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Everything posted by EmmySky

  1. I set everything at 100 (it takes 5 inf anyway so I pay my 5% that way). After I type it in the first one I just start rapid fire clicking post....2 clicks per item....it lags a little but it remembers the 100 so I dont have to retype it. Then pop to sold tab and get all inf and see how much you made! Certainly not max profits but good enough for me.
  2. I had to put my window transparency at 85% and bump font size to 13. I prefer transparent windows as well. One thing you might try is dragging the edge of your chat window to see if that might help a bit. Edit to clarify: I wish we could change the colors as well!
  3. I think it'd be cool if they were searchable or 'happen upon' contacts like Laura Lockhart and that Tsoo arc guy also in Steel. Also new missions accessible from a base computer or maybe a pocket d computer, central location with lots of options for which zone it'll happen in. Also non-zone missions, just like the computer contact but it ports you too. I really like the Find A Contact button....makes it so much easier to stray off the old story arcs I have done to death.
  4. Your definition of better and other people's definition of better do not agree. If 'them' forcing their idea of better on you is wrong then why is 'you' forcing your idea of better on them right?
  5. I thought they'd be nice for farmer toons!
  6. It was in missions not outside so it may be arc specific and it was sons arc not sure which one...and annoying because we almost killed each other lol
  7. Playing with my son the other day doing First Ward arc....I found myself repeatedly attacking him...and he was attacking me. Its possible and its in game! And its annoying and confusing lol
  8. Flaming facial hair! Just need an aura for that.
  9. I read that title and thought: I feel a water/kin defender in a bikini would be appropriate 😁
  10. Now I regret killing you (repeatedly) in Comic Con. 😁
  11. Other players see your costume. They have the ability in options to turn off badges, titles, player name, etc. I, and several others, have submitted suggestions that revolve around player choice and keeping options open but still allow for opening up content. People have also brought up the tons of content already gated. When someone ignores or denigrates those options and insists that costumes are the hill to die on when unlockables are discussed, it sounds an awful lot like "I have a hat you don't have".
  12. All I could think was, my, that must be so attractive...lol
  13. (I think) I said this in the other thread.....maybe a drop down menu in character creation for HC style (everything open) or old school style (you unlock things). Put capes and costumes and hats and whatever else only opens after the challenge is met. Maybe have three to five tiers of options on that drop down menu. If this is about how each person enjoys play, then each person can enjoy their play their way. If this is about ego, I have a hat only 1% have, this will not help. I understand some people like to earn things so give it to them! Some people like it open as it is now, give it to them. Options are good. Happy hunting!
  14. If I pop a red skittle every enemy around me should die. If I pop a yellow skittle they should die gracefully, like a perfectly executed ballet. Etcetera etcetera and so on and so forth.
  15. I think the Devs should support all playstyles...as in not going out of their way to hamper any of them. What I think you are trying to ask is what directions the Devs should focus updates. I dont think that needs to be categorized by playstyle though. Obviously, work on bugs and broken things. I think there are different people who work on missions and costumes and zones and events and powers so focus on just one of those would mean other people are helping with something that isnt their forte. Let everyone focus on what they excel at (UI guy works on UI and powerset proliferation guy works on powerset proliferation). These are all unpaid volunteers at this point so anything they give us (even bug fixes) is greatly appreciated. I wish I could throw my hat in the ring but the code languages I know are ...no longer in common use lol.
  16. Maybe that's what I am doing wrong.....I didn't think of it as a toggle but even having 'toggled it I'm none of this mornings screenies have the UI. Very confusing.
  17. I tried /screenshotui 1 and got nothing.....no screenshot at all. I have a bind for /screenshot and sometimes it uses the UI and sometimes it doesn't...haven't found a pattern yet. A GM or Dev or CR or whatever here on the forums gave me a tip about turning UI on and off but that also didn't seem to effect if my screenies had UI or not. Regarding reloading bindfiles....I have PAGEUP "bindload$$optionload$$wdwload$$chatload$$camdist 17" for just this purpose.....of course I use one bindfile for all my toons, and its becoming a bit convoluted because of this LOL
  18. Eochai never lost any of his green bar....sadly I couldnt get UI on screenshot. He was still full health when they 'called it a draw' and each retreated to their designated area.
  19. This is an MMO so I dont think it was ever intended to be solo'd (except the few missions that are stated as solo). That being said, I solo most of the time because...reasons. Some ATs lend themselves to solo play better than others and I think that is a wonderful thing. If every AT or every powerset or every toon were the same, it'd be very boring! Being as this game wasnt designed to solo, I think solo-ability is entirely caused by player skill and choices. I choose not to solo an Empathy defender because its slow but a Dark defender, she can bring it! If you can solo every AT, good on you. If you find certain ones slow, boring or fragile and need/want a team to help, good on you. Happy hunting!
  20. BAB got in on the tail end of the Halloween fun by protecting me (a lowly level 7 who had no situational awareness). My Hero! He fought valiantly! His life bar continued to drain and I wondered what would happen if a trainer died? When he was down to a mere sliver of life remaining, he casually resumed his post, keeping his eyes on the Monster in the distance.
  21. Are you saying that, even after your experience being berated about a raid and harrassed through email, you condone mistreatment and belittlement of others?
  22. As someone who soloed a lot on live and again now on HC I can agree that kin (and empathy and a couple other sets) are slow to solo on defenders, not as bad on controllers. Now with villain ATs being available on blue and powerset proliferation I give my defenders and controllers sets they can solo with and save kin and empathy for my MMs. Beast/kin is a dream because those little furballs understand melee to heal like few PC toons LOL! I can understand what the OP means but overall I think its fine as is (or that itd be too much effort for unpaid devs to fix something not terribly broken). Yes it was a player, or at least a forum poster, on live boards that would simply post No. to threads so it came to mean dissent and/or strong disagreement.
  23. I don't remember ever having a bind that did both targetting a teammate and firing a power in one click and I routinely create convoluted binds. I do use numpad for targetting teammates but then just hit the key for whichever power I want to use either on or through them. I know this is less than helpful but I didnt want your post to be ignored! Happy hunting.
  24. I dont really dive into the RP aspect of the game much (if I chat its my voice not my characters voice) but each of my toons has quirks and playstyle of their own. Baby Hero cant talk to contacts as they can't understand what shes saying so she street sweeps and jumps on teams. My PB and WS do their specific arcs because they are aliens and need to. My widows and soldiers are heroes so they have to find their way. My namesake sentinel is a solo artist who soloed the hollows. Some toons do only radios. You aren't alone in reading mission text or chasing arcs. I dont lead teams because I did enough of that on live and also because I dont want to inconvenience people by dragging them through my piddly choices. FYI the Midnighter arc (lvl 20 hero side) is nice until you run 9 toons through it back to back. Ditto with Laura Lockhart (I think that's her name) although I do enjoy the focus on 5th column there that is missing in much of the rest of the game.
  25. Empathy/Empathy for me pls.....can finally fill all those requests for TEH HE4LZ
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