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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. I've been moving his dentures around, too. He fusses when he has to totter across the room to get them. It's hilarious.
  2. Food for thought: Back in the day, shortly after ED was implemented, I began leveling a Kin/Elec defender with no ranged attacks beyond the T1. I used pool melee attacks, and at level 41 and onward, Thunderstrike from the Elec APP. And I took Provoke, because I was experimenting with the Presence pool (mez was a constant source of grief when i played this character, and i'd hoped having a PBAoE Fear and a single-target Fear to stack with it, on lieutenants and bosses, would alleviate the problem (it didn't)). On a TF with my SG, I decided that I was going to tank the AV. The tanker Taunted. I Provoked. The tanker Taunted again. I Provoked again. This continued for a couple of minutes, and I repeatedly peeled the AV off of the tanker, until the tanker finally gave up and allowed me to tank the AV. And I damn well held that AV's attention. Even when I was briefly mezzed multiple times, I had so much aggro on that AV that it never turned away. If a defender can do that, with nothing but Provoke and a 1.0 Threat scalar, and absolute shit damage output (defender melee damage scalar is only 0.55. and this one had no Damage enhancements slotted, it was entirely reliant on Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift), there's no reason a sentinel can't do the same. But we aren't dipping into the Presence pool with our sentinels, and we don't have Gauntlet, we don't even have a PBAoE damage toggle in every primary or secondary. Our aggro is, essentially, only the damage we deal... and even with a higher Threat scalar, our target caps are lower, as @Gobbledegook notes, and our ranges are lower, so we can only hold aggro on two thirds of a max-sized spawn, or as little as a third, even if we're trying. The target caps and the lack of native aggro generation are the critical failures which will prevent sentinels from functioning well as off-tanks, much less primary tanks, in any team consisting of more than 2-3 players. On larger teams, the best we can manage is some of a spawn, and we'd need Provoke to ensure we retained aggro. So if the archetype is expected to tank, it needs higher target caps for aggro (only for aggro), and it needs a native Threat generation solution like Gauntlet. Without those two adjustments, it'll never fill a role in tanking. That's not to say that a sentinel can't tank. As evidenced by my anecdote, any archetype can tank, if the player is determined and the power sets are complementary (Kinetics is especially well-suited for this, since Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift apply -Damage, and Transfusion is critter-targeted). But very few players are going to take their sentinels as far down that crazy road as I took my defender. It's a lot of damn work. A lot of damn work. And not much fun beyond doing it just to see how far one can bend the rules before they start making that annoying whining sound. I think the better direction is to improve the archetype in other ways. The archetype just isn't well suited to tanking with low target caps and no built-in aggro generation.
  3. Sentinel base Threat is 2.5. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/archetype-data.html?at=sentinel
  4. Hide their walkers. *hides @Bill Z Bubba's walker* NOT GOING ANYWHERE NOW, ARE YA, OLD MAN?! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  5. He'll tell you to talk to Doc D at level 20. If you get to him at 19.99, you can go through his entire arc, then on to the others, without flashing back.
  6. I'm a pillar! Oh. No, I'm a pill. Damnit.
  7. Negative reactions have no impact on reputation totals, and in my experience, they have no impact on other peoples' perceptions of what you post. Most of the people on these forums look at your words, not the pictures under your words, and they don't tend to react positively or negatively simply because someone else did. So ignore the bullshit, keep on keeping on.
  8. Which is why the post began with a suggested +/-Special change to Opportunity, which would improve the contribution of all characters, and raise the potential value of support characters without urging players to alter their style. +Special would emphasize support's contribution by increasing the effectiveness of various buffs, such as Heals, Regeneration and Endurance Modification. -Special would be less of an emphasis specifically on support's debuffs and more of a general "sentinels make teams better all around" improvement by increasing the effectiveness of everyone's secondary effects and support's debuffs/controls. The latter half of the post, which was what you appear to feel would present an issue, was, as noted in the opening word, an alternative. Specifically, it's proposed as an alternative because it's the least work-intensive approach to making the archetype contribute to teams more than it currently does and simultaneously improving the experience of playing one. In other words, if they can't be bothered to do anything else, they could do that with a few keystrokes and call it a day, and we'd have something, however slight, to offer to teams beyond second-rate damage output and occasional off-tanking. +/-Special would be my preferred approach, as it reflects the concept behind sentinel design, and it's both team-friendly and of some value solo. It would create a real, appreciable role for the archetype, and resolve the Opportunity issue. Make everyone on the team better just by being on the team and doing what you do (hit things until they stop moving). Everyone wins, no-one's obviated (or forced to pew-pew when they don't want to).
  9. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the appropriate proportions, and some leafy greens for minerals. Cheeseburgers with everything, for everyone!
  10. I told you K-Y wasn't a cleaning solution.
  11. Remove the T1/T2 requirement on Opportunity, and change what Opportunity does to applying a sizeable -Special debuff, or a PBAoE +Special buff, or both. Archetypal design adhered to, team role significantly improved, no-one's toes stepped on. Every teammate benefits if the sentinel is improving the values of debuffs/controls on targets, or improving the buffs on nearby teammates, and the sentinel benefits as well, to a lesser degree, even in a solo environment. Alternatively, merge the existing Opportunities into one, make them both AoE (AoE -Res and PBAoE Heal/+End), and remove the T1/T2 constraint. Takes some pressure off of support, allowing them to participate in combat more, and adds value to damage dealers without restricting them to a single target (which is likely to be defeated within a couple of seconds for anything below AV HP).
  12. I'm cutting off your supply of dog.
  13. You people are all thinking small. You have to go big. Really big. Reach out to the largest, most widespread demographic group on the planet. Advertise on porn sites.
  14. Just tested on my Shield/Elec tank, 100% +Res to -Rchg, and yes, it's complete immunity to -Rchg.
  15. Whoa, slow down, chief. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early for Gaussian to be thinking about engagement. We barely know each other. We haven't even had a proper date yet, and even though we exchanged numbers, all he ever talks about is his work. Now, I'm sure he's nice, but, honestly, there needs to be some foundation before we build a house together.
  16. /bind v "+$$powexectoggleon Infiltration$$powexectoggleon Sprint" /bind b "powexectoggleon Energy Cloak$$powexectoggleoff Sprint" It's not perfect (yet). Have to hold down on V for a second, or Sprint won't toggle. Alternatively... /bind v "powexectoggleon Infiltration$$powexectoggleon Sprint" That requires two presses of V, but it's a bit more responsive than using the + version.
  17. The Invention system was designed this way purposefully to maintain a degree of balance. We're not supposed to six-slot every power, which is why, to highlight one glaringly obvious example, we don't get enough slots to do so. We're not supposed to gain six-slot bonuses for every power, either, we're supposed to make choices about which powers need more slots and which can function well with fewer. This is part and parcel of the balance within the game. Don't hold your breath.
  18. I did ask you to provide some evidence of this rampant, egregious abuse to which you've alluded. Your response was, "This conversation is over". The absence of evidence is, in and of itself, evidence. That's not flawed logic, it's one of the most basic tenets of observation. For instance, we know that there are no Tyrannosaurus Rexes alive now. We know this because we have no evidence of them being alive now. The sum total of missing evidence for their continued survival to the present day is, therefore, evidence that there are none alive. You know what, I'll ask someone else. Hey, @GM Impervium, how many people have used the in-game report tool to report: being kicked from a team for using KB being verbally harassed for using KB being griefed by someone using KB? We don't need names, dates, times or anything like that. Just totals. And while you're at it, the total number of active player accounts would be helpful, so we can determine the percentage of players these issues affect.
  19. One post stated that the poster left teams with players who used KB without regard for teammates. One. You know, like Seismic Blast having one KB power, rather than "all about KB"? One.
  20. The "KB got me booted and called names" chatter? It's amazingly silent chatter. I searched, I dug, I listened, and it's pretty damn quiet, because I can't find it. The "I knowingly, willingly selected a set with KB and I don't like KB, and instead of dealing with it, I'm going to rant" comments? I expect literate adults in full possession of their faculties and not struggling with intellectual disabilities to be capable of accepting the consequences of their choices. I don't think that's too much to ask, as it's no less than what I expect of myself. The "Someone knocked a critter back and now I'm so mad my head is about to explode" posts? Apparently, they're not mad enough to do anything about it. No-one's being kicked for using KB. No-one's being verbally abused for using KB. Having to use Hover, or Fly, or vertically joust with Combat Jumping, or spend a slot on a KB->KD IO, or position the KB effect so it blows critters in a preferred direction, or fucking press W, is not the worst goddamn thing that can happen to people, not even in this game, and going spastic over it is immature and ridiculous. It's not that important. Worse things happen to all of us before our first cup of coffee in the morning.
  21. No "People are mean to me/kicking me off of teams because I use KB" controversy.
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