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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. The number 2600 also has other resonances for older folks, with certain hobbies...
  2. I have searched the spreadsheets and this forum, and have had plenty of luck, all bad. Can anyone help me find the sound for the controller /Rad heal Radiant Aura?
  3. Never rains but it pours. The building housing the clusters I shovel coal into for my day job had a pipe break and the basement flood yesterday. My paranoid boss designed our server room, though, so we're the only thing in the building still in business... As others have said, "IT happens."
  4. I dunno, she doesn't look entirely trustworthy.
  5. They really have had a stellar uptime history, especially for a volunteer-run cluster. That said, emergency reboots typically involve some diagnostics or repairs. Good luck to them, says I! I think the message broadcast was: "All servers going down for emergency reboot."
  6. I've said it before, Yomo, you embody what makes this game's population such cool froods! Bless you for your (now doubled) generosity, and all the fun!
  7. Nice guide, thanks! Incidentally, when playing the Grifter I choose "Crime and Punishment Monthly" and it works just fine to click through. Happy heisting! (And if you are ever on Torch and see me there, usually as "Real Doctor Ditko," hit me up. I'm always up for a nice SBB!)
  8. Second Red Dragon, I think they are also sold as Piktek. Cheap as dirt and twice as hard to destroy!
  9. Thanks! I can't believe I missed that thread. IIRC, CoH used OpenGL for graphics and DirectX for input. WINE would cover the DirectX part. Some of the issues they raise are solved problems, though: SDL 2+ has several OpenGL translation options, so that may not be a problem. I know OpenMW uses SDL to run Morrowind -- and pretty well on Android -- though Android 11 broke their touch controls, it's not bad with a Bluetooth controller. (Get it from FDroid if you are interested. You'll need an actual copy of Morrowind.) And the whole point of WINE on Android is to run generic ARM[32,64] binaries on Android, so if someone could make a compiled one public, I'd love to play around with it.* (See WineHQ for that one.) Lutris on Linux uses Vulkan stuff to run CoH now, so that part's not as silly as it sounds. Screen size... That one's a puzzler, I bet that would take some actual coding to do one of the auto-zoom features some games have. (One of these might help!) Anyway, it would be fun to try, however many black boxes need connecting. * Probably during lunch or bathroom breaks at work, but I do some of my best mad science then!
  10. Short answer: Yes Long Answer: Yes, but... (This is all IMHO) Autohit powers are rare and precious, take them whenever one is offered. It's a one-slot wonder, drop a Range, Recharge, or (my fave) Perfect Zinger in and you are golden. (PVPers should start with Accuracy.) If you do slot it, it can mule some nice bonuses. It IS the Tank signature power, do you want some Brute or Blaster getting all the bad guys' attention? Check the power customizations, depending on powerset you may have some fairly humorous options. Every time a Tank skips Taunt, the archetypal Tank sheds a tear...
  11. Hadn't seen this term, so I looked it up. First two entries on DDG: Welcome to BLUF https://www.bluf.com BLUF is a club for men who enjoy wearing breeches and leather uniforms. Founded in 1997, there are now over 4,000 members worldwide, and many of them meet in person at BLUF events. BLUF (communication) - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLUF_(communication) A BLUF (bottom line up front) is acronym for a standard military communication that is precise and powerful. Precision is attained by beginning a message with the bottom line so the reader immediately gets the most important information first. This differs from an older, more-traditional style in which conclusions and recommendations are included at the end, following the arguments and ... Thanks for that. The second one jibes with the journalistic practice of inverse pyramid, aka "Don't bury the lede!" The first one... Sounds like 90% of the playerbase!
  12. Excellent points, thanks for the expertise. I was counting on the networking and graphics to be handled by WINE. I think if someone compiled the CoH client for Windows on ARM, or maybe even RT, we might be able to fake it from there. (And, yeah, we're probably looking at one of those Bluetooth keyboards...) I'm not thinking of running a Hami raid, but just enough function to check my messages and maybe update my auctions would be fantastic!
  13. I am a script kiddie. I hack together bash scripts to help with my system admin-ing, I can do a "./configure, make, sudo make install" without flinching, but I am in no way a programmer. So, to anyone who is, given that: Windows for ARM can now emulate 64-bit x86 fairly well. WINE for Android just hit a milestone of compatibility, given ARM Windows executables. We have the source from SCORE. Is there any hope of combining these into a CoH I could run/walk/crawl on my Android phone? Would it be daunting to try recompiling for ARM-64? Please destroy my vast ignorance, it has purple triangles on it!
  14. When someone levels (particularly an attractive female toon) and I typo leaving out the d in "Good on ya!" Fortunately, so far they have seen the humor and guessed my innocent intent... Still embarassing!
  15. Faultline, as I'm sure you know but didn't bother mentioning: Backups are great, A for effort. F for results unless: said backups are offline ('cause ransomware) and tested ('cause real life). There is an ancient story (Aw, Doc! Not again?) about a software engineer who was hired to write a backup system for a major corporation. He did this, and they promptly fired him. (This, unfortunately, happens a lot.) One day, the corporation suffered a catastrophic hardware failure (all the hamsters died at once). "No worries!" cried the management, "We planned for this!" They went into the engineer's cobweb-laden cubicle and opened his files. And found the notes for his never-written restore system... My sympathies lie with the Sanctuary admin, but it sounds like they are out of their depth. Next time, I suggest they publish their security setup in detail. If it's proper, the bad guys learn nothing useful from knowing it. If not, the good guys can suggest fixes. (Ask a cryptographer, they publish their source code. It's designed to be robust even if the attacker knows the entire source code.) Disclaimer: I know little of Windows servers, I only run the desktop version, and only for games. (And with nothing but TCP/IP 4 enabled on the NIC!) My idea of securing a Windows server is to put it behind a locked-down Linux server! But, still, sorry to hear of this, and I can only hope there was a script-kiddie with a grudge behind the attack. Good luck, admins!
  16. A bit longer than that, but yeah, I remember them, it was how I learned to use the Ignore button. I wouldn't have cared about the farming if it weren't for the constant spam!
  17. See, that's brilliant! Brief, but it gives the character life! (I hope it didn't hurt too much!)
  18. Nice! Very nice! Love the "Condiment King" vibe on some of them. Genuine laughs, thanks! Also, seriously! How did I not know of the awesome power of playerslot.txt! Thanks 1.0x10^6 for that one! I doubt I'll be as organized as you are, but that might well simplify things when I use my work computer to do some auctioning check my messages test connectivity!
  19. Partial to the flying carpet myself, but I gotcha. I'm certainly not trying to say anyone should feel bad for not writing a bio, I just wondered how to encourage the practice. For the characters for whom you have written a bio (trouper's axiom: NO reviews is not the same as BAD reviews!) what was it that made you write 'em? Personally, I love brevity. I remember exactly one bio that wasn't one of mine, from a character I teamed with on Live: "Not a millionaire. Definitely not Batman."
  20. Wow, that might be a part of it. The first chance to make a bio happens during creation, some bits unchangeable for the life of the character. I can see how that could be irrelevant as you experiment, then forgotten when the alt turns out to be a keeper. Maybe an extrinsic reward, like a badge, would remind folks to think about it later? PS: Grats on the bundle of energy! They can share it or drain it, well worth it either way!
  21. OK, I'll come clean: For the first week or so back in ish 2 or 3, I thought folks who said that were taking a moment to update their character's biography. Now, too many years later, it seems no one is. I wish folks would take a literal minute or two to make a biography! It seems, from my informal poll, that about 90% of toons -- even ones with amazing concepts and great costumes -- have <crickets> instead of a bio! I make it a point to praise any decent bio I see. Even a generic "Bitten by a radioactive superhero" is a winner in my book! Once any of my alts hits the inf cap, I intend to hold a big Bio Contest under Atlas, costumes optional. In the interim, is there any other way to encourage the 90% to spend a few moments to throw us a backstory? Or am I just a prose-loving curmudgeon and I should get with the nonverbal now?
  22. Nice that you added the new exits from the D. Could you make the interstitial area useful in some way? Maybe a nurse-style vendor? Mainly, though, I wanted to say the Atlas Park exit "greeter" (?) warns you the zone may not be suitable for low-level heroes, and the Talos one is mute.
  23. Fair enough! Thanks for the info! And, yes, I can see where immobilization would be a pain in that playstyle. <earworm warning> (Personally, I'm just not that bothered by mezzes. Or knockback. It just seems appropriately comic-booky to me, and "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!")
  24. I'd second the vote for Hover vs CJ. (Though I'm under the impression they both cost the same trivial amount of END.) Immobilization? Feh! It doesn't bother the bad guys, why should it faze me? The "stop on a dime" effect you get from Hover+Fly/Mystic Flight reminds me strongly of the old, buggy, beloved Hover/Fly binds. Only without the buggy bits.
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