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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. I'd love it! I'm perpetually disorganized, so this would be a big help to me!
  2. They live on in the form of Enhancement Boosters, but overall, they are gone and not much missed. Enjoy your cleaner-looking display!
  3. Excellent advice! But don't forget the artists! And if you add in a bit of parody, or commentary, or critical analysis, you are golden for copyright purposes. Thank goodness, or a friend of mine might be in trouble!
  4. There's always the Crimson Terror. There may be a certain doctor who might raise an eyebrow, but there was no character called that, and titles per se can't be copyrighted.
  5. Howling Twilight. Nice sfx, auto-hit stun AOE. Glorious! The side-effect that rezzes any dead teamates can come in handy, too! Now that you can make them look like you, Phantom Army is a favorite, also!
  6. Argh! That sinking feeling when you realize you hit "Stoppable" by mistake and you have moments to live. Only thing that scares my alt Ixodid...
  7. Seconded! I really appreciate the grace under pressure the Devs, GMs, and Players showed. With very few exceptions, everyone kept their cool and wasn't a jerk. (I assume the same is true of their communications with OVH support!) (I was one of the folks with scheduled teamups with friends that had to miss them, and I did MY best.) Are we going to get to find out exactly what happened?
  8. D'oh! I grovelled over the daughter pages and never went to the top! Many thanks!
  9. Forgive my ignorance, but how do you see that stat?
  10. It's useful to note that, for an MM, Invisibility cancels the pet bonus from being near you. But you can stack Stealths without losing the bonus, so this looks like a good plan.
  11. Inspired by the chat (special thanks to @Luminara,) I wrote this humble effort: You never know you'll get for tech support: Good morning, this is Ash, how may I help you today? I'm sorry to hear that, ma'am. Have you tried turning it off and back on? Uh-huh. And you're sure it's plugged in? Really sure? We'll know if you're lying! All right, calm down, these are just the questions I'm supposed to ask you. No, I don't think that at all, but you'd be surprised how often... OK, I understand. That's fine. All right, let's try a few things: I'd like you to get your chainsaw, and let me know when it's nice and warmed up. Yes, ma'am. Chainsaw. Are you sure? Did you check the shed? OK, we can do this the old-fashioned way. Get your Remington 12-gauge and load that puppy up. Yes, ma'am, that is indeed a shotgun. Flint, Michigan's finest. You could try a Winchester, but that line's a bit flakey if you ask me... Are you sure? Not even a 20-gauge? Did you check under the bed? Well, ma'am, I don't see how I can help you if you don't have the basic diagnostic tools. I can schedule a visit from one of our service engineers, but there will be a surcharge if it turns out the system is not at fault. And you'll need to cover gas and ammunition... I don't know the rates, ma'am, they were in the agreement you clicked through when you... It is? That's great! Oh, I'm sure the cat didn't mean to. Thank you for calling. And a nice day to you, too.
  12. To misquote Tony Stark from Marvel's Ultimates: "You think I'd get in this thing sober?"
  13. I always call it a limo. As in, "Hey, boss, let me call a limo next time. That guy's getting paid for hanging out, might as well use him!"
  14. Oh, I thought you got the message: "DoctorDitko is not allowed..." My bad! BTW, in on Torch, looks great!
  15. Same message? Really? It's starting to seem like a personal beef with DoctorDitko!
  16. Hell, the last downtime was 61,320 hours! That turkey was very cold.
  17. We tend to call it "air in the wires." PS: The "traditional" approach: https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ballard/bofh/bofhserver.pl
  18. I don't know. Doesn't look entirely trustworthy.
  19. And to be honest, OVH's average downtime is something like 2 hours a year for most clients. It is entirely possible that the initial support ticket was not escalated because the servers were all online as far as yon internet was concerned, and the intra-server connections were not understood to be critical.
  20. Welcome home, Mondo! Sorry the place is a mess. It's the French Maid's day off.
  21. Percussive maintenance, my old friend!
  22. The first and still the best! (Unfortunately, it is still not opened to players. "DoctorDitko is not allowed to access this server. Reason: Stability testing before we open it for general use.")
  23. It seems to be the internal networking between servers that is causing the issues. These can be tricky to track down. We had an entire cluster offlined because one node's InfiniBand card went bad, and it was spewing so much garbage to the IB switch that no real traffic could get through. That said, OVH have a rep for good hardware, good connectivity, good value... And crappy customer service. Think snooty French waiter (it's a French company).
  24. It occurs to me we have a few servers worth of GMs with not much to do. (Excluding the engineers battling the problem, of course.) This inspires two thoughts: It might not be the best time to start a flamewar on the forums. Someone will probably notice. We should have enough people to run an old-fashioned RPG. Tabletop Champions, anyone?
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