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Everything posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. Given the caps (10,000 for common, 100,000 for uncommon, 1,0000,000 for rare)... And that nobody else seems to be reporting prices at or near the caps... Nah. I don't believe you for a minute that you "never" obtain salvage for below the caps. (Doubly so since market prices are regularly less than 10% of the cap.) It's far more likely you just don't realize where the caps are.
  2. Patently false. The market price of salvage is far below the seed caps.
  3. o.0 Right. When I only have 3-4 melee attacks, and one of them is SM - it doesn't impact me to not use it because it's "not efficient".
  4. Not using it according to iron standards is a problem at lower levels where SM is a significant part of your attack chain.
  5. Setup a level 25 character (that I'd copied over) with a mix of DO's (both kinds she's eligible to use), leveled her to 30, and upgraded... Ended up with level 33 DO's. Leveled her to 40, upgraded, and ended up with level 43 DO's. Leveled to 50, upgraded, and ended up with level 50 DO's. So the upgrade routine is creating DO's outside of the normal/expected ranges. It would make sense that it could be difficult coding to determine the character's Origin and upgrade to the proper SO's, but just to double check - working as intended or broken? Also, could you put the cheat slash command for granting XP back into the FAQ? The freebies menu jumps by 10 levels, and sometimes that's way too coarse. Sometimes you want to move 3-4 levels or hit a specific level.
  6. And the latest patch did indeed fix the problem, tested as described above and it worked gangbusters. Still needed to test: TO->TO, TO->DO, DO->DO, DO->SO if anyone else is interested in taking a swing at things. (Currently groggy from nap and have to start dinner soon.)
  7. I should correct/clarify this report... After clicking "upgrade", I got the popup window asking if I wanted to upgrade to level 33 enhancements and giving the cost. When I clicked "yes", the popup closed and there was no change to the enhancements. Then I exited the the enhancement screen and received the mapserver error. This happened three times.
  8. Tested. A single buff icon was observed, vice the two displayed on Live. Oddly enough, when I first right clicked on it, it showed the full set of buffs... then the box would "collapse" and show only the description.
  9. Tested , level 30 toon with level 30 (grey) enhancements. After clicking "upgrade", nothing happened. After exiting the enhancement screen, received a mapserver error. This happened three times.
  10. Chernobog? I think you can face him even earlier... ISTR facing him before outleveling the rest of KR.
  11. That's what Jimmy said in a different post - you have to zone to be rid of the little pest. (Well, he didn't actually phrase it quite that way.)
  12. The T3 (Galvanic Sentinel) for defenders and controllers provides a pet that casts a weak(er) version of Discharge (MM T3) and can be used to jumpstart a chain. I fiddled with a EA/Bots on beta, and it was pretty fun and worked well (at least at the lower difficulties I hang out at). That fast recharge group heal was very helpful. It's a very clicky set though.
  13. o.0 Even non-farmers generally have 50k they can spare, that's down in the "pocket change" range.
  14. Egg-zactly! The "prank" lasts beyond the point where it's funny, and you can't opt out! No, really, you can't. The "dismissal" is short term, and the annoying little bugger keeps popping up.
  15. The problem isn't the joke, it was funny - the first time I logged in and for maybe an hour afterwards while I was getting my "Take your child to work" screenie. The problem is the that the joke not only never ends, you can't opt out. You can't make it stop. Then it stops being funny.
  16. Mama is proud of all of her boys! (And like all family portraits... the kids are never still.)
  17. Because the idea is to reduce the amount of Inf entering the system to keep inflation in check.
  18. Infested is an apt description of General at this point... filled with twelve year olds with potty mouths. Basically HC's very own 4Chan.
  19. I can't speak to Stephanie Peeble, but David Wincott was removed as part of the Hollows Revamp. The players felt that too many characters were getting "trapped" in the extremely [censored] awful mess that was The Hollows (and missing out on the 6-15?) content in the rest of the game. (The Hollows was the DFB of it's day, everyone ended up there and most bailed as soon as they got a travel power at 14.) In some ways, it was a kind of messed up decision because the Revamp removed the stuff that made the Hollows such a [censored] awful mess.
  20. Only tested on MM's in beta... so was kinda surprised on my newly minted EA 'fender... Does Galvanic Sent not pop up a pet window for not-masterminds?
  21. Admiring all the new electrically themed toons @Jimmy? Or <laughs> grimacing?
  22. Yep. If not an AE (fire) farmer, then a merit farmer who runs the WST and other remunerative TF's repeatedly. (The latter playstyle is often recommended here on the forums.)
  23. I've had an outline for short story running back the days of Live that revolves around just that... Kind of a noir take on a hero getting up in the morning and trying wake up, get coffee, and catch up on all the skullduggery that happened overnight. Just another day in the City.
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