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Everything posted by Darmian

  1. Add TPN and Lamda to that little list of things,!
  2. Well one really. And not being able to use them in more maps. Because I'd really like to land an Arachnos flyer on the roof of President Marchand's Office!
  3. Oh good thread! Must have a look at my stuff.
  4. Eden does as does Warburg and at least one of the Atlas Park ones. As for filtering? I don't think so. Just search for an outside map as GMs don't spawn inside. And obviously sticking Kraken in Praetoria is a bit peculiar! So if you are building a farm? Sure, go crazy, but otherwise have a think 🙂
  5. This works!! Sign me up for this.
  6. Well they'd be as much factionalized as Red/Blue currently are perhaps. An in world justification that probably wouldn't be used I suppose. Forget all that! We just need more people to play Gold!
  7. Yeah I thought that as soon as I posted it but whatcha gonna do? A vendor style contact in a back street that will only speak to resistance members maybe? The Static is good lore but if you're just starting maybe not. 'Need a safe house for your cell? I got you covered."
  8. Really we should be either getting a Powers Division Unit registry in one of the precinct buildings and a Resistance Cell registry from the Underground.
  9. Memory is fuzzy on who was who (as usual RL got in the way) but Scarlock (blue) and his evil twin Scarlok (red, before you could cross) saying hello. On Reunion these days. Dark/Dark scrapper and Dark/Dark brute. Used to amuse myself by trying to get an opposing side to chase me in PvP, run to my prepared hidey hole and do a rapid alt and run out of there and watch them be baffled when I wasn't targetable. It didn't work that often tbh.
  10. Did Rularularian last night. Well deserved for Dev Choice I feel. Will be dragging my comrades along to River of Fire! later today, all going well.
  11. So is it possible to get the contact window scalable? Drag the corner to make it bigger like we can do with other windows? Barring that is it possible to have the option of enlarging text to 1.1 as opposed to 1.2? At the moment it goes from 1.0 to 1.2 and you CAN change it manually to 1.1, but only if you haven't formatted over the character limit already. A select and change option would bypass this. A few people have said to me they find the regular text a bit hard to read but if you choose 1.2 there's a noticeable disparity between that and for example the accept mission text which is not scalable. Thoughts?
  12. Congrats to our two authors for the new Dev Choices! Now how do we convince people to play them? In the meantime throws confetti.
  13. I've entered Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part one , Arc ID 26756 for consideration but the story continues with a Part Two (Arc ID 26952) and Part Three (Arc ID 27233). Then there's a sequel series called Darker Deeds (Parts One to Three, IDs 28374, 28526 and 29252) and a final set being written. I may need to go lie down for a while.
  14. Some of the maps from Who Will Die would be good. The alternate mansion, the prison holding Malaise (looks like base parts so that should not be unduly hard), the ruined temple and the area of Warburg with Blitz.
  15. With access to an SG and a base crystal you can make it to 50. Throw in SBB from 15 on, Seed of Hamidon take down, plus the fact FW/NW are coop zones so you can join teams ( bit of waiting until everyone is there because it'll register as a mixed group) and you can keep going. Then you can do any iTrial provided it starts in Pocket D or Praetoria, and CoP. What else? You can join the Emperor's Sword mission from Vetrano, just not get it yourself (the reason why not is ridiculous) and do Cole's Personal Story, which you can get yourself, because these start in NW ie Praetoria.
  16. Based should absolutely be coop zones. Especially if a team wants to use a crystal and not go running to the gull all the time.
  17. A side effect is if you are a pre crossing Praetorian then choosing any destination in an SG teleport other than FW/NW/PD will at least transfer you to Elysian Avenue in Nova Praetoria.
  18. The inside of the First Ward train station. Easily done. And possibly connected to the train wreck seen at the end of the Praetorian tutorial.
  19. Oh well. Back to the drawing board then.
  20. Definitely a low priority. Even I think that!
  21. Well I never intended anything to get heated. If some people don't like the suggestion, that's fine. If some do, that's fine.
  22. Ok I've just spotted this but perhaps we were thinking on along similar lines, and I wrote an AE series with these heroes. It may not be how you imagined them, in fact it probably isn't but it's there, rough and ready. Dark Deeds in Galaxy City.
  23. When Duncan and Anti-Matter, and sometimes White, show up and go dancing in it's fun to see.
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