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Everything posted by EmmySky

  1. Does he need the help?
  2. No 'lead out' on these but I am especially fond of the homeless people I go rescue (low lol mish) and they thank me then run farther into the building. Dumb.
  3. As I said before, I like options. I think flat out taking away options would be a bad thing but I can understand that some people don't do well with self-imposed limitations. Maybe they could add a per-character drop down menu for when you create the character do you want to run it old school (live restrictions apply like costume openings, costume parts..capes auras hats) or run it HC style and maybe even a couple options in between to control your toons level of grindiness. That way noone is telling anyone you have to play it my way or its the wrong way.
  4. You need a forum account for here and a game account to log in on the game. I havent tried but it may be that two game accounts tied to one forum account is not supported so you'd need two of each.
  5. I dont mind people seeing that I am a water/poison dominator (for instance). I don't think they need to see my power picks and certainly not my slotting. This just leads to people telling me how to play. 'Why did you take x power, it sucks' or 'why didn't you take y power, its the apex of the set.' If they can see my slotting it will only go downhill from there. If I want to share my build you can find it on the forums or I can email it to you in game, I don't think there needs to be a game mechanic for this.
  6. On Indom Help Channel a GM (or CR I don't remember which) actually joined and addressed this saying that as long as people needing help could get help there wasn't a problem with chit chat. My understanding was to not let it scroll fast so people felt ignored or unhelped. I always make it a point to help people if I know the answer and to answer that I am sorry I dont know if I cant help so that they dont feel ignored. Regarding the PL begging, I feel its out of control no matter what channel its on. Even without the PLers the LFG channel scrolls my chat too fast so I only add it to my tab if I am looking for DFB or want to see if there is a TF I want to run.
  7. Are you trying to log into the game with your forum account? If so you need to create a game account (somewhere at the top here) and use that to log into the game. If you have a game account and it isnt working check your caps lock, that always gets me.
  8. I have it too....it has caused debt and near-debt experiences.
  9. I have a large tab with all my chat channels and a smaller tab above it for system and such. Maybe something similar would work for you? You still have to scroll thru the system tab to see what dropped or just open your recipe tab but it helps the chat not scroll too fast. Play with your edit tab and you can probably find a set up that works for you.
  10. Certainly not an argument! Some people have more time than others and I think they should all have options was my point. Stay strong, don't let forum posters (myself or others) get you down! This is all about a game so go have fun...whichever way is fun for you! (I understand your desire for rote.)
  11. I like options. Right now, I have the option of not putting on that second costume until I do Sergio a favor at 20. I have the option to put it on at level 1. Ditto for most of the other 'grindy' stuff out there. I honestly don't care either way, but I like options. I see a lot of people talk about how they were kids playing and now they are adults with families and less time. When the game originally came out I was 30 with two kids and a husband. We all played whenever we could. Now I am 45, the kids are grown and no husband, but somehow my parents became my kids and so I play whenever I can. Life will always find a way to get in the way of what you want to do, so for people who want to shortcut stuff, I think they should have that option, even if it is 'new stuff' that's put behind the grind wall. That's just my random 2 cents. Happy hunting!
  12. Yay! That base editor....I love making my base but some days its very frustrating! Glad you didnt lose your stuff!
  13. To be a pure range powerhouse I would so have the secondary be like the primary. Double range sets! I prefer the way it is now because whether you like it or not you will end up in melee range and some point and those attacks are great. I dont think blasters need a buff set or a heal set or a control set because then they wouldn't be blasters, they'd be one of the other ATs. But since you asked, I think double pure range sets would make a mighty powerhouse.
  14. I keybind almost everything so that isn't an issue for me. Good overview...thanks!
  15. When redesigning my craft/store room my tables would zap to an entirely different room. They may be hiding somewhere but finding them is a bear.
  16. Ok I have no idea if she is or not (I have left the house to visit Dad in hospital so I can't check). My SG symbol is the question mark and if I blow up the image I can see that but it does seem off-center. Thank you for the reply, if I ever knew that about the emblem displaying there I have forgotten lol. It isnt a big thing but nice to know what it may be.
  17. Ok I did the same thing with the rationalization that old folks (like my mom) cant use the walker and phone at the same time (like my mom). It took me til just now to read your post and realize maybe the poster wasnt refering to the aging CoH player base lol
  18. On one character, and only this character (although maybe I haven't noticed it on others), I have a recurring strange semi-circle around her level #. It goes away on its own after a while but when I log in again it is there again. In the image below I am referring to the white semi-circle around her level number INSIDE the circle of XP bars....it almost looks like something is off-center. Any clues?
  19. With little or no defense...a blaster will get held, immobed or mezzed some which way....then the enemies come upon you and, while you can still blast them with ranges attacks, you have additional weapons at your disposal for those bad baddies. I agree with the above poster....way more push back on this than I expected.
  20. I see people putting both storm and energy blast on this list, and they are not wrong. But....don't combine them. I had a 50 storm/energy defender on live who had the thankless job of keeping a blaster alive for most of those 50 levels...its a rough combination with a steep learning curve if you plan to team with any melee characters. Powerful, yes. Synergy (with each other) no.
  21. I never really got into blasters on live...I was a support toon expert. Now, I love my DP/martial combat blaster. Where else can I get 'pew pew pew kick you face' powers? Defeat enemies fast enough and you don't need those sissy shields 😁
  22. Clearly this is an invitation for me to come steal all your rum. Moar rum! I think a pirate ship would be awesome, cannons, bridge, staterooms, salon, med bay and even brig for those kidnap victims. Definitely a large galley for the rum (in barrels I presume). I have no idea how to go about this but would love pics when ya get something built!
  23. I like the time capsule feel but I could do with some open 'shop' areas like coffee shop, donut shop, diner...places people could gather to chat other than at trainers or under Atlas. I don't do a lot of the RPG part but this is also an MMO (I don't do that a lot either), some thematic gathering places might be nice. Definitely keep the architecture and feel of the time period, though, as that's part of the charm of Paragon.
  24. If I have a chunk of time I will put my baby toons in 4 runs of DFB to get them going but mostly time is short so I get them to about 14 just street sweeping Atlas, Hollows, Perez, KR and Steel. There are huge gaps as the levels require more and more XP where street sweeping is just not a viable alternative, where the bar never seems to move. I think its a wonderful idea to help fill those gaps. I think changing the mechanics of how street sweeping earns less XP or other spaghetti code entanglements may be a bit much to ask. Simpler things that don't require rewriting anything might be better. Like zone events. We have Halloween so we know events work. If someone could code up a zone event for what you were talking about, then its not messing with existing code, just a trigger to embed to activate it. That shouldnt be as difficult. Also plunking new spawn points into zones with different enemy groups or different levels of the same enemy group should be an easier ask than rewriting certain things. I like the ideas and if we can keep an eye on coding difficulties while we brainstorm, someone might get a decent proposal out of it! (I like your idea of blue sky brainstorming but I know from experience it will quickly be denounced by naysayers so I am always trying to think if an idea I have would mess with spaghetti code or not.) Happy hunting!
  25. Its because if you are standing by the window, clearly you are day-dreaming and not doing your 'day job'...they'll dock you for that! 😝
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