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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. IIRC, Cryptic swore up and down that the removal of the 5th Column has anything to do with sales in Germany. Yeah, I didn't buy it back then, either.
  2. Mayhem Missions, far and away the best part of Redside! Seriously, check the Guides for how to get Lord Schnauzer as a contact, Mayhem Missions are some of the most fun you can have with your costume on! I find low-level Villain mishes, fighting Snakes and such, to be a lot of fun after endless Outcasts and Skuls. Have to confess, in the mid-range, where you start to feel like an aspiring lackey, is where I wander off. Radio and TV are a blast, though!
  3. One of the first word processors I used, Bank Street Writer maybe, did this. My writer's group settled on the idea that this was "So you can see the stuff you haven't written yet." I know runs of spaces are infamous for adding invisible non-breaking spaces between each successive space character, presumably as a work-around for something in the parser. AFAIK that was a hack because HTML otherwise combined them, but that can definitely be a cause for the also infamous shrinking character limit problem. I tend to avoid most of the editing issues by writing my stuff in Notepad++ (playing) or vim (at work), then using the copy-pasta. Pre-snap, I recall seeing the occasional player with a bio of "." presumably because they thought it was a required field.
  4. He uses a front-silvered mirror and cools it with his freeze-breath. (At least in my head-canon!)
  5. Or, if you meet that special someone at a bar and are in a hurry, just see the shady character upstairs of the Voodoo Lounge...
  6. No need to fight over her, folks! One of you can pursue her in Croatoa, the other in Pocket D.
  7. No need to be snippy with the OP, if a name offends, it's offensive. If the Mods think it'll offend a lot of people, out comes the generichammer. Otherwise, agreed, /em eye_roll and move on.
  8. Oh, that's right! Remember to email @Yomo right away! Find a University Borrow a computer, email @Yomo. Then find a bank that isn't currently being robbed. (NB: This may take a while.) Convert Yomo's generosity into hard cash. Profit!
  9. Good point, I hadn't thought of that. It's not like you can get to the character creation screen from in-game! I guess it depends on whether you are in the game, or in a parallel universe where Paragon City is an actual place. I'd hope for the latter, but that universe is a bit odd. Terminal velocity is low enough that a fall at that speed is something you can shake off. Sometimes contacts can give you stuff over the phone. Elevators only go to one floor, max. And people can change their clothes right out in plain view of everyone, instantly, with no suitcase in sight. I'd still take it if I could.
  10. It is possible to do rude but classy. I was on a Hami raid with "Sybian Ryder" who had a completely innocent bio. Had to give 'em props.
  11. But that would free up the name for someone else to use!
  12. I had a little something in my eye walking up the steps to Atlas, but I totally lost it when I first heard the Steel Canyon music. Home at last!
  13. Would you grab your purse and go play tug-of-war with an Outcast? Stand at the bus stop and wait until the heat-death of the universe? Hang out at Terra Volta hoping for an Origin? Go steal a magic artifact from "Butterfingers" Azuria?
  14. Oh, man! I'd give all of my personal fortune (and a nice coin purse to carry it in) if I could get one of those that worked for real.
  15. Do you need a kick-in for hosting fees?
  16. I like how a level 1 hero can toggle on an inherent power (Sprint et al.) and do a standing broad jump over a 2-lane highway. I can't think of a GM that would let you do that, and I know Real Life 1.0* doesn't! * Talk about a game in need of a balancing pass! And don't get me started on the enforced permadeath!
  17. I'd buy in if prestige let you have more members in your supergroup.
  18. Good news! They gave us the ability to turn them off. And yes, it was a great blessing for us that clicks the buttons!
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