pretty sure I would've remembered a Regulators reference from the game if it had existed back on Live lol. Agreed. Makes exploring thing more fun.
  3. More exceptional work Rylas, I particularly like what you did with the Savage Melee icons. Also updated prior posting as I am through a 1st pass on text for all the Melee sets now.
  4. Not too shabby. If you are going for a CR screenshot, you are much of the way there. Hard seams, lopped off wingtips, rough edges on the power FX, wonky shapes and floaty dots are a lot of the same things I ran into as well. The colors are a bit "loud" but then again it is a Phoenix. The Greek theological reference is a bit on the nose (or should I say... on the beak? ) but it makes sense. Nice work Red. **chunk of the Merlon supporting the pinned swords breaks free and falls over The Cliffs of Insanity** "Tell me."
  5. Indeed it is. Nice find Duane.
  6. Sorry I got nothing. I never play red side and know nothing about SoA or what options they have available.
  7. Serge's skinny nephew?
  8. Sweet! The metal painting came out pretty nice. Interesting idea for the belt material too. I was guessing Sue Storm until I scrolled down and saw what model she is based on. Emma Frost didn't occur to me but the splayed fingers make more sense now. Any chance you would put some of the commissioned art pieces of her up in Art Talk or Comm Sharing threads?
  9. Worse you typed Manga as Magna on your way to claiming you typed Mange!
  10. Not sure I would want the option for an invisible body, until/unless you draw weapons I may not know you were there unless I am zoomed out enough to see your name floating over you.
  11. @Beefy2000 he has not yet. The OP on page one gets updated with sets as he adds them. Only he could tell you for sure but AFAIK he plans to do all of them at some point and he will sometimes give precedent to requests or significant preference (e.g. his poll). i.e. not yet and maybe.
  12. Oh you think so eh? Well then... What holiday season!?!?!? Wait, hang on a sec... **checks above** Demmit!
  13. Yeah! WHO Holiday season???
  14. I'll do you one better... where holiday season??? Junehem Phew! Because I would hate to show up to a party wearing the same Oeuvre as someone else!
  15. Hah! Selnum, you're right, I remember him now. They even got his 'stache correct. It wouldn't be a Magnum parody without the 'stache.
  16. Another collab from years past, this was a birthday present for Caemgen. It started out as a quick sketch of about 17 minutes of drawing, 5 of finger smudging and like 3 of adjustments in PS. Here then is his Irish witch of sorts, Fenian. shortly after posting it an artist named Gemma (aka GemArts), who'd colored some of my stuff before, asked if she could color this. Of course I said yes, told her the color scheme and here were her results. I felt I could do more with it so I did some additional tweaking and punch up work and what started out as a quick sketch soon turned into something rather unique.
  17. Also if we are talking CoH videos we cannot forget about Samuraiko! This one always made me smile. Based on Felicia Day's brilliant web series "the Guild" here is Avatar: CoH style.
  18. In whatever way you celebrate, I hope you have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. For me, family and friends both online and IRL and of course, the chance to once again fly the skies of Paragon City. To the homecoming team/staff and all who had a part in making this a reality for us, thank you! It's good to be back home again.
  19. In whatever way you celebrate, I hope you have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. For me, family and friends both online and IRL and of course, the chance to once again fly the skies of Paragon City. To the homecoming team/staff and all who had a part in making this a reality for us, thank you! It's good to be back home again.
  20. Heya @Lavidicusblack and welcome to the best part of the forums. So is this something like a podcast if it were run by the Legion of Doom?
  21. This is Dark Aedan my Dark Melee/Fiery Aura Scrapper. He was my best overall build back on Live. All incarnated and the best purples and rare sets influence could buy. Now he begins life anew as a level one, *sigh.* Oh well at least he still looks the business now that capes and auras do not have level prerequisites. It's almost as if 4 mini robot lions came together to form one super robot! **pins sword against crumbling boulder** "I ought to be after twenty years"
  22. The only thing for me, from a usability standpoint, would be the 4:3 aspect low rez monitor that is used in most arcade cabs. The chat trays in the lower left would get really close to or possibly even touch the power trays coming from the lower right unless you can turn up the resolution sufficiently high. From a coolness standpoint though, off the charts! @biostem they may actually be physically hard mounted or screwed onto that plank so as to never move around when you and typing/clicking away. The swap in panel with the traditional buttons and joystick on the floor is what makes me think that. This way they can pop one off and unplug the leads and swap the other in relatively easy depending what game they want to play (if they have MAME loaded as well). I suppose the KB and mouse could be recessed a bit if that is what you meant but it would take a lot more work to make a custom cutout in the shapes of the KB and mouse than using a simple surface mount. It could also make your grip on the mouse a bit awkward. @NNDeepdish Did you mean how the two different panels with different controls can be integrated or how it would work to try and play CoH with a 8 way joystick and 6 button (looks like a classic Street Fighter 2 config) layout?
  23. You're welcome Rylas and thank you again for all the work you are putting into this. It is much appreciated. Latest updates above.
  24. Replied to a mention of her over in "Art Talk" already but thanks for the status update Caemgen, I'm glad she is offering them again because her plushies are great and, as I posted there, she also does awesome hat's (not all of them are orange/gold, more's the pity ).
  25. Ah, no worries then. That prior post had a link for purchasing the book and when I saw you asking Flashtoo for a link above I thought you might have forgotten it since it was posted a while ago. Were you talking about a non-amazon link, like to the publisher's site then? I'm going to order The Interminables as a present to myself for Me-mas, it's already in my wishlist on standby.
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