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Fan Mail

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Everything posted by Fan Mail

  1. Tough crowd as a comedian may say.
  2. You can email them to @tafilr . I'll manage them for you.
  3. Ah...I remember iltat or something like that as part of the Pingus. One hell of a Claws/SR Scrapper. That's all I got.
  4. Regen is also clicky. I've 50'ed it twice. 50'ed EnA once and had another in his 40's. I was mostly just trying to be funny but also passing along a subtle point. Guess I'm lazy in my old age. Set it and forget is how I like to roll. My fall back always seems to be Super Reflexes. Set in my ways I guess.
  5. But you'll get arthritis in your fingers from having to click on both powers all of the time.
  6. Just to reinforce KA/SR symbiance, found out that Divine Avalanche stacks up to twice. So there's a level 9 Scrapper running around on Torchbearer/Kings Row right now that's at the melee defense soft cap of 45%.
  7. So it's you guys screwing with Market prices/swings!?!? I knew something was going on.
  8. It has been my goal to stand up my own server and get it running before anything bad happens with Homecoming (not that I want it to) just as a backup. My first swing at it was unsuccessful but I'll figure it out. As far as Homecoming, I'd like to see the negotiations finish with a win/win scenario. The quick testing I did on Pineapple for MMs seems to be pretty sweet - I rolled a Bots/Dark, boosted him to 50, and ran a mission or two. AI changes look pretty promising although I've seen some posts from people saying the changes don't help Demons or Beasts with Kinetics maybe??? It would be cool if these changes could go through soon. I have 3 MMs that have been sitting around waiting for playtime.
  9. I totally miscalculated the INF this build will take. It's easily 1.2 billion INF with current market rates. Just dinged 50 tonight and I'm short probably 500 million INF to complete the build. For those that are counting/interested. Looks like farming is now back on the agenda. Shitballs...I hate farming.
  10. Divine Avalanche gives a 15% buff to melee defense when it hits. Pairs well with Super Reflexes (and Ninjitsu along with other defense sets). It's on the radar for my next project as a matter of fact: Katana/SR Scrapper. I don't typically like weapons on my characters but I'm going to give it a shot. The mission tests they're doing/have done mentioned in the Scrapper forum have pretty much confirmed Katana is a top performing Scrapper Primary. This is what peaked my interest along with SR being my best buddy.
  11. Thinking more about Energy Aura - it's very clicky - like Regen. I find myself clicking armor buttons just to keep the green and blue bars full. This is annoying when you are used to something like Will Power or Inv . That way you can focus on attacking. Back on Live, I 50'ed a SS/EnA Brute. I also have a level 36 EM/EnA Brute here on HC that I honestly have a hard time convincing myself to login in play when there's so many other fun characters I'd rather play!
  12. If you have 25 million INF laying around, go pick up the Panacea +Hitpoints/Endurance IO and Numina's Convalecense +Hitpoints/Endurance IO. Slot them in Health and that should fix your endurance issues. Once you pick up Energy Drain, you won't necessarily need them so you can gift them to one of your other toons. Until you soft cap your defense like stated above, you'll feel inferior.
  13. I don't doubt your advice regarding the build. It's just a different day in CoX. That's all. Old-timer's joke I suppose.
  14. I've now seen it all. One of the builds above has brawl 6-slotted. I used to joke around about doing that. 😆
  15. Only running on SO's at the moment. Will add IOs in late 30s (probably level 37).
  16. I feel sorry for this person. Hope he/she was PL'ed to save the amount of times he/she would have to stop and go. I've been working on a SM/Regen Brute and I still have endurance issues at level 24.
  17. I was trying to remember - do you have to reside on the same server/shard to email stuff back and forth? Can someone from Torchbearer email stuff to someone on Excelsior?
  18. The person that introduced me to CoH a LONG time ago showed me his character flying - before he showed me anything else (combat, missions, etc.). I later learned he was just Hovering as at the time I didn't know any better. But it still looked cool.
  19. My go-to is always CJ and SJ. With Hover in the mix on a few characters. Fly is cool in theory, then I pick it, realize how slow it is, then Respec out of it. Every time.
  20. There are some pretty interesting changes on test/Pineapple released a few days ago. If you play MMs, Brutes or Tanks, you may want to check those out.
  21. I hear what you're saying and get the limitation of the game/AI with pets but your stance of telling your teammates what to do is the same as them asking you what to do. Except you have the power to not be an asshole. You didn't choose well and you're standing on your soapbox while doing it. Sometimes, it's the approach that means everything. Anyway, I agree it was a brilliant idea to use GF to get around the AI pet limitations of the game. But not at the expense of other players when they specifically ask you to stop.
  22. agreed summers
  23. Playing a Controller on Live solo before they had vet rewards at early levels was rough, IMO. It's why I didn't have one that made it past level 20 until probably Issue 10 or maybe later. Talk about a slog.
  24. Regarding the Group Fly power, I saw a forum post somewhat recently where a Mastermind was using this power to hold his pets into place as a means to them not randomly running up to a con and punching - namely his pet Bots I think. I thought this was a brilliant idea - thinking outside of the box. He was borderline-griefing his team though because he was asked to turn the power off and he refused. Not so brilliant (IMO).
  25. Thank you for the link. I was specifically looking for Ice Melee in my search but this is a good start!
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