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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Turrets and force field generators don't count. I haven't even seen them show on the map. It is always a lone minion further in on the map or in a sideroom when it happens to me.
  2. Sometimes the waypoint is a group of doors. Either 2 or 4. Click the door at the waypoint and it may still be the wrong door and you actually needed the door next to it. Happens to me infrequently, but it does happen. (Mainly because even if there is only one door at the waypoint, the waypoint can be off by up to 15 feet. At least when it is a single door, it is obvious which door the waypoint means. And that is not even counting zones like St. Martial where you have to find the correct door to take you inside the skyscraper to find the waypoint actual door. It may only have 16 doors spread around the base of the skyscraper, but only 1 of those 16 will actually let you in to look for your mission door, assuming you went to the skyscraper that actually links to the target lobby that has your mission door.)
  3. *punts Six-Six back to the Swashbuckler thread* I love the gun/sword idea, but we already have a thread on that.
  4. I should have been more clear. Apologies. The moving around is the walking back and forth in the same spot a lot of mobs do. And the CoT mob is always a minion type so far. I have yet to see a Hordeling, let alone the Hordeling Hurler lieutenant, be the one extra mob.
  5. Other GMs don't have multiple arcs focused on taking them down. Like Milk Sheik says, Mot has an entire zone of contacts devoted to the story of how he is contained and made to feed on himself rather than devour the world. (Which he actually partially does in one of the arcs.) If there is going to be a Dark Astoria event, please expand into something that isn't already basically the zone's entire focus. Like the Talons of Vengeance summon something even more fearsome than the less than fearsome Mother Keres to re-anchor themselves in the world. Something not Mot.
  6. Don't know why, but on rare occasions it happens. On a Freakshow mission, it makes sense. Someone self-rezzed after the last standing mob was defeated. On a Malta or Circle of Thorns mission? It makes a lot less sense. Have the map open to know where I still need to go, defeat a group of enemies, mission comes up as finished, but I see a moving red pointer. And when I investigate, there is a lone mob just looking around.
  7. Ah. Thanks for clarifying. I had misread your post. My apologies.
  8. So... the only difference is... uhm... everything? The only two things they have that are the same is whether each attack in the set is single target or not and the final mechanics of each power. As you said, everything else is different. Look, you want a dedicated Dual SMG power set? Fine, but differentiate it from what is already in the game that has dual SMGs, even if SMGs are just model options in the power set. What makes Dual SMGs unique or otherwise different as a set rather than a straight clone of an existing power set that uses different animations? If there is no difference, then there really isn't a point to asking for the set because it already exists. It just needs animations that are more sensible and less... uhm... neurotic....
  9. Broadsword power set is a single-handed weapon. The only katana listed is in quotes, presumably because it is not a katana. Katana power set is a two-handed weapon. Though there are weapon style overlaps with broadsword, it is also the only one of the two with katanas in it. The difference here is you are using a one-handed or hand and a half weapon one handed as opposed to a hand and a half or two-handed weapon two-handed. The fighting styles are different. Dual Pistols power set includes dual wielded SMGs as weapon models. Dual SMGs power set would include... uhm... dual wielded SMGs as weapon models? There is no differentiation between Dual Pistols and Dual SMGs as proposed except for a non-silly attack animation that can be requested for Dual Pistols. Come up with something that differentiates Dual SMGs from Dual Pistols other than less silly animations (which I'm sure some of us would like for Dual Pistols anyway).
  10. The point would seem to be the difficulty for the level rather than it being too difficult to complete. Which, yeah, it is way difficult for the character's expected progression. Unless you have another character able to feed enhancements to your character. Not impossible, but then again, I only do it at +0/x1.
  11. It's 1 EB plus 1 EB per player or team size setting. So 2-9 EBs. They give warning of their big attack, but no, there is nothing to indicate area to be hit. If you dash back a little, like maybe 10 feet, the big attack should miss. It's the regular hits like a freight truck attacks that keep me running and kiting them. I tend to play squishies though. (I also usually don't have any enhancements except for a few attuned IOs I managed to buy.)
  12. So ask for alternate animations for dual pistols that isn't a showman gunslinger performing at a circus.
  13. You get to wield twin SMGs. You have a mix of single shot and twin weapon shot attacks. You even have CC. I don't get how they are not the same.
  14. Uhm... Dual Pistols... one of the weapon options is SMG....
  15. [NPC] Elmer: People has best keep their mouths shut. I hear Neo-Apotheosis took care of the last pigeon who squawked. Heard flying through Sharkhead. Should be "People had best keep their mouths shut."
  16. Once upon a time, I would have agreed about the Ravenwing Cabal. Then I figured out how to kite them, even with a melee toon. If I kited them long enough, usually I could separate them, and destroy them individually. If I couldn't, as soon as my health was high enough again, I'd hit the more wounded, and then resume running until my health was high enough again. This was even more true with a ranged character. ... Never tried the mission on a controller or dominator though....
  17. Holy hells, reading that thread hurts.... Thank you, Apparition, for this migraine. 😖
  18. I sit corrected. Apologies. (Which is why I still avoid PvP zones like plague unless it looks deserted and I need something in it.)
  19. Yep, you quoted it. Funny thing though, I can't seem to find a PvP carve out in the Code of Conduct. So even in a PvP zone, if someone not engaging in PvP activity asks someone else to stop and leave them alone, they have to leave them alone. Or it counts as harassment. With that, I'll get off my soap box. Sorry everyone, for this long tangent.
  20. Your words: "I'm going to go ahead and bring it right back though because it's a discussion that was started by you, so I assume it was worth discussing to begin with." Griefing was brought up by darionleonidas. I did not say it actually happened to me until after your first response about the Code of Conduct. "And to reiterate, PvPing in a PvP zone is not griefing." So do the Conduct Guidelines apply or not? You say it has to fall into the guidelines you posted, I said it does, and you say it still does not count. So which is it? It cannot both apply and not apply. Either harassment as defined by the Conduct Guidelines is harassment/griefing, regardless of where it happens, or the Conduct Guidelines mean nothing. Which is it? Actually, I didn't say it happened to me until after your second post about the Conduct Guidelines. So you are still saying I started it even though I did not.
  21. First, I wasn't the one that brought it up. Slovernia did. Second, that was not a hypothetical situation. It happened to me on multiple occasions on Live. Specifically in Siren's Call. Third, I did ask them to stop, that I was just trying to get a badge I couldn't get elsewhere (alignment system did not exist yet and Blue Ink Men were only available to heroes in Siren's) and speed up the Warrior boss badge. I got laughed at. They were specifically making the mobs win rather than take me down themselves, building up my debt. When I was hosp'ed by them again, I simply left the zone. This is why I avoid PvP zones like the plague unless it looks deserted and I still need the badges in them. So, by the Conduct Guidelines you provided, that would be harrassment/griefing. Are we done with this tangent now? Correction: Darionleonidas brought it up. Slovernia responded. I responded to Slovernia. Apologies to all involved.
  22. I think I am misreading your post. So you want them attacking before rescue or you want some powers suppressed until after they are rescued? I'm reading your post as you want them attacking before rescue. Re-reading it, it looks like I misread it. Apologies. Just to be clear, which result are you asking for? (I was under the impression they had no active powers until after rescued.)
  23. If they were actually fighting you? Trying to defeat you even if you were already engaged with a boss? I would agree. It would be frustrating, but still expected PvP. If they are trying to get the mob to win? They just stand there occasionally throwing an attack to further weaken you if you start rebounding or another hold if you recover from the mez, not even trying to take you down, just let the mob finish you? That is not PvP. That is intentional griefing. Regardless, this is a tangent to the topic.
  24. Did the costume change have an attached costume change emote? I think that is what crashes it, triggering an emote during map change.
  25. How some players do it, it is. If you stalk a player and wait for him/her to be embroiled in a boss fight before you pop in to AS or mez him/her then watch the boss finish him/her, you are griefing.
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