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Everything posted by Outrider_01

  1. Annoyance is seeing my favorite combo of AR/Dev nerfed at I4, bent over a barrel with Defiance 1.0 using long animations and HP bouncing for damage bonus, a crap targeting drone buff that exclusively for benefited AR snipe with no other set at the time unlike the fire tank which works with anything, and even the sentinel set looks better. That's annoying. Being inconvenienced to resummon a pet every 4 minutes is nothing really. We all have different points of view though, grouped with an incarnate or 2, normal missions you almost don't need to bother summoning unless you are the incarnate. Not using your abilities is also annoying. As for a pet, like I said my memory is fuzzy. Fire/kin, I remember killing my pets summoning again but that might of been from stacking siphon speed shorting the recharge and hasten to be a controlling god. I just mentally had a timer to resummon. Remember same thing with dark servant but didn't play as much, pretty sure I had a recharge in it. This was all before IO, so seeing the "Recharge Intensive Pet" category I assumed it was for controllers. Which would destroy the set if you wanted it permanently. If anything, resummoning might be a balancing factor for the control powers; that's my POV. Gonna have to re-educate myself.
  2. So would they prefer MM pets, which are permanent until they die? Summon, Summon, Summon (all 6), Cast 3 buffs specifically for pets, and call it a day until its dead. Or a controller/dark maisma pet....summon and don't have to buff it, not counting the buff sets as anything benifits from those. Out the box, its ready to go with no pet specific buffs. Hmm, I see what your saying. Where controller pets nerfed to long recharge but permanent while being kill able? Its been forever since I played a fire controller, but I am pretty sure it wasn't a 4 minute summon. And same with dark servent but it has a limited duration with the same recharge as a controller pet, don't think it was so long either. but its been like 15 years since I played. Correct me I am wrong.
  3. So basically you want to save slots because you cannot bother to set recharge of any kind, from any IO set (was preferred -tohit back in the day), and too lazy to resummon every 4 minutes. When again, slotting a recharge or mix will reduce the the recharge and still have that 4 minutes timer, it could back in 2 ish minutes and kill the old one. All IOs have recharge, ACC for checked casts casts (not auto hit like tarp patch), endurance reduction, and what ever you want to slot for that pet; dark servent has heal/-tohit/various other wack abilities, ice pet could use slow if thats your preference. Why not ask for permanent buffs and auto-hit 1 time at the door the aura heals which ticks 200+ every six seconds until you zone/exit ? Auto melee that spams attacks while you watch. Just one simple thing, cast a pet every 4 minutes at least. MM, thats another matter....because it is the pet class and build/designed around it; though when you hit 50 the 3 redshirts die fast, the 2 guess stars may or may not die/barely make it, and that 32 pet is the main star. Those short duration, long recharge pets were nerfed that way to prevent armies until I4. After that they tagged it single pets sans fire, you couldn't even get more then 1 pet and it would die. Just resummon it.
  4. This. Blasters got nothing like the other ATs, no status protection, no gimmicks like hide and assassin strike, no massive buffs, and no defense/resistance, no huge group control powers ....this was the old days. To survive you needed to be smart and knock out the biggest threat first which isn't always the boss, stuns and holds where easier then a single build up / aim as it let you work work the rest of the group dependent on the faction; some had multiple types of NPC with different control powers and a stun drunk sapper isn't fighting back as you kick the gunslingers ass. Any mez attack knocked off your toggles and before you couldn't even fire your first attacks. You had to learn the biggest threats might be the smallest one out there and target them first. In short, you got to use your brain as Blasters are the hardest to play as they are the damage AT (not the ranged AT, thats just primary ability of how its achieved. Blaster is Damage/Damage with controls mostly, other AT are not like that). Now a days though, IO sets just turn them into mage tanks 🙄
  5. Right, melee that can't get passed a choke point clogged with minions is their fault. Hard to hit shit when stuff is bouncing your around, putting you outside that nice short 7-8 foot melee range for single target. Incarnate in the group running ahead and foot stomping a group into the ground, pfft that,s just an empathetic hand out of experience and you don't even need to summon more then 1 pet. For calling it stupid, as this is my last post. Idea might seem stupid to you, but this is what I was trying to say. 3 total at a time, no timer like controller pets 4 types to choose from, at any one time equaling 3- Ranged blaster/corrupter, buff/controll-dominator type (that assault bot healer is kinda cool), scrapper/stalker with fancy abilities, tank/brutish type 3 buffs 2 - can't think of anything 9 total powers. You have in essence an army to choose, pick, and pull from to fit the occasion of controlled pets, not a misfit ragtag band wandering around with random abilities. Sound stupid? If not that, smarter players that do not summon all their pets all the time. You would think a smart MM could at least read the situation and think "Hey, might not be a good idea to summon those tier 1 cannon fodder" which die fast in a CoT cave. Otherwise I am gonna bitch about it, but I don't really want to be that guy.
  6. Run a melee with 7 MM and 49 pets through a cave or office, get back to me. No incarnate of your own, try to get a normal non-turbo tank or brute through a choke point. As for what you are saying I should move on consider this which might fall in line with the thread. Open statement about pet squish factor and level, now if you follow my suggestion of where I am going with this the pets would be boosted to compensate for reduction of 7 to 4, don't you think? Increased stats and a bump in level. BOOM! A buff. As for an army, your not Recluse. Your Joe Schmoe the villian in a team with up to 7 other actual players. Maybe the MM player should consider them over feelings of superiority for the tier 1 fodder pots which die useless anway currently, leading pixel minions. All I am saying, balance the MM without clogging up the fucking map so your team isn't slowed down getting through choke points on poorly designed maps. NPC parties are spawned in closet offices. That is my beef. Now excuse me if no one follows what I am saying at the barest of ideas, gonna pick up the nemesis staff and black wand so I can spam them usless on my melee and hope no one bitchs cause I can't do shit while the original Developers had no fucking concept of 7 other people with spastic blob AI and large collision boxes in a group with their shit maps. Done. Only trying to suggest a fix that helps everyone without a blob of pets in my view. Edit: I know, sounding like an ass. Just want people to consider a good idea, the current and actual implementation are horrible since day 1. Imp AI is what first drove me from MM, would rather of seen MM as a strong pet class without the stupid army. Let me put this foward, you guys want sronger pets, you guys better learn when you should and you shouldn't use to many pets. Many think its awsome to have them all out, there are times they are not necessary. MM are reliant on them, but you got to think of your team mates.
  7. Terrible idea is was giving them 7 pets each. Increase the number of MM, decreases the ability of your group members, dark maisma heal can't position when they are bumped out of the way. Terrible idea is nerfing uncontrollable controller pets with spastic attack AI in I4. Long before MM existed, first "pet" class. Terrible idea is assuming the map choices were 50% are office and caves with choke points that come up 80% of the time. At least sewer type are wider and very few open. Terrible idea is you assuming I want to stand on the side lines getting exp playing melee while I can't contribute to the group with a mosh pit of 21 pets in the way when I said 3 MM, playing non-incarnate that face roll the map anyway. Throw in speed boost its like 7 Flash x number of MM present. Terrible idea is giving MM expendable pets, resummoning is a hassle when a -1 can't really hit the common +4, unless its an easier taskforce. Dr Evil had #1, the guy with a hat, Mini-me, and Fat B. Would rather have a controllable Spec-Op force with special abilities then random firing and meleeing pet. Short of being actually killed, just want reliable pets. Terrible assuming is not seeing Crystal Clears post 6 above you. I have had complaints along with my own that in groups, non-MM AT players can't deal with MM and too many pets. Its the collision box that is the problem. I don't hate the MM AT, I hate the number of pets. Just started my own, but on non-MM pet, non-range AT, its impossible to play melee in very narrow corridors or door ways. I don't want to tell people how to play thier class or feel useless because I can't move foward. MM itself should be the lead with a few Henchman, not a leader with a deputy, two vets, and 3 FNG rookie newbs. All I am saying is: reduce the number of pets to 3 at any time, no timer unlike controllers, rebalance stats so the tier 1 isn't easy fodder and tier 3 don't make them OP, cause all last powers in any AT set are the most powerful. Buff can change abilities. I don't care what you play, but to many pets just make life so difficult. Unless the collision box is fixed, its just a mosh pit that gets more unenjoyable the more MM present, I don't want to be the guy that would kick people because of that or tell people what to do nor want to be the usless guy soaking free experience.
  8. You ever see fire imps more then 3? Every time you resummon the previous 3 die? That kind of pets, but unlike controllers MM get 3 of each type with 3 different types, but no more then 3 period. That would equal 9 pets, but only 3 active at any one time. Various types but more robust and the buffs give them attributes or increase stats. They also follow commands unlike controller pets. No more the 3 out is what I am saying. 7 + the MM is equal to the entire team. Melee get pushed around trying to hit stuff from the mosh pit, worse wjen there are more then one MM. They also choke doors.
  9. I hate MM in groups. Not the AT, the shear number of pets. Ever play with 3 of them? Not the few themed 8 MM teams, normal teams. Hit them with speed boost make it worse, melee get bounced around. But in a mosh pit, they are very effective any way. 1. Reduce the number of pets to 3 each of tier. Variable abilities. 1st tier demons are range, second could be have mez or debuff powers for a controller/defender type, third could be be mixed tank/scrapper. 2. Change buffs, 1 does +stat, another might boost damage. Another might grant a different ability change so third might make those tier 3 into a brute or stalker type. 3 Attack? Can't understand why they exist but as filler, the demon whip is freaking gorgeous. Maybe more pet types, 6 pet types and 3 buffs or 5 pet types with 4 buffs limited to 3 pets total each power I just don't understand the point when the original Devs made MM, so many pets destroy the fun for the rest of the team when they get bumped around.
  10. Didn't get any reponse one dark/ice and going back in the forums shows 2 asking same getting no response; another saying something about certain ice powers being useless. Must not be a popular combination. So asking if you have experience with either side, I got to start from scratch and asking for help. Dark/ - skippable? Everything looks useful except the confusion, don't really see the point when it is abouts to be killed 20 seconds later. /Ice- skippable? Blasts are solid and melee look good minus the PBAoE, about a third looks debatable for being very situational. Chilling Embrace, looks like it can fit a few procs. Power Boost popular?
  11. Bud, I don't have a fancy degree but there is one problem you need to throw out the window: Its a game, none of its real. Just enjoy it as is. Your suggestion and yes I skimmed it was too in depth, would require an entire over haul of the game. CoHV is dead officially, there is no developer team behind it; its in a care home run by what is essentially a volunteers who ask for donations to keep it going so we can enjoy the nostalgic feeling. The game is not binary, surprising to know. This is your opinion as you see it being linear and binary but Newtons laws don't apply, for 1 action there is another anf I don't mean physical force. Melee have status protection with defence or resist and squishes don't have it. The game is variable, look at all the AT and their analog for both factions; they are massively different from each other Melee faceroll baddies like a champ squishes go down. They have very little control aside stuns and knocks, very little range. Melee lack the buffs and debuffs the control/support classes have. One prevents the enemy from acting or weaken the baddie/buff the team mate. Basically you don't need status protection, these classes work fine if you understand them or just take an alpha attack to the chin. And then you get oddballs like sentinel or squids that do a bunch of everything but don't excel at anything. Range or status protection or both. And then you got blasters, the black sheep. Bit of everything, self buffs or very soft control, no actual inherent status protection and resists. One thing they excel at is just killing things or die trying, hopefully in a blaze of glory and not a comical death.
  12. Yeah, I don't RP per say but I like to fit in character to be funny such as when face planting.
  13. Nitpicking all your arguments. 1. Most groups don't care, teleport friend is picked up by a few people. Take a few minutes longer, start without them as they can catch up. 2. Who cares? Its their perspective not yours. Your pushing your perspective on someone else, want to have a hero with no travel power? Local Man, saves cat in tree, helps old lady across the street, putting out a fire....Local man arrested for attempting to peep throuch second floor window, assaulting elderly lady, arson resulting in 3 alarm fire. Local Man, always misunderstood. 3. If you think all of you Joe and Joan Average NPC have acess to modern tech, can I point to the cars in the street and the NPC walking on the sidewalk instead of teleportion booths. So, what is wrong with your poor perception vs theirs, isn't sprint/hurdle/ect slottable? Haven't look and I forget its been so long, but even hurdle witb combat jumping gets some air. My kinetics never get a travel power, siphon speed and inertia.
  14. Thats what I was saying. It was after my time when I last played as it was the dual systen, but I can see former Devs just going into the coding and setting each station pretty much manually to connect to the other. Would be why the OP is suggesting a change of order to the list, it was an oversight as the game just reads the list of connections; who else would care of such a minor inconvenience.
  15. Been a long time, but the discrepancy could be the fact that the north tram lead to the higher zones, so you had to zip along SC towards Boomtown to get the tram. Simplest solution to fix the dual trans system (and player laziness to travel another 3 minutes) would to just add to the menu the other team stations. Alphabetical order would be a low priority when it would be added, but this is long after I left the old CoH/V
  16. As long I have the option to turn the ugly ass seizure inducing glows so I don't have to see it, I got no problem. I have only used 3 auras on just as many characters and this is since they added it way back on live. Now if I could filer out other hits.
  17. Err, you got space for 70 and its extra cash. Back in the day we only had 10 and almost broke every 5 levels. Don't see this as a big issue, I can't even fill up 4 bars of enhancements beforw I feel like selling.
  18. I know this was on live, I remember lagging myself out with Full Auto when you had unlimited targets before I4 and the weapon caps implemented. Might not of helped because my internet kinda sucked at the time but there was a lot of orange numbers flying before I4 from myself. I just remember my own numbers flying from any AT I played, not other people. I could be wrong, but there is really no reason for us to see another persons damage. Perhaps it was a server side blocker on live
  19. I know, but I am not good at expressing my thoughts 🥴. I try to dumb things down, but it sounds even stupider to me when I say it. I suggest the OP just play the classes and have fun, numbers be damned.
  20. You got the enthusiasm, but you need to think bigger and expand your test by testing larger numbers and hitpoints. Belive me, I love corrupters just as much as a blaster but the blaster does more damage. In fact, lets remove the inherents all together basing the results on the damage shown in the info screen. Your test was adding the scourge damage visibly, which muddied up the results. Just go to creation screen, select blaster and corrupter, click the I with a circle in the upper right of the power selection for the blasts, crank that slide bar to 50. Ice Blast, Ice bolt (first attack in the ice attack set) Blaster - 12.51 + 50.05 = 52.56 (notice below it, says +6.6 strength to all damage way at the bottom below the side effects) Corrupter - 8.34 + 33.37 = 41.71 (you will notice right below the damage types another 41.71, Thats the scourge total when it kicks in) (First is smashing damage, second is ice damage. Its a 2 damage type attack power) As you can see, per attack the blaster is higher. Now, 10 attacks it would it would be be 525.56 damage and 417.1....this is without the self buffing of Defiance or Scourge kicking in. Its not the best example compared to real in game effects but once you factor in game mechanics, the blaster would hit harder every time after the first attack, but every power used is *mostly an attack*. The corrupter on the other hand, assuming no buffs/-resist used would be doing less damage, unless they used something like Siphon Power/Kinetic or Tar Patch/Dark Miasma which increased the damage through +DMG or -Resist until the target hits the half way mark, at which it is like rolling dice to get that double damage. The summary of what I am saying which at this point I am confusing myself is if you consider the following actions taken as an attack chain against a boss.... Blaster - Attack +Dmg, Attack +Dmg, Attack +Damage (three +Dmg at this point), 1 +Dmg fades as it wear off, another Attack +Dmg and repeat until boss is dead. Corrupter - Siphon Power + Damage, Attack, Attack, Attack (you will notice, no buffs beyond the 1 Siphon Power), Attack until half health and dice rolls began until SCOURGE. Good corrupter pairing to try, go Ice/Kinetic or Fire/Dark until about 30. Fun times, the Kinetic makes you like a machine gun using Ice with the +damage bonus of siphon or FULCRUM. You got fast speed from one power and an increase damage. Dark Miasma with fire is kinda like a trap setter....Drop Tar Patch which is -resist behind cover followed by Rain of Fire, enemy tries run out in slow motion because of a weak fear like effect then you FIREBALL to melt minions THEN SCOURGE kicks in. And I mean it kicks in a lot with lots of +1/+2/+3 (sounds weak, but add it all up 😍)....works nice on the Lts while putting a good dent in the bosses, finish those bosses with single targets. Does it make any sense? I feel like am not saying what I want to say correctly. And guys, lets go a bit easier on him regardless. At this point we are all acting like bulls when the lady cows are in heat but the bulls are stuck in a corral only a few inches from them. Aka, we are just getting way to excited. Lets keep it civilized. Cspark, just play a blaster and a corrupter to get the feel of them. You might learn on your own the mechanics, both are awesome classes regardless of the number crunching. Heck, numbers kinda ruin the fun. I love offensive classes, blasters where my favorite on live and loved corrupters after about a year or so when Villains came out as it didn't interest. I just can't get around to either class with the characters sitting on the side lines in Homecomming.....BRUTES ARE SO MUCH FUN IF YOU WANT TO SMACK THINGS DOWN 😂. Start with a blaster, very easy to understand and learn fast when you face plant from a mistake...watch that buff bar and you will see those Defiance buffs. Oh, and this Defiance is WAAAAAYYYYYYY better then the previous version. That was based on hitpoints, so at 10% HP you where like +400% damage....and about half a second from kissing the pavement. Some of us called it "Tossing the Grim Reapers Salad" cause you had to be very friendly so Grim didn't come knocking to collect 😖
  21. Pretty much what I was trying to say above you, and have a "knock down" bonus like the defence/regen/+dmg ect. Make knockback powers do damage, and have a set bonus to remove the back to down. Its server side, not client side. At least I would assume so. Given that a teleport hits you, it makes a check against the options. Server side, your hitting NPCs....how would you calculate to use knockdown where all the calculations are done? Check for all every bad guy? Suddenly your powers don't knock back? All stats shown in the info screen are used client side difficult to just "remove" that ability with a basic option. Might as well let squishy classes have the option to +protection to status effect and make sentinel cry if your a blaster, without the armor of the sentinel.
  22. Gonna steal hat for a blaster, Balstar the Alstar I kinda recognize Bill Z Bubba from way back, Luminara sounds familar as well. Old timers 😛😛
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