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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. It isn't. Benumb is the one I can think of off the top of my head, and I think there are a few others. Ice Arrow and EMP Arrow also debuff various resistances to debuffs now. All resistances work this way. Resistance of any kind resists debuffing that kind of resistance. This was first noted in Resistances to various forms of damage. Your Smashing Resistance has always resisted debuffs to Smashing Resistance. It's either a quirk of the way resistances were designed, or a specific mechanic implemented before the game went live. Resistance resisting resistance debuffs was what inspired Defense Debuff Resistance (DDR), because Defense had no comparable mechanism at the time and needed a way to be made closer to Resistance for parity between types of mitigation. Actually, that small reduction in regeneration resistance brings TA near the top of the pack, despite EMP Arrow's -Regen having a duration which can't be made perma. @Bopper, can you drop the link to your beta analysis of TA? /powexec_location target me EMP Arrow You have to keep in mind, this isn't a power exclusive to players who stay at range, or even to defenders/corruptors. Every controller and mastermind can gain massive benefit from having a ranged AoE status protection for their pets, and every defender/corruptor/controller/mastermind who goes into melee range (for example, to use a PBAoE debuff or status effect), or finds themselves being attacked at melee range, can benefit from EMP Arrow. Even as a purely ranged defender/corruptor, using it on yourself is beneficial. If you're on a team, you're likely to have other teammates near you who also lack status protection, and you've got the answer to that in your pocket. There are no restrictions on how you use EMP Arrow, beyond the ones you set for yourself. Here's the rub: defenders (and corruptors) aren't controllers, and what you're recommending is essentially restoring the power to being one of the best controls in the entire game, simply by virtue of being on a shorter recharge than standard AoE Holds. And if the Hold is removed or the duration shortened even more than it was, then it essentially becomes just a -Regen/Special... which, frankly, would be absolute shit as a T9 power. I expect more from my T9 than a delayed access version of Lingering Radiation or weaksauce, whittled down Benumb. EMP Arrow, as it is now, is useful in a very wide variety of situations and for everyone who has access to it, thanks to that status protection, and that makes it a good power. Going to have to /jranger this idea.
  2. Pretty sure the paper, ink and electricity used would cost more than a Dollar Store phone and $30 pre-paid card. On the other hand, reading the entire site on paper would give you the opportunity to put a cassette tape into your Walkman and play back the dial-up modem sounds so you could really feel the '80's vibe.
  3. It never happens with henchmen or regular pets (Haunt, Phantom Army and Spectral Terror all work as expected with this command), as far as I've been able to discern. Nor does it seem to happen with Disruption Arrow. But Glue Arrow and Oil Slick Arrow seem to spawn their pets under their target critter, and if the target critter is standing on a box, a platform, a piece of a potato chip, then the pseudo-pet spawns under the object. If the terrain is hilly, the pseudo-pet will almost always spawn underground. In the case of Glue Arrow, this causes the power to fail to affect anything. When it happens with OSA, it can make OSTarget impossible to target, thus ignite. For both, it can also aggro an additional spawn if the pseudo-pet drops down to floor level on some indoor maps, such as the tech lab map with the raised platform just before the elevator, where there's typically one spawn on the platform and another next to it. This bug is really, really making it difficult to enjoy Trick Arrows. Having to flip between manual targeting and critter targeting constantly is a hassle and irritation, and given how easy it is to lose track of the pointer, cause delays leading to defeat. And not having access to key powers is making TA itself even more frustrating that it was in the past. If /powexec_location target can't spawn pseudo-pets where they should be, instead of under things, then maybe it's time to do a pass on pseudo-pets to make them large enough to prevent them from falling into oblivion when /powexec_location target is used, or add another argument in order to force the pseudo-pets to spawn X' above ground level.
  4. Yeah, I tend to forget... well, everything once I've started talking about Artemis. She's my favorite Greek deity, always has been. Archer, huntress, moon goddess...💘. Oh, right. Staying focused. Staying focused. Thanks for pointing out my oversight. The point I was making, though, was that Persephone's union with Hades was anything but functional. Zeus' marriage to Hera was more functional, and they were doing spiteful things to each other constantly.
  5. I recall skimming through a rather lengthy discussion of KB to KD, with an emphasis on Bonfire's interaction, last year, though I can't name the thread or where it was here (i do remember it being here, because this is the only Co* group i bother with). If memory serves, Bonfire doesn't play well with one of those IOs, going from guaranteed KB to unreliable KD. I don't remember which IO caused that, but given the wording of the description for Overwhelming Force, and my personal experience with it (operates as described in some powers, complete waste of a slot in others), I'd guess that it's that one.
  6. Legionette, my Staff/Willpower brute, is my favorite because everything coalesced. The powers, the look, the bio, it all came together perfectly in a way none of my other characters did. I like Staff Melee because it has two cones and a PBAoE, and I can chain them without relying on Hasten. There's no target juggling with her. She also has a fully functional single-target attack chain, so she's not sacrificing anything to gain a complete AoE chain. I also like the animations, the subtleties of little things like the way her ankles flex when she's leaning back to hammer something with Sky Splitter, or how her body repositions itself when she's transitioning from Guarded Spin to Innocuous Strikes, and the sounds have a satisfying solidity to them. I like Willpower because there's no unnecessary key mashing. I don't have to frantically search for a heal, I don't have to watch a timer, the set just does what it needs to do and allows me to do what I want to do, that being AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH with Staff Melee attacks. It somehow feels more effective than other toggle-based mitigation that I've used for other characters, like Invulnerability and Energy Aura. The look is small, slender, not powerful or indicative of strength. Roman armor, Roman sandals, very Amazonian, but sharply contrasted by her slight frame. Simple hair, simple adornments, nothing fancy or flashy... she's plain, but it's a plainness that works well. This ties in with... The bio portrays her as being under-developed in respect to others like her, and, consequently, thought to be incapable of doing what she does. But she's stubborn, determined and, even though she's frightened by many things and realizes that she might be humiliating herself, she's brave enough to face her fears, and she's confident enough in her abilities to put herself to the hazard. She believes in herself, and to me, that's the greatest power anyone has. Legionette is my Wonder Woman (i said that in another thread...).
  7. Persephone was kidnapped, held prisoner by Hades until Zeus demanded that he return her to her mother (Demeter). When Zeus put his foot down, Hades agreed to release her, under the condition that she neither ate nor drank anything while in Tartarus... and proceeded to trick her into eating by telling her he'd release her and suggesting that she eat before leaving, upon which the agreement with Zeus mandated that she spend part of the year in Tartarus with Hades. Furthermore, there's nothing in Greek mythology which states that Persephone was ever happy to be the prisoner, wife or queen of Hades. Quite the opposite, it indicates that she was as despondent as her mother during her time in Tartarus (Demeter's suffering is given as the explanation for winter, the period during which she mourns the loss of her daughter, when the ground is as barren as her heart). The one child purported to come from Hades and Persephone, Melinoë, was "the bringer of nightmares", which further reinforces the implication that the union of Hades and Persephone was most decidedly not happy, or functional, especially in light of the fecundity which nearly every other deific representation was portrayed (Greek deities had sex with anything that moved, and some things that didn't (with the exception of Artemis, who was represented as eternally chaste)).
  8. Plus one and a box of candies. Cutscenes in Co* are the video game equivalent of being right in the middle of sexy time and having the DEA barge in without cause. They're badly timed and badly used here, they need to be taken out back and shot. Repeatedly. With prejudice.
  9. They all are. There are always three names for pharmaceuticals - the chemical name, the common name and the brand name. For example, isobutylphenylpropionic acid/ibuprofen/Advil. The chemical name is basic and obvious, it's the chemical formula itself. The common name is always derived from the chemical name. Ibuprofen = isobutyl (ibu) propionic (pro) acid phenyl (fen). That's marketable, but it's not copyrightable because it's basically just shorthand for the chemical name, so a third name is required, something a company can copyright. Ergo, Advil. Advil doesn't have a damn thing to do with the chemical or common names, it's just branding, but that branding is important because pharmaceutical patents aren't perpetual. They expire, at which time anyone can manufacture the drug and sell it under their own brand name, or the common name (take a look at the NSAID section in any grocery or dollar store, you'll see ten different varieties of ibuprofen, including generic ibuprofen with no brand name, just the store logo). The completely made up brand name gives the original patent holder a leg up on competition when the patent expires and everyone starts selling the same thing for a lower price, in different dosages or with their own combinations of other pharmaceuticals.
  10. This is where @Jimmy stabs us for asking questions.
  11. According to a Troll, who I just asked this question, it's pronounced, "RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!". So, there you go.
  12. Expecting a cat not to draw blood when he's playing or showing affection is like expecting a carbon-based life form not to respire.
  13. He wants to eat our livers some some fava beans and a nice chianti.
  14. The pet won't follow me. He stops moving when I go through doorways, up steps or around corners, like a brainless NPC escort who's losing you because you're Stealthed. This doesn't happen with Singularity, the Robotics henchmen, or even with Phantom Army, it's just this pet. It's not caused by Superior Invisibility, he's getting lost even when I have that turned off, and I don't have any Stealth IOs, nor any of the Concealment pool, and I'm not using Group Invisibility. Nor is he getting stuck, he's not touching anything when it happens, he's just floating where he lost sight of me. It's 100% reproduceable here, for example. I go up, get his attention, he starts to follow me. I go down, fucker goes on a coffee break.
  15. They're visible in profiles. If I look at yours, I can see which posts you've stabbed. If I look at mine, I can see when you've stabbed me. The stabbing is only hidden on the posts themselves. You don't hide your stalking very well. 😁
  16. Hancock. You can't talk about flawed superhero interpretations without including Hancock. It's a great portrayal of a flawed superhero and how he relates to and interacts with people. There's a surprising degree of character development, considering that it's a comedy.
  17. There's another folder for Fly sounds, and a couple of other flight sound loops. Data\Sound\ogg\Flight Flightflynew_loop.ogg Flightwind_loop.ogg Replacing those with silenced files eliminates the roaring sound while flying. I suspect only Flightwind_loop.ogg is responsible for that. I'll test the individual sounds later, I'm just going to enjoy not gritting my teeth and getting headaches while flying for now.
  18. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Temporary_Power:_Ethereal_Shift https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Stealth_Suit_(Arena) https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Hyper_Stealth https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Combat_Invisibility https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Stealth_Suit_(Raid) https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Resonance_Disrupter You might also consider targeted -Perception powers, like Smoke Grenade. The -Perception from those types of powers can be effectively stacked with Stealth from any source to give you the same effect as total Invisibility. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Temporary_Power:_Smoke_Flash https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Smoke_Bomb_(Raid)
  19. It doesn't have the "graceful" ramp up to max speed that SJ displays. You're jumping at full speed the instant you hit the key. Regarding height, once you hit the apex of your jump, Jump Speed is no longer applied to your movement, you're reliant on momentum to carry you. With a shallower leap parabola, Infiltration loses less, relatively, than SJ, so it also feels smoother throughout the entirety of the jump. This also plays into jump speed, because all movement in this game is vectored. Meaning, you're only moving at your maximum speed in one direction. If you Fly up and to the left at the same time, you're not Flying at 92 mph in both directions, you're flying at 92 mph in the direction halfway between up and to the left, along that specific vector. Leaping uses the same rules, so if you're leaping at an extreme vertical angle, half of your speed is being lost in the upward direction. Infiltration's reduced jump height means more of the speed is being applied directly to forward movement. You're not leaping forward at a 45 degree angle, you're leaping forward at a 22.5 degree angle (guestimated, too busy actually enjoying jumping with a travel power to pay as much attention as i should), so less of your speed is wasted on the wrong movement axis. To put it another way, it feels exactly like the jumping I used to do with just Hurdle, Combat Jumping and +Movement bonuses. It feels the way jumping should feel in this game. I have several characters with Infiltration, capped Jump speed and faster Run speed and it's just perfect, seamless integration of jumping and running, even with different movement speeds. It never feels slow.
  20. Drop Super Jump, use Infiltration. Zoomy fast jumping that doesn't feel slow at any time.
  21. Textures can always be replaced. How much work is involved, and whether it's worth doing, I can't say. Have to ask one of the HC team about that.
  22. I wasn't addressing your question. I was addressing your assertion that this thread is a witch hunt. If you want research data on the frequency of company action regarding copyright infringement, you can use www.google.com to find it. Your question, your responsibility to do the leg work to answer it.
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