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Posts posted by Blackfeather

  1. 44 minutes ago, honoroit said:



    As it is now, I rarely play a controller vs dominator, and only if I'm itching for a def secondary. See I like CC, and controller is... well... underpowered.


    If I slot illu like I'm doing damage, why don't I just make a fortunata and wreck stuff - i don't need decoys.

    /thermal is fun to have as a secondary. there's others.  illu/poison, i guess...


    But you can't beat double magnitude on a button you can make perma, that also comes with an end fillup.  powers like telekinesis are worth the toggle on an av - its a mag6 base to further holds you spam, secondaries on dom with effects like disorient are one-hit-stunning bosses.


    if you like CC, a healthy damage scaling, super aggro playstyle (anything/savage)... and you know how to build out perma/near perma dom (you don't even need to take hasten on an elec/earth, slot all the kb for the recharge)


    By comparison, controller is a wet noodle, and debatably you'd do better with a def if what you want is a strong def set as primary.


    If anything, imo your suggestion is too low a mag bump for controllers - though I like it.  I can ALWAYS be mag 6 holds on a dom, and the extra mag from domination comes with duration boost.


    In today's breakneck speed where the CC character needs impact NOW or its dead, where we don't have time for 2 slow casts, or an AV half dead before you get the player satisfaction of seeing it controlled (and then that control on controller wears off super quick because you cannot keep stacking mag)... controllers need a buff.


    I don't want to hear about 'well controllers can have kin/dark affinity and that's great and because heals and things... so they should have weak control...' or 'you can stack -tohit with controller better and that works at high levels and everything!' - nonsense!


    As is, hands down, all over, in every way, a dominator is superior to a controller - at the 'control' part.


    So give them something. take your suggestion, and x2 all those percent chances.  I do like how it can do battle flow twisting stuff like insta cc a giant monster, rarely. fun though - and that'd be the point, one might hope.

    First of all, thank you very much for your response! I did indeed create this proposal with fun as a large part of it - personally it doesn't make much sense that a Controller needs the AV to "let" them get locked down via the whole Purple Triangles mechanic, so I thought Overwhelming Overpower would help fill in the gaps a little. I wanted to create a proposal that increased the Controller's potency with status effect powers, but also provide them with a separate niche to Dominators. I figured the difference there was "potentially more powerful, but higher variance" (Controller) and "consistently strong, but lower peak" (Dominator), especially considering that Controllers already have a chance based mechanic attached to them.


    The "speed" of the game was definitely a point brought up by some other users in this thread. I believe @Doomrider has said such things, as has @Sovera and @Uun. I do wonder a little if that's more of a balance issue than something to be dealt with on the archetype level, but that's neither here nor there. I'm glad to hear that you like where this proposal is going! Dominators are indeed currently the clear better choice when it comes to actually locking down the battlefield, and I wanted to even this out somewhat, in the Controller's own, unique way.


    Out of curiosity, what do you think of the whole +Chance to Overpower proposal that came along with the original post? I envisioned it as a more dynamic way of increasing the chance of an Overpower as compared to just upping the chances of it occurring across the board (e.g. the more magnitude stacked on an enemy, the higher the chance of triggering an Overpower). Did any of them strike your fancy/thought of a potential alternative way of increasing the Chance to Overpower dynamically?

    • Like 1
  2. Hello @honoroit! I noticed you mentioning that you primarily play Controllers and Dominators a little while back. As such, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on this proposal to modify the Controller's inherent somewhat, allowing their powers to affect AVs/GMs more easily, even without the adequate magnitude to outright override the protection levels they possess.


    What do you think: would this be something of interest to you, is it overpowered/underpowered, would you do something else entirely? Looking forward to your response! 😄

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. Also going to ping @Steampunkette about this - hello there! I've seen you around the forums talking about the binary nature of control powers against enemies and the like. While this proposal of mine isn't quite designed to change it completely, I do think this proposal does help to alleviate it somewhat against enemies with higher amounts of protection that a Controller can dish out, allowing their powers to work on them, if not all the time, then sometimes.


    As such, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on Overwhelming Overpower, and whether or not it'd be something you'd be interested in seeing with the archetype. From the looks of it, it sounds like you've a fair amount of experience with Controllers/Dominators, so would love to hear your response!

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, FoulVileTerror said:

    The introduction of new technologies in to civilian life is something that can take a long time.

    Especially when that technology is reverse-engineered from a hostile invader.  And government legislation comes in to play.  Or with corporate ownership of said technologies.  Or being in a setting where either the government or corporations are run by shadowy cabals of supervillains which may be infiltrated by members of said invasion in disguise. 


    Not saying that we shouldn't see that technology in the hands of civilians by now, but just that there are plenty of reasons why it isn't necessarily the case at this point.

    Also to potentially give some ideas for stories that could be told within this setting.

    From what I recall from one of the Blueside story arcs, medi-porters have only just started being distributed to actual civilians, and only then, for the elderly/handicapped.

  5. Going to be pinging @SaddestGhost for their thoughts on this proposal - hey there again! I recall your feedback on some of my previous suggestions, and they definitely were quite well thought out and reasoned; I get the feeling that you've got a fair amount of experience with both Controllers and Dominators under your belt.


    As such, I'd love to hear any opinions you might have on this new proposal, which is meant to help provide Controllers with the ability to lock down AVs/GMs, somewhat circumventing the binary nature of status effects (which you've mentioned in the past). Any thoughts on this proposal - too powerful, too weak, would do something different, something else entirely? Looking forward to your opinions!

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, EmperorSteele said:

    As an aside, something that bothers me is that there seems to be a contingent of players who don't actually like, well, playing the game. It's not the same people in each category I'm going to mention shortly, but there are always folks who balk at the idea of having to do, well, anything in order to get, well, anything. They don't want to play content to get merits (TFs, story arcs), they don't want to play content to get influence (farming, marketing, etc), they don't want to play content to unlock costume pieces (no longer a factor, but in old days: cape/aura missions, Katie TF, V-Merits, etc), they don't want to play content to get badges (whether it's grinding out defeats or going into a PvP zone or what have you), they don't want to do raid content (MSR, Hami, Praet Trials)... but they still want to be able to create any character and have all the unlocks and accolades and have amazing abilities and Defcap and Permahasten. And they want these things, but, then, for what purpose if they apparently don't want to play any of the stuff mentioned above?

    I'd argue that "character customisation" is part of "playing the game", and therefore shouldn't be partially locked away through combat/grinding, which is a different aspect of play. There's that joke about the real challenge of CoH being picking out a costume, and I'm kind of inclined to agree. Some people enjoy the customisation aspect of CoH more than the combat, and I'm sure that's valid...I've a friend who pretty much uses CoH for roleplaying, since they can't really handle the combat, as it's disorienting for them. Any things that are locked out initially ought to make sense: the stat boosting accolades work, since you're enhancing combat (+HP, +END) with more combat (defeating enemies to earn badges). I don't see character customisation as something that ought to be locked away, as such.

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  7. On 10/19/2020 at 4:35 AM, dangeraaron10 said:

    However, Doomrider brought up a good point that AVs/GMs don't really last all that long to make such a thing worth it.  Plus, the game has already suffered from power creep since Incarnate Powers were introduced without much accompanying Incarnate Content.  I feel like something akin to a Break Bar mechanic should be looked at if Homecoming ever decides to add content meant to challenge Incarnates or beefs up old content to make such a mechanic worth while.

    I feel like @Doomrider and @Sovera have somewhat mistaken my proposal's intent as "making Controllers more relevant" or something along those lines - I personally think Controllers are in a fairly decent spot at the moment. Per my original post, the main intent of this proposal was to allow the Controller to lock down AVs/GMs even if they didn't have the adequate magnitude to do so, like they would if they came in a team: hence partial lockdown in Overwhelming Overpower.


    While there's certainly discussion to be had about endgame balance and whatnot, and the place of status effects, etc. this wasn't quite what I was aiming for in this proposal, you know? But if there's indeed an issue with "enemies being defeated too quickly/game being too easy for status effects to matter" like @Uun has suggested in the past, frankly any change to Controllers won't really do the trick. Personally speaking, that sounds like a game balance issue, not a Controller issue, and should be addressed accordingly if that's the case.

    • Like 1
  8. 38 minutes ago, Taffer said:

    From the sound of things, the new launcher is portable (or mostly portable)... have you got someone to do a native Linux port? 'cause porting software is one of my things (~30 years experience; I used to be part of the Info-ZIP group) and I'd be happy to poke at it.

    Building on that, I wonder how immense the kind of work would be to create a native Linux port of the actual game client.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Ultimo said:

    ya, Jolting Chain is one of those powers that looks like a normal blast... but does next to no damage.  In fact, there seems to be only ONE power, and single target at that, that does even halfway decent damage, and that's Tesla Cage.  I think if they doubled the damage output on Jolting Chain, it would be pretty good.  Still lower damage than Tesla Cage, but at least SOMETHING reasonable.  Right now, my Tesla Cage does around 16 damage (twice with Containment) while Jolting Chain does 5.  My enemies are routinely hitting me for 50+.  A Werewolf from a door knock threw a boulder at me that did 188 damage (I have 255 health).  That's rather a drastic discrepancy, especially when I have only ONE power capable of actually HOLDING him so he can't attack... and being single target, it leaves the Sorceress that appears with him free to zap me for around 80 damage.  Oh, I was damaging her with my Chain Cages (or whatever it's called), but that does 5 damage to her 80...


    And heaven help you when facing anything that can't be held.  A Troll (Jutal, I think), was slaughtering me in a bank mission because he was immune to my holds.  I managed to immobilize him, but he threw a boulder that did 2/3 of my health in one shot.  Hard to compete when you have no defense and no offense...

    Both Jolting Chain and Repulsion Bomb work very well with procs. The former provides a chance on every 'jump', due to the way that it functions behind the scenes, and the latter has a small-ish radius and a relatively high recharge. Here's how they both stack up in Mids:



    Jolting Chain can take three damage procs: Explosive Strike, Gladiator's Javelin, and Apocalypse. Repulsion Bomb can take four: Bombardment, Javelin Volley, Positron's Blast, and Explosive Strike.


    Repulsion Bomb works well with Force Feedback too, easy way of building up some recharge. In general, most Controllers start off slow, you'll want to take the P2W prestige powers to get you through the lower levels. From there, once you build up some proper attacks and so on, you should be fine.


    Once you hit level 20 and get Dispersion Bubble, you should get a boost to survivability. If you solo often, you might even like Detention Field for the lower levels - take out a boss for 30 seconds without too much hassle and deal with them later.

  10. Just now, Ultimo said:

    Hrm.  Damage on the Electric/Force Fields is really low...  And I don't even get to use Force Fields on myself.  That's always been really disappointing.  There are SO many heroes in the comics who use force fields for SELF protection, beginning with the likes of Green Lantern, but also Invisible Girl, Dr. Strange, Dr. Doom, Guardian (from Alpha Flight), Magneto, and on and on.  It's too bad there's no Controller set that gives the Controller some sort of PERSONAL defense.


    The only one I do get is the PFF, which isn't really of much use, as it prevents me doing anything but being a bubble.

    You'll want to proc out Jolting Chain and Repulsion Bomb to add some damage - does a fair amount that way.

  11. On 10/19/2020 at 4:35 AM, dangeraaron10 said:

    I love the idea of utilizing a Break Bar ala. Guild Wars 2.  Any sort of Control type power would knock it down, and this would work for a control on any AT (like ones from Epic Pools, Blaster Manipulation, or secondary effects from certain powersets like Ice Blast), but Controllers and Dominators would do more "damage" to the Break Bar.  Perhaps once this Break Bar is broken, the AV/GM gets briefly stunned before flooring its Resistance and Regeneration for a short while.  This opens up the possibility of AV/GM hunting for low-damage powersets that include controls but not specific powers that reduce these stats (like in Traps or Radiation, etc.).

    Oh! I'm pretty sure @skoryy mentioned something along those lines a little while back here. @FoulVileTerror also mentioned something similar, but different, with having controls provide a 'resolve' metre themselves, that could allow for defeating enemies in a different way than reducing health, I believe. It'd be a neat way of defeating enemies for low-damage powersets as well, I imagine! I think @DougGraves also brought up Guild Wars 2 a little while back as well, as seen here. While it's not something I can easily envision replacing the magnitude system any time soon, it's definitely an interesting way of going about it!


    But it's something that could be sort of emulated in the current system - I believe @Replacement made a suggestion here about providing a long duration Mag 1 status effect on a Controller's Overpower for instance, which would effectively lower the "health" of the target enemy's "break bar" (magnitude protection).


    (Will get to the other part of your post in a bit!)

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  12. On 10/16/2020 at 4:08 AM, Uun said:

    End-game teams steamroll through mobs so quickly (even at +4) that there's no point in mezzing or debuffing them.

    Hmmm...is that really a "Controller" issue in that case? If "enemies die too quickly for effects other than damage to matter" is the issue you've got with the archetype, it sounds like you're talking about an overall game issue that needs to be addressed, rather than a Controller problem - I for one quite enjoy how they play for instance. Status effects are fun!


    I think @BitCook has said similar things, such as in this post, and @Sovera has said the same here.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Doomrider said:

    It's a flawed premise because the AV fights don't last long enough on a full team for any amount of lock down to matter. So regardless of the intent of the proposal, it's impact would largely go unnoticed. Until AV's, outside of a few instances, scale to provide some kind of actual threat, I really can't see that changing. 

    I would like Controllers to have some kind of impact in those fights as well but it's a multi-facet problem, one that increasing the small likelihood of lockdown is not going to solve IMO. 
    Look at the other side of the coin, perhaps it's not Controllers that need adjustments to make them feel impactful in these kind of fights but maybe it's AV mechanics in general that need looking at. /shrug

    Well, that's the thing: I'm not talking about whether or not status effects matter to a fight. The situation at hand that I want to resolve is having them work in the first place, without the need of the Purple Triangles. The intent of Overwhelming Overpower is to enable that.


    I...don't really see how that's flawed? I'm not trying to solve whatever problem of "feeling impactful", because I think Controllers already feel impactful to me. I just would like to be able to lock down AVs/GMs with their powers in some way, and this was the suggestion that I came up with as a result of that.

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  14. On 10/16/2020 at 3:51 AM, Doomrider said:

    I think Sovera hit the nail on the head and I agree. Kudos for the efforts made, but this proposal is based on a flawed premise. More control, even with a small percentage chance won't lend more usefulness to Controllers late game or against EB/AV type enemies.
    The other variables as to why Controllers can be seen as undervalued in these circumstances have to be taken in consideration, not just the Controller's contribution through CC.

    To be fair the main premise of the this proposal was that (per the OP) much of the Controller's main arsenal is rendered ineffective against AVs/GMs, due to the high amounts of magnitude protection that they have. While it's true that I pinged @Sovera because of their interest in improving Controllers, and thought it might have aligned with their desire to see them better, my main intent here was always to just make the Controller more able to lock down stronger targets.


    So unless the premise of "the Controller's primary powerset just doesn't work when fighting against AVs/GMs" is incorrect, I can't really agree with the idea that my suggestion is based on shaky reasoning. I never made a judgement call on whether or not they were over or undervalued...just that the Controller's primary was rendered ineffective against them due to their high protection levels. And that's what my suggestion was aimed at resolving.


    For the most part, I actually think Controllers are in a fine spot - but it does seem quite clear that that's not the case for some people. I believe @BitCook for example has stated similar things in the past, such as here. Personally, the only annoyance I really have is the fact that they can't really lock down tougher targets alone. Overwhelming Overpower was designed to 'scale' the binary nature of status effects to one or two Controllers: when there isn't enough magnitude on the team to break down a tougher target's protection. I.e. affect AVs/GMs to some degree, but not completely lock them down.

    On 10/16/2020 at 3:51 AM, Doomrider said:

    That being said, even if enemies were made to survive longer or be dangerous enough for locking them down to be beneficial I still think we'll still run into a bit of a wall with how CC's contribute to an AV fight. IF AV's were likewise going to be increased in power and actually be a threat, I would prefer to see Control powers serve an alternate purpose or effect in those fights then just purely locking down when the purple triangles or down, or not when they are up.

    What if Controller's CC abilities could reduce enemy debuff resistances? Surely that would be not only benefit the controller themselves, letting more of the debuffs from their secondaries affect the AV but also that of their teammates debuffs as well.

    The reason I play a Controller is because I like the way their status effects work. If I wanted stronger buffs/debuffs, I'd roll a Defender. While I won't object to improving this side of Controllers (Ice Control's secondary effects of recharge debuffs are a nice touch for instance), it isn't personally a priority to me.


    Sure, taking an AV/GM out of the fight for a little while mightn't be as effective as actually debuffing them or something like that...but personally, I don't really see an issue there. The game's easy enough that I don't need to play 'optimally' - I just wish I could actually use my powers and feel like they have an impact: and for a Controller IMO, that's in personally being able to lock down the battlefield, including AVs/GMs from time to time. Hence again, Overwhelming Overpower.

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  15. On 10/16/2020 at 3:19 AM, EmperorSteele said:

    So I just realized I never gave a direct answer to the OP and just went on about my controller damage wet dream like a jackass, soooooo here we go:


    How about instead of giving Controllers a chance for high mag for 1% of situations, thereby encroaching on Dominators (quick rant, if I were doing everything all over, Controllers would get the ability to dole out and ignore mez while Dominators got the damage bonus on mezzed opponents but I digress), we just fix those encounters? Get rid of the PToD, and just have AVs use PvP rules for mez?


    So we can hold them, but only for a few seconds, then have a few seconds where they can't be mezzed. It wouldn't have to be a blanket overhaul, either. Right now, Sleeps and Immobs work fine on AVs. Confuse is 50/50, it's fun in a multi AV fight, but kinda cheap vs one AV. I'd probably let confuse work normally in multi AV fights until one of the other AVs die, then they all become immune. Fear would work ok (lasting until they get attacked), so that really just leaves Holds and Stuns that AVs would need protection from, and of those, stuns aren't nearly as common.


    So, yeah, PvP holds: 4 seconds for a controller or dominator, 2 seconds for everyone else, give or take enhncemtn and resistance. Problem solved. We can hold them for short periods, letting us do our job without turning tough opponents into statues.

    Actually, I do believe @aethereal suggested something along those lines!

    On 9/17/2020 at 9:23 AM, aethereal said:

    I kinda wish that AV resistance to status effects was more based on shortening the duration than being flat-out protected from it.  It feels like being able to hold an AV for 2 seconds every 12 or so wouldn't be out-of-control powerful.  Maybe with then a 2 second period afterward of mag 1000 protection so multiple controllers couldn't statue an AV by working together.  But too big a change for the game as-is.

    It might be an interesting way of implementing things, though I'll admit there's an appeal to being able to lock down AVs/GMs for a long (albeit not permanent) time. Along with that, I do believe Dominators with perma-Domination are able to permanently control such enemies - Confuse for instance is something they can build up to quite easily, to my knowledge. I wouldn't want to take that sort of thing away from them by changing the way that controls work on these types of enemies, you know?


    On a slightly different tangent...I do kind of like Containment on Controllers - got to deal damage in some sort of way. And the difference between Overpower and Domination for me is of 'reliability'; both are strong, but Overpower varies more. Hence the route I went with Overwhelming Overpower.

    • Like 1
  16. 7 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

    WhO dARes sUMmoN meE?!

    *cough* Huh, wait, what? Oh... hey, Sorry about that, just woke up, little grumpy. Anyway, what's all this then?

    *reads thread* Uh huh. Hmmmm... Hm. Uh huh. Hmm.. Huh. Ah... Oh. Hm...

    Right, then! My own thoughts go in the opposite direction. I'm less worried about locking down big targets, and more just about adding damage.

    I would first expand Containment to cover all mez types (so add Fear and Confuse). Then, instead of just a flat damage bonus when a foe is locked down, we get a scaling damage bonus based on a) type of mez applied and b) amount of magnitude. Note that being affected/locked down is no longer required for Containment damage to kick in. So if you assail a foe with Holds and immobs and fears and confuses and stuns, you'll do a LOT more damage on your next attack than if he's just immobilized.


    I've tried to work out a spreadsheet to figure out the optimal amount of damage per mag point per mez type. The thing is, I wouldn't want an Immobilize giving as much damage as a Hold, because Immobs are very common, plus they don't really "contain" the foe all that well, they can still shoot you! Holds lock down targets, but are also common. I would give Sleep the biggest bonus, since it's less common and can't be stacked easily (except by say, a Mind Controller...). I'd want the most bonus to come from cleverly stacking different mez types, or having several Controllers on one target. I'd probably cap the Mag bonus for each mez type at mag 15, and the total damage bonus at +300% (easily achievable solo for some controller combos, btw).


    However, I've found it hard to work out a way that's both team friendly AND solo friendly. If I make it too easy to stack mag damage bonus when solo, it'll be trivial when on a team (assuming the team has another troller or a dominator or anyone else with a few control tricks up their sleeve). But if I make the Controller work for it when teaming (see above), it becomes really hard solo. Also, I don't think many people would appreciate the fact that it's a surface nerf to Controller damage early on, when we don't have reliable ways to stack multiple controls at once.

    Rise, riiiiiiiise! Mwaaaaahahahah! 😈


    First of all, thank you for both of your responses, they're very comprehensive and in depth - I'll get through the second soon enough, but I thought your first was interesting too, so I'll be looking through it first!


    I do admit that on some of my Controllers, soloing can be a little slow, though this is mostly an issue at the lower levels, and Prestige Powers do wonders to help shore this up. While I didn't play the game on Live, I've heard that Containment was introduced in the first place to help speed soloing up for them. I'm fine with this for the most part, as I figure that that's mostly in line with them being a support oriented archetype. I figure that if one wants to have ways to lock down the enemy and deal damage, Dominators are the better choice, you know?


    Not to say that Controllers can't do a respectable amount of damage - I know my Plant Controller is quite monstrous with Stone Mastery's attacks and a procced out Carrion Creepers. But not all combinations work that way, and I think that's mostly fine.


    That being said, I wouldn't object to some additional damage while soloing; I believe Defenders actually have something along those lines in their own Inherent ability, Vigilance - they have a flat damage increase while not in a team, or in a small one, to my knowledge. So stacking damage according to the amount of status effects/magnitude, I wouldn't mind alone, or in a small team. Though again, I do see this as more of an issue at the lower levels. Maybe scaling said damage increase depending on how large the team is would work as well, in this case.


    Additionally, I can't help but draw parallels to your idea and my +Chance for Overpower thought in the original post. It looks like we both came to similar conclusions about stacking status effects/magnitude to cause a greater result! We just came to different conclusions about what said greater effect might be: increasing the chance for an Overpower to occur, and dealing more damage respectively. I do like the idea of having separate status effects having higher potencies than the others too...I might borrow that for my own suggestion in fact! I.e. having a higher chance of an Overpower depending on the kind of status effect applied on an enemy.

    8 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

    My concern wasn't just giving Controllers M04R DAMAGE, but also trying to rise Mind Control specifically up in power ranking. It doesn't have a pet, and its AoE controls become the most useless on a good team (Watch as your confused Force Field Generator is the first thing killed, your TK anchor is the next thing killed, Mass Comedy is no longer all that special -thanks, Plant-, and someone fireballs the nearby mob you just put to sleep >_> ), so it's panned for good reason. At least this way, with the ability to stack multiple types of mezzes quickly, a Mind Controller can still make up for the lack of extra pet damage. Other primaries that rely on immobs get a bit shafted, but they can still stack holds and various mez types, and have their pets to keep choppin' away at the badies. I was hopping to give Mind an edge in this regard, but I don't want to go TOO far, either.

    I've written up a suggestion thread on Mind Control in the past, actually! Though in retrospect, I would have changed some things about it...I'll get to making a version 2 one day. For instance, I do think adding a long lasting Immobilize to Mesmerize and Mass Hypnosis would do a lot for it - not only does it provide a way of inflicting Containment on enemies at a lower level, but it'd provide something unique to the powerset: an Immobilize that doesn't aggro. Even if those enemies wake up, they still won't be able to move (which I'd flavour as the fact that the Mind Controller's managed to make their limbs partially fall asleep), providing the standard AoE Immobilize that other Controllers get on a team, while also preserving the utility that the Sleep status effect provides in some edge cases.


    And of course, a numbers pass through the other powers would be nice - no reason for Mass Confusion to be on that long of a cooldown, or have accuracy penalties in some of its abilities, especially not when the powerset is described as being more accurate in the first place!


    Thanks again for your two responses - I'll get one up for your second post soon!

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  17. I'm also going to ping @EmperorSteele - hello there! I've seen you a little around the forums, and it looks like you've got a good amount of experience with Controllers. Additionally, I noticed a post from you a little while back about potentially improving the archetype; as such, I'm definitely curious as to your thoughts on this proposal I've made to better allow Controllers to lock down AVs/GMs! Think it's too underpowered/overpowered/something else entirely? Would love to hear your thoughts!

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  18. 4 hours ago, Uun said:

    I'm not sure how much I can add to this discussion after 7 pages of comments. I don't disagree that Overpower as presently implemented is pretty underwhelming, especially when compared to Domination. That said, I don't see the value in having a small chance to mezz an AV in one shot. We already have the purple triangles and mezzing an AV when the triangles are down is trivially easy (as is mezzing a boss). A 1% chance to mezz a GM seems pointless - even if it were to happen, you're only going to mezz the GM for 30-40 seconds tops. That's certainly not going to tilt the battle in a meaningful way.

    Not at all - you've added in plenty of great points, and they're definitely worth discussing. As such, thank you very much for your post!


    I certainly agree that the Purple Triangles do a fair amount to 'allow' AVs to be controlled. That being said, I do think that Overwhelming Overpower does provide a tangible advantage in a good amount of scenarios, without being able to permanently lock them down; any thoughts on the post I provided about the likelihood of it going off within the 50 second cycle of the "triangles up" phase of an AV? Would be glad to hear your thoughts on it.


    The slim chance of locking down a Giant Monster was meant to be something of a bonus rather than something properly significant: I figure that they're meant to be taken down in groups - as such, actually controlling them should usually take the work of a few characters, which should now be achievable with Overwhelming Overpower, given the chance for a higher magnitude level. Even if they don't one-shot them, they can now more easily build up enough magnitude to do so via lesser 'crits' so to speak.


    As such, I don't personally think one character individually should be able to tilt GM fights in a significant way; in those sorts of things, the whole's generally greater the sum of its parts.

    5 hours ago, Uun said:

    I've been playing controllers since before Containment was implemented. While Containment is certainly a better inherent than Vigilance, it pales next to Domination and Fury, and we gave up multiple pets and AoE mezz recharge to get it. I'd like to see controllers tweaked so that they're more relevant in the end game, but I don't think this goes in the right direction.

    Out of curiosity, what sorts of tweaks would you like to see, and what issues do you have with them that you don't find them as relevant in end-game content than in other sorts of content? This proposal I'm making is made with the view that Controllers are generally in a fine spot...but the binary nature of controls makes locking down AVs/GMs something a bit annoying - Overwhelming Overpower was meant to try and offset that to some degree.

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  19. 41 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Seemed to install all right, other than not creating a shortcut until I ended the task and relaunched it. Nice little reorganization to the files, too.


    Edit: With this seeming to have portability as one of the goals... I know this isn't *tied* to the launcher, but somewhere in the stretch, is there any means of being aware of different resolutions and how they affect window placement? (I'm thinking of, say, someone having this on a USB drive and going between a home system and laptop. I know me jumping between my desktop - 2560x1440 - and either my mini or laptop (1920x1080) = "windows will be overlapping or really spaced out.") Obviously *not* a priority right now. Just a thought.

    In the meantime, using the /wdw_save_file "custom_name" and /wdw_load_file "custom_name" commands is a nice way to work around this - for example, having a file arrangement for a smaller resolution, and then another for a larger one. Hope it helps out!

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