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Everything posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. Patching now... will jump back in when it's done if the server is up
  2. Which sounds like a Hero from the anime My Hero Academia. (Many of whom have the same style of Hero Name: Tagline naming.)
  3. I already have a Mastermind with EA on Brainstorm. It would be the work of just minutes to get her into SO range.
  4. I'm available today (Tues), Wens is a solid maybe.
  5. I can try to be there too... I'm *really good* at being a dead ally. Will you be monitoring the global chat? ETA: Which Server?
  6. No, it's getting worse at an increasing rate. The rate of change itself is increasing (that is, the curve is getting steeper). Exponential growth is nasty that way. And, even with harsh preventative measures, it will continue to get worse for some time before it get better. (There's a lot of undetected cases out there due to a woeful shortage of testing capability.) The future projections are... not pretty.
  7. Bovine exhaust. We've spent decades busting out butts building ever safer cars. When I was a kid, you still saw cars without seatbelts! (They'd only been made required on new cars when I was toddler. More than a few were still on the road.) Also in my lifetime airbags have been made required and crumple zones are so common they might as well be. Etc... etc... Flu? Same deal. We have a multibillion dollar a year industry dedicated to the sole task of ensuring the flu vaccine is as widely distributed as possible and as many deaths prevented as possible. There are extensive campaigns on social media to remind people to get vaccinated and every store/pharmacy that provides shots puts up signage reminding people of their availability. (Not to mention, no flu since the 1918 pandemic has spread nearly as far or fast as COVID-19.) We, as a society, have spent untold numbers of dollars over a period of decades/the better part of a century caring precisely about those things you claim nobody cares about. Is our response perfect? No. But we are trying. The only way to believe that "nobody cares about these things" is either [removed because otherwise a mod will remove it for me] or to have been raised in a cave isolated from humanity until last week.
  8. It's not about current conditions - it's about picking them up early enough that they're properly slotted in the future. It's also about not wanting any currently available choice and picking them up now so you can pick other powers when they become available in the future. tl;dr: Building isn't always about solving current problems, it's also about setting up for the future.
  9. One of my favorites quotes from the OG days... We were discussing the same class of lore problems on the forums and somebody said "here's how good our devs are - the game is less than five years old but the in-game universe is as mucked up and contradictory as a comic universe decades old".
  10. This. Depending on how tough the fight is I can spend most of my time healing, buffing, and re-targeting my boys.
  11. TVTropes is even worse than Wikipedia in that respect...
  12. You can upload it here just like you do a picture. There's a "Drag files here to attach, or choose files..." link at the bottom of the edit box.
  13. You can't eliminate PEBKAC errors. You can't patch out impatient. There's no mod that adds common sense.
  14. For future reference, "/screenshotui 1" enables capturing the UI in a screenshot, and "/screenshotui 0" turns it back off.
  15. MM's can be less busy than a controller, especially if they're of the "summon and forget" persuasion. I tend to be busier as I play more like a heal-and-buff defender with a side order of managing my pet's targeting. It's been a long time since I've played anything other than an /ff (my only current MM), so it's been a bit of learning curve to shift to a slightly more "offensive"*/clicky playstyle. *"Offensive" in the sense that Electrical Affinity is a mix of buffs and debuffs. Full use of the set means switching between "heads down" (concentrating on my pets) and "heads up" (concentrating on the mobs) modes.
  16. I didn't get much chance to try the pet... But after trying the direct blast, I have a mild preference for the pet. That's partly the cool factor, partly the "one less thing on my plate" factor.
  17. All archetypes train trivially easy regardless of levels - it's just a matter of clicking on the trainer and (basically) choosing from a menu. Which brings up the question of what you're really asking... Is it what characters are easiest to play? Solo the easiest? Get XP the easiest?
  18. Hasten is not by any means mandatory. It's entirely possible to play without it, let alone without it being perma. *Tries to think of a single worthless power I've ever selected from a pool.* *Comes up blank.* Less useful than some? Sure. Worthless? No. The problem is less one of the powers, and more one of the playerbase's fervent minmaxing.
  19. I was more making sure *I* didn't come off as being a butt! 🙂 🙂
  20. The issue isn't whether or not it's more or less likely to be a "gotta have it now" purchase - the issue is the corrosive effect on confidence in the system from false positives (Case B).
  21. Figure it never hurts to ask! Didn't mean anything by it.
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