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Everything posted by Outrider_01

  1. Release date. We could call that the rough draft Issue 0 release without any proof reading.
  2. Substitute intangibility and the description is you wrap the target around in blazing hot flames (use a fire armor graphic) so hot you cannot approach it. Man, that would be a kicker to play in a group.
  3. I can verify this. Savage/Shield scrap, tight build and no epic but it works. Not a super powered character, but it was on a theme concept of using the teleport attacks.
  4. No. Trying to get a log of damage from my brute but I have zero internet connection of frozen maple syrup. The fire damage didn't even affect boxing or brawl but Incarnate degenerative proc on both
  5. I have a dark/energy, but built it mostly for Boost Range as a theme. I skipped the melee on this character, picked up stun, boost range, and energize. Fun fact, Stun becomes a short range single target and throws damage melee procs like a range attack, if you slot it with melee sets.
  6. Stealth was never superior before it was bundled up with Invisibility. In fact, I recall very few people ever taking it back in the early Issues of the game.
  7. Your level 30, slot some endreduc and call it a day. My Dark/Savage Tank with 90% resit all but energy and toxic runs all dark toggles but the fear/stun (useless most of the time), tough, weave, and Acrobatics with CJ has no problem after slotting. Super jump can be maintained without being in combat. Build allows me to run at 30 with 45% s/ls software cap and max resists and at 25 with max resist and 35% defense.
  8. Plant/Psi. Confuse, an Aoe recovery power, PAOE attack that stuns and gets a benefit from domination, the Aoe patch that spawns more pseudo attacks, Aoe hold. The Psi attacks are effective against anything not a robot but they are not super level damage, the confuse is your bread to soften the enemy followed by the butter of AoE attacks and pets.
  9. Scrapper pool selection is bland, trying an earth armor build but none of the current sets for an epic are not what I am looking for. Open to suggestion, but Brute's version should work just as good.
  10. Necro/Dark Necro pets are kind of dumb and anti-climatic, the 1st are semi-weak while the 2nd tier are decent damage and the 3rd is a half clone of Dark Servant. All are slow to get to target and it feels like their abilities don't mesh across all of them. If I could trade them, I would take the 2nd tier from level 1 if they were available over the other 4 idiots. 2nd tier are like scrappers. what makes it shine, is the summon ability which makes a pet based on how many other pets are still alive. Fast enough recharge, they are back almost every 32 seconds. Range attacks mostly and pretty decent damage but short range; basically anything within about 60 range will trigger them. Coupled with the dark attacks, you get 5 zombies, a lich, 7 ghosts, and 3 spirits plus the Dark Servant. Using custom binds, I keep most of the minions on a leash and summon the wraiths for damage. Have binds that seek all, guard all, and guard 1st tier or attack 1st tier, I use those 3 as a bodyguard absorber while the other stuff go to town, release them after the chaos starts. All the pets survive as long as the battle isn't prolonged, or a lot of AoE.
  11. Skip the stun and fear toggles, you got enough knockback in stone melee to control them.
  12. Right click options on the bar the + to the left of Recipe
  13. Is this mids variation up to date? Last 2 major patches to the game, something was changed but really messed up mids when the Mids people modified it and took 2 weeks to find a valid working copy. And just scrolling over a few powers forces the thing to crashe when it displays numbers.
  14. That's a terrible suggestion. @Jimmy would just Thanos snap anyone that opposes him, and @Powerhouse couldn't balance that power
  15. Confuse takes a smidge of the exp unless you are just sitting around doing nothing. Confuse is best used to soften an alpha attack, do some AoE damage from boss attacks, and throw debuffs from npc on their allies.
  16. Hard pass Weave is +Def all, but the values are double of CJ or HV combined. if you reduce the level, the defense will get halved and probably be typed or positional; like how tough is only S/L (which makes no sense, really should at least be 5% resist on top of S/L resist to help fill in some holes). Endurance may be increased as well; its too good for too many power sets that already have defense and more valuable for non defense sets to pick up. It will greatly benefit melee and sents more then any squishy to be able to fit just one power for defense because, a defense set suddenly has s 2 free powers yet a squishy still needs to pick any 2 other powers from the primary/secondary and heavy slot to make up the difference to reach soft cap which puts the squishy at a disadvantage until late game where as the defense will benefit much earlier in the game.
  17. Trying to remember a power combo and mention it to a friend "you remember", all by accidentally googling coh looking for a some database of coh
  18. You don't seem to understand economics and its simple stuff you learned in highschool, but I will give a vey complex By flooding the supply, demand is kept down which influences prices to keep it down. Then the demand is everyone just buying as needed, but the price is high because of instant gratification and a large supply of influence. By controlling and bottlenecking the supply so low as you suggest, the price will skyrocket. The demand is controlled, therefore only a few will be able to afford it and you can sell it at any price you want exploiting just because they have the influence and a small supply of it, putting prices out of the hands of Super Joe Average. Like half a billion luxury yachts custom made to order in real life.
  19. mine isn't up to date with a power set. But in dark affinity it crashes the program when you hover over Shadow Field.
  20. You missed something about a primate 🤔
  21. Eletric Armor you can go Smashing/Lethal defense, then run energy farms preferably with out Electric Melee / Blast (endurance drain), Energy Blast / Melee is easier to fight against if you have some +KB resist.
  22. Consider Bio, belt in defense with some defense, regen, Absorb, -damage ect to mitigate the alpha problem regen cant deal with
  23. Was changing the color of my /Mental Manipulation blasters powers, noticed that the Scare power had a random string of text when coloring the powers Pretty sure its not a Nemesis Power Light Obscuring Trick 🤔
  24. I know, I grew up watching this and didn't even remember it let alone maybe an odd picture over the years till now.
  25. I just noticed, He-man ironically has an Iron Cross on his chest and blond hair while being very buff, the peak physical form of perfection. Not sure if there was a hidden theme there 🤔
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