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Everything posted by EmmySky

  1. I am not sure about the stuck in floor.....before closing game did you try /stuck? Regarding the long load time.....mine would do that and I had to upgrade my graphics card (even though windows claimed it was up to date the manufacturers website had a new driver) and now I load zoom fast!
  2. Also, I found that Windows lies about updated drivers....be sure to check the manufacturers website to see if it is up to date. Mine is Radeon and Windows said it was up to date with a 15 or 16 driver but on their website I got a new driver from just like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Dont believe Windows!
  3. O.o I thought I was zoning fast with 12 gig RAM but you'll be zipping along! Gratz!
  4. Ok yeah I tried it..dloaded fine but its an unknown file type. We need an app for that lol but I am clueless about those things.
  5. If I dload this on my phone, will it work? I would love to tweak my toons at work but cant take computer to work.
  6. Excellent....yeah that makes sense....mid 04 to early 10....thanks!
  7. Awesome...thanks for the speedy reply!
  8. While on the topic of Leadership pool.....does it aid an MM and her pets when soloing? I am unsure as to the mechanics of it.
  9. I remember Auras and The Hollows coming to the game so I must have joined in Issue 1 (before they were a thing). I remember powerset customization, super sidekicking and walk but don't remember Posi split in 2 or epics at 20 instead of 50 so I must have left in Issue 16. Is there a list of dates for these? I would like to narrow down my dates of play. If it is somewhere on the post I apologize...my old eyes are squinty today. Thanks for this great list to take me down memory lane!
  10. EmmySky

    Market Fees

    I love numbers but math sucks....yay for the weirdos!
  11. When I played storm/energy I watched where everyone else was knocking them and blew them back to the tankers and scrappers. Appreciation pts FTW! (still wont play storm or energy...kinda hate them after a few years)
  12. I figure 'attacks not working' equals extra hard mode.....if he could have gotten to 50 like that it'd be epic!
  13. If you are claiming this we all wanna know what happened to with Delightful!
  14. I run Win10 and have used the 64 bit for 2 days now. I still get this occasionally when I "log off to character screen" to switch alts and if I hit the back button I get that bit about leaving the queue. However it is just occasional and does seem to coincide with heavy server traffic. Maybe its actually more than one issue....one for older windows or clients and one for up to date stuff but both problems manifest in the same manner?
  15. I didnt have display shifts but I did have the download every launch issue for about 2 days. Someone said there were a bunch of tiny patches and updates to fix stuff but also a sizeable beta update. It resolved itself and is okay now (knock on wood).
  16. I sign in with a user name not an email addy.
  17. Also check your caps lock key as mine gets turned on without me knowing and makes me look dumb.
  18. I haven't had wifi at my house for like 4 years so I went to my sons house to use his wifi to update my windows and my graphics driver (hotspot too slow). We played around for a few hours and decided to make a Supergroup just for us with all our alts. We couldn't come up with a name til we hit upon Tights R Us. BINGO! Supergroup made! Our motto is "Too good to be TRU!" May seem stupid to some but we snickered our heads off all afternoon!! Our emblem is the question mark to indicate we don't know what we're doing, although we are both good players (just kidding, I'm good, he plays like his dad.....blaster style.....shhh its a secret). So far our base is very simple and basic but we got porters to all hero zones....will work on the rest as time allows. Pic doesn't really show off much, mostly wanted to "show off" our stupid wit and how everyone has to be able to laugh at themselves and that's our forte! Hope everyone has as much fun as we do 😄
  19. Ok update: on windows device manager it told me my graphics driver was up to date! It lied! I had to go to Radeon to manually update the driver and it works now! Minor lag occasionally but its all good all the time. If anyone has windows telling you the graphics driver is up to date do not believe it. Go to manufacturers website to check. Good luck!
  20. I tried the double-click method and it tried to load but wouldn't. Since hc is before homecoming alphabetically maybe there are patches or updates for that as well that I won't notice until the downloader gets there? On my hotspot this is taking a very long time but if I have it downloaded for beta then when it goes to live it should be faster download, yes?
  21. My video card is AMD Radeon R7 M260......it isn't listed in the 'requirements' so I'm wondering if thats why I can only enter safe-mode and not 32 or 64 bit? (yes driver is updated)
  22. I have two characters started as Praetorians....one MM and one Sentinel...very capable of soloing. My time to play doesn't coincide with other people on a regular basis so I end up soloing because my 'friends' aren't around. I suggest if you roll a Praetorian, pick one that solos well. Its pretty fast so far...both mine are 14 or 16 and only played in there a couple hours each. Also if there is a P2W store get the double XP thingy to speed it up more but you may miss content that way. Good luck!
  23. After I rebooted my computer it fixed this problem. I also have a windows update downloading in the background and I am on hotspot so now I am stuck downloading a patch super slowly lol....hope you get it working!
  24. I found that some stuff is easier to read (on my phone) from fandom.....specifically complete slash command page and the like....pure informational stuff that likely hasn't changed......other information that may be newer or more subjective is better to find on ParagonWiki but tends to be difficult to navigate on my phone.
  25. Yeah I dont know why I was thinking have both files on both computers....it was my senior moment lol
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