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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Agreed! Plus it's a spoonful of sugar for folks still upset about the limits placed on /enterbasefrompasscode! Yay devs!
  2. Works brilliantly for me with Fedora 33 Workstation using Lutris (following the instructions on the forum).
  3. I think the essence here has been stated: There are players who demand the star, and those who request the star to help XP or effectiveness, and we've all experienced both. The OP has an excellent point, in that the former are a serious pain in the ass not helpful, and the latter can be good for the team. (Granted, the label "team stealing" may be a bit over the top. Let's not be distracted by that!) For most teams, though, the star = team leader, and therefore the person who decides which missions to run (and how). The person who went to the trouble to arrange, recruit, and choose the mission should be the defacto leader. Whether it's the optimal setup or not, this is the person who went to the trouble to set up the team! If they decide to fling the shuriken to someone else, fine. If someone demands to take it, there's a button for that. (It looks like a boot.)
  4. @The Philotic Knight He's one of my heroes. (Not as in " I play him," but someone I appreciate for all his work to make life easier on the average hero in the street!) I've been trying to install his CoH Modder on my Mac, (Ideally using the same WINE that HC installs and uses). if I figure it out, I'll gladly share the incantation. But if you are running any version of Wind**s: Go thou forth, and quest until thou hast downloaded the most holy CoH Modder! Only then shall thy quest be compleat! Then shall thy characters rejoice and feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas.
  5. OK, confession time: I've been a fan of a certain strange ex-surgeon since stainless Steve Englehart and fabulous Frank Brunner's classic run in the 70s. (Then I went back and discovered reprints of the Ditko/Lee run, and was hooked for life.) So one Halloween I went through the available powersets and picked everything I could see that fit the character, for an homage. Ill/Rad was what I eventually came up with. (This was before it became FOTM, honest!) There was also an amazing Roger Stern run, crowned with a 1-issue collaboration with Michael Golden, which included a hilarious reference to a popular movie series starring the good doctor. Oh, how we laughed! When HC arrived and I was once again home, I had been through the fun-house mirror and actually watched a really good film starring guess who! This included a new take on his powers, so I recreated him as an Illusion/Time controller. He was fun! Recently, I rolled an old school Ill/Rad version. And was blown completely out of my tights! Heals that hit more than a couple teammates! Debuffs you can feel! Anyway, it was all entirely too much fun, and I'm very glad I resurrected him!
  6. True. Blasters can be built with just ranged attacks, but you have to skip some of the cooler powers in many sets. (Like nukes!) Actually one of the brilliant aspects to CoH is the overt attempt to defy the MMO "Holy Trinity" cliche. (As I was editing my many typos, MTeague made an excellent argument, so see above!) Addendum: How the heck do you guys make your citations link to the proper profile, with the neat oval and all?
  7. Also, there are certain powersets which defy their archetype: Storm Defenders come to mind. They have 1 heal power, which is really more of a breakfree+minor heal for a single teammate, and they almost never need to use it. Everything else is sheer debuffing/crowd controlling/damaging -- albeit chaotic -- awesomeness. I have to laugh when Hailstorm Warning gets an invite, and they inquire as to her healing abilities: "Don't worry about healing. If you need healing, things have gone seriously south!"
  8. Wow! Now I feel bad for not contributing to the last server donation! You have addressed all my concerns with the Sorcery pool, in a way that feels good but not OP. I use Translocation to position myself on the other side of a group of baddies, so my idiot Phantom Army will attack my intended target, rather than standing there looking damn pretty (I have the Phantom Mirror sfx, so I approve of their dress sense, if nothing else!). Mystic Flight lets me do that without needing to dip into the TP pool. It's the best TP in the game, now. (As an aside, the extended hover effect for TP is very welcome on my non-sorcerous alts.) RoP now should last through a whole fight, which is all I ask of it. Still haven't respecced, so Spirit Ward and Enflame are still theorycrafting to me, but they look good. Nice one, guys!
  9. The only downside is needing to learn where the new files live. There are many upsides: better, faster patching, rational directory structure, better option granularity... The list goes on. Go for it, you'll be glad you did!
  10. Might as well weigh in here, for what it's worth. Read the whole thread, but had to take my acrimony meds (I take Damitol). I had some downtime at work, so ran a mish on Beta (Hey, beta-testing software is part of my job! They never set a limit on what software!) and didn't respec first. On Sorcery I currently have Mystic Flight, Arcane Bolt, and Rune o' Prot. I greatly enjoyed the changes to Mystic Flight, and travel powers in general. Having Hover and MF together seemed like the old Hover/Fly binds, but without the bugginess. (I also enjoyed being able to speedily fly while standing up straight, as a sorcerer should). Great job! (Am I right in feeling the range increase on Translocation is overridden by the increased flight cap, such that it is no longer worthwhile to auto-fly, then periodically TP as a way to speed up travel? It was always marginal, but seems slower now.) This alt is an Ill/Rad, so short on the direct attacks. I use Fire APP and Arcane Bolt to take up the slack. I have now moved AB closer to the front of my tray, because it's no longer an "Aw, do I hafta?" attack. Not a fan of combos, but this one is simple and effective. With Containment, the sucker does triple damage! (If you guys do feel the need to adjust it, maybe have it proc only on powers that move points around? Even toggling Sprint on and off seems to fire it sometimes. It would be fine if heals, attacks, buffs, debuffs, and summons were the only triggers. (And eating Insps should be its own reward!) Nevertheless, wonderful upgrade! And, finally, RoP. I use it strictly as an "Oh, sh*t" power, so it seems fine to me. I'd prefer if the recharge and duration were based on traditionally magical numbers, like 42 (the answer!) and 69 (thrice 23!), though. I'll doubtless weigh in on Enflame and Spirit Ward, once I respec* but the idea that SW should have a small benefit to the caster seems reasonable, especially at that END cost. I also agree that the "run away" part of Enflame sounds counterproductive. Both those opinions are based on secondhand information, though, so apply salis atticus. Overall: What I'm qualified to comment on seems nice, thanks! * Is there any chance we could add a way to change specific power picks and slots to the Freebies menu? It would be a big help to folks like me who seldom have time for a full respec, but would like to help with testing.
  11. Well, the Great Defense Nerf, followed by the Erectile Dysfunction Delivery (EDD) system and the Purple Triangles o'Doom, sure didn't help. But, yeah, this game had legs, if they hadn't been cut off at the knees by suits, it might've survived. Especially give the Superhero Renaissance Hollywood has discovered. tl;dr: Ignore Random Guy and laugh all the way to the bank (Mayhem mishes, LFG!).
  12. Yeah, it would be great if we could use the mechanic they've introduced for Super Speed in Beta, to let us ignore citizens. Getting shoved out into the road by a little old lady -- then driven away by a truck -- is funny the first few times, but it gets old. Speaking of ignoring NPCs, I wonder if it would be hard to let us have an NPC ignore list? That Vanguard jerk would be my first!
  13. Astrophobia is a real thing, usually interpreted as a fear of outer space, but can include a Lovecraftian fear of stars and the spaces between them! (Maybe didn't waste ALL the money I spent on a Psych degree!) And yeah, there are people who max out the scales for Introvert and Extrovert. I'm one. When I'm in an Extrovert mood, I love leading teams, despite my constant typos (the human capacity to understand despite typos is amazing!). In an Introvert mood? I'd rather join & pitch in. That said, there's a difference between organizing an ITF "for fun" and having a player say, "I'm 50, would you like me to take the star?" and "lol! You are 47! Gimme star or I'm out!" I believe OP is referring to the latter. And some players are gracious enough to "have" the star without "being" the star, if someone else has gone to the trouble to organize, recruit, and welcome the team. These folks tend to get friended!
  14. The late, great RoboTechMaster ran Dr. Q teams that were an absolute BLAST! I thought it was insanity when someone advertised "Dr. Q TF forming, ~2 hours, WTF so 244 merits. Head to the D." What the hell. When I get to the D, RTM is buying ATT and MTP for everyone who doesn't have them. Proceeds to run the thing like a magic trick, all "Doc, you have Limo duty when we exit," and "I'll be using Incandescence once I'm in position." Still in awe. So, yeah, crazy, but in a good way, can be done! I'd personally track down each Dev and give them a dollar if my Bots MM could combine his pets into a Voltron. Make it tricky to do -- along the lines of getting a Shivan? -- fine by me. I'd just love to pull the Malta trick on the Malta JUST ONCE!
  15. All I know is I tried a Regen Scrapper and was extremely underwhelmed. Could use a buff, IMO.
  16. I must have the worst business sense. Every time I get near 1 billion, I blow half of it on stuff like Heroes & Villains Super Packs. Which are usually worth it, but I keep the loot rather than selling it on. (One of my plethora of alts can always use it!)
  17. Ow! Manglement would love it, but can you imagine trying to take a... sit... with that sound going constantly?
  18. Any advice on installing Mids or CoH modder and getting them to open with your WINE installation?
  19. An excellent meta-analysis of the many TP options! Would you be interested in adding the Incarnate power Destiny: Incandescence?
  20. Wow, I guess I'm just the opposite re: Task Force Commander versus Invader*. I love Mayhem Missions! You get to blow stuff up! You get a cool temp power! Progress toward the Accolade! And you get to blow stuff up! But you don't even have to finish the missions. With VidiotMaps and Reveal pointing the way you can just grab the Explore badges and leave. (Might want to have another mish in your queue, so you can exit, select the other mission, say yes to abandoning your progress, and go see Lord Sweitzer for another. I forget if you need to let the timer expire. (Because I'm in there blowing stuff up!) I concur with your other advice, though. *In the Battle of the Century! 'Nuff said.
  21. True! The first time I fell into the maw of Mot, with all the tentacles, I thought I had wandered in to a Call of Cthulhu game! And the random words appearing in dialog, and then in mid-air! Creepy stuff!
  22. My buddy refers to the last sliver of health as his "favorite hit point!" But you buried the "lede,"* Oubliette! Did your Mom make it out okay? Yeah, excellent point! (The whole "surviving jumping off a building" thing is another unique feature!) * Still a neologism as far as I'm concerned, but it's a useful discernment, and the AP Handbook concurs, so I'm trying to go with it! Edited to add: I just realized standing next to you spamming Radiant Aura after this would earn at least 2 healing badges! Wow!
  23. 'Way back when i had a decent internet connection, I tried DCUO. (Always been a fan of DC, Marvel mostly came later.) Wow! The costumes, the characters, and some of the voices I remembered! Neat! It's always night in Gotham and always day in Metropolis! Cool! Then Flash told me I could have his cool yellow boots, but only if I proved myself. And paid him real money, though he was having a special this month... I felt so heroic. CoH always had the hero part down pat. It definitely strayed toward the end there. Now? With the paywalls gone, its gotten pretty damn wonderful! I mean, in how many games does your character have the ability to jump over a two-lane road, straight out of the box? (Of course, there are few games where a random NPC can walk past you and shove you into the road to be hit by a truck. Fortunately, it doesn't hurt!)
  24. Pragmatically, I've always had a fondness for Talos (now called Talos Central Station in my head-canon). Many easy travel options. All the stores are fairly close. The trainer is handy. It has the requisite giant statue. And some seriously oddball arcs. But I never lost my love for Steel Canyon. It was the zone that brought a tear to my eye as I approached Blyde Square the first time since Live. The music played, and I just lost it. It has another giant statue, and speaking of oddball arcs: It blew my mind the first time my contact got killed in the middle of my mission!
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