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Fan Mail

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Everything posted by Fan Mail

  1. Open up your Incarnate window on your level 50 character. Have you unlocked your Alpha yet? If you have, you should also see you have earned threads in your salvage window. Take a look at all the Alpha power options and decide what's best for your character (for example, many of my melee characters go with Musculature - we love more damage!). Ignore crafting anything with shards as that stuff has been disabled. Only concern yourself with earning Empyrean Merits and Threads - that's what you use to craft all your Incarnate stuff. The way the people who wrote the Incarnate guides got the knowledge in the first place was by rolling up their sleeves and jumping right in. So that's my recommendation. There's a huge difference between a level 50 character and a tier 4 kited out Incarnate. HUGE difference. Login in your favorite level 50 and unlock Dark Astoria by talking to Captain Nolan (if you're a hero, can't recall the villain contact). Finish his missions and you'll end up in Dark Astoria where some of the good contact Incarnate missions are - run through those, earn levels and unlock all of your slots. Then you choose what Incarnate slots you want to craft to better round out your character.
  2. So many ways to earn INF. If you don't like to spend a ton of time on the market, go get your 5 Merits for badges in Atlas, KR, PP and Echo Galaxy City. That should earn you 20 Merits. Buy Converters - should net you 60, sell on the Market for 1 INF. That should net you around 1.7 million INF. On a new character. Each character.
  3. Wow, just now seeing this. My SG Unleashed on Champion server back in the day was coalitioned with his: Earthguard. Sad to hear. 😞 As a tribute to Marut, he showed me how to lead the Blaster team in early Hami Raids. He gave me millions and millions of INF when it was hard to come by (for me). I always considered his advice on the Champion forums when the drama was heavy and it was ALWAYS heavy. I remember he lived at least at one time in Rochester NY and he helped people out in RL situations where and when he could. I really wish I could have caught up with him when CoH picked back up on Homecoming. I did ask around, but no one seen him. If there was one Champion to be named back on Champion server in my book, that Champion was Marut.
  4. And just now, it magically started working.
  5. I manually tried changing DNS on my network adapter to Google DNS servers and that didn't work. Also tried at modem level as that's doing my DHCP. Same issue. Thanks for the suggestions.
  6. Sounds like there's an issue at ISP level, being CenturyLink. So standing by...
  7. Was just playing fine last night. Am now getting this error after I launch client, login, select a server, it hangs then eventually errors with Can't Connect to DBserver. I've verified files, no dice. I was going to attempt to uninstall/reinstall the HC Launcher but the link in the forum guide isn't resolving for me. DNS issue? https://manifest.cohhc.gg/launcher/hcinstall.exe
  8. You picked a tough time to take a break assuming you live somewhere cold (right now). Otherwise, I'd say go do something you've always wanted to do. Go buy a motorcycle. Go to the fitness club just to sit in the sauna. Challenge your cousin Gavin to an arm-wrestling match. Loser buys beer for a week. Reroll and 50 an INV/SS Tank just to remind you of how bad it could really get.
  9. I wonder how well Energy Melee/Fire Aura would work? I don't have one so not sure. But hear me out. Burn, Assassin Strike, Total Focus, Energy Transfer. So maybe farming +4/x4 😄 Darn it, now I have to try it out!
  10. Tab and Shift+Tab Simple man.
  11. My journey to 50 through content is what I enjoy the most. Then they usually get parked except on some occasions, I'll run through incarnate stuff.
  12. 14 Level 50s. 57 characters between levels 9 - 48. Thanks for asking about my stable. No one else seems to care but me. 🙂
  13. Find myself going back to Martial Arts and Super Reflexes. So Brute, Tank, Scrapper or Stalker? I'm still trying to figure out which one is the best. I've 3 of the 4, 50'ed. The Tank is one I haven't 50'ed yet. Probably the Scrapper. /shrug STOP ASKING SUCH HARD QUESTIONS
  14. Take the Atlas bank robbery mission for example, red-side. Those used to be brutal. You walk in the bank, next thing you know there are 9 Longbow mobs along with whatever else you decide to attack at the front door. Now...it's a cake walk. I'll adjust but it's like I said - all too easy.
  15. I get that but at level 7? I'm one and two shotting pretty much everything. Was just sharing an opinion. We have them. And most of the time, you don't even have to ask!
  16. I haven't made a new character for quite some time. I've been working on lots of ALTs and trying to get those Vet Levels on the ones that are 50. Just made a new character yesterday (Ice Melee/Energy Aura Brute) and with the SOs being available really early...well...I bought and slotted them. At level 7. Now, it's too easy. Before the SOs being available at level 22, I felt there was a bit of a vetting process that I personally enjoyed to see if I liked the character. Not saying nerf this or buff that. Just an observation.
  17. It makes the character just a little more special when they earn and buy their own stuff. I don't do this for all of my characters but the first few 50s I hit, did this and I'm more fond of them because of it.
  18. Thank you for providing the new updates. I was having an issue with slotting the Scrapper ATO Scrapper's Strike, specifically the Acc/Dmg/End/Rech no matter what I did. Tried a reboot and that seemed to fix the issue. Just sharing in case someone else has this issue.
  19. Great question. I have three Corruptors that are covered with filthy, old dust. There's just something else I'd rather play.
  20. A drunkard not wanting to deal with bids.
  21. I would re-emphasize the crafting of recipes then selling versus just selling recipes. You can convert them into something worthwhile for someone else to buy on the AH (for a profit). As far as slotting, I think most of the advice here is spot on. I think your other issue is INF though. I bit the bullet long ago and decided to spend my time Marketeering to earn INF. I also on rare occasions run the fire farm for INF and drops. I want to be able to buy whatever I need whenever I want. I have 80+ characters that need to be treated like they should!
  22. Somewhat related, I've started to go through respec'ing all my characters that have the Fighting pool to use Kick instead of Punch so I can use the KB recharge proc in Kick.
  23. Great question. There are two kinds of people in life. Those that can't get into playing CoH/CoV over time or those that can't stop playing at all. You either are or aren't.
  24. Don't forget to download/install Mids. I swear I spend as much time in that than I do in-game. And if you're a badger, get VidiotMaps.
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