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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Pragmatically, I've always had a fondness for Talos (now called Talos Central Station in my head-canon). Many easy travel options. All the stores are fairly close. The trainer is handy. It has the requisite giant statue. And some seriously oddball arcs. But I never lost my love for Steel Canyon. It was the zone that brought a tear to my eye as I approached Blyde Square the first time since Live. The music played, and I just lost it. It has another giant statue, and speaking of oddball arcs: It blew my mind the first time my contact got killed in the middle of my mission!
  2. Ah! But you got your revenge. They'd be fighting cysts until they logged out! Sometimes, bugs really are features!
  3. I forget his name, but there was a comics hero -- I'm thinking the Badger? -- who was a member of, guest-starred in, or fought every single damn supergroup there was.* And another guy -- he might have been a more serious take on Die Fleidermaus? -- who founded 3 or 4 Supergroups, and whose protege made a few of his own. So how about a way to have Guest Stars? More intimate than a coalition, more permanent than a league. Or, maybe, something groups can do like the old annual -- dammit, I just can't remember names -- Liberty League and Golden Age Liberty Society team-ups. I used to love those. (At least I think I did.) Anyway, I would love to have a way for groups to affiliate more closely than Coalitions. "Why, yes, sir, I even trust your team with our storage bins!" And those animal-inspired guys were definitely members of multiple groups simultaneously. * Or at least, those the publisher thought needed a boost in circulation.
  4. Darn it, I missed the chance to do more than echo others' excellent responses. So I will: 1. Mini-events: Summer Blockbuster (Torch players may have noticed I kinda like it). 2. Story Arcs: The Dark Astoria/Mot arc. Wow! 3. TF: The ITF is great, I just wish we could for once fight the Giant Robot. 3a. Speaking of which, Ernesto Hess has some great stuff, including a very 007-esque ending! 4. Tips missions! I love how they often spin the game's conventions. 5. Actually, all the missions that break the rules to one degree or another. Get through the RIkti without attacking them. Avenge your contact, who just got murdered. Go back in time and save your contact! Also, I would love to see a way for the most excellent of AE missions to be promoted to reality, as the best art often is.
  5. I'm dealing with fscking* Verizon Wireless, so I don't have the bandwidth for Discord. If this game hadn't been designed to accommodate dialup, I wouldn't be able to play at all. So I hear ya! (Speaking of which, everyone should be aware there are non-hearing players, who greatly enjoy participating with the same facility as J. Random Hero.) Back on topic, my worst day was on Live, featuring my namesake, originally a Radiation/Illusion Defender. I got him up to his teens solo, then shyly decided to take the plunge and joined J. Random Hero on a pickup team. I'm in there spamming Accelerate Metabolism, dropping debuffs on the bad guys, confusing the mezzers, and hitting the Radiant Aura whenever it comes up. Conversation ensues: Leader: "Stop that!" Me: "What do you mean?" (I'm doing a LOT of things, the way I see it.) Leader: "Stop that stuff. Just Heal!" Me: "Rad heals aren't great, my other stuff is more helpful." Leader: "You're a Defender, just Heal, or you're gone!" Me: ... Long story short, I got kicked. Even shorter, that's why I'm an now an Illusion/Radiation Controller. (That might or might not have been responsible for the glee with which I play my Storm/Ice Defender, using O2 Boost only as a de-mezzing power, as the Storm Gods intended. And kicking ass, thank you very much!) * they really need to repair their filesystems
  6. At least for me (on Verizon Wireless with a 15 GB/month cap -- the only show in town), I was delighted to have the new launcher copy from my old installation, rather than downloading everything again. It asks you first. The newer, more rational directory layout will throw modders off for a while, but once you are used to it, it's preferable. 5 stars from this curmudgeon! McAffe, OTOH, is one of the worst-behaved rootkits I've run across. No stars for you! (I've stopped try to eliminate Defender, and only want to run MWB on command, so the free version is preferable to me. I also use TinyWall and eliminate everything but tcp/ip v4 from my network adapters.)
  7. OK, related to my previous complaints re: respec, but distinct issues. Accidentally hitting the scroll arrows next to the numbers on the tray. Suddenly I'm clicking on my travel powers instead my attacks... Also, Accidentally dragging trays rather than clicking them. May we please have a "lock trays" option in addition to the "lock powers in tray" one? And yes, I know clicking the powers is inefficient. Sometimes I use key commands, but when I'm already watching the tray for power recharges, I might as well use the things!
  8. This was Strange. I emailed myself a [Power:Overwhelming Force: Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown.1], logged out, and when I logged back in, it was still in my tray. But also in my email! a) Yay! Bank error in your favor! (I'm wanting keep it, after the SBB bugs mentioned previously) b) Why does this never happen with purples? c) Is this character just buggy? Are there characters that are just buggy? Regards, "The Real Doctor Ditko"
  9. So much this! Please just leave the unchanged powers where they are! Also, Auction House bugs are a pain in the proverbial. Thought of another one: Dialog that pops up under my upper-left-corner map! "Thanks for the vital clue, but I was looking at my phone. Could you repeat that?" "Hello?"
  10. OK, I really, really like running the SBB. I think it's an excellent example of the newer TF style. Two nights ago, I encountered a weird bug. I've run this event dozens of time and never saw it before, so I just blamed Verizon ("Mine ancient foe!") and moved on. In fact I repeated the run with the same character, chose the same role, and all was normal. But it happened again tonight. Same character, different role. So I'm posting: In the Heist mission, twice now, the leader has been left in the warehouse instead of being teleported to the room where the mission is. First time was the Hacker, second time the Hitter. Both times the rest of the team managed to deal with the extra obstacles, but I was left feeling like an idiot whose agent sent him to the studio when they were actually filming on location. This was on Torch, 3/18 and 3/19 around 9pm. Character was the Real Doctor Ditko, an Ill/Rad controller. If you have any insights, please provide them. If a player has had this happen to you, please share. Thanks for everything, and thanks to my teammates who cheerfully put up with a partly absent lead!
  11. That's roughly what I have to do, except the only way to select a target is by proximity to the summoning point. Sigh. Looks like I'll have to give Darkness Control a try! (One more alt won't hurt. I can stop any time I want to...)
  12. OK, thought of another wish last night when Phantom Army jumped the wrong boss... Again. Even the tiniest scrap of the control MasterMinds have over their pets, for the rest of us. It's especially ironic that Controllers have almost no control over their pets! Base it on the dumbed-down 3 icons mode, if you must but please give us a little Control!
  13. I think I really like these changes. I appreciate folks who specialize in Travel powers (like my Teleporter, who wants to be The Best Teleporter, dammit!) may feel like their specialness is infringed, but the benefits for everybody else seem worth it. Please, please, make Group Fly keep everyone at the caster's speed, though! The old days of "Cast Group Fly (endure bitching from teammates) then put Follow on random teammate" (to keep together) was a pain. Nice work, guys!
  14. I don't care how: badge, salvage, recipe, TF, inf, but I wish there was a way to move one damn slot. I hate, hate, hate having to do a full respec because I added a slot for something that it turns out the power doesn't take. (Leadership pool, I'm looking at you!)
  15. The anticipation has certainly been long enough to worry. (c.f. Ghostbusters: Afterlife) But he has a pretty good track record... OK, mute Wade in that X-men movie sucked. Green Lantern was... meh, but a certain couple of movies that hung a lampshade on both of them makes me think there's a better-than-even chance! Fingers crossed.
  16. Please do fix this. Yeah, it's not a lot of inf. But if someone has jumped through the hoops, they should get the reward. (Feel free to increase said reward!)
  17. This was just in a single 4-man team, no league involved. That's why I mentioned it. I'm familiar with the League bug.
  18. While this is being looked at, can the Star Lottery be removed? This event in particular has the "random guy will get the star once you enter" bug in spades. Otherwise, I agree, we need more of this stuff! Sequel me, baby!
  19. Just FYI for anyone using Nvidia cards and feeling technopotent, please check out NVSlimmer over on guru3d.com. You'll be glad you did.
  20. We need a blue light powerset that can do all the things the Internet claims blue light can do. Blue Lantern Lamplight, anyone?
  21. I really enjoyed WandaVision, but Avengers II was a let-down. I really liked the next two, though. If you can check out WandaVision for free, give it a look. Definitely not formulaic*! *Well, when it is, it's intentional. Dick Van Dyke Show, Bewitched, etc homages.
  22. My newest alt on Torchbearer, thanks for the inspiration! (Unless you're serious, in which case, Google it. A protracted MCU movie with a very Strange ending.)
  23. Are you kidding? A button that lets you avoid debt when you are about to die, and does a mini-nuke on your assassins? I keep it handy in the bottom of a vertical floating tray. I wish it could auto-fire when I am at 1% health! (It's also useful for travelling to your base or the local hospital, though I admit it's a bit of a drama-queen travel method. "BRB, heading to base to level... Ignore the countdown, don't panic.")
  24. Was ANYTHING in today's WandaVision a coincidence? I think not!
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