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Lost Ninja

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Everything posted by Lost Ninja

  1. I wonder if they could change how the existing respec works, it's already been changed at least once. (Used to be like fast level up, now you pick all your powers, then slots.) Make the existing freespecs, respec recipes, earned respecs etc, allow you to change everything. Essentially giving you unlimited changes. Mini respecs would simply give you a small number of changes, you'd still do a "respec" you would just be limited to what could be changed. You could probably even set it up (using this idea) so you could stack mini respecs so you could change more than one small thing... perhasp even have different grades of respec (like Insps). While they're at it something to move all of the enhancements from "This will be deleted" to the trays, dragging 50+ (at lvl33) enhancements is no fun.
  2. You can only do it with multiple presses of the macro/button. /bind <key> "powexec_toggle_on <power 5>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 4>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 3>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 2>$$powexec_toggle_on <power 1>" It will load non-mutually exclusive toggles up from right to left (1 -5). You can do similar with Combat Jumping & Super Jump or Fly & Hover, but due to the exclusivity launching one will cancel the other. If you want to de-toggle quickly, I find /bind <key> powexec_name walk" is great for that. @Thread: Another good place to look for information and ideas, expecially about things not covered by ParagonWiki (etc) is: http://www.shenanigunner.com Also wouldn't this be better in guides?
  3. You don't need Knockback -> Knockdown in Psionic Tornado, as it only knocks down anyway, personally I'd slot the Force feedback +Recharge instead.
  4. No he's proposing a new Enchantment slot... not sure which enchantments he wants to put in it... 😛 Yeah, but, no... 😄
  5. IS EM/Faceplam a new Stalker meta?
  6. Once you're that deep into the game then surely you aren't a new player. My advice to someone who isn't a new player? Play it the way you want. Have fun. Don't kill anymore Skuls (they be endangered!). 😉
  7. Are they definitely Rikti ships? Could they be some other alien race bent on world/galactic/universal domination? (That just happen to buy 2nd hand Rikti ships.) Pocket D appears to be somewhere in the Shadow Shards, and wasn't there a new badge added regarding the "Coming Storm" somewhere in Firebase Zulu?
  8. Or Lady Grey in the Montague Catilliano Arc... I hate that woman.
  9. Dark/ For Corruptors has only 1 AOE (PBAoE T9) and 3 (or 4) cones. Love how it looks but need more AoE and less cones. 😞
  10. If you were inside when you use the Orbital Cannon does it destroy the map you're in?
  11. Only issue I have noticed since the most recent patch is that on logging out to character selection (via a bind) one of my three accounts throws an error about not being able to login and drops me to the login screen. But I'm doing ToT on three and experiencing no other issues. All three are 64bit, two run in maximised windows (regular graphics options), 1 in borderless full screen (ultra with cell shading). PC is Ryzen 1600, GTX1060 6Gb & 16Gb RAM.
  12. I have used a windows batch file for launching the client since I started multi-boxing because ISBoxer doesn't like launching the client natively (though all the guides I have seen suggest it's possible). I have I hope removed any specific information from the following so you cannot steal my accounts... 😉 @echo off setlocal set cpath=d:\Games\Tequila\ set cexe=hc-bin64\cityofheroes.exe set pver=2019.09.30 set auth= set pdir=homecoming cls :start echo. echo City of Heroes batch launcher, this batch file will launch 3+ clients depending on the following keypress echo You will need to re-run it for each client launch. 1 & 2 Will autofill their respective Accounts, 3+ won't. echo. echo Starting a client will set the registry for that start. Restarting without this .bat will NOT reset the registry ECHO. echo 1: Account1 (Large) (Multi-Box) Center Screen (Borderless 2) echo 2: Account2 (Large) (Multi-Box) Left Screen (Windowed Maximised) echo 3: Account3 (Small) (Multi-Box) Right Screen (Small Window) echo 4: Test (Small) Right Screen - Testing ECHO 5: CoH (Change Account on Login), intended for solo. echo 6: Launch Beta Client echo. echo 8: Store current Registry settings to a temp file for later integration. echo 9: Exit echo. choice /n /c:123456789 /m "Pick an option:" if ERRORLEVEL == 9 goto end if ERRORLEVEL == 8 goto store if ERRORLEVEL == 7 goto start if ERRORLEVEL == 6 goto Beta if ERRORLEVEL == 5 goto Solo if ERRORLEVEL == 4 goto Q4CoH4 if ERRORLEVEL == 3 goto Q4CoH3 if ERRORLEVEL == 2 goto Q4CoH2 if ERRORLEVEL == 1 goto Q4CoH1 :store cls echo. echo Will store (to %cpath%) the current registry settings for the most recently closed game client. echo. echo Please rename this to one of the following premades (multiplay1... etc) echo. regedit -e %cpath%temp_coh_settings.reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cryptic\CoH goto end :Q4CoH1 cls echo. echo Launching Account1 (Centre Screen) echo. set pswd=password regedit /S d:\Games\Tequila\Q4CoH1.reg goto launch :Q4CoH2 cls echo. echo Launching Account2 (Right Screen) echo. set pswd=password regedit /S d:\Games\Tequila\Q4CoH2.reg goto launch :Q4CoH3 cls echo. echo Launching Account3 (Small Screen) echo Please adjust account on launch. echo. set pswd=password regedit /S d:\Games\Tequila\Q4CoH3.reg goto launch :Q4CoH4 cls echo. echo Launching A Small Screen for testing. echo Please adjust account on launch. echo. set pswd=password regedit /S d:\Games\Tequila\Q4CoH4.reg goto launch :Solo cls echo. echo Launching for (Solo) echo Chnage the account on load... echo. set pswd=password regedit /S d:\Games\Tequila\soloplay.reg goto launch :Beta cls echo. echo Launching Beta (Solo) echo Chnage the account on load... echo. set pswd=password regedit /S d:\Games\Tequila\Q4CoH1.reg echo|set /p=%pswd%|clip D:\Games\Tequila\hc-bin64\cityofheroes-beta.exe -patchversion 2019.09.20 -auth -patchdir hc-beta goto end :launch echo|set /p=%pswd%|clip D:\Games\Tequila\hc-bin64\cityofheroes.exe -patchversion %pver% -auth %auth% -patchdir %pdir% goto end :end endlocal Notes: Top section (before ":Start" should be changed to reflect your installation path. Each launch section contains a local variable for your password, as I'm working with three accounts and use a LastPass style password it's easier for me to add the passwords here and just copy/paste them in (the "echo|set /p=%pswd%|clip" actually takes the entered password and copies it to the clipboard). However in the interests of safety you can ignore this and/or just remove the "set pswd=password" and "echo|set /p=%pswd%|clip" lines entirely if you wish. The regedit section (":store") and the importing of .reg files is to facilitate different graphics & sound options per client, once again these can be ignored if you don't plan on doing that. I found out how to send a 2nd/3rd client to different monitors without using Borderless, I now use it as a fast way of positioning my windows. This is way over what you're asking for I know... but hehe I'm proud of this... 😄 You will still need Tequila to manually update the game every time it patches (more often if you're using the beta client).
  13. In a team target whoever is the hardiest team member, or the tank/brute. When you fire off a damaging power the game will automatically shoot at who they're targeting, as a buffer type doing this means you can hit the "Tank" with your buffs and heals (etc) and still shoot whoever they're targeting.
  14. Why not just enable threads to be sent to alts, doubt it's much more than a flag in a DB somewhere. Only constraint it would have is you can only mail 1 at a time... On 2nd thoughts maybe not... 😄
  15. Not sure I understand what you want to do. But if as I suspect you want to bind the delete key to summon your lore pet at your current location: /bind delete "powexec_location me Longbow_Radial_Ally" I use pretty much the same as above to summon my Fire Imps (Controller pet), but it should work the same way with Lore pets. Not 100% sure on the name of the power (I don't have it unlocked myself), but if you right click the button you can drag from the Incarnate Equip screen and check the power used there. You don't need to replace the spaces in the power name with underscores, I tend to do so as it makes it more obvious which part is command and which target... easier to read basically.
  16. Yeah I should probably have made that clearer.
  17. Not that I know of, you can create rolling binds that would say a new thing each time for as many times as you wanted it to say, but it wouldn't be random, unless you had an external program that interpreted the key-press in game and amended the text file. So for instance for a simple rolling bind: /bind <key> "bind_load_file text1.txt$$powexec_name Shriek$$say <insert witty saying>" text1.txt would be: <key> "bind_load_file text2.txt$$powexec_name Shriek$$say <insert witty saying>" text2.txt: <key> "bind_load_file text3.txt$$powexec_name Shriek$$say <insert witty saying>" ... <key> "bind_load_file text1.txt$$powexec_name Shriek$$say <insert witty saying>" So if you had something like AutoHotkey.Net or something similar to update the text1.txt each time you hit the same key that fires the bind. Waits a few seconds (to allow the bind to work once), then picks a new <witty saying> from a master list and saves it to text1.txt, you could probably do what you're asking, but as far as I know without some sort of external program what you're asking for isn't possible. And no I don't have a clue specifically which external program or how to set this up. (It was heavily discussed on the forums when CoV came out because people wanted to have their pets seem more lifelike.)
  18. A forum of Trolls surely?
  19. Perhaps not quite the same thing but I enjoy Multi-boxing* for the challenge of managing three characters at once. I get the challenge partly form fighting in a different way but also in making the game do what I want. It isn't a zero death proposition... 😄 That is I control (via software) three accounts at once. What one does they all do, I don't mean I have a Spines/Fire Brute with a pocket defender on follow (tried that, it was boring). At level 50 (with two full builds (working on 3rd now)) I'm doing +2/x8 on a trio of controllers, currently having issues with Death Mages and de-toggling. It would be marginally easier to run 4x (buffs/debuffs stack better) and I'd love to try a full 8x... I'm told that Fire/Rad x8 is godlike... I also play in teams and solo but I never feel the urge to push harder when playing like that only when I'm pushing my limits with a trio of idiots... 😄
  20. That's right go dig through Paragon Wiki for /powexec_location... go on it'll be fun. As I said it's good for most things but not everything.
  21. What lower level AoE blasts specifically?
  22. Allow me to unify my many game accounts under a single Master Account. Let me pay a sub for that Master Account. Let me multi-box more than 3 at once. (Off peak, low population server, etc). Just want to see what I can achieve... and while I could do it on a homemade server I want to play i26 which isn't public AFAIK. But ultimately I want to be able to play, I don't need anything but the servers to stay up, if I make my own it would be like playing on Pineapple, instant 50 bored after a few days.
  23. Just remember that Paragon Wiki while good for most things is still locked at information that the game closed down with. Anything added in i25 & i26... basically added post i24 isn't there. So no Sentinels for instance. So far I haven't found a comparable resource listing these updates. These forums or Reddit are pretty good, but not quite as definitive.
  24. This is a really great tip. If you target an ally the target you cast buffs/heals/etc on is the ally, but it's their target who you cast damaging abilities and debuffs on. It's a massively useful feature. You can also bind a key to /assist which picks up their target as your own. /bind <key> "assist"
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