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Everything posted by boggo2300

  1. more pools I could get behind, but they'd need a good check on balance before going live
  2. and thats exactly what pools are for, I do the same thing, but my priorities for rounding out my build are different, the proposal is just pure power creep though, I don't believe we disagree about that (or anything else in this thread it seems to me, just different aims)
  3. I like @Haijinxideas, but I will jump in with a /jranger on trying to marginalise an actual power with something in p2win the jetpacks are already a step to far letting you effectively buy flight there is a HUGE no way
  4. a damage type there is NO mitigation for!!!!
  5. well I agree to a point, though I generally ignore IO set's slot them if I get them, rarely seek them out though, but generally once I hit 50 I consider a character finished and pretty much shelve them
  6. except the playing with anyone of any level isn't really endgame, it is actually one of COH's strengths that you aren't trapped in the endgame when you hit the level cap
  7. Honestly I wasn't reacting to you at all, and what you say here you've done is exactly what I think is the best way of doing it, it's just the way you said it pushed one of my buttons 😄 though I'd never dream of telling you or anyone else how to play, I tend to jump on something that sounds like "this is the only way to play" which isn't what you were doing, so I hope you don't feel I jumped on you, I actually play my 50's the same way you do.
  8. game tech is held back so much by consoles I disagree, especially since they are building on unity, gives them a path forward for tech advances whether they will ever get a complete game, that remains in doubt, but much more likely than all the other successor games
  9. Tequila, Icon, and Homecoming are different things, if you are trying to start Icon from Tequila, that would be why you aren't getting into the game, you need to select one of the Homecoming clients from the tequila list, if that still doesn't help you should look for assistance in the help subforums, probably starting here
  10. no, none, send them the link here definitely not until the negotiations are completed, and probably pretty unlikely afterwards as well.
  11. This is nothing against you, but one of my pet peeves activated on this sentence contrary to what the screaming hordes say there is no such thing as properly slotted out. the fact so many people identically select powers and slot enh actually misses one of the most rewarding parts of the game, unexpected side effects of your powers can make for some pretty awesome moments, it's one of the reasons I keep burning through respecs, fiddling with different power combos to see what happens when I mix this with that! No MMO ever has an endless endgame, I've never understood the mad rush to cap, endgame in EVERY MMO is a grind, and really can't ever be anything else, but each to their own!
  12. honestly, it's ONLY Praetoria that has any difficulty, I mean I'm currently soloing an AR/DEV blaster at +4 from level 1 on blue, and red side is no harder, Praetoria is, and it's interesting though sometimes frustrating levels of mission difficulty (the frustration is only because theres no-one else there!)
  13. there are new mission arcs coming, 2 already, but they sound like a LOT of work, hopefully some of the more talented AE writers will dip their feet in the water and volunteer to do new mission arcs!
  14. I hope thats easily done, it would bring the PA upgrade from a 10 to a 13.5 outta 10
  15. /jranger pure power creep and btw I rarely taken any of your NEEDED toggles (Combat Jumping, Tough, Weave, and Maneuvers) and I don't think I've ever had all 4 on one toon
  16. Honestly, thats more than we could dare to hope for, and most of us are thankful beyond words for the efforts
  17. I just wish there were more people who got your last paragraph!
  18. sadly, I think I'm in the same boat with Picard as well, unless some trusted sources rave about it, I expect to just avoid it
  19. no they work completely differently according to the original devs and as the new arcs added to homecoming have highlighted exactly how hard it is to get normal world missions working, it's been something desired right from the beginning, and who wouldnt, it would be awesome, and I'd be all over it like ants on a picnic, but I don't believe it's doable in any easy way
  20. oh yeah, I missed expansion/DLC fever thats a killer as well
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