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Everything posted by carroto

  1. Here are some macros I occasionally use. This one combines small inspirations to damage inspirations and consumes one if available: /macro R1 "inspcombine insight Enrage$$inspcombine sturdy Enrage$$inspcombine luck Enrage$$inspcombine respite Enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath Enrage$$inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Keen" This one does the same for medium reds: /macro R2 "inspcombine keen_insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine rugged Focused_Rage$$inspcombine good_luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement Focused_Rage$$inspexecname Focused_Rage" Same for small and medium defense inspirations: /macro D1 "inspcombine insight Luck$$inspcombine sturdy Luck$$inspcombine respite Luck$$inspcombine catch_a_breath Luck$$inspcombine rage luck$$inspexecname Luck" /macro D2 "inspcombine keen_insight Good_Luck$$inspcombine take_a_breather Good_Luck$$inspcombine rugged Good_Luck$$inspcombine Focused_Rage Good_Luck$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement Good_Luck$$inspexecname Good_Luck"
  2. For me there are two reasons I have so many Sonic Resonance toons. Mez protection It's not FF I accept all the ways the set lacks because I love me some mez protection. Sucks against Rikti though because they render your largest team contribution useless. My favorite so far is Earth/Sonic controller. I made it because I wanted a sturdy anchor for my -res power (forget the name) when solo. Quite fun.
  3. I play on Torchbearer, and a while back a lot of the people left for Excelsior because they wanted to be on the highest population server. Most of the ones who left are the "Go go go!" IO'ed to the gills speed-runners. So there's probably a higher proportion of those over there. It still happens plenty on Torchbearer, but I'll guess you'd have better odds on another server. To some extent it's just a problem with HC servers. They made IOs so much easier to get than on retail that pretty much everyone who wants to can have a maxed-out character. Before shutdown it was much rarer to have one of those guys on your (PUG) team because most people just couldn't afford it. So overall the game is just way easier than before. Plenty of people have lamented this fact (including myself) because of exactly what you described. Feeling so completely unnecessary on teams. But be prepared. It seems like whenever anyone brings this up there is a lot of vigorous pushback from the "You'll pry my overpoweredness and ability to render my teammates superfluous from my cold, dead hands" crowd. It's just the state of the game in current year. It kind of feeds into itself too. You got one guy who's destroying everything and you want actually do something, so maybe you rush ahead to the next group before anyone else can burn the enemies to ash before your first attack finishes animating. But then the next guy feels the same way so people split, or compete to get to the next group and everyone is rushing at max speed. I have to admit I get caught up in it too, but if the team lead requests that everyone stay together and work together I do my best to be accommodating.
  4. When I started the game (in the Rogue Isles) I think it was my first mission that had an entrance that was just a hole in the ground. I couldn't figure out how to go down the hole. I was jumping up and down on top of it. Some other people came by and just jumped down the hole and I was tearing my hair out until I finally figured out I needed to click on it.
  5. If you're looking to have contacts as you level up that's one thing, but if you're already 50 the Ouroboros list is the definitive list of your options.
  6. For extra fun try using Feral Charge while targeting through an ally.
  7. My only issue with MA on a Stalker is the complete lack of AoE. If you're okay with that then I'd say go for it. There's something magical about kicking a mob and sending them flying. I doubt I could ever get tired of it.
  8. I'm in the opposite camp. Although the recent improvement to Ice Patch makes it more appealing, the set really needs another attack. It's hard to develop Assassin's Focus on an Ice Melee Stalker without taking the extremely lackluster Frozen Fists.
  9. Pulling numbers from CoD for Widows and I'm not sure I'm doing it right. If I am then the crits are not 50% damage. Maybe I should have done this for Banes as well instead of just calculating them at 50% of base damage. Attack numbers: Swipe - 57.8 damage, 1.056 anim, 54.8 DPAS | crit - 29.7 damage (51%) Strike - 95.5 damage, 1.32 anim, 72.3 DPAS | crit - 53.3 damage (56%) Lunge - 123.7 damage, 1.056 anim, 117.1 DPAS | crit - 67.6 damage (55%) Slash - 174.9 damage, 1.584 anim, 110.4 DPAS | crit - 101.75 (58%) Presuming those are correct, here are the new Placate numbers: Placate (used with attack) DPAS numbers: Swipe Placate - 28.1 Strike Placate - 50.5 Lunge Placate - 64.0 Slash Placate - 96.4 So new Placate when used with Slash is better DPAS than Swipe or Strike. I'm not sure it's so compelling that it's worth the power pick in a tight build, but seems worthwhile if you can fit it in, or just want it for theme.
  10. You wouldn't use Placate with AS, but with a hard-hitting attack to get a crit from it.
  11. I have a Huntsman for that. All gun except for Surveillance. Great AoE. I was going to go full Bane on the second build but then realized: Why bother?
  12. Well we're getting one of those items in the upcoming patch: reduced Placate animation time. If I could have one item on the list fixed it would be Bane ranged attack animations. It's always the same looong animation, even on low-damage attacks. All of them other than Poisonous Ray have garbage DPA. So Banes have nothing to really set them apart. Without the worthless ranged attacks what sets a Bane apart from a Mace Brute or Tanker? Hide with a 50% bonus damage crit on your first attack? At least a Mace/SR Brute would have DDR and scaling damage resistances. To me the ranged attacks are one of the main things that could give Banes a unique feel, if only they were worth taking. Aside from the damage by the numbers being poor, the animation they all share "feels" clunky too. It seems unnecessarily slow and deliberate, like the Bane has never tried firing from the mace before and is being tentative about it. Even at level 50 apparently not confident in the process. Next after Banes, same for Fortunatas, but they at least have some decent ones.
  13. I looked at the DPAS of Placate for Banes here. Here are the numbers with the new Placate, which will have a 1.056 second Arcanatime activation. Attack DPAS numbers: Bash - 45.6 Pulverize - 69.3 Shatter - 61.84 Crowd Control - 52.3 Placate (used with attack) DPAS numbers: Bash Placate - 34.2 Pulverize Placate- 56.3 Shatter Placate - 73.2 Crowd Control Placate - 55.5 So new Placate can actually improve your DPS when used with Shatter. As a quick way of determining this, generally if an attack has more than double the animation time of Placate, then it will probably be worth using Placate with it.
  14. I don't remember the full analysis but with the old cast time of Placate it ended up causing a reduction in DPS when used with most powers. Some sets had no powers that could be used productively with it. The change that's coming is quite a significant reduction in cast time, which I suspect could mean that Placate would be included in many top DPS attack chains. One other minor benefit of including Placate is that it costs no end, so using it will slightly increase endurance efficiency. However as stated above, with most typical builds and play styles these days it's questionable whether it will really be worth including in many builds. Sometimes I end up short on slots but with room for an extra power or two. I look for some other utility power over Placate in those situations because it's really almost useless. With this change I will probably choose Placate. So I doubt I'll be taking the time to rework any existing builds to squeeze it in, but it may find its way into future builds that it otherwise wouldn't. The main benefit of this change is that those who like the old AS-from-hide and Placate/AS Stalker play style can enjoy it without that nagging knowledge that they're gimping themselves by doing so. I'm quite pleased to see it, even if I may not benefit from it much myself. I need to look at how this affects VEATs. I made a post a while back looking at Placate for them and due to their 50% crits there were literally no powers that benefited from Placate. I doubt the new Placate will change that, but as above at least those who like using it for theme won't be hurting themselves so badly by doing so.
  15. Nothing sudden about it. People brought it up when appropriate. I have always skipped damage auras on Blasters for exactly this reason, and would skip VS as a toggle as well. There's far too much mez getting thrown around late-game to play the retoggling mini-game.
  16. As a Combat Jumping junkie I can't play sets that require me to be on the ground all the time. I had to shelve my /Earth Assault Dominator for this reason. The last couple of big releases that had new sets have had nothing for me, and it looks like this will be another one. Oh well to those of you earthbound Corruptors, Defenders, and Blasters: Enjoy!
  17. Because it has a long recharge and if you have a second AoE you can use while it's recharging, you'll do a lot more damage. I agree it's a great PBAoE power. If you don't like cones then the set compares decently with others. You might want to look at /Energy, because it has a mechanic that allows you to use its PBAoE twice in a row. But if you also use the cone in a set that has one, then /Dark falls way behind. The cone of Night Fall is so narrow that you have to pull back to its max range to get mobs in the widest part of the cone if you want to have your best chance of getting them. If you use Seeds, then back up for NF, then move in for ED, that time spent repositioning is time you're not doing damage. If you enjoy that play style have at it. In my opinion Night Fall is inferior to other cones, and it knocks /Dark down a peg in my personal rankings for AoE. That doesn't mean it's a bad set nor that you or anyone else shouldn't play it.
  18. For me one of the main considerations here is the ability to do good AoE damage after Seeds to get defeat credit for the mobs that are defeating themselves. Do you want them to defeat each other faster? Rad -def debuffs will improve their chances to hit one another. You might get a fraction less rewards. Want them to defeat each other slower so you can do proportionally more damage? Ice does decent AoE and will slow down their attack rate. I suppose you could throw Dark in here but it does not have good AoE IMO. Savage is a strong secondary and a good pairing with Plant as well. Mine is Plant/Ice and I love it. If I were going to make another Plant/ Dom I'd probably go with either /Savage or /Psi.
  19. To me it's Sonic Blast hands-down for the -res. I put a KB-to-KD in the cone KD power for additional team support. On low-level teams that power can do more to keep the team upright than just about anything else I can do.
  20. I didn't start on HC when I found out the game was back. I looked at a list of servers and their descriptions and picked one that looked good. It had very low population but I was willing to work with it. The thing that killed it for me was zero activity on the market. With no way to buy things there that would mean grinding for reward merits to buy every single thing, which would take bloody ages for each character. So I went looking again, tried HC, and found that the devs here did a bunch of things to ensure the market was healthy, including seeding items as necessary. Then I found some of the other QoL improvements so I stuck around and haven't looked back. So for me I'm not sure how much it was that HC had the higher population. Sure that no doubt helps the market function well, but if the people running that other server had ensured the market worked there I might never have left.
  21. Is that the Syndicate one? I've seen the pop-up display break before. If I remember correctly the event was still happening. The display just didn't show up. After defeating enough of the event mobs it showed up and the event worked as normal.
  22. Silencing Granite Armor->Rooted because now that it doesn't stop you from leaping, it deactivates every time you leave the ground, then reactivates when you land, playing the sounds over and over. Activation sound: Powers/Stone6 Deactivation sound: Powers/Graniteexplo
  23. When did that happen? In our previous discussions he said he was using a script to transform the output of that tool for his use.
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