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Fan Mail

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Everything posted by Fan Mail

  1. I remember seeing someone posted that they would not roll a Savage Melee character. Just wondering what the issue is...if there is one? Specifically, I'm looking at a WP/Savage Tanker. Is it unpopular because of the highly resisted lethal damage? I'll play regardless of popularity but just wondering what the fuss is all about.
  2. Wouldn't this mess up the pylon fighting squads?
  3. You may want to check the Logitech website or whomever the hardware manufacturer of your mouse is - they have software/updates for the mouse too.
  4. Are you guys trying to one-up each other? If so, who is winning and how do I REALLY tell? Haha...J/K.
  5. Do you use a wireless mouse? Have you done all of the system/driver updates for your PC/video card? I have a similar problem - sometimes I can't find my cursor in game! I was on a PuG doing radio missions several weeks ago where I clicked on what I thought was one of my powers during a mission and accidentally quit the team. Doh!
  6. Haven't really used him to farm per say just trying to get him to 50. Think I have about 200 million influence at this point between my toons. I don't have the time to farm or haven't focused on that. I like playing all my toons that much, it's not my focus I guess. May need to hone in and get it done.
  7. Shard is Torchbearer. My Farmer is sitting at lvl 44 I think...Kwill up above.
  8. I haven't hit 50 on any of my Homecoming toons yet, let alone get enough Merits for ATOs.
  9. I was looking at the Server Status page and noticed that Pineapple for example had 6 or 8 players logged in with 49 map instances. How is that possible?
  10. Thanks for sharing your story and the build. Probably my top 1 or 2 favorite characters back on Live was my MA/SR Scrapper, Tommy Bruce (Champion Server). Once I got into the mid 30s where I had enough slotting to really make SR shine, even after ED, it was a blast to play. So on Homecoming, I re-rolled to a Brute. Very fun so far - this character is sitting at level 34 and climbing quickly. Question for you. How do you get around? The only travel power I see is Hover. Do you rely on Quickness/Swift/Run combo along with Ninja Run? Then Hover for vertical needs?
  11. "...transferred to another server." Are you concerned you'll run out of 1000 slots in your shard of choice? lol
  12. Why do you say wait until 27?
  13. Blazing Blast on my Sentinel does crazy knockback. It's either my gaming rig or the knockback animation appears to look like a "ball-with-string-stapled-to-a-paddle" bounce, bounce, bounce effect.
  14. I spun one of these up over the weekend and got him to 17 or 18. Started to look on these here Stalker forums and saw some not so great comments on each of Claws and Willpower on Stalkers. But couldn't find one specific to Claws/WP. I typically solo and stay on PVE content. I don't have a lot of experience on Stalkers but so far seems to be OK granted that's what...3-4 hours of play maybe? Would you comment on the so-called mediocrity of this combination?
  15. So you drop Hasten as an available power in a power pool so you can pick what that you already can't pick? If it's a power pool variety issue, I'd rather see the ability to dip into more than four pools changed. Leave Hasten be.
  16. But I still get to keep Wolv3rine, right?
  17. So, I've been running my Beam/Dark Corruptor and came to a realization that maybe I need to stop and switch to a Beam/FF Corruptor instead. I've got him to level 17 or 18 so now would be the time to do it if I was going to. Any thoughts one way or the other on this? Specifically with the synergy of the sets? My original idea was that Tar Patch/Fear and the AoE/Cones from Beam would work out pretty good but then, thematically, Force Field is more closely aligned with Beam.
  18. Per the website above... $45 Powerlevel 1-50 in 90 minutes. That job pays $30 an hour. $5 for $30 million INF. That takes about 15 minutes to get that kind of INF. That only pays $20 an hour. I'll keep my day job.
  19. Does the game allow you to play in Ultra Graphics Mode?
  20. I would venture to say that you do this for security. If someone steals your gamebox, there's no way in hell they can play CoH on it! lol
  21. I have the same issue on my non-gaming rig. It has an integrated video card. Drivers are up to date like you said. I think the video card that's integrated is an Intel HD Graphics 530 or something like that. Whatever comes in the Dell Micro Optiplex 3040 models. Edit: *Updated video card to correct model number.
  22. Thanks, I'll check out the link.
  23. Has someone created a guide or posted something on how to set (or consider setting) the Ultra settings if you have a decent video card? I tried searching these forums but couldn't find anything. If you find a post, can you link it? And if you find a post, can you explain how you did your search? My forum search-fu is only level 2 but I'm close to 3.
  24. Just my perspective but there seems to be 4 different kinds of players in CoH, generally speaking. 1. PL'ers that do it for gear/INF to PVP. 2. PL'ers that do it for the best gear/INF and do the end game content. 3. Players that can't get over alt-itus, they have 40 toons. 4. Content-delving players - can't miss a thing on each character: TFs, Trials, Badges, etc. I would be in the number 3 category. But I'm having fun and that's what all this is about, right? To each their own.
  25. These are good ideas as well, why we're at it.
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