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Everything posted by arcane

  1. After continuing to play with meteor, I hope its location AoE and briefly delayed damage is not changed tbh. Its AoE side currently plays like an AoE edition of Psychic Blast’s damage spikes. Super bursty and makes your chain drop things from 100% straight to zero in the blink of an eye. A very cool niche. More enemies are dead before they ever know they’re aggro’d. For the exact same reason I wouldn’t want Psychic Blast projectile speeds to be reduced, I like this best the way it is.
  2. Make it at least a quarter of a billion or more, if not 500M or 1-2B, and sure. I make 20 mil from 1 afk mission every time I leave my apartment. It has to cost a good bit more than what your farmer + lowbie can make on the farming route to 50 (after recipe sales) for the price to make any sense whatsoever.
  3. It’s fantastic. Illusion has always been top tier as a control set and TA is without a doubt amongst the better half of support sets. Its only meaningful hole is no perma -regen, but your -res is so good it should not matter.
  4. Cool your jets there, the volunteer team has obviously exceeded any realistic expectations one can have of such a volunteer team, even if maybe not in the completely insignificant department of additional emotes.
  5. Sure, just saying that’s an important dimension of farming potential. Your MM is a more limited farmer in terms of production per unit of play time than a Brute that can (1) farm actively just as fast as you and (2) make 20 mil every time you have to run an errand or watch tv 🙂 Credit where credit’s due: my fire farmers are in fact exceptionally bad at PvE because I never ever take Healing Flames because my fire farmers are intended to be fire farmers only. I’d just IO up a second build though if I actually cared to PvE with any of them. Like my Plant/Psy has a Fire Epic build with capped fire defense etc that farms as fast as you and a Psy Epic build for general play. There’s nothing really special about being able to actively farm quickly; I have at least 9 characters that can do that efficiently like your MM, including multiple “squishy” AT’s. But passive farming income is a whole different thing blasters, doms, MM’s, controllers, etc simply can’t touch.
  6. I’ve been playing Graniteless successfully since the Rooted change awhile back. Only deaths I can remember *before* the buffs were against Lord Recluse. So this change is all just pure icing on the cake. To have an already functional character receive so many blanket buffs is pretty incredible. By no stretch of the imagination do you “need” Granite.
  7. I generally did 6 pts minimum, up to 8 or 9, but recently I tried the whole pylon fad and realized I needed 12 on characters intended for true glory.. well, there’s temps for that, but temps rightfully make any person with a conscience feel dirty.
  8. Same. They’re essential to be competitive in PvP but that’s it. Characters originally made for PvP are the only characters of mine that have any.
  9. No worries from me, my Seismic/Earth is already done using the data as is (good enough). So I guess you can start on Stalker /Stone Armor first then 😉
  10. It's quite obvious that everyone has their different issues with different FX's and that we therefore do not need to turn down any individual FX's but rather focus on giving more FX-reducing tools in the options menu. Several people actually trying to convince you that Seismic Blast is the problem, and yet here you are with Lifegiving Spores. FX-reducing options need to be proliferated across the game; individual animations do not need to be gutted.
  11. You are also able to adjust your graphics settings, so no, that's factually not "the only recourse".
  12. Yeah the creation of a CoH blacklist based on he-said-she-said... really classy idea.
  13. I don't buy that this is the most uniquely annoying powerset ever. I think if you teamed with 3 Earth Controllers for instance you'd say the same thing. Turn your FX down until every team soon doesn't have 3+ seismic blast characters and then report back. If it's a problem when it's NOT the most popular powerset in the game by a wide margin, then maybe a solution specific to it should be considered.
  14. I have a really hard time buying that Seismic Blast has uniquely annoying FX. Earth Control powers for instance are every bit as intrusive (actually moreso due to longer durations). Seems like people are basing too much on the current perception, which is highly skewed only because the set is brand new. Anyway, you’re free to turn down your FX.
  15. Now let’s see the comparison when you’re afk.
  16. Thread title could be “Randoms. It got ugly.” and would lose little value though. PUG at your own risk!
  17. Fair point. I don’t pug a lot anymore so solid chance others are using it. Having it slotted makes me feel good though!
  18. God I hope not. Considering how much of a character’s life can be spent in AE, that’d be a good way to never see sunlight or other players ever again.
  19. If it’s as-good-as in some scenarios and better in others, does that not equate to a net “better”?
  20. But some profanity is fun. Whenever I make a new toon and go to do all my routine settings changes, if profanity filtering is somehow enabled, I just think “bitch, please” 🙂
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