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Everything posted by arcane

  1. Agree with others pointing out that it would be much more ideal to create more alternative animations across current powersets than to make a whole new powerset for every minuscule variation. There are tons of new concepts that could be captured with animation alternatives, whether it be beam vs blast, arm cannons, elemental staffs, whatever.
  2. I’ve leveled/incarnated/IO’d multiple masterminds, and each time the characters have done nothing special for me beyond making me want to roll a defender/corruptor with the same support set. Once said toon is rolled, the masterminds get shelved typically.
  3. The only ones I’ve played on HC that I’ve decided deserve to be the butt of many jokes are Assault Rifle and the Mastermind AT.
  4. Indeed, invalidating someone’s personal experiences because of their immutable characteristics is kind of the essence of racism and a handful of other isms.
  5. If I thought the evidence supported the notion that “murder is bad” was the extent of BLM’s platform, I’d probably have to give you that one. EDIT: I can’t believe I have to explain this but I would like to go ahead and point out that I am indeed anti-murder.
  6. If a movement is advocating for public policy changes/decisions, it IS politics.
  7. Experience. Including some posts that have already been deleted on the first page of this thread.
  8. Sooner the better. Until then I’ll have to be content flagging every incendiary post.
  9. As time approaches infinity, the chance of this thread not producing a shitshow converges towards zero. This is not a good idea.
  10. I find Electrical Affinity pretty dang exceptional in a lot of ways but do acknowledge endurance drain simply does not feel like a potent use of one’s time. Especially when using your most potent endurance drain power costs you all of your static stacks. Oh and galvanic sentinel is just useless if you’re on a team, which you should be with such a set. Besides that, I think the circuits, Amp Up, and Faraday Cage are extremely powerful if used properly, and I wouldn’t call the set underpowered as a result. Obviously I can’t make an argument that Force Field isn’t in need of some serious help, but wish people would focus on improving the utility of the shields and leave set-defining PvP powers out of it. Force Bolt and Detention Field are awesome as is thanks 🙂
  11. +4x8, Every single thing was dead, yes. And idk about 3 minutes for sure either. Just around there. I don't do a lot of timing, but I do see my pet hang out for a minute after I've cleared it when I'm popping reds.
  12. I read your post and wondered, because admittedly these claims are estimates. Timed a run just now - 125/Bloody Rainbow map. The result was 5:32 with zero inspirations used, from the second I loaded in to the second the last baddie was dead. So yeah I see your point and concede 32 seconds. Would be well under 5 with inspirations used of course; that much I know from all the times I've dropped lore at the very beginning and had my little indestructible pet hanging around after everything was cleared.
  13. I wouldn’t call poison underpowered. It’s volatility in terms of survivability is a reasonable tradeoff for its supreme debuffing imo. For trick arrow I hope they will add another effect to poison gas arrow and/or disruption arrow with at least one of the two doing some -Regen. I also think flash arrow could afford to do a little more ToHit DeBuff even if at the cost of increasing the endurance and/or recharge.
  14. I don’t have mids because I use a Mac (instead I have a pretty elaborate Excel spreadsheet where I crunch all these numbers manually and it’s a pretty sad sight), but I’ll screenshot my build for ya later!
  15. Just wanted to jump in here and +1 any posts pointing out that some people take powers as IO set mules and don’t even keep said powers in their tray. Don’t pick on such people 🙂. This is ofc predominantly applicable to any power that can slot def/res/heal/endmod sets.
  16. If Afterburner was usable in battle, it would need to have it's defense dramatically reduced to make any sense relative to other pool powers. 10% defense would make it twice as strong as tanker weave, which does nothing else. That wouldn't make much sense. That being said, I'm not convinced it needs a change very badly. Being an LotG mule alone makes it substantially better than the majority of pool powers as is.
  17. I recently made an alternative fire farmer (alternative to my rad/fire brute) in the form of an ice/fire brute who is a lot of fun if you’re looking for something different. I highly doubt she’s realistically any slower than your average rad/fire or spines/fire thanks to >1 bil inf builds.
  18. Yeah if someone told me they could have both 2113 playable level 50’s AND a meaningful, fruitful life, I would unfortunately have to call bullshit. For that reason, it’s a hard no from me. Don’t destroy your life for a video game please.
  19. I find that my brute does 5 minute runs without inspirations just fine unless I’m afk’ing. 3-4 minutes with inspirations.
  20. Thank you for the helpful response. I did not know this.
  21. As someone who has put in effort and is still unable to run Mids on Mac, PvP’ers unwillingness to just post build text like everyone else is pretty frustrating.
  22. Congrats, no one that responded to my post actually comprehended the thing I was critiquing and made straw man arguments that I don't disagree with in the first place. I know the difference between creating and amassing lol. Jesus. Have a good day everyone.
  23. Yeah, the devs can do whatever they want, but I just want them to get this through their heads: this change expands economic inequality instead of reducing it. The idea that this change reduces economic inequality was based on the lie that farmers were the upper class in this game. In reality, they were the middle class, and market manipulators were the ultra-rich upper class. This is a middle class nerf not an upper class nerf. So please don't repeat the economic equity rationale anymore because it's a lie and I don't want to see that lie propagated again. Thanks 🙂 That all being said, I don't believe equity is necessarily an essential goal or anything like that; I just believe in not lying to people.
  24. The influence change simply expands the vast gap between those who flip and those who don't. Poor little farmers never had a shot. So by all means, change what you will, but don't say it was for the purpose of addressing some kind of economic inequality.
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