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Everything posted by arcane

  1. Yeah... sorry... go ahead and just delete my off topic drivel.
  2. Well I don't feel like getting into an argument about what the entire case is, but surely these facts would come into play: (1) /e slap is a dev-created part of the game; (2) whether or not we agree on this one, we would likely agree that some bans somewhere are draconian; and (3) whether or not we agree on this one, we would likely agree that some things should be allowed whether we are asked to stop or not. In addition to the PvP example, for instance, we might be able to agree that the people in a recent thread that expressed annoyance at people spamming "LFT" in the LFG channel would have no case whether they asked those accused spammers to stop or not. I sincerely do not understand, in light of these facts, how we can act like the /e slap pandemic is an open-and-shut case of punishable harassment.
  3. Off-topic, for sure, but man would I love to hear a GM talk about how they would deal with a case like this. I think there should be limits of some kind in the sense that a player should not be able to follow and stalk another player for very long at all, but I sure hope all these complaints about emote usage on a person - maybe multiple usages but all at one time and place - don’t amount to the bans some people clearly want to see. Like, I just hope like hell for the sake of the human race that this whole phenomenon of wanting to ban pixel slappers at least comes with a few warnings first for the utterly harmless offender.
  4. Every MMO I've ever played has been the same as the CoH dynamic you seem to hate. Some sort of arena and some sort of pvp zone that you can either avoid or risk being killed in. The kind of game you seem to want to play is the kind I haven't seen yet. That being said I've only played 3 major MMO's so maybe someone else can comment here.
  5. People sometimes get likes or thanks here just for mocking people that others felt deserved it or wanted to join in on. So, yeah, these rankings tend to have zero value. I once surged to the number one spot for awhile on another forum's rep system many years ago. I cracked a lot of jokes, talked a lot of shit, and certainly would not have considered myself to be #1 in terms of kindness and helpfulness.
  6. Perhaps I’m just building tanks to have too much mitigation. I don’t have pleasant memories of tank damage post-buff, but it’s true that the tank in question had more mitigation than any brute would ever have.
  7. I see how you get more bonuses,, slots, etc and how tankers can do a fair bit to close the damage gap. What I don’t see is how you get enough to overpower brute damage at typical fury levels (75%+ or so?), and what I *really* don’t see is any data that is remotely adequate to conclude either (1) “brutes are useless” or (2) “more people play tankers than brutes in the endgame”. Also, I, for one, have never started a tanker build by making a brute build first. Seems like a strange way to do things. Then again I frequently forego traditional build wisdom, for instance by building like half my toons without even trying to get anywhere close to soft capped defense.
  8. Of course. Just thinking out loud since the GM’s have waded into political messaging like that discussed in some posts here in recent months.
  9. A feature in which the player can personally add or subtract from the list of words on their own profanity filter seems reasonable though I wouldn’t personally use it. Would it apply to GM speech as well or is their format of messaging immune?
  10. Absolutely agree. Just pointing out there is something called leading by example they are absolutely doing the opposite of in this one instance, if their goal is to discourage political discussions.
  11. If we are in agreement that we should talk about politics elsewhere, can we at least change the MotD no one is allowed to talk about? Kind of makes it hard to take the moderators seriously when they personally direct political messaging towards every player every time they log in.
  12. No, I’m just trying to show you I don’t want to silence you or anyone.....
  13. Sorry but I think I’ll publicly defend myself from untrue accusations. If these guys want to drop it, I’ll drop it.
  14. You said I wanted to silence you. My comment was merely that your standard appeared to be “if it risks offending anyone, don’t do it”, and that would include basically any speech ever. I have zero desire to silence you. So yes you were putting words in my mouth.
  15. I do A as well. If you actually treat everyone on the internet exactly as you treat them in real life, you might be the second coming of Jesus Christ. But I just don’t believe that of anyone here. It defies our basic understanding of how humans do, in fact, act on the internet. And please do not imply you aren’t putting words in my mouth too.
  16. I only said you should be silent according to your own standard, not mine.
  17. I personally don’t want to talk about politics at the moment because I have actually spent the last several years of my life absolutely obsessing over politics and have realized what an utterly toxic, hopeless, illogical hellhole that realm of discussion is. Now please reiterate for me how this makes me simpleminded and we’ll call it good.
  18. You do realize the rather broad scope of “behaviors capable of offending someone somewhere”, don’t you? For one thing, city of heroes is a violent game and should be shut down according to that standard. You probably shouldn’t speak to anyone ever, either.
  19. If it’s so black and white, why not just remove emotes from the game.
  20. What other woke stuff do I get to do thanks to my pixels? If I, a dude, am entitled to accuse people of sexism for acts against my female pixels... does this warped thinking also extend to the ethnicities of our toons, for instance?
  21. In 2020, people, especially the woke ones, have pretty nutty interpretations of life. I’m not too bothered by it, no, but I do find your little intimidating “prepare to get canceled” tone to be cute so thanks for that.
  22. I just want to clarify, again, as a dude with a handful of female toons that wouldn’t say no to a spanking or two. Your claim that this is sexual harassment only works if we can agree that the sex of the pixels in the game is the only relevant data point, as opposed to the typically unknown sex of the player. Is that really a hill you want to die on?
  23. I am a male and have probably ~25% female toons, so tying the spankings to sexism just feels a tad questionable.
  24. No one is discouraging anyone from talking about politics in a broad sense. There's a time and place though. And to say that people are ignorant just because they don't want to discuss divisive subjects in their playtime is kind of ignorant as hell.
  25. When people insist on waiting on the entire group to be ready on easy content to the extent that a level 54 PI radio team would spend 50% of its time sitting around if you didn’t personally step up and run in first. Squishies shouldn’t run into melee first, ideally, but sometimes it’s that or go make a pot of coffee while the tank/brute makes up his mind.
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