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Everything posted by arcane

  1. You people get a couple of lousy inner tubes and suddenly the next patch has to have a water park. Troo’s thread was on point.
  2. I don’t think Dark Armor needs its own in-set endurance tool. Sets have pros and cons, and endurance and DDR are the only Dark Armor cons. It’s otherwise pretty exceptionally invincible after you account for Dark Regeneration’s insane best-of-game healing potential and perfect damage resistance type coverage.
  3. You can already view them and change them without the tailor/etc...
  4. This has already been addressed. Sentinel sets are not identical to other AT’s blast sets, so they need additional work that has not been done yet.
  5. Well the underlying sets are plenty important, just not for such obvious reasons. Knockback and defense debuffs or narrow melee cones slot-ability being leveraged as a DPS tool, for instance. You certainly can’t get the same mileage out of all sets, so it’s missing the point to say powersets don’t matter.
  6. Only tweak I’m thinking about following my first build is swapping out Stalagmite for Vengeance and the extra slots for elsewhere. The DPA is nice but not nice enough for the inconsistency. Would’ve needed to feel like Energy Transfer level damage to justify such a situational attack. Speaking of activation delays, Meteor -> Upthrust -> Pyronic is amazingly fun AoE burst.
  7. Or a hero accolade that requires no afk farming and a quick alignment swap. Just saying.
  8. Probably the best singular QoL change they could make to the game right now.
  9. This. If snark is slotting a proc it definitely needs to be nerfed into the ground, because he is highly allergic to them.
  10. Yes there are absolutely some cool things about the delay. But I doubt they outweigh the cons for the pure min-maxers here.
  11. The lengthy time it takes to fall from the sky is going to yield a lot of corpse blasting, yeah, probably yielding subpar performance. But I’m too preoccupied with how cool it is still; those poor inner tubers in ouro are gonna get meteored over and over for weeks until the novelty wears off.
  12. I have been trying to kill teammates on BAF’s forever but it just never lasts long enough 😔 but still quite satisfying when you manage to take a chunk out of them and you think you see them swivel their character ever so slightly towards you 🙂
  13. Great. So every poster with this idea is free to go play on Cake. Good to know. Take note, all.
  14. If you plan on only playing the new hard modes from here on out, you belong to a very very tiny minority of players, I’m guessing. So doubtful you actually intended to imply that. My guess is Voltak’s gang will be almost the only ones genuinely serious about that. But yeah, it’s a consideration. I will still want them because they are endlessly cool, but it does sound like I’ll have some adjustments to make during hard mode. Which is a good thing. Every other game mode was stupidly easy.
  15. Surprisingly as someone who mained DA on live, I’ve never done it. But endurance problems literally don’t exist in this game anymore if you only play 44 or under once in awhile, so never had to think of it.
  16. Everything here is completely optional, why on earth would you say that? This seems comparable to people’s requests to segregate players away from their favorite chat channels. It doesn’t affect you in the slightest unless sharing a space with people that aren’t exactly like you is just a total non-starter to you.
  17. Yeah, if you're joining a "Master of" anything, and you know enough to know that "Master of" means special requirements but not enough to know the requirements... yes you should be proactively trying to figure that out if you're going to join.
  18. But often it's the stoner's fault who can't be arsed to pay complete attention.
  19. Laptop. Macbook in fact. But yeah I have just done this a few times on accident.
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