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About ironjoe

  • Birthday September 17

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  1. The game will not be the same without you. You have had such a lasting impact on the community a dragon shaped hole will be left in your absence.
  2. On our Aeon Hard Mode runs we like having an Ice or Fire Kin along as one of the components of a well planned team.
  3. Not all power sets are for everyone. I would love if they removed the Rage crash but that's not happening. Currently I play Shield Defense/Super Strength as my main Iron Joe and love it but I do use Rage with it doubled up. Nothing like the feeling of hitting Fold Space to bring in a large crowd and tossing down some Foot Stomps, Shield Charge, and/or a Mighty Radial at a juicy 245%+ damage bonus.
  4. I have been running the Homecoming Launcher on Ubuntu Linux with Lutris for two years now and it works great. I find it patches much quicker than Tequila ever did for me.
  5. ironjoe

    Shield/X Advice

    Privyet Comrade, Shield/Electric and Shield/Dark are two common combinations I see the most. Shield/Electric having that fun two hit combo of Shield Charge and Lightening Rod. Shield/Dark having a way to get a heal in with Siphon Life. For myself my main Iron Joe is Shield/Super Strength which is what I consider a high risk/reward combo to play. Having double Rage and saturated Against All Odds does some incredible damage but you have to learn to manage the Rage crash. Also with noticing the greeting if you like playing a Russian, Soviet or Communist themed character, then Special Section 8 might be a good fit for you. Please ask about joining in our SG communications: https://discord.gg/spExs3c. https://fbsa.homecoming.wiki/wiki/KGB_Special_Section_8
  6. Pulse Rifle Blast, Pulse Rifle Burst, and Photon Grenade - Improvements across the board. I like even if I normally go for my secondary's attacks. These are now much better options and the bot damage increase makes moving regen here not really impact things. Repair (now Maintenance Drone) - I would skip repair before but like the maintenance drone. Equip Robot - I'm fine with the change. Still debating slotting. Upgrade Robot - I'm fine with the change. Still debating slotting. Henchmen - Changes make them more lethal. Not having as much KB2KD tax is very nice. Still playing with new slotting.
  7. Deflection Shield - Still good as always Personal Force Field - Some people like it as an oh crap button. I would still skip it. Force Bolt - I like the addition of -Res. Combined with the increased damage of my bots synergized well. Insulation Shield - Still good as always Detention Field - Still a niche power. I personally skip it. Dispersion Bubble - Still great as always. Repulsion Field - I always skipped Force Bubble as it was normally too large to be useful for positioning and team members with it would use it poorly 99% of the time. This iteration size is more useful for positioning. To me the old Repulsion Field is gone as I would normally stand in the middle of groups with the KB2KD slotted and watch things flop around. I'd rather keep the small repel so I just slotted for end reduction with it and used it that way. Force Bomb - I would skip it before due to animation time. With reduced animation time and the added -Res I find it much more useful. Dampening Bubble - I've tested it on some builds with good recharge and get the bubble down to around 30s recharge. It still feels long with a static bubble to me as I want that DDR more reliable. I still love a way to get DDR outside of Dark Affinity and Shield Defense. I still think being able to apply this DDR more reliably and at a higher value is the way to go to beat out the value of Fade. That being said I would still choose it in the current implementation and build for recharge.
  8. Of the 29 level 50 Iron Joe's I have my primary Iron Joe is still my SD/SS Iron Joe. Shield Defense and Super Strength complement each other offensively while making the crash not a huge deal. I consider it a more advanced tank pairing as you do have to plan for things but it is quite manageable for a veteran player and it is a ton of fun to play. Rage + AAO pair for some juicy damage. Foot stomp + Shield charge are a very satisfying pairing in large groups. When you get to Incarnates Mighty Radial just adds to the fun of that.
  9. Well in that case for gameplay make most all of AR do Lethal/Fire also since that would be following the same logic. Both grenades and bullets are projectiles propelled by explosives and if I diversifying one thing for game play, why not the others?
  10. Defense changes I'm largely fine with this. It isn't as big a change in my testing with making some enemies only slightly more dangerous. Grenade changes I saw in closed testing and I was just going to go with it as it seemed the devs were leaning into how video games get damage wrong. If we want to get fragmentary grenade damage right though damage should be mainly lethal with little to no amount of smashing. Really it's the shrapnel that gets you. There is not the huge ball of flame and concussive blast like movies. Concussive blasts would be more like a stun/flash grenade. Fiery grenades would be thermite grenades which don't create a huge fireball, they create a super intense fire that will cut through steel and burn under water. Normally thermite grenades are for anti-material use. You would have to be right on the fragmentary grenade to feel the concussion or fire of the blast and at that point you are eating ALL of the shrapnel and the shrapnel is still going to do greater than 90% of the damage.
  11. I'm just going to add in again how great this change is on Peacebringers. Makes playing multiple forms so much nicer. Thank you for that change and I will leave you all to argue the time for offensive toggles.
  12. All the proliferation is great and looks good on the characters I have tested it with. I just made an Arachnos Soldier with no Arachnos theming so the weapon option are very much appreciated there.
  13. Thinking on the ITF I ran Tuesday night with a team of half regular people I knew and half PuG. The main issue we had was the number of hostless, to be slightly retuned I understand and just identifying them in the crowd without the use of a a find target macro.
  14. So far I like this change as I have been testing it on tanks and non-tanks. Groups standing idly by never made sense and being able to taunt far groups while at cap is nice.
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