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Everything posted by Outrider_01

  1. Its about a difficult as sorting your laundry. Look at all the AT forums, easy to sort, but I am not an expert. Maybe a few hours to set up and kinda test it so I don't see it as being very difficult. Now sorting a bag of Skittles by color as if it was a category, that is difficult.
  2. Yeah yeah, Group Fly is a griefing tool 1. Pull head out of butt 2. Move said butt to Pocket D 3. Look for a bird on a truck, villian side just off the dance floor. Name is Null the Gull 4. ??? 5. PROFIT!!! Disable team travel powers. Yes, you have to do it for each of your toons, but there is no option for the guy with the Group Fly to limit to homself and pets. No option for a MM power as well. But hell, it is really his fault you can't show initiative to solve your migraine of a problem with his power choice. Not like I can disable 90% of the costumes that are ugly or rip off characters.
  3. Crowbar or Rebar, cause there is a wrench. Pretty sure some low level NPC like the contaminated have a thin bent rod of some kind. Maybe some other tools, single hand hammers like a ball peen or clawed hammer. Hmm, a concept for "Maytag Man"
  4. Customer Service power set (powers might not make sense though) Let me route you to another department - immobilize Please Hold - single target hold Prank Call - confusion Conference call - AoE hold Long Distance Call - Knockback, guess it would be like something in gravity Robocall- Summons robotic pet that spams summon sonic attacks
  5. meh, was in a 50 4+8 in my kin defender, went 12 to 24. Spammed the hell out of Siphon, Transfusion, and Siphon speed I was pretty much non-stop while spamming ice attacks. Doesn't help that there was like 3 MM on the team, buffing all the pet damage/recharge/endurance and minor +resist/status protection....was cutting through stuff like a knife through smoke.
  6. Should of been on its own page like the rest of the stats. 4 pages at most, bio/powers/IO bonus/badges with allocades separated. Can't see a reason for the rest.
  7. Nuke the IO bonus list and Allocade, does it even help the reader? Shit I made a joke the other day when a coupe of people went AFK it would take me 5 mins to read so I was gonna AFK to do that, one guys IO bonus was fucking long like twice or larger the bio box and another was pretty long. Memory is fuzzy but Bio was first and I think just power set next, not a useless list of your chosen power, why the fuck was that add?
  8. Don't qoute me exactly as its been like 12 years since I played my rad def but the end crash is built in to the power after the activation. As for pets, not sure because they might be regarded as a non-entity, they can accept some buffs like imps, Jack, earth ect but again the Votaic Sentinel in Electric just sort follows like the uber pets I see with the Incarnate players after they aquire them. More like a random firing proc AoE on a timer for those types of pets, but MM might be different. Oh, oil slick catches fire but don't know the requirement aside from some type of attack like fire but again might be different vs MM pet and fallout.
  9. And there isn't anything else that could be important? Not gonna bash on the idea, but the fact you zip down a street with super speed and make a left in Steel Canyon doesn't mean your gonna stop to see what the cross streets of Positron are. Bouncing from roof top to roof top with super jump, you don't need a street. High altitude movement with flight and teleport your not gonna even look. Yeah, way down the list of QoL suggestions.
  10. Blasters are the damage AT, the damage applicator. They have mostly damage in the primary and a lot of melee attacks in the secondary to fight at range or close quarters. As for status effects, they give that up for the ability to adapt to the situation at hand and use all the tools at their disposal from both sides of the power sets. So play a watered down blaster, the range attacks are not special. Turns out that spines has a long single target and there are many melee cone attacks that are incredibly short. Sentinels are just dumb down blasters + scrappers. Right right. Blasters are burst and short sustained with higher AoE caps that have a range of control and melee powers. Sentinels have mediocre range compared to a blaster and only at half the distance with no real melee attacks. Blasters are front loaded and smart ones keep themselves alive, Sentinels can stay alive longer but really how hard is that compared to a tank/brute/scrapper/stalker? How? One is Offensive/Offensive while the other is Offensive/Support. So, damage AT vs a reverse defender. Blasters have an active inherent damage buff from every attack and stacks for a short time, Corrupter is an oddball that I think acts like scrapper critical hits and totally random or everything is dying fast in the groups I am in. Haven't looked at all the new blaster power sets but most tend to follow the same trends, so I am gonna admit that. Gonna face palm at this statement, confused if you know what they can do? A control AT, helpless to status effect? They can damn well stack it on a group, provided you have enough ACC and the NPC/AV/Boss isn't to high or the triangles are down. Why does an AT that prevents the enemy from acting need status effect? Can you say OP? Yes, they can get hit hard but all AT suffer the same while some take longer. Its just control AT make it harder for the bad guy to do it unless lady luck is against them. You do realize, controllers are not masterminds. Masterminds are designed around pets, controllers around lock down powers. The pet at the end is just the icing on the cake. Or do you want to see an Earth/ or Ice/ with multiple pets? It would break the game just as much as when Fire/ could summon more then 1 set of imps, but having multiple imps causing havok is their thing since fire is lock down + damage where as Earth lock down + debuff + tank pet. Defenders are support force modifiers, they are the support class and they where designed that way. Problem is, the game evolved to the point tankers the meat shields with lower damage are putting out massive amounts of damage. But the role of a defender is still support. Changing it would break the core design, as for tankers...WTF SS+Invulnerable? The controller is supposed to control, weird isn't it? Yeah, they got butt loads of those tools but you got sleeps which wouldn't be good when fighting multiple Devouring Earth with their annoying buffing pets; one fire ball and the whole thing would be pointless. Holds, lock down tight but the stuns are back up in case anything is missed and immobilize prevents those drunks from moving off. They are tools to use in any situation, you just have to figure out which is more viable. It was never about risk vs reward vs time. It was about the challenge of finishing the mission, not how fast. Sure speed is nice but if you are a one trick pony blitzing in a few minutes what is the point of multiple ATs when one suddenly is better then the other? You suddenly have a single boring FOTM AT. Yes, CoH Homecoming is far different then CoH/V of yesterday. To change it so much that everyone has status protection, suddenly you don't have multiple character ATs just plain boring Supermans.
  11. Not blaster related but Ice Storm and Rain of Fire on a corrupter....Equal awesome if you go with /Dark as a secondary. Drop Tar Patch slotted with recharge (maybe slow if you want), drop Ice Storm or Fire rain and watch them slowly run out while Scourge goes off a lot; those little ticks start to add up. Ice with the extra bit of slow means they run slower (if you want slow other wise just AoE damage and recharge) while Fire wins out hands down -> Tar Patch -> Rain of Fire -> Fire Ball - Scourge remaining stuff to death. And Both Tar Patch with the rains can be cast behind cover since they are target AoE based.
  12. Outrider_01

    Brute Eval

    Grounded, is that a proc you put in there? grounded is passive, thought active powers but I am not sure. And you got some def/resits double enhancement, wouldn't strait resist be better?
  13. lol just funny to see something about a dinosaur business from another era 😄
  14. Have had this guy on hold for about a month just over 20. Played fire controller back on live and some experience with dark melee, rerolled that fire/kin as a dominator. Looking for some feed back on the Fire/Dark while avoiding the sands of mu type attack and how much effort for perma dom.
  15. Love that bio, former employee maybe? I could relate 😂
  16. This is before it was apparently changed, way back almost all 32 in primaries and 38 in secondarys (depended on different AT, tanks primary had a crash at 32 on their defense click but defender nukes had a crash at 38 for their nukes examples). A common penalty was endurance crash, in the case of something like Assault rifle it was a long ass animation with the dot making you a target (can die in the process faster then a PBoA Inferno which had a shorter animation and heavy front loaded damage.) First things first: I wasn't lying, it was my opinion which I am entitle to. We all are entitled to saying what we want, doesn't mean the other person is gonna like it. You want range, I assume you don't know what a blaster is, and you are kinda vague how you go about T9 range....just an idea you have. Blasters are not range just because you have a preference for it and their is some stupid description in a category or short paragraph you are taking as verbatim. Blasters are not just range, yes a lot of their powers are range but they are a generalist in one thing.....Damage, they are the Damage AT not the premier range AT. Range is just primary means, melee is the second, and control powers let you set it up. Blasters don't specialize like other AT in control powers, tanking, short range melee (scrapper or stalker), or buffs...they generalize in the fact "they are murder machines" using any means necessary and specialize in that fact (the murder part). Blasters are just a damage AT and they do it anyway they can. That is what you should at least acknowledge at using any means to do damage, not just because you preferred ideal of range. Second, have you looked closely at all the powers available to you? All the sets, all the secondaries. There are a lot of melee, hold, stuns, soft control, ect in the secondaries. Are you gonna completely ignored them just to play range? Thats a lot of unused level picks then, a lot of enhancement spaces your not gonna use if you prefer range. As I said in the first paragrah, Blasters are generalist in a lot of areas and specialize in damage to kill things, you have a lot of optional ways of doing that damage. Your gonna have to show me or at least give me a description of your play style, other wise Sentinel is what you sound like when saying range : Primary Range damage, nice mez protection to back it up. When I said I prefer you to get better a player, I meant using your head to adapt more then clicking damage powers and I didn't say it clearly, so I made a mistake. Its why I keep bringing up those extra powers in blasters and you should adapt on the fly, where as Sentinals are just range with defense/status protection, NO MELEE. Oh, you are right about loosing DPS ect ect. But its harder to calculate in COH compared to other games. Its more about offensive power, not actually calculating how much damage you can do per scone...damage just happens, minions die, Lts moan in pain, bosses are limping and shortly there after is just the big baddy left. You hardly need to be efficiency and as in a group, things just die. History isn't wrong, your pointless assumption is just saying I am. We can agree to disagree, but the history of nukes show you don't know one thing....it was balanced around an "oh shit button" at the time. It was not "lets run and use it every other spawn". It was changed, I will agree with that. But again, there was a penalty when it was used....now its just a "oh my gawd that was awesome numbers flying, LETS DO IT AGAIN!". Can you at least see it from my point of view? Third, you are wrong. Your statement is "range presence" when as the T9 is, your ass is in melee when that T9 goes off and it doesn't change the fact, it just makes me think you might prefer playing a Sentinel. How you can complain about literally one PBoA power in most sets, I don't know as those nukes are still damn powerful. Its ignorance on your way when you only see it as your way just because you want range because its your preference style. Did you bother to looks at every primary, because there is exactly one powerset that that is ranged just like single attacks which is AR/Full Auto = line of sight to fire that cone, everything else is either PBoA / Location / or AoE. Now I will admit I am not up to current information, when I see that Water Blaster/Geyser I can't tell if its line of sight similar to Fire Ball or dropped like Blizzard or Rain of Arrowswhich don't need line of sight; it looks like a mis-colored defender Tar Patch; but I am pretty sure looking at it now its a LoS click along with some others. But they are still damn powerful going by those numbers, but read below. My friend, you don't know as much as you think and don't take this personally. Let me explain: I am a f***ing old fart when it comes to CoH, played since shortly after release and I don't know when you started. Blaster was my first character after finding my preferred style while dinking around in a few other AT. AR/Dev, loved the combo and still is my favorite character....but I just can't slog through another round of it because it lost its flavor. Let me reminisce and lament about it, spoilet cause its gonna be long. Also, your idea does have merit. I am not against change, but you thought it out poorly which is what I was groaning and moaning about. How do you balance it across ALL power sets some that are already ranged which you could play anyway; the red headed b*tch child that is Full Auto is still left in the dust (my opinion), the wonder 10 hit cone and lethal damage, long dot, longest animation, no secondary effect? I still think any other 16 target front loaded nuke or rain is better with their awesome debuffs, not just because range is better. Love AR/Dev, but its like that ex-girlfriend you miss but can't be around at the same time, and I don't want AR/ it to left behind (Upgraded M30 16 target would be nice) but nothing I can do about it Inferno; PBoA to what? Fireball type? Drop range nuke, like Blizzard from behind cover, which I would call risk less? Cone, which sounds the best as it would be easier to balance instead of : Shifting that PBoE to straight AoE + X Feet at Y location = tactical nuke. What about 2 powers at 32, range and PBoA like a power pool. And to finish with a summary: You are a blaster. You smirk at the enemy with a fearsome look, while your other teammates AT are congratulating themselves on the sidelines. You cackle with laughter as you will take down as many as you can, offense is your defense You know the taste of every floor surface, have a reserved room in the hospital, and you just go back to the fight. You go into battle wearing tighty whites and string bikinis, gasoline can on your back and a claymore mine on your chest. You don't need the full powers of other Archetypes but they make you a murder machine in a group. You use what ever you have at your disposal, melee or extreme range. You don't always need those the nukes, when you got nothing left you improvise even if its a sock with a door knob in it. You are a bad ass, your career is damage and butt kicking with your fist or your gun/blasts using EVERYTHING to achieve it. Sappy I know, just saying....go all out with everything you got. Blasters require you to think smart and adapt to stay alive, other classes have it easier; defense/buffs/control but blaster... blasters do it all poorly and excel at damage doing it. Good day, good blasting, and have fun. Sorry for the wall of text, I am out. edit: God bad spelling and grammar, just not gonna fix it. so damn tired
  17. Ah, I see. That shadow field sounded like a aoe stun, played a fire/kin way back on live. As for the -tohit, the cone immobilize recharges so quickly compared to duration I cant think of anything else. Played a dark/dark defender back on live becore it was a control set, had lots of -tohit both sides in the power sets and mini controller, loved that character but only to about 40 before stopped playing. Way before this OP incarnate and all this in depth story lines.
  18. Playing a Dark/Dark controller. I am amazed at how fast all the control powers recharge compared to my old fire/kin with out siphon speed running, but the dark set lacks a solid aoe hold. As everything has a -tohit debuff, the idea floated through my head to use -tohit IOs to floor their ability to hit. Would this be advisable on most of the powers? And what IO sets would you recommend? Just no abbreviations please, its like reading braille translated into binary into hexadecimal into an ancient dead language. Couple of recommendations, don't need a full list.
  19. I am against major change like those suggested. You just end up homogenous power sets with different graphics and damage types. Now I would agree like the crappy broad sword cone mentioned which is insanely narrow, maybe 30 would be better since thats like 15 degrees on both sides; the narrow cone basically a longer range attack with the chane to hit another 1-3 targets. Also, that ugly ass multi hit dark melee punch similar to sands of mu. To long animation, too narrow, too short distant range and to many ticks while very hard to use with crappy NPC blob AI. Claws used to have a frisky pissed off looking cat strike animation which was like the dark melee.
  20. (Incomming wall of text) So basically most of do not know how to play blasters? Those asking for range nukes. (Not insulting, just my own dumb opinion.) Its called a nuke for a reason, it is not called WTFBBQPWN buttom. Nukes are last resort options, just like in real world (terrible comparison but its an apt one) Back in the day the 32 power were situational powers your only used when the shit hits the fan, excluding AR/ but it was a slow damage dot with a lot of ticks and a highly resisted damage type. And when no target cap at the time, you could lag out from the flying numbers. Thought electric was a very short range nuke, like 30 ft to target? -Fire/Energy/Electric where like 10 damage right out of the box at explosion, AR was 2/2/2/2/2 with low chance for an extra tick. Blizzard like .5 x20 ticks. This is just an easy to understand comparison. -Blizzard was the same as AR but dot ticks were smaller in larger numer of ticks and had slow added to do damage because rains cause NPC to run out; try Fire's Rain of Fire as they get it early and see how effective it is. Blizzard had an endurance crash like the others, AR didn't so see next paragraph. Blizzard was ranged and I don't know why but it was probably to make it different since the other ones where already 3 instant explosion types and to theme it with ice. -AR had a massively long animation time for the resisted damage type which means you can die in the process and while the other were near instant. Animation time = endurance crash, either used in melee range is a huge risk while Ice couldn't fire anything with the crash. Your in melee range any way when you g get attention. -They all had endurance crashes but AR having resisted damage, shooting freak bosses or Malta robots were not very effective. The time recharge and endurance crash was to make the player aware of and use it as situational power, not a dumbed down instant and safe to use power. There is nothing wrong with PBoE powers, its like complaining melee don't have enough ranged outside a few wonky ones like spines which was to make them different; the melee aoe ground punchers might be considered OP now since they are "melee" but they have almost no penalty except large endurance costs that can be negated with reduction unlike blasters; but not gonna complain. A lot of melee have shitty really narrow cones that could be expanded a bit but not making all weapons like broadsword a clone of mace. Gonna mention, this was a long time ago. Someone mentioned they have no crash anymore up in thread so I am gonna look back at blasters again to start one. I will also point out with the current meta of IO or Incarnates you should be using your other powers more then the nukes, they are far more effective in the long run then a longer recharge nume power. RNGesus! super strength tankers went from single target with AoE minor attacks meant more for control (like knowdown) into killing explosive murder machines; they don't stop and don't need their ultimate click powers. All I can say is, learn to play better as a player and not ask to dumb it down so its a riskless attack after the melee teammates go into combat, NPC will die too fast any way to group AoE. -Don't run into melee range at the start, you can wait 5 seconds as your melee get the attentionand then pop that nuke so those 5th column grenade launchers toss you on your butt from 3-4 of them at the same time. -Utilize what you got. There all kinds of tricks you can pull off, use your imagination. Get creative. Secondary sets with all that control powers let you use your primary more effective then a single 1 click power in the primary. Granted Device's last 2 are kinda useless compared to Hot Feet, that floating gun breaks the use of cloak (used to be stationary, useless after 1 room without teleport friend) and time bomb has way too long of a set up in a group. 1 click high damage powers on very long timersare a crutch if you need to use it often and at range. Squishy have a weakness for the damage, other wise you can play a sentinal with range and status protection in melee range where you can get range and survivability.
  21. Thank you! ☺️ I managed to find 1 Character bio 😂 . God it badly needs spelling and grammar correction. Sadly the other 2 I remember are gone, one scrapper and a defender who where sisters . Thought I did a pair of corrupters which went with the one I found, but not sure if I ever posted it. Oh, found my main. My god it was LLLLAAAAAAMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE! Just wish I could find those other 2, finding the main requires changing the last numbers in the link and hope it hits a match....but their are several thousand x10 😖
  22. This. I remember there being a website themed of Crey keeping tabs on heroes, you just submit the backround yourself. I did see it maybe 4 or 5 years ago but can't remember what is called right now, was cool remembering the bio of some of my characters but sadly my 2 favorite I never did put on that site yet accidently deleted all my back up files about 2 years ago =(
  23. Not sure when you started CoH, but I played since shortly after release to about I12-13ish. The npcs have never had sophisticated pathing and pretty sure the cryptic devs never really programmed beyond zero target, jump objects, and go around walls. EQ1, just mob along set paths and that was 1999. Nothing sophisticated, they just blob when they get to you while trying to move around their buddies which would explain the odd behavior for 1, server finding single path like when there are many.
  24. Found the problem. Turns out no other inherent buffs individual power sets. Mess of coding, and turns out it would drastically make certain powersets more useful causing a huge shit towards one over the others. 75% regen aura? Like the Health inherent or like the Regeneration armor set, traps already has a 150 regen ground placement power so you are looking at 225% on decent recharge if its like Regen armor. Forcefield, yeah +regen and pretty good defense bubbles if it was 75%. 8% resist? Dark and Radiation can already make the bad guy whiff at you aimlessly with -tohit so why try to reduce the incoming damage if they can't hit you. Time itself is a mishmash of random Defender sets with its effects, so regen or resist depending on the consideration. +5 defense? Thats basically 2.5 percent avoidance, unless something changed even con minions where 50/50 (5% of 50 = 2.5%)chance to hit you and higher the level it just becomes smaller. I could be wrong though about the chance to hit on your average minion if it did change over the years, but you have to stack defense with massive amount of IOs and such if you don't have self defense powers. Sounds kinda useless. Your suggestion is good, but its too wide spread since no other inherent that buffs individual powersets like that.
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