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Everything posted by arcane

  1. I’m not sure how your damage buffs are wearing off so quickly that you can’t have the meteor benefit from buffs. Are you doing something between casting damage buffs and casting Meteor? You obviously shouldn’t be. Meteor does not take long enough to hit the ground for any major damage buffs to expire. If Gaussian’s is the only issue maybe we speed up the Meteor strike the 1 second necessary for that to work or whatever? Don’t think the game is balanced around procs but have at it. Every other point has been addressed. I think you forgot to explain how Nova is a garbage power too, which you would have to for half or your points to be relevant. I’m investigating the math and am all for a fix to make it work better with Gaussian’s if used immediately after the proc. Don’t believe that will require a change to the KB or LocAoE.
  2. There are a few dozen ways to deal with mez effectively, perhaps when I have the bandwidth for a novel 🙂
  3. I haven’t participated on Excel, but on Indom it’s more of a “don’t you dare stop clicking for 30 minutes, bathroom = insta kick” event, and it’s the most tedious activity in the game. There’s certainly none of this fun allowed you allege.
  4. So your argument is no more mathematical than mine. Welp, again, I am having zero trouble using this one, so, cheers.
  5. Signed. MSR bores me to tears as is.
  6. Unfortunately NPC confuses are lame af and you never have time to actually kill a teammate. I treat “Confused” as “PvP Mode Activated!” But it always ends in disappointment.
  7. I’m on Excel and I’ll abuse you 🙂
  8. If you can’t shit on your friends, are they really your friends
  9. Like I use any other nuke: when I project being able to hit lots of stuff. I’m not finding it remotely different in effectiveness so far. Except for the burst chain effect Bopper mentioned. That actually makes this nuke feel superior. His chain but with Pyronic after it is even MORE bursty damage stacking.
  10. No offense, but I kind of completely hate suggestions like this. “I know we’re 90% of the way to having this already but we really need to carve out this super specific niche anyway.” Like, hypothetically, if we had this set already, I wouldn’t put it past you with this sort of thinking to type a thread demanding a whole new set just for the double barrel or sawed-off variety of shotgun. Carry on.
  11. If there is a data set and calculations that proves your point mathematically, can you refer me to it? I think the KB and LocAoE are fine but if you can prove the damage output is far behind I would have no issue with a slight damage or recharge adjustment. I can say I have had no issues with using it as often or as effectively as any other nuke in my own estimation. I suspect people that are corpse blasting with it also do plenty corpse blasting with anything else. I can rarely recall whiffing completely with this.
  12. Feels more like I’m using a pair of scissors vs your lawn mower but sure 🙂
  13. Y’all finna have all powers taken away at this rate
  14. It’s awesome in practice on both of my completed Seismic Blast characters so far. We’re observing different realities, so it’s time for me to agree to disagree. Cheers.
  15. Oh please. She’s brash but incendiary accusations of ill intent/motive/etc like this are the wrong direction and no less aimed at stifling people than anything else.
  16. I thought you were pointing out the irony in my statement (implying this game has any notable obstacles left to begin with). But now it sounds like you’re just agreeing with me? Clarity, brotato
  17. You just deleted the surrounding context that acknowledges the issues with that statement. Bit obvious don’t you think. I know it’s fun to dunk on people but let’s not be too blatantly deceptive.
  18. FYI, I was legit interested in your toon but your video doesn’t show much very clearly. I cannot tell that you are soloing or that what your powers are at a glance. What is that, Bots I think cuz I see a burn patch? Do I see Elec Affinity? I thought I saw two Longbow bosses hence the question about soloing.
  19. Speaks for an awful lot of people tho. You seem to want a pure sandbox more than a game with any semblance of obstacles, etc. (I know, we’ve already bulldozed most of them anyway). Have you considered playing on Brainstorm or Cake or whatever? In 2004-2005, my first 50’s took me hundreds of hours. Now they take 2 hours. Imagine thinking it hasn’t gotten easy enough.
  20. Goodness gracious are you *trying* to raise my blood pressure? NO.
  21. How is any of what you just wrote different from Nova? It’s the same, no? You’d have to position the AoE somewhere besides the middle of a mob to feel like you’re using the KB tactically? But you’d be happier if you just slotted KB->KD in both. I got no qualms with Nova. Unless this is secretly still about the LocAoE. But then, I got no qualms with Blizzard. I think you’re fighting this way too hard. Either deal with the tactical issues of KB or pop Overwhelming Force in there and enjoy your awesome nuke. I did and I freakin love this set..
  22. You mention soft cap, so you’re already outside of the realm of thinking about viability and more in the realm of meta min-maxing. Medicine is viable yes. It is not the min-maxer’s friend, no. But it’s literally impossible for all powers to be the min-maxer’s friend by definition. That viewpoint inherently has to relegate some fraction of a game’s stuff to the trash heap, because that’s what min-maxers are. I’m a viability type player, because trying all the pretty powers has inherent value to me. Min-maxing seems boring AF.
  23. The only thing Field Medic does to Aid Self is give it a +end effect. So not sure why you say you ‘need’ it for it to work at all.
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