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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. No Squirrel Girl. That's the problem.
  2. Female Tights 2 chest. No extra polygons, but the texture was there and visible with certain costume colors. Chest surgery ruined one nipple, Cryptic nerfed my diginipples, now I'm down to 1/4th the nipple potential I had. Still mad.
  3. Plenty of missions with NPCs who fold without a player either tanking or providing copious support. This mission, for example. If you can keep Lady Grey alive at a higher difficulty setting, it's indicative of the ability to do well on a team. Or you could ask friends to give you a few minutes of their time on the test server. That is what friends are for, isn't it? No-one's said anyone should have to go to the test server before creating a character. What's been said is that the tool is there if there's doubt that the character will be enjoyable at level X. If someone wants to know if Thing/Stuff is fun at 50+ without the hassle of leveling all the way to 50+ to find out, the test server is right there. If someone levels Thing/Stuff to 50+ and spends the entire time regretting it, that's on them. If someone levels Thing/Stuff to 50+ and decides it's not quite what they want, that's also on them. They're not entitled to, owed, or deserving of anything simply for having stuck it out or changed their mind. They chose to do that, they need to live with that choice. Asking for a full set/set or archetype respec is asking to be absolved of responsibility for the choices they made. I'm vehemently opposed to that, especially in a game. We should always be held accountable for the decisions we make, always have to deal with the consequences of our actions, and most definitely the ones which come back and bite us on the ass, because that's opportunity for growth. We make mistakes, we learn from them, we become smarter, wiser and more capable.
  4. Some testing I've done on some characters might have relevance. On my Bots/TA mastermind, I keep "losing" one or more of my robots. Every few minutes, a robot would become stuck on something. It's not in combat, it's not defeated, it's stuck in a wall, or on a chair, or a light pole, or whatever. I found that the problem was caused by Group Fly. Every time I have a stuck robot, I turned off Group Fly and the little moron will come running over to me. I've also found that both Singularity and Phantasm were the worst at passing through doorways, such as in sewers, so bad that I'd either dismiss them and resummon them later, or I'd just abandon them and finish the mission without them. On my peacebringer, I noted that summoning Photon Seekers when I wasn't in the middle of a spawn would sometimes cause one to "disappear", meaning only two would make it to the spawn, the third never showed up. Pretty sure the errant Seeker was stuck on something. I've also seen multiple repots of Voltaic Sentinel driving players mad with its inability to keep up and frequent pathing issues. Flight is the commonality with all of them. Every pet/hench I've had trouble with, and all of the reports of troublesome pets/henches that I've read, have had flight in common.
  5. Super Strength/Willpower brute would be the closest approximation of the real me. Mundane. Vigilante. Or rogue. Rogulante? Rogulante. Eden. Quietly. With lots of cats. Several, but only jobs that involve helping people who need it.
  6. People use the test server to determine whether a character is viable, according to their individual definition of viability, not because they're assuming that it won't be and need to prove it. That includes whether or not it's "fun".
  7. Critter AI has to be fixed before anything done to Provoke would matter.
  8. Warshade. Shadow Slip the strays into a nice cluster, Mire (and Mire again if you take Dwarf form), alternate Dark Extraction and Unchain Essence using the defeated enemies already lying around. Stygian Circle the fresh pile of bodies, move forward.
  9. I have no inside information or insight on the reasoning behind the decision to revamp Galaxy City... but I do object to it. Not because I was attached to it, but because the very idea was a grossly overused plot device. It wasn't creative or interesting. The Hollows? Destroyed by Trolls. Boomtown? Destroyed by the Rikti. Faultline? Destroyed by Faultline. Eden? Destroyed by Devouring Earth. First Ward? Destroyed by Hamidon. Galaxy City? Destroyed by Shivans. That's not even a comprehensive list, it's just what I noted off the top of my head. Every time Cryptic or Paragon wanted to convey "dangerous", they did it by saying X destroyed <insert city zone here>. That's unimaginative and lazy, and it removes any sense of threat. Who the fuck cares if something devastated a section of <insert city here>? That happens every Tuesday around here. Blah.
  10. Changing the little arrow into a big arrow doesn't alter the one pixel that it affects, any more than changing the graphics on a single-target attack to an AoE's graphics turns it into a real AoE. Nor does it instill in it the ability to affect multiple fields in an interface which only allows one field to be active at any given time. The arrow is just a visual aid. That's all. Little arrow, big arrow, neon dildo, South America turned upside down, it doesn't matter what it looks like or what size it is, it still only affects one pixel. Additionally, if the existing pointer mod were so badly done that the location of that one pixel affected when the user clicks was 40 pixels away from the tip of the arrow, this would've been widely noticed and reported, as everyone using the mod would be clicking the wrong things in every aspect of the game (badges, contacts, powers, everything).
  11. It's a rare bug that's been almost entirely overlooked by the people who experienced it, to such a degree that fewer than five people have bothered to report it, and the HC team isn't a full development studio with unlimited resources, so they have to focus on the problems which affect the most people and threaten game stability. They're not ignoring outstanding issues, and you accusing them of such is unwarranted.
  12. Fully deformable terrain. Punch through walls. Make potholes when you land. Knock over buildings. Knockback deals extra damage based on the force of the strike. Every power is thematically linked to your first choice. If you're a Fire blaster, for example, and you take Fly, your Fly emits flames. And you can select how that works, such as the lower half of your body becoming obscured by a flaming tornado, or your entire body changing to flame, or flames shooting out of your boots. If you have defensive powers, they're fire-themed. You take Air Superiority and whack someone with it, the animation isn't the same two-fisted hammer maneuver that a Super Strength character uses, it's... a small explosion, or a sudden gust of flames shooting up from the ground, or something fire-related. Spring Attack into an enemy spawn and a ring of fire explodes from where you land. Every power ties back into your primary power, the first power you select, and every animation is relative to that first choice. Zero "wasted" powers, via upgrades. Your Fire blaster decides he/she needs the next level of pew-pew, so instead of adding another power to your repertoire and taking that first pew-pew off of your tray, you improve the first pew-pew. Upgrade it again and it's an AoE or cone. You can always go back and select your first pew-pew again, and upgrade that to obtain more powers, but the net result is you only have what you want and need, not a lot of abandoned crap. Visual indicators for cones and AoEs. Cute non-combat pets. Cute little non-combat pets. Bunnies. Kittens. I guess some puppies are cute... when they're not peeing on things, crapping on things, slobbering on things... Anyway, adorable little pets to follow you around and make you happy. Buff/debuff notification icons on the target window. Better than a 50% guaranteed hit rate (miss, forced hit, miss, forced hit, miss, forced hit, mi-MOTHERFUCKERJUSTSTOPTHATALREADY). And AoEs included in the calculation (AoE miss, single-target miss, AoE miss, single-target m-OHI'VESOHADITWITHYOURSHIT). Better mission design. Running from one portal to another in PI is stupid. Having a mission with one objective, and the entire mission taking 92 seconds, is stupid. Colonel Runaway is fired. His replacement is enemy ramping. If they can't hit you, they try harder. If they're close to being defeated, they fight harder. Challenge, not chase. Hazard courses for movement modes. Jumping puzzles, flight paths, et cetera. Like the ski slopes, but for everyone and every type of travel. Choices and consequences. Right now, it doesn't matter if a mission ends in failure, the story just moves on. It doesn't matter if you decide to save Detective Hopp or not, the story moves on. The story is pre-determined, you're just witnessing it. Instead, if you fuck up and don't stop the bad guy, maybe he sets a building on fire when he escapes, or kidnaps a family and assassinates them on television, or dumps dioxin into the reservoir. Hostage? Maybe you save her, maybe you don't, but what you do determines what happens next in the story, rather than simply being a one line side note in the next mission's acceptance text. Crate of weapons? What happens if you take it for yourself instead of delivering it to the police? Or you blow it up... along with that underground base where the bad guys were hiding? More value to less utilitarian controls and debuffs. Okay, so I debuffed that dude's Recharge TIme. So fucking what, the script just moves the enemy to the next available attack and my debuff doesn't actually have any appreciable effect if combat isn't unnecessarily long. Why not have that debuff put enemy powers on recharge so it's immediately useful? Immobilized an enemy, go me, oh wait, Captain Shitbiscuit can still blow my face off with an Armalite AR-18. Make Immob prevent turning. Done, now Immob is more useful than shitting on tanks' days and keeping psychotic AVs from trying to run to Poland, because it can limit how much damage an enemy can deal. Control durations are fixed. Magnitude can be increased, duration can't. Makes multiple control characters useful. Want to keep everything locked down? Bring more than one X. Better feet. Seriously, these Quasimodo clubfoot things with lines on them, they have to go. Some thigh high boots that aren't stiletto heels or high heels, for the ladies. Haven't you tormented my toes enough with the Chinese foot wrapping shit, I have to wear six inch heels, too? How's a girl supposed to kick ass when she can't walk? GIVE ME FLAT THIGH HIGH BOOTS, GODDAMNIT. Easter eggs everywhere. Secret caves, underwater grottos, a sky ship that can't be seen until you're above it. Ever play Fallout 3? Remember all of those weird garden gnome and teddy bear easter egg tableaus? Stuff like that. Things for us to find and enjoy finding when we're out exploring. The city reflects overall player activity. If there are a lot of people doing good things in an area, it's bright and shiny. If an area is neglected, clouds move in, it becomes dark and gloomy. Random crime that amounts to more than NPCs locked in a single animation endlessly. I don't stop muggings because the muggers won't get the purse if I don't intervene. I don't engage the criminals staring into a store window or crouched in front of the door because they're static. They'll be in front of that window or door until they despawn. I want a reason to intervene. Let that mugger grab the purse so I'm inclined to chase him. Let those guys break into the store so I'm encouraged to run in after them and stop the theft. No morality missions. Morality is coupled to action. What you do determines where you are on the compass, not which mission you select or which "side" you're on when you're doing missions. Objective interaction animations. Why do I just stand there like a useless idiot when I'm "hacking" a computer? Why am I staring at a progress bar with a brief description of my action when I'm playing a game rich with animations which could be used to depict that action? Nope. If you're opening a crate, you're opening the crate, your character is going through the motions of opening that crate. Archetype differentiation that makes sense. Cryptic fucked it up by trying to do it with restrictions on power sets. A better method is to make every archetype capable of doing something no other archetype can. Controllers, for instance, would be the only archetype with access to AoE controls. Defenders would have one buff/debuff that no-one else had. Et cetera. Makes everyone different and valuable for different reasons, and allows us to redefine archetypes for the sequel. More than one raid, and none on an oversized breast implant. Boobs aren't scary. Options for + and - abilities. Maybe I'm willing to live with flying more slowly if it means I can increase the power of my dive attack by 10%. Or I can make my AoE attack deal 10% less damage, but have a 2 second Stun. Lots of ways we could customize our characters with benefits and penalties. Every power's effects are determined partially by animation time. If you're using an attack with a 3.5 second animation, it's goddamn well not going to be a heartbreaking letdown. That fucker's going to be almost guaranteed to hit, and it's going to be worth that 3.5 seconds. Fucking Incandescent Strike... I'M STILL ANGRY ABOUT THAT MONUMENTAL DISAPPOINTMENT. A dozen or so pre-designed bases/lairs for players to start out with, so getting into that aspect is quick and painless. A UI that doesn't feel like it was designed by a Windows 95 enthusiast.
  13. Macros and binds can't determine when a power begins or ends animation or recharge, nor can they activate powers simultaneously (powers are activated sequentially, according to where in the string they're place, from last to first). What you can do is create a macro or bind which activates a power, then loads a bind file which changes the macro or bind to activate a different power. Example: my Ice/Willpower sentinel uses one mouse button to activate both Blizzard and Ice Storm, alternating the bind with two bind files. Blizzard bind file Ice Storm bind file When I activate Blizzard, the game reads bindloadfilesilent and loads ice.txt, which rebinds button5 to Ice Storm. When I activate Ice Storm, the game reads bindloadfilesilent and loads bliz.txt. Every time I press button5, the game activates whichever power is bound to it, finds the next bind file and loads it, which rebinds button5 to the next power. So you can activate multiple powers with one key or button, but each activation requires a press. You can't automate the whole process, the game requires you to interact to some degree.
  14. Perhaps you're unfamiliar with the definition of "bug" in regard to computer software? Google that shit. Jesus. Some people.
  15. That depends... are you familiar with the casting couch?
  16. Beast Crawl. Creeping forward on all four limbs. I want that, too. Been thinking about it for a few months. The excessive motion of Beast Run looks fine at full tilt, but not at normal movement speed.
  17. https://www.google.com/search?q=ish Way to miss the joke, you two. I've never seen anything go over anyone's head and achieve orbit that fast before. You should apply to the ESA.
  18. British. English. I'm supposed to take nomenclature advice from people who can't give themselves a definitive name?
  19. And restraining orders prevent you from getting there. 😞
  20. The exemplared mastermind will only have two T1 and one T2 henches. But those henches will also have EndRdx slotted, so they won't be pausing mid-combat to recover, unlike the lower level mastermind's. The exemplared mastermind's henches will have the first upgrade on them, and that upgrade will be slotted with Defense or Resistance enhancements if they're one of the revamped sets, which means they'll be more durable than the lower level mastermind's. The exemplared mastermind will have access to the T7 power that they took at level 18, the lower level mastermind won't. Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, pity those poor exemplared masterminds with Gang War and Hell on Earth and Maintenance Drone! They're so underprivileged! We have to help them! 🙄
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