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Posts posted by Blackfeather

  1. On 10/25/2020 at 3:17 PM, Steampunkette said:

    It would, however, often result in completely irrelevant overpower. Most of your "+100 Overpower!!!" uses would happen on minions, lieutenants, and bosses which could make the RNG incredibly annoying to some players. And make most of the power increase invisible due to the low proc-chance on a boss.

    Oh! Oh! I just had another thought, one that was inspired in part by @CrudeVileTerror's suggestion about a "resolve" mechanic to help get rid of the whole "waste" of super high Overpowers.


    What if an Overwhelming Overpower ended up instantly defeating lieutenants and below? Not sure about the logistics of it all, but I'm thinking in instances where a Mag 50 control and above potentially occurs on minions, where it'd be "wasted", maybe it'd make sense to consider them defeated anyhow (maybe extend to the Mag 7 Overpower for just minions?). This is probably totally overpowered because I just thought about this...but it might be interesting.


    With the current probability tables, it's going to be more likely that weaker enemies will be downed by the damage of a status effect inducing power than them being instantly defeated, but in the rare-ish occasions that it occurs...well. Instant defeat sounds pretty satisfying, I think!


    As a bonus, it even gives Sleeps the rare chance to take down enemies properly in groups - pinging @CaptainLupis since they mentioned about how conditional the status effect was.


    Oh! Maybe @Sovera might be interested in this suggestion as well too, since this basically gives the Controller the chance to instantly defeat weaker mobs in their own, lockdown-ish way. Similarly, I think @BitCook and @Uun mentioned that they had qualms with how quickly things were defeated for controls to have an impact in the late-game. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this!

  2. Also, given @capricorpse's experience with Dominator's, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on this proposal for Controllers! I wanted to give the archetype a way of locking down larger targets, similar but different to the Dominator's Domination inherent. However, I definitely didn't want this proposal to overshadow the other Control archetype. Would love to hear what you think about Overwhelming Overpower - is it too powerful in comparison to what Dominators have, in a similar ballpark, or something else entirely?

  3. 1 hour ago, Gunrunner said:

    But that's exactly what we're asking for.  What almost this entire thread is asking for.  A reasonable-recycle, short-cast base TP that is readily obtainable, and not locked behind infwalls, accolades, or charges.  Similar to, if not exactly the same as, the currently available Oro portal. 

    Well, all I can really say to that is...my condolences for relying too heavily on the slash command. It's kind of clear that the dev team's not interested in making something that's a drop-in replacement for the /enter_base_from_passcode command for those use cases you stated.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 hours ago, QuiJon said:

    And so what exactly is the problem with replacing the old slash command with a new power that doesnt have the exploitability of the slash command but 100 percent of the functionality??


    I mean you sit back and say you dont think they were interested in doing that. Well why not? The one thing missing from this conversation is what were the devs motivations for going this insanely unpopular route? I know that is a very slanted view but lets face facts, for over a year now this discussion has been going on that the slashcommand was 1. not ever intended for general use and that 2. the devs were leaving it available while they sought out a resolution.


    This indicates to me a few things. First that obviously yes at some point the slash command would be going away in that form. It would because as an instant power it was to ease to exploit as an escape button. (i know other things have come up but since they are not public and i dont know what they are i cant discuss them) But the very idea that these escape buttons had been brought forward and the command was not instantly turned off also indicates that the devs knew of the commands popularity, and DIDNT feel that is broke the game to leave open while they crafted their fix for it.

    I'm not here to say whether or not these updates are a net positive or negative for others - clearly people are quite opinionated on that (personally for me though, as someone who avoided using this command? Total win, zero drawbacks). All I've said is it's clear that the devs aren't interested in creating a drop-in replacement power for the /enter_base_from_passcode command, hence the route they went in the first place. I'm afraid that whether or not it's a problem doesn't really matter.


    Also, something to keep in mind: the devs have left similar things in the past that lingered for some time, and still got rid of them in the end. The duration of something in-game clearly isn't justification enough for them to keep it there. For instance, look at Jimmy's post on the whole disabling of double influence while disabling XP gain. You'll notice a similar echo about how they should have nipped this at the bud, similar to his post about this slash command. In both instances, he's said the team ought to have addressed the problem early, and expressed regret that they did not. It's how it is - the team makes mistakes.

    6 hours ago, QuiJon said:

    We were being told that the devs were looking for a way to keep something as functional without the exploits.  And when that came to pass the command would be removed. I dont want to act like i am calling out the devs here cause i am not. But the one thing that seems to be missing from this conversation is WHY. For over a year of people using the command, making centeral travel hubs and role players using it for their reindeer games I think it became really obvious to anyone that at its most basic level the slash command was popular and other then pvp and MOTF didnt really break anything. So when you go into a room or whatever and start throwing around ideas on how to fix the slash command issue how do we arrive at this mixed up pool of powers as a fix that wont even allow for the most basic use of the slash command in the first place without committing players to doing extra things or giving up things they do already do. I feel like a bunch of smart guys and gals would have started out with the idea of just "hey orruo portal but opens the base" as the very first idea. It is simple, fills in all the wants and doesnt require a rework of a quarter of a different system mechanic and doesnt require anything new of the players.

    I'm going to have to ask for direct citation for that, because the closest statement I can see about this is:

    There have been no promises from the devs that they'd create a power that'd be at the level of /enter_base_from_passcode. There have been acknowledgements about its uses for hopping between bases, and that the current base teleporter powers have a long recharge and interrupt time. And of course, they made it very clear that the slash command wasn't going to last in its existing form.

    6 hours ago, QuiJon said:

    So i feel like to go from that to what they are presenting has to have some reason behind it why they think it is needed to make our lives more difficult (in game anyway) by implementing the changes/fix in this manner. And i would be interested in hearing that logic. After all it is kind of hard to provide feedback if we are told the command represents a certain set of  problems and we are arguing those points and fixes only to find out that the developers were trying to fix an entire different issue.

    For the people who decided to use that slash command at least - for me? It's only been made more convenient. It's already been justified by the devs, and a long time back at that - take a read through the linked post and the thread at large. As said, clearly, both from the patch notes here, and official statements there, they're not interested in making anything close to what the /enter_base_from_passcode command was like.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Heraclea said:

    What I suspect is actually going to happen is drama resulting from teams constantly breaking and re-forming so people can use the teleport to task/strike force contact queue for relatively instant travel between zones.  Inevitably people will be missed, and there will be grief.   The new, inadequate substitutes will mostly be a tax on task force runners, where this tactic won't work.  Fortunately, levelling in the AE bears no such penalties.  Shikata ga nai.

    Actually, that does bring up another thought - entering supergroup bases on teams with mixed Blueside/Redside alignments can sometimes cause team members to be kicked off: that happens currently in game as is. Might a fix for that potentially in the works somewhere, @Jimmy?

  6. 42 minutes ago, Blackfeather said:

    Well, that's the thing. I don't think the devs are interested in creating a power like that - that'd hew too close to outright replacing the slash command that they restricted in the first place.

    4 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Except it is not.  The stated problems with the slash command were;

    1. Dev only command not meant for player use
    2. Escape death cheat in PvP and MoTF runs
    3. Immersion breaking due to people disappearing into thin air

    Turning it into a summon portal power that is interruptible with a brief animation of summoning a base portal solves all those problems.  Hiding it behind limited use charges, inf sinks and ridiculous recharges is overly punitive for a travel ability.

    Could you clarify what you're refuting from that quote of mine? I said there that it's clear that the devs aren't interested in creating a power that'd function as a drop-in replacement for using /enter_base_from_passcode as a way of instantly entering bases (and subsequently teleport to a different map zone) at any given time and place.


    The fact these powers are the way that they are is clear indication of that, as you've pointed out yourself.

  7. 9 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    I take this with a very large grain of salt.  I will believe it when I see it.  8 charges per day is a joke.

    For you, and for the way you wish to substitute your previous use of the /enter_base_from_passcode command? Absolutely. For my own needs, given that I generally avoided the command in the first place? It's a nice bonus to get around, or even RP with if I so desire.

    13 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Only speaking for myself here, I am not asking for an exact match for the command.  Having a power to summon a portal that is interruptible and has a brief cooldown is a perfectly fine alternative to me as it solves the problems as stated in the various posts about the command over the past year.  What I am objecting to is the limited use charges, large influence sinks and ridiculous recharge times.  There is no need for it to be locked behind these in my opinion. 


    There seems to be a very pervasive misunderstanding about what the command does.  It is not an instant transport to a mission door that eliminates using a travel power entirely.  You still need to use your travel powers to get to a mission door once zoning in from your base.


    There is a large community of base builders out there who have invested a lot of time and effort and put great care into building bases not only for family and friends but for the community at larg.  These new base portal powers are making accessing them more expensive and more of a nuisance than before.

    Well, that's the thing. I don't think the devs are interested in creating a power like that - that'd hew too close to outright replacing the slash command that they restricted in the first place. While I'm sure all of our voices are being heard on this matter, I'm personally preparing for when/if these changes roll out.

  8. 1 minute ago, Blackbird71 said:

    So we're going to gimp travel until they can get around to revisiting the day job charges?  No thank you; if we're supposed to rely on these powers as the alternative then they need to be looked at before these changes roll out.

    If you're hoping for anything close to what /enter_base_from_passcode provided, I don't think there's really going to be anything that will satisfy, I'm afraid: nothing the devs will make is going to be exactly the same as it. While I'm sure they'd be happy to accommodate (they could have flat out removed the command without anything else, for instance), I get the feeling that they're not looking for a one to one alternative that people can just swap out for.


    From my perspective, travel's been the opposite of hindered - like I said, I refrained from using the command once I found out that it was going away. As such, I'd be quite happy with these changes as they are, so long as there aren't any bugs with them.

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, ShardWarrior said:

    8 charges per day is simply not enough for a days playtime for me personally.  That is a mere pittance really.  I still cannot understand why the base portal powers need to be hidden behind large inf sinks, ridiculous recharge or limited use charges.  This fix for this creates new headaches while trying to solve the original problem.

    On 10/27/2020 at 8:58 PM, Jimmy said:

    At present all the active day jobs hover around 4~ a day. As I mentioned though, I do want to do a pass on these but it won't be in Page 1.


    After Page 1 is out, feel free to send me a reminder via PM and I'll post them in the HC wiki club forum.

    It sounds like future discussions about Day Job charges might be up on the table one day. But in the meantime, I'm fine with how things are myself. Of course, I also made a personal decision to refrain from using the /enter_base_from_passcode command where I could, given that it was stated that it was going away, so as to not become reliant on it.

  10. 3 hours ago, Luminara said:

    What I have in mind doesn't really fit with your suggestion.  I'd go the other way entirely, changing the way status effects are applied, using debuffs instead of hard mez (Slows would stack or scale to become Immobilizes, -Recharge would stack or scale to become Hold, -ToHit would stack or scale to become Stuns, -Damage would stack or scale to become Sleeps, and so forth.  these are just examples of possible ways it could be implemented) by critters and every archetype except controllers and dominators, effectively reducing status effects throughout the entire game.  I'm looking at from the other side of the fence, from the critters side, not the archetype side, as a means of reducing the over-use of status effects by critters while still keeping them challenging and interesting, and giving players more opportunity to deal with status effects, rather than making half the archetypes nobles and the other half beggars.


    Really, it's never going to go anywhere.  It would be a complete rework of every critter with mez, and a new mechanic (well, almost a mechanic) to create the change from debuff to mez, and removal and replacement of existing mez in power sets outside of controller and dominator primaries and secondaries.  The HC team will never have the time or resources to do it, and I'm on a refurb laptop in an off-grid cabin, so I definitely don't have the resources to do it.

    Oh, that's quite alright - thought it might have been interesting to hear your thoughts anyhow, and indeed it was! My original conception of this proposal was actually kind of system-changing myself, but the scope of it became kind of too hard for me to properly grasp, leading to the far narrower proposal that it is now...though even that's managed to prompt a lot of discussion, which I'm very happy about.


    Status effects against players can indeed be a little binary. Indeed, I believe @Bill Z Bubba mentioned this in one of their posts a while back. I'm not quite sure there's many changes that can be made that'd help resolve this, outside of changing the enemies themselves or something like that, however. As it is, on more fragile characters, I'll tend to try and prevent getting hit in the first place, either by defeating target enemies first (on my Blaster), or locking them down as soon as possible. Only qualm with that is against enemies that are more durable, or have innate protection against controls (e.g. The Lost Anathemas).

    3 hours ago, Luminara said:

    So... I'm just not a fan of increasing the strength of status effects on any archetype, not even controllers, because it's just escalation.  The more there is, the more there will be, and the more will be needed later.  I'd rather see status effects diminished in prevalence and controller/dominator status effects be more meaningful.  That is to say, instead of making a way to overcome the PToD, make the PToD less necessary.  I think the control archetypes could be more unique this way, and have full usage of their powers, instead of being penalized for doing what they were created to do.

    Definitely understandable, that - I didn't want this change to be overly overpowering (despite its titled proposal). That being said, I actually envisioned Overwhelming Overpower as less of "power escalation" and more "providing status effects with a sliding scale of effectiveness". My reasoning here is that while debuffs/damage all smoothly scale against stronger enemies (i.e. they do less), they still have some effect. Magnitude makes the effectiveness of status effects not matter...up to a point, at which they tip the scales the other way.


    So basically, Overwhelming Overpower's an attempt to provide status effects with something that the other mechanics of combat already have out of the box: a smoother scale of effectiveness.

  11. 2 hours ago, SaddestGhost said:

    From my understanding, your proposal boils down to "What if a controller could Overpower any mob?"  I don't think there's anything in that which would shift the game balance overwhelmingly, particularly in the damage focused environment of the current game.  The one thing I would also throw into consideration is the duration of the Overpower effects.  Rather than making the chance for Overpower dramatically lower (I feel your original proposal is a bit too low), perhaps it should be shorter lived on harder targets.   A mixture of a lower chance and a lower overall duration with the higher magnitude could strike an appealing balance.

    Yup! Per my original post, I was inspired (ripped off) by saving throws in D&D - no enemies are truly immune to status effects there, even if it takes a high 'saving throw' to overcome those protections for stronger targets. That's why I decided to go the route I went, with lower chances of an Overwhelming Overpower that could affect stronger targets.


    That being said, definitely important to keep @CrudeVileTerror's mention of the Purple Patch in mind; if anything, I'm beginning to wonder if the duration of an Overpower is too short at the moment to be tangibly effective...but then, maybe no adjustment to that'd be needed if we manage to strike a nice balance for Overwhelming Overpower in the first place, I suppose.

    4 hours ago, SaddestGhost said:

    In my dream scenario controlling an AV would be less about stacking magnitude and more about cycling through different types of controls.  I've always imagined it as the PToD cycling through different periods of protection, but I think there is a better solution somewhat akin to the PVP mechanics as mentioned up thread.  If an AV essentially became immune to a hold for some period after one lands, you could then use a stun or confuse.  It would require some careful coordination to keep an AV locked down and utilize powers like Flashfire which typically have no use in AV fight now.  Of course, there's the issue of triggering those protections unintentionally through powers where they're only a secondary effect.  Overall, I think it would be more interesting and dynamic play.

    I've actually thought up something similar in my original post! If you check the +Chance to Overpower section, I wondered if there ought to be a mechanic to increase the likelihood of an Overpower occurring, one idea incorporating the use of stacking a variety of status effects on an enemy, even if they weren't affected by it (amongst other potential ways of handling it). Would definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on that, especially since it does seem like the base numbers proposed were a bit low.

  12. 12 hours ago, CrudeVileTerror said:

    A potentially counter to that is to have Overpower also apply a "Grant Power" effect to Archvillain Rank enemies, which grants them additional Status Protection for a few seconds after Overpower wears off.  The more Controllers Overpowering a single target at once, the bigger the temporary immunity becomes when the Overpower duration ends.

    Oh! Similar to the PvP mechanics of having opponents be immune to the control that locked them down previously, but toned down a bit? I think @EmperorSteele mentioned something like that a little while back. That definitely might be interesting!


    While my original proposal might be a tad complex, I do think the lower chance to one-shot an AV does better scale than a flat +20 magnitude. For instance, given the whole Purple Triangles scenario I brought up before:

    • 20% chance for +20 Mag Overpower, 2 Controllers, likelihood of 2+ Overpowers in that 50 second period = 92.85% (as seen here)
    • 5% chance for 50+ Mag Overpower, 2 Controllers likelihood of 1+ Overpower in that 50 second period = 64%
      • (19/20) ^ 20 = 36% chance of no Overpower given 20 attempts

    And then of course when more Controllers above that are added, I figure their cumulative magnitude would have been enough to exceed an AV's protection anyhow.

    • Like 1
  13. 12 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    I feel like having a 60% chance to lock down an AV during the Purple Triangle Window (But only if you're stacking controls -fast-) for a brief time ('Cause duration is still a thing and mez resist is separate from protection) is a good goal to try and aim for. It allows Controllers to actually do their absolute damage mitigation function.


    That said, getting a group of controllers together to completely shit on every AV could get pretty boring.

    I'm personally inclined towards a number around or below 50% myself in terms of reliability...but the method I went about also made one-shots against AVs a possibility, while this proposal has a +20 magnitude, so all in all, it probably does similar-ish results, but I can't math it out unfortunately, hahah!


    Though that being said, it does bring up some things to think about: an unenhanced level 50 Hold on a Controller is 22.35 seconds - the duration of Overpower is half that, and that isn't even factoring in the Purple Patch.


    Perhaps the duration of Overpower ought to be looked at as well? Maybe bumping it up to 3/4 of the duration instead of half.

  14. Just now, CFIndustries said:

    Even one of those would do it, yes. THANKS @Blackfeather.


    Since I don't usually go looking for the Day Job powers (I just park where it's handy), how are these two earned? Is it still 10 days worth of logged out (so more practically probably 12–15 calendar days depending on your daily game time)? So basically unavailable to new alts?


    Are the day jobs the ones that rely on "charges"? If so, how many charges would build up over the course of 20–24 hours logged out in the proper location? Would it be the max of 30 charges?


    Depending on the circumstances I've been known to use the base macro now a dozen or more times in a 2–4 hour session either solo or farming (it's just convenient to go to the base for most transportation needs, bop into base for recipe pieces, bop out to use auction house, bop back in because I forgot something…).

    These day jobs'll be earned via logging out inside a supergroup, or near a supergroup portal - I believe Jimmy did mention that looking at Day Jobs would be on the radar, but not in this page.


    With the numbers there, given 24 hours logged out near a supergroup portal, you could get about 8 charges of supergroup teleportation (4 for each day job power, as said here). I do believe the maximum was indeed mentioned to be 30 charges.


    Hope this helps!

  15. 8 hours ago, Trickshooter said:

    I've been aware of incoming improvements for about 6 months, I think. Not everything went in the direction I would have gone, but overall I'm very happy to see what has been done. Wish I could say I had more to do with it, but I haven't played much, if at all, in the last couple of months. My job suddenly changed and I have a lot more responsibilities now, lost about 60 lbs and got engaged, so life is kind of getting in the way of video game time. 😅 Hope to get some time to add more thoughts and search for bugs soon-ish.

    Oh, congratulations! Hopefully the feel of these improvements'll gel well. 🙂

  16. 17 minutes ago, CFIndustries said:

    I tried reading entirely through this but my eyes and brain started to hurt. Overlapping options, expensive P2W stuff, long recharges…can someone just clarify:


    Is there ONE power, that is free (or nearly so…I don't marketeer or farm at a level where 10m is remotely "affordable"), that has a sub 5m cooldown, that replaces the current base-slash-command-we-shouldn't-have?


    Okay maybe TWO powers...use one while the other is cooling down.


    SYNOPSIS. My brain needs *easy*.


    Otherwise, this all loosely translates to "welp, buck up and use the oldschool transit options unless you happen to be near a base portal."


    I mean that sucks, but whatever…just give me the Cliff Notes version. I tend to like options, but this change needs an Excel spreadsheet and detailed instructions…

    • DayJob_Teleport.png.e08e3e543d3b7af908dd5f0fd0436e75.png Base Teleporter (Day Job Power)
      • This power no longer requires the Rapid Response Member Accolade to earn, and has replaced the Monitor Duty (prestige boost) day job power
      • Recharge time reduced from 600s to 30s
        • This would be 0s, but we wanted to prevent accidental double usage as this power has limited charges
      • Activation time reduced from 15s to 10s
    • DayJob_BasePortal.png.1a5fd02dfea47be7e7b7f18462dfd923.png Rapid Response Portal (New Day Job Power)
      • A new day job power which replaces the Base Teleporter Power
      • Summons a base portal on the ground that lasts for 90 seconds (even after you leave the zone)
      • 90 second cooldown
      • Cannot be used in Ouroboros, Tutorial or PvP Zones
      • Summoning a base portal will remove other summoned portals within a 15ft radius (to avoid blocking contacts, doors, etc)

    These ones will probably be the closest to that, with their lower cooldowns.

  17. Also, hello @Luminara! I noticed you talking about the binary nature of status effects over here, and it's definitely something that this proposal for Controllers wants to (at least in part) address. While Overwhelming Overpower isn't something overarching full revamp of the system in place (there are some parts of it I do like), it does tip the favour towards the Controller to some degree. As such, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts about it!

    • Like 1
  18. 55 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:

    I can easily go through 5-10 base teleports in a 2-3 hour play session, which I manage to do most days. I don't know what the current rate of recharge is, but I know it's not that much in a day. 

    The wiki doesn't have any Day Job formulas at the moment - do you have them off the top of your head, @Jimmy? I'd like to know them myself.

  19. 7 minutes ago, CrudeVileTerror said:

    I think if a means of replenishing Day Job Powers without being offline were implemented, it would be less of an issue.


    Either buying charges with Inf, such as from the P2W Vendors, OR by completing some in-game tasks (mini-games?) to refill charges.

    But sadly, this isn't the time for an in-depth discussion on improving the Day Job mechanics.  We only bring it up because it -is- related to these transit Day Job Powers.

    So . . . yeah.  Improving Day Jobs in general might help address some of the concerns raised with these specific Day Job Powers.

    I'm all for more money sinks being implemented for additional convenience...I believe Wentworth teleporter charges already work like that?

  20. 13 minutes ago, QuiJon said:

    And what then happens when charges run out? Kind of makes earning the 30 something day job badges hard when you have to always be logging out in 1 or 2 spots to keep these two powers charged and in use.

    It looks like this question is coming less from a stance of actual scarcity and more the perception that because there's a cap, that there'll always be another time where one would want to use said charge, and thus avoids using it. While it's a valid concern, it needs testing to confirm if it's something that'll actually be a problem.


    So in other words, that question leads to another question: how likely is it that these 60 combined charges will run out before they're more than replenished, given one's amount of playtime? Well, we can probably run through some numbers.

    • The amount of different maps that a player goes through in any given play session
    • The amount of base teleportation charges earned via downtime

    So long as the latter is on average higher than the former, the player has effectively unlimited access to their base, wherever they want. This also doesn't account for their use of alternative transportation to supplement this, such as using Ouroboros to travel to Talos Island or Atlas Park, say.

  21. 5 hours ago, Naraka said:

    I'm not sure why you would tag me as I'm not a huge fan of Controllers... Not a fan of the power combination (control/support) but I do have a couple, the highest a 41 ice/TA.


    Personally, I think control needs a rework along with kill-time, AoE saturation and overall foe threat. A lot of things play into a lot of issues with other things and dominators are a whole other beast, perma-dom in particular.


    But putting the idea in a vacuum and only concerning bringing controller closer to dominators in control, random "crits" are probably not going to work as well, IMO. Control isn't DPS where you can stand to get lucky bursts that add up or getting overkill damage doesn't feel as disheartening as locking down a target that dies at the same time.


    If you want something more controlable, what about just giving controller is own version of domination that only powers up the next primary power (an over power button) that adds mag depending on who you target.


    Or to make it more simple, have your AoE controls behave differently on a controller where the actual target gets additional mag depending on the target (sans the AoE immob). 


    I also had a thought about a "focus" button/mechanic where it'd take the next AoE control (like the AoE hold) and turn it into a single target power but all the potential control is applied to that 1 target (16 targets worth). Sounds like a lot but it still requires you to wait for that long cool down. The concept being a person turning an entire city block into an ice cube to hold one strong target.

    Hey there! To clarify, I kind of wanted a view on how "powerful" this proposal might be, especially since it seems like you're fairly experienced with Dominators and the like. I didn't want this proposal to step on the other control archetype's toes, you know?


    Thank you for your viewpoint, it's definitely interesting - I myself thought the idea of continual attempts to lock down an enemy as something appealing...but that's of course subjective, and it's nice to see another side of that.


    Basically, Overwhelming Overpower was kind of designed to emulate the Controller "focusing" their powers on a target, so that one might eventually "spike" and become much stronger than usual. It's definitely pretty neat that we both came to visualise something like that, but came to a different conclusion on how to implement something like that!

    • Like 1
  22. 4 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    That said, I feel there could have been a better implementation of the command "replacement" power by instituting a single, interruptible power with 5-10 seconds of activation time with a 30 second - 1 minute cooldown that summoned a base portal much like how one is summoned now. I just don't understand why that wasn't implemented instead. The tech for interruptible activations exists, so why could it have not been applied here in order to consolidate all the other cumbersome methods into a single convenient power?

    It looks like the Day Job powers' cooldown times have been reduced to that amount:

    • DayJob_BasePortal.png.1a5fd02dfea47be7e7b7f18462dfd923.png Rapid Response Portal (New Day Job Power)
      • A new day job power which replaces the Base Teleporter Power
      • Summons a base portal on the ground that lasts for 90 seconds (even after you leave the zone)
      • 90 second cooldown
      • Cannot be used in Ouroboros, Tutorial or PvP Zones
      • Summoning a base portal will remove other summoned portals within a 15ft radius (to avoid blocking contacts, doors, etc)
    • DayJob_Teleport.png.e08e3e543d3b7af908dd5f0fd0436e75.png Base Teleporter (Day Job Power)
      • This power no longer requires the Rapid Response Member Accolade to earn, and has replaced the Monitor Duty (prestige boost) day job power
      • Recharge time reduced from 600s to 30s
        • This would be 0s, but we wanted to prevent accidental double usage as this power has limited charges
      • Activation time reduced from 15s to 10s

    I imagine for people who want to get around very quickly, that'll be more than adequate.

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