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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. I can't speak to the popularity of the opinion you expressed in your first paragraph, Eldyem; but I can say that I agree with it!
  2. DISCLAIMER: I am stupid-tired right now, and should be in bed. But a foolish idea popped in to my head, and now I'm going to blarp it out in to the Off-Topic board. It's been nearly a year now since Homecoming became a thing. I've started to recognize some of you folks by the things you say, the way you say them, and those little picture-dealies near your names. I know that in reality you're all actual people* behind keyboards (or using those kids-these-days-cell-smart-phone-thingies instead, you hipsters!), but part of my brain is still identifying you all as fictional characters in some grand narrative. Those of you who have been in forum communities for a while may have seen something like this before, but the basis premise is along the lines of: If some film studio were to make a movie or television series about of misadventures here, as portrayed in one of those "inside the Matrix" style artificial setting, who would you want your persona to be modelled after and voiced by? Which acting professionals might you consider for your fellow Homecoming forumites? Or the members of the Homecoming Team? NOW THEN! With that out of my brain, let's see if I can shove my face in to a pillow hard enough to render myself unconscious. *in before someone makes the "OR AM I" joke about being a Turing-positive AI and/or a collective hallucination.
  3. I was actually working on a little side project of trying to make more faces by splicing the tops and bottoms of the texture files together. It has been . . . slow going . . . However, if this asymmetrical costume thing works out well enough, then maybe the next project the Team could consider would be decoupling the tops and bottoms of faces. That would massively increase the variety of faces available to players! The challenge would be (much as it is now) blending the tops and bottoms in such a way that they are seamless enough to be aesthetically agreeable.
  4. Vault's are character specific.
  5. Sorry. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/16331-focused-feedback-costume-editor-updates specifically.
  6. As a Traps Mastermind, I know I would certainly appreciate getting to slot some of those ATOs in to my Secondaries. So, alternatively or in addition to Red's latest suggestion, how about allowing Mastermind ATOs to be popped in to Secondary Sets too? While it looks like the Masterminds Week was a long while ago, before we even knew these talks were going on. Yet in relation to this topic and addressing the ATOs, perhaps the ability to put Slots in Supremacy that will specifically only allow the Aura Proc/Passive Enhancements.
  7. I've actually got a different idea for a Playing Card Blast Set up my sleeve. Yes. I went there. Anyway; the Set was designed for the tabletop City of Heroes game I ran a few years back. The Power Set in question was basically made for the lovechild of Gambit and Twisted Fate from League of Legends. The player of this character was a bit weak in the roleplay department, but it did allow me a chance to explore an interesting game mechanic. Using an actual deck of cards (shuffled), whenever the player made an attack, he word draw a number of cards from the deck appropriate to the attack he made. Hearts did reduced damage but Healed him. Clubs dealt Smashing with a chance to Knockdown. Diamonds dealt Lethal with a chance to Stun. Spades dealt mixed Smash/Lethal with increased Damage. The scaling on the Damage/Control Chance was determined by the value on the card, with face cards being guaranteed. Instead of Build Up, he had a Power which allowed him to look at the next 10 cards, discard up to half, and order the remaining cards however he wanted for future attacks. There was also a Power which allowed him to reclaim all his used cards and reshuffle the deck on a longer cooldown. I imagine programming something like that might be a bit of a nightmare, and making it playable in this game would obviously require a few tweaks . . . but I still kind of like the idea of a Power Set which has this random effect system to it.
  8. Hear hear! New Vegas has definitely earnt that.
  9. Good point on the Mastermind Slotting conundrum, Red. Given that there was a suggestion for Kheldians to get extra Slots for their tri-forms, I know I would not baulk at getting extra Slots for the Henchpet Powers! I know, I know . . . can of tentacles.
  10. Fallout 4 was the best Mass Effect game since Mass Effect 1. Shame it wasn't a Fallout game.
  11. Which we already have, actually, thanks to the Carnies! A further "Plus One" to that!
  12. I've been humming-and-hahhing on writing a Story Arc which grants the players different dialogue options based on their Day Jobs. Maybe I should sit down and actually commit pen to paper on that . . .
  13. You . . . uh . . . You already made this suggestion? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/13575-new-at-civilian-suggestion
  14. Same Set, with the option to reskin the Shurikens as Knives, or little shards of glass, or organic barbs, or . . . et cetera. Make it happen!
  15. Barbed Wire (and Chains alternative) Path Aura! Inspiration: by: @Flashtoo from: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/16235-custom-fractals-for-sale-open/ We could use the existing effects from Nature Affinity, since they have the sort of geometry we'd need.
  16. GOOD NEWS! Check out the current build on the Test Server!
  17. Sorry, no meaning to hijack, but . . . WHO?! What!? That's gorgeous. . . . I now need a Support/Melee Archetype for -another- character concept. Pain Domination / Dual Blades.
  18. I missed the reason why, but could someone let me know the reasoning behind the removal of certain Powers in the Arena? Jump/Steam Pack in particular seems like a very odd thing to remove access to there.
  19. A simple keyboard context shortcut when right-clicking on Salvage with the Auction window open would be an absolutely wondrous addition. A "Post Max Stack to Market Immediately" context menu would be even better.
  20. Despite some folks thinking it was a joke, I posted up a thread proposing Archetype Inherent-changing ATOs. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15464-third-class-atos-game-changers Since crafting new Archetypes entirely from scratch is a long drawn-out procedure, with a lot of long-term tweaking and explicit impact to multiple facets of gameplay, a potential alternative would be to lean more heavily on the ATO system to get more variety and mileage out of existing Archetypes. As for existing ATOs; I think the Stalker ATOs are the gold standard by which other ATO Procs and Passive Effects should be measured by.
  21. I've noticed a few changes hitting the forums right now. Would it be possible to have all the changes listed out, similar to the game patch notes? I also noticed about a week ago, the option to delete one of your own posts was changed to "Hide." I've had a feeling that "Delete" was always hiding the Posts, since total Post Count didn't drop, so I didn't make a fuss about that. Still, it would be nice to know for certain. Pleases and thanks be unto yous!
  22. Please excuse me while I absolutely lose my shit. In a good way, I assure you. afgjladfghfg kash faskjh bjkaf hsog hosg o8s bvhsjklb nlsbv s Thank you. OFF TO TEST I GO!
  23. I mean, just to make us all rue the day, Haijinx might do -exactly that- now.
  24. Oof. You -just- missed the train! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/16042-weekly-discussion-40-peacebringers/ Sorry borgk!
  25. Over 2000 posts, and @Haijinx still doesn't have a profile "avatar" image? This can not stand! Sign here to compel Haijinx to fix this grave injustice at once!
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